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Bolivia is a relatively undeveloped country in the heart of South America.k
南米の中心部にあるボリビアは 発展途上の国と言えます
To explore this unpolished diamond,
fly to its administrative capital La Paz,
which sits high on the Bolivian plateau at a breathtaking altitude of about twelve thousand feet.
ラパスはボリビア高原にあり 標高はなんと約 3,600 m もあります
Bolivia may be poor, but it has a wealth of natural treasures.
貧しいながらも 自然に恵まれたボリビア
Riches that shine through in the country’s infinite salt deserts,
どこまでも続く塩原に 輝きを与える太陽
extraordinary islands,
mountains of silver,
tropical lowlands,
and high altiplanos where alpacas roam.
La Paz means “Peace”
and this high-altitude city is the welcoming tourism capital of Bolivia.
標高が高いこの都市が ボリビア観光の拠点です
Like Bolivia, La Paz may be rough around the edges,
国全体と同じく ラパスも粗削りな街ですが
but sparkles inside.
Look beyond the city’s back-to-basics architecture,
cuisine and lifestyle to find some real jewels,
from sixteenth-century Spanish colonial mansions
16 世紀のコロニアル建築も
to modern buildings modeled on pre-Columbian temples.
先住民の寺院をモデルにした 近代的なビルも見られます
Despite all the destruction caused by the Spanish,
ボリビアは昔 スペインの植民地でした
these Conquistadors shaped and polished Bolivia’s cities.
この時代にボリビアの基礎が 形成されていきます
Upon founding La Paz, they erected brilliant buildings,
たとえばラパス建設時に 見事な建物を建造
such as the National Congress and the Presidential Palace,
国民議会宮殿や 大統領府など
which are still eye catchers on Plaza Murillo today.
今でもムリリョ広場で 一際目を引くものばかり
As devout catholics, the Spanish also erected the city’s Metropolitan Cathedral,
征服者たちはカトリックとして 大聖堂も建設
dedicated to the Lady of Peace.
While twentyfirst-century comforts slowly trickle in,
徐々に 現代化の波が押し寄せつつも
Bolivia is still a land of unbreakable traditions.
Many residents embrace their Quechua, Aymara, and Inca heritage
住民の多くがケチュア、アイマラ、 インカの伝統を守り
and indigenous women still proudly wear the colorful clothing of the highlands.
先住民の女性は誇らしげに 色鮮やかな民族衣装を纏います
Join them on the Plaza San Francisco,
a convenient meeting point in the heart of the city.
中心部にある 便利な待ち合わせ場所です
Its late 18th-century basilica,
dedicated to Francis of Assisi,
18 世紀の寺院はおすすめ
is home to an art museum with a precious collection of historic paintings.
貴重な絵画コレクションを収めた 美術館となっています
See artworks by modern artists at the Museo Nacional de Arte,
近代芸術を見るなら 国立芸術博物館へ
housed in a well-preserved Spanish colonial mansion.
建物自体も美しい スペイン コロニアル建築です
For a cultural experience of a different kind,
visit the nearby Witches’ Market to marvel at the mummified llamas,
魔女市場をチェックしましょう ミイラ状のラマや
carved amulets and potent herbal remedies.
On the mirador at Laikacota,
see how the city’s outer suburbs cling to the steep mountainsides
山の上から下まで 広がっている街を
and spill out in the valley below.
Here you can get your first glimpse of the ragged peaks of the surrounding valley,
周囲の険しい谷を ここから一望すれば
beckoning you to leave the city behind to explore Bolivia’s natural gems.
街の景色とは違った 自然の魅力にも惹かれます
The Valle de la Luna was chiseled by the masons of time,
長い年月をかけて 浸食された月の谷は
creating the moon-like landscape that gave it its name.
その名の通り まるで月面のよう
Make your way up or around the naturally cleaved stones,
周辺を歩けば さまざまな奇岩を見られます
which come in all shapes and sizes.
Another hidden treasure in the Department of La Paz
ラパスの魅力は 他にもたくさんあります
is the Tiwanaku Cultural Heritage Site,
dating back some two-and-a-half thousand years.
