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  • Almighty God's words are so vast. They've truly opened my eyes.

  • In every passage of God's word, I always receive sustenance.

  • This is the living water of life which flows from God's throne. (Amen!)

  • The more I read, the more sweet I feel.

  • Yes, indeed. We're all truly blessed.

  • It's the confirmation of the Holy Spirit and our hearts. (Amen!)

  • And now, as we eat and drink the words of Almighty God,

  • our states become normal.

  • We have renewed faith and love,

  • and we've tasted the sweetness

  • and experienced the joy of the Holy Spirit's work.

  • Amen!

  • Just lovely!

  • This is God's great love bringing us all together. (Yes, it is.)

  • Thanks be to God.

  • In these days of fellowship on the words of Almighty God,

  • we've all grown considerably. (Yes, we have!)

  • We've sensed that Almighty God's word is truth and reality. (Amen!)

  • We've come further in these few months than in many years of faith.

  • It does seem so! Yes, indeed!

  • It's true.

  • We now understand aspects of the truth we hadn't before known.

  • We've enjoyed the Holy Spirit's work. (Praise God! Thanks be to God!)

  • Seems we've come face-to-face with God.

  • Yes. We are all truly blessed.

  • Yes, indeed. We're all truly blessed.

  • It's the confirmation of the Holy Spirit and our hearts. (Amen!)

  • I'm ever more brightened reading Almighty God's word.

  • It's a pity we received His word so late

  • and only now accept Almighty God.

  • Indeed! Yeah.

  • If we must blame someone, blame the religious pastors and elders.

  • They entrapped us with their lies and their fallacies.

  • Yes. They did!

  • But now,

  • we know that Almighty God's words are the expression of the Holy Spirit.

  • Amen!

  • They're the words of the Holy Spirit to the churches. (Amen!)

  • We've heard God's word and accepted

  • Almighty God as the second coming of the Lord, (Amen!)

  • the one and only God who created heavens, earth, and all things.

  • Amen. Thanks be to God.

  • One could say, we've been raptured before God's throne. (Yes.)

  • What say you? Am I right?

  • Yes!

  • We have been raptured before God's throne.

  • God has truly given us His grace. (Thanks be to God!)

  • Yes, in these few months, I've read much of Almighty God's word,

  • and I've come to understand truths which have long puzzled me.

  • I've resolved various notions and confusions I had within my own faith

  • and achieved a clearer understanding. (Amen.)

  • Almighty God's words are so vast. They've truly opened my eyes.

  • In every passage of God's word, I always receive sustenance.

  • This is the living water of life which flows from God's throne.

  • The more I read, the more sweet I feel.

  • Thanks be to God! That's great!

  • Let's hear another passage. (Alright! Yes!)

  • We haven't communicated the truth in the Bible in a way that's clear.

  • Our believers understand very little of the Lord's word

  • and aren't capable of discerning.

  • They have yet to keep their footing on the true way!

  • True!

  • We must continue to expound the truth in the Bible.

  • So we can ensure they'll follow the Lord's way

  • and not the Eastern Lightning.

  • This is how I see it:

  • If it's true that the Eastern Lightning has really arisen from God,

  • and if the words of Almighty God are the truth,

  • then more believers will follow the Eastern Lightning.

  • If that's so, then nothing will stop them.

  • However, if this really were the work of men,

  • they'd've vanished long ago, succumbing to the CCP's brutal suppression.

  • How is it that they've developed at such a rapid rate?

  • This is not what any human can do.

  • Recently, I keep wondering:

  • If the Eastern Lightning really does come from God,

  • but this seems impossible.

  • God's words and work can't exist outside the Bible!

  • Yet the Church of Almighty God has developed so quickly.

  • They've managed to stand firm despite such brutal suppression.

  • Only the work of God could account for it!

  • Has the Eastern Lightning arisen from God?

  • It's really hard to say.

  • Brother Hu is here.

  • Let's get going. (Let's go!)

  • Who would be coming here now?

  • Who's there?

  • Quiet.

  • Someone's there.

  • It might be someone from church. I'll go see.

  • It's Pastor Zhu and Elder Liu. Please come in.

  • It's Pastor Zhu and Elder Liu.

  • Oh

  • Pastor Zhu and Elder Liu are here.

  • Brother Chen, Brother Lin, why are you not reading the Bible?

  • Why do you instead read the Eastern Lightning's books?

  • You're even watching their films?

  • It seems you've become their adherents.

