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  • thanks Simon as developers we get the

  • best work done when we just have the

  • opportunity to sit down undistracted and

  • get into the flow context switching

  • greatly reduces our efficiency and it

  • can cause us a lot of frustration

  • how many of you would love to work in a

  • world where you get to work in a

  • consistent expressive concise and fun

  • programming language all day both for

  • the app development you do as well as

  • the tools to build it

  • I know I would when it comes to building

  • Android we may use a mix of languages in

  • the app source and the built will source

  • everything from java groovy xml

  • javascript if there's any web stuff

  • native code could be in c c++ there's a

  • lot of stuff going on here and it can

  • really slow us down and inhibit new

  • developers to the codebase I'm tie and

  • I'm an Android developer at uber working

  • on our external developer platform today

  • I'm going to walk you through this under

  • new language that some of you may have

  • heard about by now called Kotlin and how

  • it can help make your life a little bit

  • better and more consistent throughout

  • the entire development stack walk you

  • through a short overview the language

  • and then specific real-world examples

  • primarily focused on using it in the the

  • build tools but first remember to use

  • the conference app to rate and ask

  • questions before we begin with Scotland

  • why isn't java good enough for us

  • one of the major talking points lately

  • has been when android will see true java

  • 8 support recently along with the in

  • release we did hear word of eight

  • support with the new compiler jack

  • however kind of in a fragmented worlds

  • when it comes to the languages that

  • android supports with Jack you get the

  • land of support and you get that new API

  • features for the brand new release but

  • we all know how Android users are slow

  • to adopt new versions of Java 7 has

  • support for a larger set of devices i

  • believe from KitKat and up and below

  • that they're still stuck on java 6

  • support so with that fragmentation it's

  • really hard to focus on just using a new

  • language java android can both

  • be quite error-prone as well capturing

  • in her classes for example leaves your

  • apps from the memory leaks especially

  • when passing those onto asynchronous

  • operations hopefully you got to see the

  • talk by py earlier he does a lot more

  • into the leaks that can be associated

  • with that you didn't get a chance to see

  • that today I'd recommend watching that

  • video there are also several syntactical

  • problems with java beside lambdas which

  • is kind of the most popular thing that

  • people say they want such as the

  • collection streaming and other systemic

  • problems such as the verbis no ability

  • and mutability the syntactical problems

  • can be resolved with some great

  • libraries that help improve the app

  • development experience and safely back

  • fort some of those features from job and

  • eight and seven to previous versions

  • libraries like Jack retro lambda and

  • even RX Java but the systemic problems

  • cause for a bit of an issue though

  • well Ruby is what is primarily used in

  • for building Gradle and it's an

  • expressive and useful language however I

  • think it also has a few limitations that

  • make it less than ideal for a world

  • where we wanted this consistency across

  • the first is that it's a that the first

  • is that it's a dynamic language will

  • call in a statically typed girls going

  • to spend more time processing the

  • language because of the runtime checking

  • that needs to be done and it's been

  • noted that using cotton in your Gradle

  • bills will speed up the configuration

  • step because previous dynamic harder for

  • the ide to be smart for you to parse to

  • autocomplete and therefore it's going to

  • be more prone to error you're going to

  • have to do the build before you can

  • often see that there's an issue that's

  • going to slow down the feedback cycle by

  • using a statically typed language you

  • allow the ID to be smarter for you and

  • help give you these issues before you

  • have to spend the time to reveal brings

  • a number of performance and memory

  • concerns if it was going to be

  • specifically on Android as well so that

  • might limit this consistency that we

  • talked about for example the standard

  • runtime for groovy is quite large the

  • dynamic nature means that the garbage

  • collector and android would be running

  • quite frequently which could cause a

  • poor user experience and close friends

  • to drop wouldn't be great to have

  • consistency between our build scripts

  • plugins and the deliverable code

  • well I think that we can get that by

  • using column with all type i'm sure

  • you've heard a thing or two about it but

  • there's been a few

  • our talks already about Colin here the

  • conference but for those of you who

  • haven't got a chance to hear about it

  • i'll walk through a few of the

  • advantages of it it's built by the folks

  • at jetbrains the people behind IntelliJ

  • and most of the android studio work and

  • it's completely in its built completely

  • in the open and it's designed with

  • mobile first in mind with Android

  • developers being a really large target

  • audience for them they reach their 10

  • milestone somewhat recently so we have a

  • stable I and many of the top apps are

  • already starting to integrate or explore

  • integration since the first time I gave

