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I was recently traveling in the Highlands of New Guinea,
最近 ニューギニア高地を訪れ
and I was talking with a man who had three wives.
3人の妻を持つ男性と 話したときのことです
I asked him, "How many wives would you like to have?"
「奥さんの数は何人が 理想的ですか?」と聞くと
And there was this long pause,
and I thought to myself,
"Is he going to say five?
Is he going to say 10?
Is he going to say 25?"
And he leaned towards me
男性は私に顔を近づけ ボソッと言いました
and he whispered, "None."
Eighty-six percent of human societies permit a man to have several wives:
人間社会のうち86%では 複数の妻を持つことが許されています
But in the vast majority of these cultures,
しかし その中でも 圧倒的多数の文化において
only about five or ten percent of men actually do have several wives.
実際に複数の妻を持つ人は 5%から10%しかいないそうです
Having several partners can be a toothache.
パートナーが複数いることは 頭痛の種になりえます
In fact, co-wives can fight with each other,
実際問題 妻同士が いがみ合ったり
sometimes they can even poison each other's children.
お互いの子供に毒を盛ったりさえ することもあります
And you've got to have a lot of cows, a lot of goats,
そもそも 牛やヤギをたくさん所有し
a lot of money, a lot of land,
お金も土地もたくさん 所有していないと
in order to build a harem.
We are a pair-bonding species.
Ninety-seven percent of mammals do not pair up to rear their young;
ほ乳類の97%は 子育てのために 夫婦になったりはしませんが
human beings do.
I'm not suggesting that we're not --
ただ 私たち人間が必ずしも
that we're necessarily sexually faithful to our partners.
貞操面で誠実であると 言っているわけではありません
I've looked at adultery in 42 cultures,
42の文化における 「不貞」について調べた結果
I understand some of, actually, the genetics of it,
遺伝子の面からも 脳の回路の面からも
and some of the brain circuitry of it.
It's very common around the world,
世界中どこでも 非常にありふれた行為です
but we are built to love.
でも 人は愛し合うように作られています
How is technology changing love?
では テクノロジーにより「愛」は どう変わってきているのでしょうか?
I'm going to say almost not at all.
I study the brain.
I and my colleagues have put over 100 people into a brain scanner --
同僚と一緒に 100人以上の 脳スキャンをしました
people who had just fallen happily in love,
対象は 恋に落ちたばかりの幸せな人や
people who had just been rejected in love
and people who are in love long-term.
長い間 愛し合っている相手がいる人です
And it is possible to remain "in love" long-term.
ちなみに「愛し合っている」状態が 長続きすることはありえます
And I've long ago maintained
that we've evolved three distinctly different brain systems
人間は3種類の それぞれ はっきり異なる脳の働きを
for mating and reproduction:
sex drive,
feelings of intense romantic love
and feelings of deep cosmic attachment to a long-term partner.
長年一緒にいる相手に対して湧く 深く自然な愛情です
And together, these three brain systems --
with many other parts of the brain --
orchestrate our sexual, our romantic and our family lives.
性生活、恋愛生活 そして家庭生活を統率しています
But they lie way below the cortex,
しかし これらの仕組みは 脳の皮質よりも
way below the limbic system where we feel our emotions,
人が感情を感じたり 感情が生まれる 大脳辺縁系よりも
generate our emotions.
They lie in the most primitive parts of the brain, linked with energy,
脳の最も原始的な部分です ここに関連するのは
focus, craving, motivation, wanting and drive.
エネルギー、集中、渇望 動機、欲求、欲動などです
In this case,
the drive to win life's greatest prize:
a mating partner.
They evolved over 4.4 million years ago among our first ancestors,
これらの仕組みは440万年の時を経て 人類の祖先が築き上げたものです
and they're not going to change if you swipe left or right on Tinder.
恋活アプリで画面を右や左に スワイプするようになったって変わりません
There's no question that technology is changing the way we court:
テクノロジーによって 男女交際の姿が 変わりつつあるのは間違いありません
emailing, texting,
メールしたり ショートメールを送ったり
emojis to express your emotions,
"liking" a photograph, selfies ...
人の写真やセルフィーに 「いいね!」を押したり
We're seeing new rules and taboos for how to court.
交際の新しいルールや タブーも登場しています
But, you know --
でも 実際これで
is this actually dramatically changing love?
