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  • May 8th is in the book on Wall Street,

  • as traders in the US had their first opportunity to react to the victory of Emmanuel Macron in the French Presidential Election.

  • Stock markets were muted through the day,

  • closing in line with where they opened.

  • The CBO is VIX index known as Wall Street's fear guage dropped to a 24-year low.

  • And it's said it's indicative of a market that the already priced in the result of the election into risk assets.

  • And so investors furthur calmed by the eventual result.

  • April's share rose to a fresh high after Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway announcing increase stake in the company on Friday.

  • And Drexel Hamilton raised its price full cast for the stock today.

  • In bond market, the 10-year treasury yield which moves inversely its price,

  • rose to its highest levels at the end of March.

  • Its expectation of the federal reserve raised interest rates in June,

  • and now fully priced into the market.

  • The dollar rose and oil is stablised and that's the New York Minute.

May 8th is in the book on Wall Street,


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

ウォール街の恐怖のゲージは24年の安値を打つ (Wall Street fear guage hits 24-year low)

  • 36 2
    Mii Wei に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日