2,500 年前に作られた世界遺産です
But it’s in nearby Lake Titicaca that Bolivia really sparkles.
その近くにあるチチカカ湖も ボリビアの至宝です
Titicaca is a half a day by bus from La Paz and is one of the world’s highest navigable lakes.
チチカカ湖はラパスからバスで半日 航行可能な湖として世界一の標高です
This jewel in the crown of South America straddles the Peruvian border and is well worth exploring.
ペルーとの境に水をたたえる姿は 南米の王冠のようです
The icy cold lake has breathtaking islands and is home to one of the world’s oldest surviving cultures:
この冷たい湖には美しい島々があり 現存する最古の民族に数えられる
the Uru people.
Hundreds of Uros still live on spongy floating islands made of reed
ウル族の人々は 葦で作った浮島に住み
and somehow survive in the extreme climate at altitude.
標高の高い厳しい環境で 生活しています
Treat yourself to their handicrafts,
which they sell to maintain a living on the lake,
素朴な生活の営みを 眺めたりしましょう
or just watch them enjoy the simple pleasures of life.
水上での暮らしを 味わうチャンスです
The region’s rugged landscapes make for harsh living conditions
この地域の地形は険しく 厳しい自然環境を生み出しています
and it takes an adventurous traveler to appreciate the untapped potential
これもまた 旅行者を魅了します
that this emerging South American nation offers.
It becomes even more obvious that Bolivia is a diamond in the rough
誰もが認める ボリビアの見どころは
if you fly south to Salar de Uyuni,
the endless salt plains in Bolivia’s south.
As you skim over its polished surface in a four-wheel drive,
四駆車に乗って ぴかぴかの地面を疾走
you’ll come across boiling hot springs and glistening salt lakes.
沸き立つ温泉や 輝く塩湖も見られます
The few high points of this remote terrain,
shimmer on the horizon like a mirage in a desert.
地平線が揺らめく様は まるで砂漠の蜃気楼
For a unique experience,
stay in a hotel made almost entirely out of salt before you return to civilization.
塩のホテルに泊まれば 忘れられない経験になるでしょう
The gateway to the salt plains is Potosí,
a place where you can mingle with the locals
and admire a blend of architectural styles.
A highlight attraction here is walking over the roof of the San Francisco Convent,
サンフランシスコ修道院の屋上は 一番の絶景ポイント
to find a sea of terra cotta at your feet.
In the distance, Cerro Rico,
遠くに見えるセロ リコは
which means “Rich Hill”,
was once a bountiful silver and tin deposit.
These precious metals provided the fortunes needed to establish the constitutional capital Sucre,
これら貴金属がもたらした富で 憲法上の首都スクレが建設されました
a three-hour drive away.
この都市までは車で 3 時間ほど
As with diamonds,
its the core that is the most brilliant
and that certainly is the case with this central Bolivian city.
ボリビアの中心部と言えば スクレです
Nicknamed “Ciudad Blanca,”
the “White City,”
Sucre’s white-washed colonial buildings and fountains reflect the sunlight.
白壁のコロニアル建築や 噴水が日光で輝きます
Exploring Bolivia holds the promise of discovery,
the prospect of finding something precious where few have cared to look.
思わぬところに 感動が隠れています
Whether you visit its heritage cities to chase the romance of the days gone by,
歴史ロマンスも スリリングな冒険も
or engage in thrilling outdoor adventures,
you’ll be rewarded with beautiful memories for life.
忘れられない思い出となることは 間違いありません
End your tour of Bolivia back in La Paz.
But, before you fly out,
take one last look over the valley from the Killi Killi lookout.
キリキリの丘から 全景を堪能しておきましょう
Local legend states that the snow-capped peaks of Illimani Mountain
白く冠雪したイリマニ山は 街にとって大切な存在
are there to protect this city in the clouds,
Bolivia’s hidden gem.
At night, the valley twinkles…
beckoning you to come and see what lies beneath.