「愛の形」自体も 劇的に変わりつつあるのでしょうか?
What about the late 1940s,
when the automobile became very popular
and we suddenly had rolling bedrooms?
突如 移動式ベッドルームが 使えるようになりました
How about the introduction of the birth control pill?
Unchained from the great threat of pregnancy and social ruin,
かつては未婚で妊娠したら世間に後ろ指を 指されるという恐怖と隣り合わせでしたが
women could finally express their primitive and primal sexuality.
ついに女性が原始的で本能的な性を 表現してよい時代になりました
Even dating sites are not changing love.
恋活サイトをもってしても 「愛」は変わっていません
I'm Chief Scientific Advisor to Match.com,
私はMatch.comの 主席科学顧問を
I've been it for 11 years.
I keep telling them and they agree with me,
私が言い続け 運営会社も同意していることは
that these are not dating sites,
they are introducing sites.
When you sit down in a bar,
人は バーに入って座ったり
in a coffee house,
on a park bench,
your ancient brain snaps into action like a sleeping cat awakened,
眠っていた猫が飛び起きるかのごとく 原始脳が急に活性化します
and you smile
そうして 微笑んだり
and laugh
and listen
and parade the way our ancestors did 100,000 years ago.
私たちの祖先が10万年前に通った道を 繰り返すわけです
We can give you various people --
all the dating sites can --
but the only real algorithm is your own human brain.
でも 肝心のアルゴリズムは 人間の脳みそにしか入っていません
Technology is not going to change that.
これがテクノロジーで 変わることはないでしょう
Technology is also not going to change who you choose to love.
また 誰を好きになるかという選択も テクノロジーでは変わらないでしょう
I study the biology of personality,
私は 性格特性の 生物学的側面を研究する中で
and I've come to believe
that we've evolved four very broad styles of thinking and behaving,
大別して4種類の思考と行動の様式が 発達したという考えに至りました
linked with the dopamine, serotonin,
testosterone and estrogen systems.
So I created a questionnaire directly from brain science
そこで 脳科学の知見を反映した 調査用アンケートを作りました
to measure the degree to which you express the traits --
これら4種類の 分泌系それぞれを反映した特性や
the constellation of traits --
linked with each of these four brain systems.
I then put that questionnaire on various dating sites
このアンケートをあちこちの 恋活サイトに設置し
in 40 countries.
Fourteen million or more people have now taken the questionnaire,
今までに1400万人を超える人々からの 回答が集まり
and I've been able to watch who's naturally drawn to whom.
どんな人が どんな人に 自然に惹かれるのか観察できました
And as it turns out,
those who were very expressive of the dopamine system
tend to be curious, creative, spontaneous, energetic --
好奇心旺盛で、創造力があり 自由奔放で、活発な傾向があります
I would imagine there's an awful lot of people like that in this room --
この会場は そんな人で 溢れかえっていることでしょうが
they're drawn to people like themselves.
Curious, creative people need people like themselves.
好奇心が強く創造的な人は 同じような相手を必要とするのです
People who are very expressive of the serotonin system
tend to be traditional, conventional, they follow the rules,
they respect authority,
they tend to be religious -- religiosity is in the serotonin system --
信心深い傾向があります 信心深さはセロトニン系の特性です
and traditional people go for traditional people.
伝統を大事にする人は そういう人を好きになります
In that way, similarity attracts.
そういった意味では 似た者同士惹かれ合うものなのです
In the other two cases, opposites attract.
残り2タイプの場合 対極同士が惹かれ合います
People very expressive of the testosterone system
tend to be analytical, logical, direct, decisive,
分析を好み、論理的で ズバズバものを言い、決断力があり
and they go for their opposite:
they go for somebody who's high estrogen,
つまり エストロゲンが優位で
somebody who's got very good verbal skills
and people skills,
who's very intuitive
and who's very nurturing and emotionally expressive.
親切かつ感情表現が豊かな人を 求めるわけです
We have natural patterns of mate choice.
相手選びには自然なパターンがある というわけです
Modern technology is not going to change who we choose to love.
現代のテクノロジーによって 選ぶ相手が変わることはないでしょう
But technology is producing one modern trend
しかし 私はテクノロジーが 最近生み出した—
that I find particularly important.
It's associated with the concept of paradox of choice.