  • How could you do that!

  • We must follow the Bible.

  • During sermons we should interpret the Bible. (Amen!)

  • Neglecting the Bible amounts to betrayal of the Lord.

  • Amen!

  • You all ought to confess your sins.

  • Yes, the prophecies are coming true.

  • The Lord could come at any moment to lift us up into the kingdom of heaven.

  • Amen!

  • You two should lead brothers and sisters to read the Bible

  • and watch for the Lord's coming.

  • Amen!

  • Only by reading the Bible do we keep the Lord's way.

  • When the Lord comes, we will be taken by Him into the kingdom of heaven.

  • Is this not so?

  • The Lord has come with new words.

  • If we continue reading the Bible, we'll be lagging behind. (You're right.)

  • There's no way more truths can be understood through the Bible

  • than through the word of Almighty God. (That's right.)

  • Brother Chen,

  • you read Almighty God's word in meetings

  • and commune about Almighty God's word too.

  • Why don't you read the Bible?

  • Tell me, what's going on here?

  • Elder Liu, Pastor Zhu, please have a seat.

  • Yes, have a seat, please.

  • How about we all have a seat?

  • Elder Liu, you can sit here. (Thank the Lord!)

  • Elder Liu, Pastor Zhu,

  • these years, the religious world has become so bleak.

  • So many have lost their faith and their love.

  • Attendance numbers are way down for meetings.

  • You are well aware of this situation. (Yes. That's true.)

  • It is only because of the bleak situation within the church

  • that we've sought the work of the Holy Spirit.

  • That's true.

  • And now,

  • we've finally found what the Holy Spirit says to the churches. (Amen! Indeed!)

  • We've heard the voice of God, found the footsteps of His work. (Amen!)

  • Shouldn't we be rejoicing? (Right.)

  • Why? Why do you still object? (Yes.)

  • You say that faith in the Lord must be in accord with the Bible,

  • and so we must interpret it.

  • All these years, have we not all been reading the Bible?

  • Have you not often interpreted the Bible for us?

  • For what? Where's the work of the Holy Spirit?

  • Not enjoyable at all. There's no work of the Holy Spirit.

  • It's true. There isn't.

  • Our lives have not received the least bit of provision.

  • We have become passive, and some have even left.

  • How could you not be aware of these facts?

  • If we still don't seek the work of God

  • or the words of the Holy Spirit to the churches,

  • we will be stuck here or starve to death.

  • Yes, that's right. Indeed.

  • And now,

  • as we eat and drink the words of Almighty God, our states become normal.

  • We have renewed faith and love,

  • and we've tasted the sweetness and experienced the joy of the Holy Spirit's work.

  • Reading the words of Almighty God, we feel the Lord's voice.

  • It is the voice of the returned Lord Jesus. (Amen!)

  • The more we read His words, the more we grasp truth.

  • We see more clearly how to move forward.

  • Seems now, we're on the right path of our faith. (Yes, indeed.)

  • Are you not happy to see how we have been blessed at last?

  • Are you not willing to welcome the Lord's appearance? (Yes. That's right.)

  • We can't continue to cling to the Bible.

  • We must accept God's words of the last days! (Yes.)

  • Read the words of Almighty God,

  • see if they are indeed the words of the returned Lord,

  • words of the Holy Spirit to the churches,

  • the expression of the truth, the way, and the life.

  • These things are most important.

  • If you become clear with regard to these things, you'll know who is speaking,

  • who it is that does the work of judgment in the last days. (Yes. That's right.)

  • Only God can do this work.

  • As pastor and elder, shouldn't you investigate like this?

  • That's right. You ought to be investigating!

  • Now when we read Almighty God's word in meetings,

  • we better understand the truth

  • and resolve some of our problems. (Right. That's right.)

  • We have ways of practice no matter what problems we face. (Yes.)

  • As I often host, to me, it is clear.

  • In the past, we all felt one meeting a week was too much.

  • Now it seems three times a week is not enough!

  • Yes. Right. Indeed.

  • We get so much out of every meeting.

  • Is this not the effect of the work of the Holy Spirit? (Amen!)

  • Doesn't this prove that what Almighty God expresses is the truth? (Amen!)

  • Yes, indeed. Yes, I agree.

  • That's right!

  • In present meetings,

  • the more we commune Almighty God's word, the more we understand truth.

  • To be honest, you interpreting the Bible never achieved that effect on me.

