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  • There's a lot of misinformation floating around

  • about the operation that killed Osama bin Laden yesterday

  • so we will set the record straight this evening

  • Hello, and welcome to the show

  • This is rap news with that Juice it's essential to know

  • And while churnalists claim to be first with the news

  • We prefer to learn, discern, and turn up first with the truth

  • So, without further ado, we're starting by charting

  • The alleged last gasp of Osama Bin Laden

  • We ask the tough question most pundits are dodging

  • What happened in Abbottabad on that morning?

  • And joining us, regular guests on the news feed

  • The Pentagon's General Baxter - and Terrence Moonseed

  • Gentlemen, welcome. We'll begin with you, General

  • How's the general atmosphere there at the Pentagon?

  • - Incredible, this is just an enviable victory

  • The USA has made an indelible entry in history

  • A decade since nine eleven we found bin Laden

  • And got justice for the 3000 Americans that died then

  • His crime and infamy have been erased and healed

  • Framed and sealed thanks to the bravery of the US Navy Seals

  • Way to kill! - Tell us how it went down, the actual sequence.

  • SEAL team six hit the compound, it was battle stations

  • They found Osama armed with a Muslamic raygun

  • Shot him in the face and ... What's that, no raygun?

  • Uh, well, then he used his wife as a human shield and

  • ... What , that didn't happen either?

  • Ok, well then they shot him and took pic--

  • No, took no pictures...

  • And buried him according to Muslamic scriptures

  • In the ... Sea?! Yes in the ...sea.

  • And the President was or was not watching the live feed

  • - An extraterritorial hit?!

  • - The world's in our grip

  • Now our jurisdiction extends over all of it

  • So who's next for Shock and Awesome judgement?

  • Amadenijibad? Al Akawi? Assange: we're coming!

  • - Was Osama worth it? - Yeah, he was worth it

  • We only lost 6000 more Americans to murk him

  • But I didn't like how we treated his corpse; he's no hero

  • I'd a hanged drawn and quartered him at Ground Zero

  • Where the 19 hijackers--

  • Lies, Baxter! there were no hijackers

  • It was a demolition, a Reichstag on

  • The twin towers by the twin powers of Bush and Cheney;

  • bin Laden wasn't in charge of mushing planes in

  • In fact the planes didn't even exist

  • They were blue beam holograms projected to increase the mist

  • Plead the fifth, but thermite dust sits on the curb

  • And Building Seven is evidence that it's so absurd

  • - You Internet nerd, Osama did it!

  • - Distrust every word!

  • - This is our finest hour, justice has been served

  • - 'Justice', General, that's an interesting word to choose

  • - We're a Nation of Laws, what other word would you use?

  • - Assassination, slaughter?

  • - He's a legitimate military target, a murderer

  • - But what about the precedent set at Nuremberg? - Nurem-what?

  • - After the holocaust and six million dead

  • America stayed the hand of vengeance and, instead,

  • Nazi leaders were rounded up and...

  • - Tortured? - uh No...

  • - Water boarded? - Hired by NASA

  • No! brought to Court to be tried for crimes against humanity,

  • Then executed - What a tragedy

  • Please, eurofag dont history lesson me!

  • Dont you get it? The true sign of a supremacy

  • Is who gets to decide at each given minute

  • When the rule of law is applied and when it's suspended

  • You can't spell justice without the US

  • And it's called justice cause it's just us that's justified

  • In judging just cause just wars and just evidence

  • Just test this justice and get just iced if you mess with us

  • And end up at the bottom of the ocean like bin Laden

  • - Pfft, Osama isn't dead or if he is, he died in two thousand

  • This thing's rotten! No death certificate or public evidence, man

  • He's prolly kicking back on a island on a CIA pension plan

  • - Watch it, hippy, or get double tapped like Geronimo

  • - That reminds me: why this codename, Geronimo?

  • - Geronimo!? that's Osama's code name? Let the truth be known

  • This reeks of the Masons and the Skull and Bones

  • It's a secret society of elite Yale students

  • who stole the skull of the apache chief and they use it

  • In occult dark rituals like pagan Druids

  • Worshipping Satan, Lucifer, Cain and Judas

  • The truth is they're the ones who owned Osama

  • And got the pharaoh plasma to clone Obama

  • They're ruthless, they planned this end game

  • To coincide with the May Day pagan festival of Beltane

  • A fertility ritual with blood sacrifice

  • And Adolph Hitler's suicide dates match precise

  • That's a device to pledge and bow

  • To the true rulers of the earth, and renew the wedding vows

  • That's why Obama HAARPooned Japan creating the waves to hit 'em

  • And Prince Reptilian was married to Satan in the form of Kate Middleton

  • I ain't kidding with you when I'm yelling the truth the illuminati's on the throne

  • And that's the real reason they call Osama 'Geronimo'!

  • - It's a perfectly good code name, what's wrong with you?

  • - I see many native Americans consider it dishonourable

  • To have their hero, ancestor and leader

  • Associated with terrorism and Al Qaeda

  • It all seems like an appalling error

  • It wasn't an error; this right here is the war on terror

  • And it's a continuation of the nineteenth century

  • Campaign we had to wage to liberate the territory

  • Of the united states from the redskin savages

  • Who also hid in caves and kept on attacking us

  • Because they hated our civilised ways,

  • Our Christianity, whiteness and slaves

  • - Weren't the Apache defending their lands from the invasion of whites?

  • - They started it, Bob, get your history right

  • Same with Al Qaeda, we didn't pick this fight

  • So, you see, the Geronimo analogy is tight

  • - Alright, thank you both for your ...interesting views

  • Little wonder there's such confusion in the news

  • When we can scarcely agree on historical narratives

  • Is there any mystery that we live in diverging realities?

  • The tides of amnesia seem to be rising like the oceans

  • Unchecked by mass media that are steadily corroding

  • More concerned with the rush to make headlines by 5

  • Than helping us discern the facts from the lies

  • But there's a rival tide, an equal and opposite turn

  • A yearning to read between official lines that have blurred

  • I'm reassured by the many who were plainly disturbed

  • And who questioned the way in which 'justice was served'

  • If it was served, it can be served to us just the same

  • So what brand of justice do we want done in our name?

  • leaving you now with that thought in your mind

  • Robert Foster for JuiceMedia, proud to ignore deadlines

There's a lot of misinformation floating around


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B2 中上級

オサマシド!RAP NEWS 8] (Osamacide! [RAP NEWS 8])

  • 38 0
    阿多賓 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日