「選択のパラドックス」という概念と 関連があります
For millions of years,
we lived in little hunting and gathering groups.
狩猟採集民の小集団の中で 暮らしていました
You didn't have the opportunity to choose
そこでは 恋活サイトで
between 1,000 people on a dating site.
千人の相手の中から選ぶ 機会はありませんでした
In fact, I've been studying this recently,
事実 近年の調査結果によると
and I actually think there's some sort of sweet spot in the brain;
脳にとって理想の選択肢の数が ありそうなのです
I don't know what it is, but apparently, from reading a lot of the data,
その正体は不明ですが どうも 莫大なデータから分かるのは
we can embrace about five to nine alternatives, and after that,
人間は5つから9つの選択肢までは 余裕で扱えるのですが
you get into what academics call "cognitive overload,"
それ以上増えると 学術用語でいう 「認知的過負荷」が起こり
and you don't choose any.
So I've come to think that due to this cognitive overload,
私はこのことから この認知的過負荷が原因で
we're ushering in a new form of courtship
新たな交際の形が台頭してきている という説に至りました
that I call "slow love."
I arrived at this during my work with Match.com.
この考えに行き着いたのは Match.comでの仕事からでした
Every year for the last six years,
そこでは過去6年間 毎年
we've done a study called "Singles in America."
『アメリカの独身者』と銘打った 調査をしてきました
We don't poll the Match population,
we poll the American population.
We use 5,000-plus people,
a representative sample of Americans based on the US census.
アメリカ人の代表といえるような 5千人以上を選んでいます
We've got data now on over 30,000 people,
今や 3万人を超える人々の データが集まりましたが
and every single year,
I see some of the same patterns.
幾つか同じようなパターンが 見られるのです
Every single year when I ask the question,
毎年 回答者のうち
over 50 percent of people have had a one-night stand --
半数以上が一夜限りの関係を 持ったことがあると答え—
not necessarily last year, but in their lives --
過去1年に限らず 今までにということですが—
50 percent have had a friends with benefits
そして 半数は過去に セックスフレンドがいた時期があると答え
during the course of their lives,
半数以上が 結婚前に長期間 同棲した経験があると答えます
and over 50 percent have lived with a person long-term
アメリカでは軽率だと みなされる行動ですが
before marrying.
違うんではないかと 私はずっと前から思っています
Americans think that this is reckless.
I have doubted that for a long time;
the patterns are too strong.
そこまで無分別な人が 多いわけではないだろうと
There's got to be some Darwinian explanation --
そんな中 偶然ある統計を見つけて 大いに合点がいきました
Not that many people are crazy.
And I stumbled, then, on a statistic that really came home to me.
こんにちアメリカに住む 独身者のうち67%にあたる—
It was a very interesting academic article
in which I found that 67 percent of singles in America today
結婚に至っていない理由は 離婚が怖いからだというのです
who are living long-term with somebody,
have not yet married because they are terrified of divorce.
They're terrified of the social,
そして経済面で離婚がもたらす結末を 案じているという理由です
legal, emotional,
これは 軽率から来るものではない と確信しました
economic consequences of divorce.
So I came to realize that I don't think this is recklessness;
現代の独身者は相手について 全て知り尽くしたうえで
I think it's caution.
Today's singles want to know every single thing about a partner
ベッドの中で 色々分かりますよね
before they wed.
You learn a lot between the sheets,
not only about how somebody makes love,
but whether they're kind,
whether they can listen
気まずい状況下で ユーモアのセンスも
and at my age,
whether they've got a sense of humor.
妊娠や性病の脅威は 限りなく少なく
And in an age where we have too many choices,
婚前のセックスを恥じる気持ちなど 皆無である現代人は
we have very little fear of pregnancy and disease
人を愛することに時間をかけるように なったのだと思います
and we've got no feeling of shame for sex before marriage,
実際 現代社会で起きているのは
I think people are taking their time to love.
一生の誓いを交わす その前の段階が
And actually, what's happening is,
what we're seeing is a real expansion of the precommitment stage
かつては結婚から 2人の関係が始まったのに対し
before you tie the knot.
Where marriage used to be the beginning of a relationship,
でも 人の脳は・・・
now it's the finale.
But the human brain --
いつだって 頂点に立つのは脳です
事実 こんにちのアメリカでは
The human brain always triumphs,
and indeed, in the United States today,
結婚がそこまで盛んではない 世界の他の地域であっても
86 percent of Americans will marry by age 49.