  • this stock the Gradle team has also

  • announced official support for cotton

  • and build scripts as well while it's

  • still in its infancy the dedication from

  • the team and the official announcement

  • means that going forward will see it

  • treated as a first class citizen because

  • it's designed to work with android

  • mobile first in mind the bytecode that's

  • generated by colin is a hundred percent

  • compatible with the jvm six so it covers

  • that fragmentation problem that i

  • mentioned earlier you don't really need

  • to convert your entire project to Kotlin

  • to start using it you can use it right

  • away because colin is fully

  • interoperable with java you can intermix

  • them in the same project the language

  • has its own standard runtime and this

  • library does need to be bundled with

  • your application

  • fortunately it's quite small coming in

  • around 600 k last time I checked now if

  • you were to contrast this to the iOS

  • world which many of you may be familiar

  • with as well

  • Swift has a very similar setup you need

  • a bundle Swift with your iOS application

  • but it comes in around 10 megs for

  • android it's pretty important especially

  • if we're going to consider targeting

  • emerging markets that we need to keep

  • our appt binary small and fortunately

  • Kotlin allows us to do that because

  • colin is statically typed as i mentioned

  • earlier and it keeps memory allocation

  • in mind we don't have the same type of

  • runtime overhead that we would be that

  • we would have by using a dynamically

  • typed language like Ruby this could be a

  • large constraint on Android wear the GC

  • would be making that more problematic

  • lastly colin is a modern language with

  • many awesome features that make

  • development fun and you can use it on

  • all of your android devices today

  • but more importantly Colin helps us with

  • many of the constraints that java

  • introduced that java android both

  • introduced by utilizing Collins type

  • system for all safety it can help us

  • reduce easy to avoid no corner error

  • exceptions and make our code much more

  • maintainable column gives us a great way

  • to reduce the boilerplate code that's so

  • synonymous with java it makes our code

  • much more maintainable and approachable

  • for other developers the Android API is

  • rely primarily on an architecture of

  • inheritance and although this works well

  • for the teams at Google it puts the

  • large larger burden on the app developer

  • especially when many of us seek an

  • architecture of composition there are

  • also many api's that require proper

  • ceremony to complete you have to call a

  • number of methods in order

  • just think about the steps required for

  • toasting saving sequel light

  • transactions or using the media recorder

  • often you have to initialize do your

  • work and then call a committer save and

  • if you happen to miss one of those steps

  • you're only going to discover that at

  • one time

  • lastly while java is too verbose in my

  • opinion to define a maintainable build

  • script I believe Colin is expressive and

  • concise enough to compete with many

  • aspects of groovy the preferred build

  • script language of of Gradle while

  • providing much-needed type safety to

  • reduce errors and expedite the

  • development of your tooling so we call

  • it has it brings a lot of cool features

  • to the table we have higher order

  • functions and properties and mix-ins and

  • there's a there's a lot of these and I'm

  • only supposed to be up here for about 45

  • minutes so I'm just gonna go to a few of

  • these today that i think will be really

  • promising and help with your tooling so

  • one of the most common exceptions and

  • job development is the null pointer

  • exception infamously known as the

  • billion-dollar mistake

  • unfortunately job doesn't have a first

  • clapper class representation of

  • something that may or may not be in all

  • and we've seen many libraries and

  • tooling try to address this in the past

  • with band-aids on top of java by having

  • run time-based checks for all it makes

  • the code much more susceptible even when

  • we're using those in all checks and

  • having the potential value of null

  • requires defensive programming

  • which leads to let much less

  • maintainable code as well so here's our

  • first example to show Collins variable

  • assignments you'll notice that Scotland

  • uses a syntax that reverses the type a

  • name ordering for variable declaration

  • in this case we'll get a compile-time

  • exception on that second line as we're

  • not allowed to sign a sign all 2 VAR a

  • however in this next example you'll note

  • the ? along with the Declaration this

  • indicates to Colin that the value maybe

  • not all and we'll take care of checking

  • that once we try to utilize the variable

  • though we will see a compilation error

  • as we needed to explicitly check for

  • null before using you may notice the two

  • different ways of declaring the variable

  • here with bar and valve and to clarify

  • Scotland uses bar to indicate that it's

  • immutable variable well it uses Val to

  • indicate indicate that it's an immutable

  • value in this last example of no ability

  • we can see a few different formats to

  • check for null the first line of code

  • you'll note the ? and use again with

  • that is declared any further method

  • calls on that object will return all if

  • the parent object is not and this

  • removes the need for us to do the nested

  • if no checks in Java in the second line

  • of code we follow a slightly different