  • Why is it that as soon as we read Almighty God's words,

  • we start to grasp the truth and have a clear understanding?

  • Why is it that reading His words brings the supply of life,

  • understanding of God's will, knowledge of God and the work of the Holy Spirit?

  • Yes. Yeah, why?

  • This all proves that the words of Almighty God are the truth

  • and the voice of God!

  • Amen!

  • Come now, why not just try to seek the true way?

  • Come see for yourselves the words of Almighty God!

  • Yes, that's a good idea. Come see for yourselves.

  • Come see for yourselves.

  • Don't miss this opportunity!

  • Thank the Lord.

  • You've received renewed faith through reading the words of Almighty God.

  • You're all gaining joy from church life. That's a good thing!

  • Thanks be to God!

  • This is God's love.

  • We do not object to searching for the true way,

  • but there's a problem when you leave the name of Lord Jesus for Almighty God!

  • We can't stray from the Bible in our faith!

  • The Bible's words are all God's words.

  • Amen!

  • In reading it, we read the words of God. (Amen!)

  • I can't understand why you need to look for God's word elsewhere.

  • God's word and God's work are within the Bible.

  • You still haven't realized?

  • You've worked and preached for many years.

  • You must know God's words are all within the Bible. (Right.)

  • The word of God is nowhere else.

  • Doctrines that stray from the Bible are heresy. Don't you understand?

  • Why read the words of Almighty God?

  • Why is it exactly? Tell me.

  • Pastor Zhu, Elder Liu, let me ask you:

  • In your many years of interpreting the Bible,

  • why couldn't we enjoy the work of the Holy Spirit? (Yeah, why?)

  • Why didn't we receive the supply of life

  • through listening to your interpretations? (Right. That's a good point.)

  • Have you once considered any of this?

  • Why is it we've come to understand many truths

  • through reading the words of Almighty God?

  • Why do we receive the work of the Holy Spirit at meetings now? (Amen.)

  • Can't you see what "it is this" means?

  • We all know Lord has promised He will come again.

  • He will come again to do the work of judgment starting with the house of God.

  • Almighty God is doing judgment starting with the house of God. (Amen!)

  • Why don't you seek and investigate?

  • That's right! You all should be investigating.

  • Do you think the Bible can substitute the returned Lord Jesus' work?

  • Do you think that interpreting the Bible can be a substitute

  • for seeking and hearing the voice of God?

  • You say the Bible is all God's word,

  • and therefore you aim to block people from seeking the true way

  • and hearing the voice of God.

  • Does this not oppose God? (Yes, this is opposing God!)

  • Can God's words in the Bible

  • replace the Holy Spirit's words spoken to churches as prophesied?

  • Can the Bible substitute God's judgment in the last days?

  • Hmph! All along you've held such absurd ideas and fallacies.

  • No wonder you've been holding back the believers from seeking the true way.

  • You really ought to reflect on your actions.

  • Stop blocking people from seeking the true way.

  • Right. Stop holding people back from seeking and studying the true way.

  • Right. We should all be seeking and studying.

  • When Lord Jesus began His work, the Pharisees clung to the Bible.

  • They opposed and condemned the Lord

  • and even held others back from following Him.

  • And what became of them?

  • Did they not meet with God's curses and His punishment?

  • That's right, we can't make the same mistake.

  • The lesson of the Pharisees' failure is quite clear.

  • We can't take the same wrong path.

  • Elder Liu, Pastor Zhu,

  • why don't you read the words of Almighty God with us. (Yes, please.)

  • See for yourselves if the words of Almighty God

  • are indeed those of the returned Jesus.

  • If the Lord has returned, shouldn't we seek and study more?

  • Yes, we should. Let us study together.

  • Elder Liu, Pastor Zhu,

  • tomorrow join us as we commune with witnesses from the Church of Almighty God.

  • Yes, join us! Please! Come on!

  • If you still have questions, you can then debate with them.

  • The more we debate, the more we understand.

  • Please don't miss out on this opportunity. (Right.)

  • Okay.

  • Thank God! Thanks be to God!

  • And you?

  • Invite them over.

  • I wanna see how high the way of the Eastern Lightning is.

Almighty God's words are so vast. They've truly opened my eyes.


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B1 中級

ゴスペル・ムービークリップ「聖書と神」(1) - 荒廃した教会を再生させる01 (Gospel Movie clip "The Bible and God" (1) - A Desolate Church Is Revitalized 01)

  • 34 10
    lucy に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日