最終的には 長年連れ添う相手を見つけて 落ち着くものなのです
And even in cultures around the world where they're not marrying as often,
そんな中 思いつきました
they are settling down eventually with a long-term partner.
一生の愛を誓う前の段階に 長い時間をかけることで
So it began to occur to me:
うまく行かない関係を 結婚前に終わらせているおかげで
during this long extension of the precommitment stage,
円満な結婚生活が 増えているのではないか
if you can get rid of bad relationships before you marry,
そこで アメリカ在住の 1100組の夫婦に—
maybe we're going to see more happy marriages.
So I did a study of 1,100 married people in America --
not on Match.com, of course --
and I asked them a lot of questions.
「現在の結婚相手と また結婚したいですか?」
But one of the questions was,
"Would you re-marry the person you're currently married to?"
実際 現代の恋愛や家庭生活が 今までと最も違う点は何かと言えば
And 81 percent said, "Yes."
In fact, the greatest change in modern romance and family life
is not technology.
実は 世界中あちこちで 労働市場に続々と参入している—
It's not even slow love.
It's actually women piling into the job market
in cultures around the world.
人類の祖先は狩猟採集民の 小集団の中で暮らしていました
For millions of years,
果物や野菜を探し集めるのが 女性の仕事でした
our ancestors lived in little hunting and gathering groups.
夕食の60%から80%が こうして女性が採集した食糧でした
Women commuted to work to gather their fruits and vegetables.
原則 共働きだったのです
They came home with 60 to 80 percent of the evening meal.
当時の女性は 経済的にも、社会的にも、性的にも
The double-income family was the rule.
And women were regarded as just as economically, socially
and sexually powerful as men.
Then the environment changed some 10,000 years ago,
男性も女性も ふさわしい相手と 結婚しなければならなくなりました
we began to settle down on the farm
and both men and women became obliged, really,
to marry the right person,
ふさわしい社会・政治的なコネを持つ ふさわしい血筋の人です
from the right background,
from the right religion
石を運んだり、木を切ったり 畑を耕したり
and from the right kin and social and political connections.
Men's jobs became more important:
they had to move the rocks, fell the trees, plow the land.
They brought the produce to local markets, and came home
with the equivalent of money.
Along with this,
結婚は親が決めるものだとか 親が決めた相手は絶対だとか
we see a rise of a host of beliefs:
the belief of virginity at marriage,
arranged marriages -- strictly arranged marriages --
the belief that the man is the head of the household,
「死が2人を分かつまで 常に夫を敬う」という誓い
that the wife's place is in the home
and most important,
honor thy husband, and 'til death do us part.
These are gone.
They are going, and in many places,
they are gone.
両性を平等に扱う男女関係に 移り変わりつつあるのです
We are right now in a marriage revolution.
これは太古の人類の精神に 非常に近いものだと私は考えています
We are shedding 10,000 years of our farming tradition
and moving forward towards egalitarian relationships between the sexes --
世の中に憂うべきことは 大いにあります
something I regard as highly compatible with the ancient human spirit.
I'm not a Pollyanna;
多くの文化における 不貞について研究しました
there's a great deal to cry about.
I've studied divorce in 80 cultures,
詩人ウィリアム・B・イェイツの 言葉を借りれば
I've studied, as I say, adultery in many --
there's a whole pile of problems.
私なりに付け足すと 「生きて出た者はいない」
As William Butler Yeats, the poet, once said,
"Love is the crooked thing."
I would add, "Nobody gets out alive."
でも 詩人ランダル・ジャレルが 実にうまく言い表しています
「家庭生活という 暗く 先行きの見えない世界では
We all have problems.
最も優秀な者でも挫折し 最も謙虚な者が成功する」
But in fact, I think the poet Randall Jarrell really sums it up best.
He said, "The dark, uneasy world of family life --
where the greatest can fail, and the humblest succeed."
これがテクノロジーで 変わることはありえません
But I will leave you with this:
love and attachment will prevail,
人間関係について考えるなら 人の行動を最も強く決定する要因を
technology cannot change it.
And I will conclude by saying
any understanding of human relationships must take into account
one the most powerful determinants of human behavior:
何よりも根本的な人間の欲求 すなわち「愛」です
the unquenchable,
and primordial human drive to love.