  • format of utilizing all we specify a

  • default value using a single expression

  • if else and in this last example we take

  • advantage of the Elvis operator to

  • simplify the syntax of the previous

  • examples let's move on to another cool

  • feature of Colin class properties in

  • this example will define a class called

  • user and specify a member variable for

  • the name using the syntax we put the

  • member in line with the class name is

  • one approach although we could specify

  • it below in the class as well which may

  • be more familiar some of you although

  • this looks like a standard Java field

  • this is a synthetic property

  • this means that the getters and setters

  • are automatically generated for us and

  • that's what's being used near the bottom

  • with a slide that definitely helps clean

  • up some of that boilerplate code we can

  • however override the default generated

  • getters and setters to specify custom

  • log

  • check by declaring a get a set method

  • below the plot property definition

  • you'll notice that we change the syntax

  • for the property declaration here as

  • well from the previous slide this is

  • just another way of handling that in

  • addition to using properties to clean up

  • boilerplate code college offers a

  • concept called the data class this is

  • designed to be a lightweight pojo and

  • all and do all of those things than

  • standard pojo and java would normally

  • need to take care of advising by adding

  • the data keyword in the Declaration we

  • get this behavior will automatically

  • generate an equals and hashcode method

  • for us so we no longer need to define

  • that it will also create the two-string

  • method with all of the constructor

  • parameters that we defined lastly it

  • will generate the copy method for us

  • with default parameters so that you

  • don't have to implement builders to copy

  • and create immutable pojos throughout

  • your code base data classes do have many

  • limits as well for example they cannot

  • extend another class or be abstract so i

  • definitely recommend looking up the

  • restrictions of this in the cotton

  • documentation to decide if it's right

  • for you

  • let's move on to another example

  • function literals or lambdas are a great

  • way to make code more readable and have

  • come to be expected from Modern

  • Languages today

  • java 6 doesn't have support for these

  • but by using a framework like retro

  • lambda that rewrites the bytecode from a

  • lambda java 7 or a job at lambda to a

  • single abstract method is a great way

  • for us to get that in android today

  • lucky for us we get it out of the box

  • with Colin in this example we see it a

  • few different syntactical ways to write

  • them they will infer the type from the

  • definition so we can reference the

  • variables directly in the first example

  • in a second with the old with only a

  • single parameter we can refer to it as

  • the standard it notation similar to

  • groovy or many other languages and we

  • can store the function literal in

  • variables such that we can access it

  • later when needed

  • expanding on the function literal

  • concept call it also provides us with

  • higher order functions or functions that

  • take functions as parameters or return

  • them this is a very powerful technique

  • to write clean readable code will get to

  • see some more powerful examples of this

  • in real-world use cases for cleaning up

  • android and Gradle code as soon as we

  • understand the last concept required

  • that last concept that i want to talk

  • about his extension functions calling

  • gives you the ability to add methods to

  • existing types and this is very powerful

  • and similar to other languages like C

  • sharp and it's a great way to replace

  • the utility health at java has known to

  • become we have a utah class representing

  • interactions with an object that's out

  • of your control the syntax requires that

  • you just define the type . method name

  • and the code interacts with that class

  • as if it was owned by that class please

  • note that you cannot override existing

  • methods of a class with a functioning

  • with an extension function

  • another thing to note is that Colin only

  • gives you access to the method that you

  • defined in a class where you define the

  • function extension if you wanted to use

  • it in other classes you would need to

  • explicitly imported from the class where

  • you had to find it i mentioned earlier

  • that function that extension functions

  • were a great way to wrote avoid that you

  • tell Helen Java but also mentioned that

  • cotton is completely interoperable with

  • java so what is this actually doing its

  • generating a class with a static method

  • that intercepts calls to the object in

  • Colin but in Java you can back you can

  • call that generated static you told

  • directly Colin will assign a default

  • name to the file based on the file name

  • but you can specify something custom by

  • using the annotation here file jvm name

  • with the string for the file you wanted

  • to group multiple of these extension

  • functions in one you told class instead

  • of having one generated per you could

  • use this other annotation and declare

  • the name and use the jvm multi file

  • class annotation to do that this can be

  • really powerful and android here's the

  • traditional way of saving an object into

  • shared preferences in Java you can see

  • that it requires us to admit the

  • preference editor put the object into

  • the reference editor and then call apply

