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  • Hey this is MatSan!

  • and welcome to our..

  • today we are going to talk about..

  • since one of the most important thing to live in a foreign country

  • is transportation

  • so that's why we want to start with this lesson for you

  • let's get it started

  • I think what you firstly do

  • when you want to travel by something

  • you would order the ticket, right?

  • so how to say in Chinese

  • I would like to order a ticket?

  • oh, again "WO YAO" means I want

  • ah the same

  • the same

  • "Yi" means one

  • "Zhang" means piece of (paper)

  • "Piao" means ticket

  • I want to buy 1 ticket

  • and it's actually very simple!

  • I would say Chinese is very simple about grammar

  • as long as you know those key words

  • so you can already compose the sentence

  • very easily

  • also you need to say what kind of ticket do you want, right?

  • might be the normal ticket or student's ticket

  • basically to count (in Chinese)

  • it's "Yi" 1

  • "Er" 2

  • "San" 3

  • "Si" 4

  • "Wu" 5

  • "Liu" 6

  • "Chi" 7

  • "Ba" 8

  • "Gio" 9

  • "Shi" 10

  • I would like to order student's ticket

  • it's hard to be a student

  • "Sheh Shen" student

  • "Piao" ticket

  • "Wo yao mai yi zhang sheh shen piao"

  • good

  • that one is hard

  • that was hard

  • so rather don't study abroad

  • and I would like to have the older one

  • adult

  • "Wo yao mai" I want to buy

  • "Chuan Piao" normal ticket

  • Chuan means whole

  • not hole...

  • I want to buy a normal ticket

  • oh my God, that one was horrible

  • very good

  • thank you

  • ok so let's say it in Polish

  • try it

  • or you can say poproszę bilet normalny

  • you can compose like

  • bilet normalny or normalny bilet

  • normalny means normal

  • normal ticket

  • obviously

  • if you want student's ticket

  • you can say both

  • but rather say ulgowy

  • ulgowy is more proper here

  • so "ulgowy" for student

  • and normalny for normal people

  • normal people...

  • and if you want to buy few of them?

  • poproszę...(please...)

  • dwa (two)...

  • why so scared?

  • two tickets please

  • normal tickets

  • oh great

  • two students' tickets please

  • three students' tickets plese

  • four students' tickets

  • and so on..

  • but

  • if you gonna go with five

  • tickets

  • it's gonna sound pretty different

  • because it's gonna be like:

  • I will never buy five tickets

  • and six & seven will be also the same

  • please, Sansan count in Polish

  • so everyone will know the number as well

  • ok

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5

  • 6

  • 7

  • 8

  • 9

  • 10

  • perfect, better than me

  • this is zero

  • 0 in Chinese I think is....

  • "Ling"

  • and it's the most difficult to write it down, right?

  • yes

  • very scary

  • 0 in Chinese

  • looks like this

  • I love 10

  • in Chinese

  • looks like this

  • it's just cross

  • very very simple

  • let's just talk about different transportation

  • that is simple

  • it's so cheating

  • it's so easy

  • they are just pretty similar

  • you just use Polish accent to speak English

  • so similar

  • because "samo"

  • means "alone"

  • alone

  • and "lot"

  • is fly

  • lot is flying

  • so it flys by itself

  • that's sad

  • it's like this I guess

  • and "Samochód" is alone walking

  • chód is walking

  • that's so poetic

  • oh motorcycle

  • that's so cute

  • or you can just say "motor"

  • how to order the taxi?

  • taxi!

  • yea

  • how can I get somewhere, right?

  • and then you say the place

  • how will I go to the center by driving?

  • and this one is by walking

  • so, excuse me

  • center "Shi Chiung Shin"

  • "Zhen Meh" is how to

  • "Dao" go to

  • and then just add the place you like to go

  • one more thing

  • 3 words

  • turn left, turn right, and go straight

  • how to say turn left?

  • "Zhuo" is left

  • turn left right (??? )

  • ???

  • turn right

  • ok how to say turn right?

  • "Yo" means right

  • and go straight?

  • "Zhi" is straight

  • "Zho" is walk

  • so...go straight

  • means walk straight

  • that was a simple lesson from MATSAN

  • hope you guys enjoy the video

  • and please like

  • subscribe and comment below!

  • see you guys next time


  • Have a nice day! BYE!!!

Hey this is MatSan!


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A2 初級


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    eating に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日