(ケリー・ステッツェル) ありがとうございました
Thank you.
ご存知のように 会場にはもう1人 同じ分野のスピーカーがいらしています
このテーマに別の視点から取り組む エステル・ペレルさん
Kelly Stoetzel: Thank you so much for that, Helen.
カップルを対象に 心理療法を行っている方です
As you know, there's another speaker here with us
that works in your same field.
エステルは相談に訪れる カップルたちから聞いた話を
She comes at it from a different perspective.
Esther Perel is a psychotherapist who works with couples.
You study data,
エステル どうぞ
Esther studies the stories the couples tell her
when they come to her for help.
さて エステル
Let's have her join us on the stage.
ご自身の専門領域から見た視点で 共感された点があれば
So Esther,
(エステル・ペレル) 面白いお話です
when you were watching Helen's talk,
世界中どこであっても 誰もが愛を求めているのに
was there any part of it
一方で 愛し方や
that resonated with you through the lens of your own work
that you'd like to comment on?
Esther Perel: It's interesting, because on the one hand,
the need for love is ubiquitous and universal.
But the way we love --
主に 様々な義務や義理 相手への忠誠や
the meaning we make out of it --
地域共同体からの要求を 中心に回っていました
the rules that govern our relationships, I think,
are changing fundamentally.
自由選択、個人の権利 自己充足と幸福を追求するモデルに
We come from a model that, until now,
was primarily regulated around duty and obligation,
ですから 私がまず初めに思ったのは
the needs of the collective and loyalty.
And we have shifted it
その位置づけや 恋愛関係のあるべきとされる姿は
to a model of free choice and individual rights,
and self-fulfillment and happiness.
And so, that was the first thing I thought,
一方では たくさんの選択肢があることで
that the need doesn't change,
but the context and the way we regulate these relationships
changes a lot.
同時に もう一方では
On the paradox of choice --
you know, on the one hand we relish the novelty
私の元を訪れる 本当にたくさんの人が
and the playfulness, I think,
選択肢が数限りなくあるがために 不確実性や自信の欠如に立ちすくみ
to be able to have so many options.
And at the same time,
“Fear Of Missed Opportunity” つまり機会損失を恐れているのです
as you talk about this cognitive overload,
「私にふさわしい運命の人を 見つけたのか分からない」
I see many, many people who ...
who dread the uncertainty and self-doubt
私が「安定した曖昧さ」と呼ぶ状態が 起こるようになりました
that comes with this massa of choice,
これは何かというと 独りになるのは怖いけれど
creating a case of "FOMO"
進んで親密性を築こうという 気持ちにはなれないときに起こり
and then leading us --
2人の関係の先行きのみならず 別れるかどうかもはっきりしない状態を
FOMO, fear of missed opportunity, or fear of missing out --
it's like, "How do I know I have found 'the one' --
インターネットの世界では 主に3種類あります
the right one?"
まず「冷凍保存」 そして「弱火保温」
So we've created what I call this thing of "stable ambiguity."
この2つは関係を停滞させるのに もってこいです
Stable ambiguity is when you are too afraid to be alone
but also not really willing to engage in intimacy-building.
It's a set of tactics that kind of prolong the uncertainty of a relationship
同時に 心地よい安定感が適度に残り
but also the uncertainty of the breakup.
白黒つかない中での 自由も十分にあるというわけです
So, here on the internet you have three major ones.
One is icing and simmering,
which are great stalling tactics
that offer a kind of holding pattern
これは 何かというとつまり
that emphasizes the undefined nature of a relationship
やりとりを積み重ねたあとで 唐突に消えることで
but at the same time gives you enough of a comforting consistency
他者に与える痛みに 対処しなくて済むという策です
and enough freedom of the undefined boundaries.
自分自身にさえ見えないように しているのですから
And then comes ghosting.
お話を聴きながら そういった言葉が浮かんできました
And ghosting is, basically,
語彙から現実が形づくられる とも言いますしね
you disappear from this massa of texts on the spot,
and you don't have to deal with the pain that you inflict on another,
because you're making it invisible even to yourself.
愛の本質は変わらない とお考えでしょうか?