  • and this is prone for error as it

  • requires the ceremony to befall the

  • exact followed exactly and if we don't

  • then we don't save the value that we

  • expect

  • so how can we make this better

  • here's that same functionality but using

  • the last three concepts that we talked

  • about using and Colin extension

  • functions higher-order functions and

  • function literals we add method edit to

  • the shared preference object that takes

  • a function literal that is defined as

  • another extension function of the editor

  • class

  • this can be confusing at first but it's

  • incredibly powerful and it allows any

  • function literal past n to behave as if

  • it was a method on the shared

  • preferences editor object

  • this allows us to use the code in a

  • type-safe way knowing that the string is

  • saved without having to worry about

  • referencing the correct editor a caveat

  • to note though is that since colin is

  • java 6 compatible using higher order

  • functions imposes certain certain

  • runtime penalties each function is an

  • object and it captures a closure these

  • variables that are accessed in the body

  • of the function so now we have memory

  • allocations both for the function object

  • and for the classes and the virtual

  • calls to introduce runtime overhead as

  • well but by adding the inline keyword

  • and Colin to the function declaration

  • we're telling the cotton compiler to

  • compile the code in line as if we had to

  • find it the very first way that i showed

  • in Java which is while prone day error

  • from a maintainability perspective much

  • more performance for the machine so now

  • our bytecode between the cotton version

  • and the java version is identical

  • remember when I said that Colin doesn't

  • add runtime overhead

  • well this is one of those features that

  • really allows for that these cotton

  • features give us a powerful ability to

  • start creating a dsl there's a school

  • proof-of-concept library called and

  • co-written by the jetbrains team that

  • allows you to clearly described android

  • layouts using purely Collins without

  • having to use XML xml at all

  • by utilizing higher-order functions you

  • can write a clean android layout dsl you

  • may also notice that the syntax is

  • starting to look quite similar to groovy

  • so maybe now I've sold you on some of

  • the benefits of colin is a language and

  • you can see how it could be useful for

  • work in your Android app but introducing

  • that without further fragmentation to

  • this to your code minutes

  • you might have column in your app and

  • mixing of mix of groovy and java your

  • build tools

  • that's up to three languages jvm

  • languages just to be thinking about and

  • humans aren't really that great context

  • switching the matter really what you

  • said what you think about yourself

  • studies show that were not great at it

  • so this overhead is going to reduce

  • developer productivity maybe we can use

  • Colin by bringing it to the next level

  • in Gradle we could use in the build tool

  • as well and i'm going to walk through

  • some small examples of many use case of

  • a use case many of us have had how to

  • load api key information so that we can

  • sign outgoing request to a web server

  • and have been quite a few talks and blog

  • posts and sample projects to teach us

  • using cotton in an android specifically

  • so from now on I'll just be focusing

  • primarily on inside of cradle course to

  • use Scotland we need to install it

  • it's quite simple to install using

  • Gradle we had a bill time dependency and

  • apply the plug-in and then we include

  • the standard library and runtime we can

  • intermix . Katy files and the java files

  • and the groovy files also to know

  • be sure to install the intelligence or

  • Android studio Colin plug-in it'll make

  • your life a little bit easier can even

  • help facilitate adding these

  • dependencies and it has provided at java

  • to Kotlin converter may not produce the

  • most idiomatic Colin but it's definitely

  • a great start this get scotland in our

  • runtime code let's take a moment to make

  • our build script even better using Colin

  • as well the column Gradle support the

  • cotton support in Braille scripts

  • specifically is still a work in progress

  • at the moment the Gradle team first

  • unveiled Colin support for build scripts

  • that great also met a few months ago but

  • the benefits of cotton in the IDE will

  • now be much easier for us to write and

  • maintain these build scripts i know i'm

  • really excited for autocomplete in

  • cradle at this point the integration is

  • somewhat limited though and it requires

  • some workarounds here's an example that

  • I created

  • that's a subset of the larger example in

  • the cradle repo for Colin and I have

  • that link from the slides when those get

  • posted you'll see that but if you look

  • carefully at that previous example

  • you'll notice that there are a couple

  • things that were a little bit off

  • there's a few lines just didn't look

  • quite right that's because to make Colin

  • work in an idiomatic way that most of us

  • are familiar with from groovy and what

  • most Android developers are used to in

  • general I to add all of these extension

  • functions to get it to work some things

  • that I did hear created a block for the

  • android tag so that we could use the

  • Android dsl reference we wanted named

  • access to the release build since it

  • statically typed in groovy when you type

  • your bill type release brackets that's

  • actually internally resolving that in

