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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • I saw something moved here

  • He was on the right or left of the door ? - Left

  • - Did you see him - Yes on the left but I think I hit him

  • Unbelievable..

  • - Let's go !

  • - In front of us !

  • There is many people right in front

  • Ennemies outside, I think they'll try to heal their teamate

  • Did you see him by this side ? There is one more I think

  • - Behind him, could you hit him I think I don't have enough range

  • Ok, it's far..

  • Sit down please, there is somebody behind you

  • - Do you want to go around them ?

  • - No

  • It's to hard because there is many out and their teamates'll come for heal them

  • It's safier to go upstairs

  • - Friendly ?

  • - It's ok

  • Ok they're in our team

  • One more floor

  • Somebodies straight

  • I think it's teamates

  • Yes they're

  • Oh f*ck

  • Are you ok ?

  • I told you to be carefull...

  • I think you I recorded it

  • Be carefull there's many things on the ground..

  • Again

  • More peoples on the terrace

  • They're on the right angle

  • Tell me when you're in position

  • I hit you in the head no ? - No, in my finger - Oh ok sorry

  • I need one guy more

  • Did he extract his teamate ?

  • - Yes

  • - Oh this time it's in the head sorry... Certainly I hold a grudge..

  • "The dying gateway" The return

  • It's stuck by this side, we must go downstairs and go the long way round and we'll be on their back

  • If someone hit me, extract me

  • It's clear, come

  • Sorry for the second shot

  • It's not our teamates ?

  • Same team ! Same team guys !

  • He afraid me..

  • "FR" here

  • "FR" ?

  • Follow me, this way

  • Thanks

  • Enemies here !

  • S*it !

  • Many enemies !

  • Many many enemies !

  • At the bottom of the room

  • Is it our teamates ?

  • I can't see..

  • I doesn't knew if...

  • I don't knew if we're in the same team

  • Yes it's only "FR" (mistake "US")

  • I think it's not bad now, try to go forward

  • Here, the running guy !

  • He's hit

  • Stay far until things calm down

  • - There's many admin here

I saw something moved here


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

デスマッチ:ザ・ファクトリー CQB [4K] | Ash32 / MDS [エアソフトフランスPTW][ENG SUB] (Deathmatch : The Factory CQB [4K] | Ash32 / MDS [Airsoft France PTW][ENG SUB])

  • 65 9
    放空 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日