あなたは脳を 私は 男女関係や事情を研究しています
So I was thinking -- these words came up for me as I was listening to you,
お話は全くその通りだと思いますし その他の要素もあります
like how a vocabulary also creates a reality,
でも 周辺環境の変化が どの程度・・・
and at the same time,
that's my question to you:
男女関係の意味も変われば そこでのニーズも変わるのか
Do you think when the context changes,
それともニーズは 周辺環境に左右されないのでしょうか?
it still means that the nature of love remains the same?
You study the brain and I study people's relationships and stories,
so I think it's everything you say, plus.
But I don't always know the degree to which a changing context ...
ええと ポイントは3つですよね
Does it at some point begin to change --
まず 最初におっしゃったことですが
If the meaning changes, does it change the need,
言うまでもなく 昔と今は違いますし 現代人は愛する人を求めています
or is the need clear of the entire context?
過去何千年もの間 人は 素性、血筋の面でふさわしい相手と
HF: Wow! Well --
事実 私が毎年5千人を対象に 行っている調査では
相手に求めるものは何かという 質問をします
Well, I've got three points here, right?
毎年毎年 97%以上がこう回答・・・
First of all, to your first one:
there's no question that we've changed, that we now want a person to love,
(ヘレン)いえ 違うんです まとめると 回答者の97%が
and for thousands of years, we had to marry the right person
from the right background and right kin connection.
信頼できて 何でも包み隠さず話せる相手や
And in fact, in my studies of 5,000 people every year,
I ask them, "What are you looking for?"
And every single year, over 97 percent say --
そして 外見も好みの相手がいい と答えます
EP: The list grows --
HF: Well, no.
そしてもちろん 2つの側面が・・・
The basic thing is over 97 percent of people
want somebody that respects them,
somebody they can trust and confide in,
somebody who makes them laugh,
(エステル)昔の条件は 連れ添ってくれ 経済的に支えてくれ
somebody who makes enough time for them
and somebody who they find physically attractive.
生産経済からサービス経済に 移行したということです
That never changes.
And there's certainly -- you know, there's two parts --
世界経済レベルでも 結婚でも見られる現象です
EP: But you know how I call that?
That's not what people used to say --
でも面白いことに ミレニアル世代は 実のところ 良い親を目指す傾向があります
HF: That's exactly right.
一方で その一世代上になると 結婚生活に対する理想は高いけど
EP: They said they wanted somebody with whom they have companionship,
良い親になることには そこまで興味がないのです
economic support, children.
We went from a production economy to a service economy.
1つは文化的な面 つまり幼少期から 培われてきた言動や信条
We did it in the larger culture, and we're doing it in marriage.
HF: Right, no question about it.
私がお話ししてきたのは 基本的に 態度の方でした
But it's interesting, the millennials actually want to be very good parents,
人の態度というものは 時代が変わり常識が変われば
whereas the generation above them wants to have a very fine marriage
but is not as focused on being a good parent.
You see all of these nuances.
やりにくい状況であることは 間違いありません
There's two basic parts of personality:
人間は何百万年の間ずっと 水面に映る美少年に見惚れて
there's your culture -- everything you grew up to do and believe and say --
and there's your temperament.
Basically, what I've been talking about is your temperament.
And that temperament is certainly going to change with changing times
そもそも 狩猟採集社会においては
and changing beliefs.
一生を通じて2、3人の パートナーがいるのが普通でした
And in terms of the paradox of choice,
there's no question about it that this is a pickle.
There were millions of years where you found that sweet boy
要は いつだって 代わりの相手は 必ずいるものだったということです
at the other side of the water hole,
事実 脳はうまくできていて 「均衡化」という機能で
and you went for it.
EP: Yes, but you --
「行こうか やめようか 去ろうか 留まろうか」
HF: I do want to say one more thing.
The bottom line is, in hunting and gathering societies,
they tended to have two or three partners during the course of their lives.
そんな脳の機能が 現代人の 振る舞いにも表れていると思います
They weren't square!
And I'm not suggesting that we do,
お2人とも今晩の夕食のお誘いは 数え切れないほどでしょうね!
but the bottom line is, we've always had alternatives.
Mankind is always --
in fact, the brain is well-built to what we call "equilibrate,"
to try and decide:
Do I come, do I stay? Do I go, do I stay?
What are the opportunities here?
How do I handle this there?
And so I think we're seeing another play-out of that now.
KS: Well, thank you both so much.
I think you're going to have a million dinner partners for tonight!
Thank you, thank you.