  • doing a look up with defined by name if

  • we want that static compilation we have

  • to use an extension function to

  • explicitly declare build type it's not

  • awesome but that's one of the

  • workarounds that need to be done

  • we also needed to access the default

  • product flavor object directly if we

  • were just use the default config that

  • groovy provides us or that Gradle

  • provides us it returns the abstract

  • class so we'd have to do an instance of

  • check and cast into something different

  • which would be pretty gross so this

  • allows us to get around that a little

  • bit as well also in standard groovy when

  • using the Android build tools you'll

  • notice that you can set the min SDK and

  • the compile-time sdk just using an

  • integer well under the hood that's

  • actually converting that into an API

  • level object so we also created a couple

  • extension functions to facilitate being

  • able to take an integer and convert it

  • into that you can definitely see that

  • it's a proof-of-concept however it goes

  • to show that the entire Internet can be

  • used in column and we can dig into some

  • examples now that we've moved past the

  • script a little bit into work Kotlin

  • shines without having to have these type

  • of workarounds and that's in the plugins

  • so as your your build scale and you want

  • to share different logic between the

  • different apps that you have you start

  • building plugins it's colin and those

  • can be very productive so here's a

  • common scenario that a lot of Android

  • engineers would be familiar with

  • developer would want to sign an outgoing

  • request with the consumer key and secret

  • for authentication on the back end in

  • this example we define the key in secret

  • and then we use them with a generic sdk

  • let's focus on that API key part

  • specifically one obvious improvement

  • that we can do to protect

  • nice the code here is to have different

  • API keys for different cell types of

  • flavors for example due to analytics you

  • may want a different consumer key and

  • secret used for the developer release

  • and the production release this wasn't

  • an SDK but your own web service

  • you also want to find this staging and

  • production credentials this way

  • potentially as well

  • more interestingly what if you wanted to

  • push this to an open source repo like

  • github or allow third-party developers

  • or contractors to work on your source

  • code and you didn't want to expose

  • confidential information

  • ideally we'd have a proper separation of

  • concerns and we have these keys provided

  • to the application during the build

  • process from a secure location on the

  • CIA machine this would meet the previous

  • concern and give us the confidence that

  • when the developer pushed it open source

  • repo that they didn't accidentally

  • leaked information this is an example of

  • where the Gradle tooling can really

  • shine what we have here is the android

  • Gradle plug-in dsl that allows us to add

  • a constant to the generated build config

  • class that's accessible in the Android

  • source code were able to define

  • different keys and secrets for various

  • built types and flavors both and the

  • syntax is very straightforward you just

  • declare the type followed by the name

  • and the value to be accessed

  • so now we have the keys provided to

  • Gradle to the class that's broadly

  • accessible in our Android source code

  • although this allows us to provide

  • different keys for different build types

  • meeting one of our previous requirements

  • we still haven't been able to achieve

  • our other goal of separating the API

  • keys from the main repository so let's

  • take a look at some other techniques

  • that we can use with Gradle to help us

  • their rail provides a number of

  • mechanisms to provider inject values

  • into the build process there's the

  • Gradle properties or sometimes referred

  • to as the project properties of Dash P

  • this lives in various locations starting

  • in the local project defined as the

  • Gradle . properties file but also

  • including the user's home in the home /

  • . Gradle great about properties that

  • lives outside of your repo there's also

  • the standard standard system variables

  • set for running that running on the

  • terminal with dash D lastly you can

  • always load your own custom property

  • file and then use those values and

  • rest of your build lifecycle and

  • practice the choice varies from team to

  • team it's largely driven by your own

  • teams policies working process and

  • structure what CI system you use what

  • your onboarding process like for new and

  • new engineers and other minor

  • constraints

  • once we have the property accessible

  • this get prop function uses both the

  • Gradle properties and the system

  • variables and that's the order of

  • precedence and how they're resolved

  • you can have your development key for

  • your dad builds but when it comes to the

  • CI build you can have your system

  • variable set by build engineer DevOps to

  • overwrite that to avoid accidental check

  • ends and this could protect confidential

  • information for your organization and

  • here so we could use that get proper

  • function in the build-up Gradle whatever

  • that has been set to inject that into

  • the bill can fit class now we've met the

  • capability to have both of our

  • requirements that we mentioned earlier

  • we have the separation of concerns and

  • we're being able to inject that into the

  • different types

  • however if you have multiple keys

  • it can be tedious to keep track of all

  • the different environment variables

  • required to setup a new development

  • environment or spin up a new CI box

  • you might want to create a custom

  • properties file and leave the Gradle

  • that properties checked in for in

  • sensitive information like the artifact

  • ID version number other things like that

  • and then you may need to file another

  • reason you might want a properties file

  • like this is if you use their party SDKs

  • that rely on these for pulling out

  • client ID or information like that

  • simply you just wanna onboard new

  • engineers with your own Gradle plug-in

  • and simplify that process as you scale

  • out your team so if you wanted to do

  • that we added to the . get ignore and

  • then we'll go ahead and we'll we'll show

  • some code for generating some custom

  • property files from that

  • let's create a custom task that can be

  • defined build Gradle we get all the

  • values we need and then we write them

  • into the file for the build you a job

  • engineer that's not very familiar with

  • groovy without put stream will be of

  • interest to you hear an extension to the

  • file class implemented by groovy that

  • just wraps opening a file and reading

  • the output stream conceptually it's very

  • similar to the cotton extension

  • functions

  • function extensions groovy like Scotland

  • also does not have checked exceptions so

  • there's no need for a try-catch here so

  • now all you need to do is run this task

  • once for whenever you have a new

  • environment a new developer additional

  • keys if you add a custom property to the

  • . getting more file you can push this

  • code to a public repo as well without

  • concern your team probably has more than

  • one app though maybe for consistency you

  • want to share some of this code you can

  • make sure every app is set up in the

  • same way even better you want to read

  • this process for other external apps so

  • let's make this more consistent for all

  • your apps through building a great

  • plugin the Gradle plug-in has three

  • basic ingredients that I'm going to be

  • talking about today and the first is the

  • task typically used to represent an

  • action triggered from the command line

  • or another task you can also extend the

  • project object for various things some

  • examples of providing values from the

  • build-up cradle or a function to the

  • bill . Gradle this is the land object

  • that you normally see in your

  • build.gradle files

  • lastly the plug-in itself is used to

  • bind the previous components that we

  • just talked about into the Gradle

  • lifecycle and this is generally the

  • business logic of your plugin that we

  • need to talk about a very simple way to

  • create a custom task is by extending the

  • default task class functions annotated

  • with that task action will be called

  • when the task is executed create file

  • function here contains the logic that we

  • wrote values into the custom property

  • file with some generalization to allow

  • for reusability this task requires key

  • and output file to be provided so that

  • the plug-in consumer supplies their own

  • lists of the keys and the path to the

  • file that they want to write because

  • this code will sit outside of the bill .

  • Gradle we could have written in java

  • let's do a simple example to demonstrate

  • why I think groovier Kotlin would be

  • preferable to java in this example this

  • is what it looks like in Java as you can

  • see it's a lot more ugly than the groovy

  • version that we just looked at includes

  • additional try-catch all checks and

  • while java developers acclimate overtime

  • to seeing that and kinda

  • get out and looking at the business

  • logic it actively discourages many new

  • developers from approaching the code

  • base especially when they're coming from

  • different languages

  • how many of you have opened up an

  • objective-c file and had a hard time

  • looking past all the brackets that's the

  • exact same feeling that non java

  • developers get when they look at java

  • code like this

  • unfortunately it's a barrier for entry

  • and I believe Colin can help us out with

  • that for dramatic effect

  • I'll show you what it looks like if we

  • just commented out all that ceremonial

  • code all that boilerplate and this is

  • about as concise as the group aversion

  • and as you can see it's much easier to

  • follow along what's going on now that

  • we've followed the small rabbit hole

  • down let's get back on track with our

  • plug-in example to continue along with

  • the task

  • another important part of it is the

  • defined inputs and outputs and put it

  • the Gradle annotation that marks the

  • field is an input task to be completed

  • and output file is another Gradle

  • annotation that's declared in an output

  • of the task for this file there

  • particularly important for incremental

  • building for the great land for the

  • Gradle clean task to empower proper

  • caching and fast builds for the

  • consumers of this plugin to make it

  • easier for plug-in consumers to

  • configure the task will provide an

  • extension extension is a simple class

  • that allows the plug-in consumer to

  • provide the certain data required to run

  • the plugin for example it's a great

  • little so it's primarily inside of the

  • Gradle plug-in dsl so this is what

  • you're used to and an example of this is

  • a using a pogo or a groovy version of a

  • POJO and this gives us the functionality

  • to create that lambda now these data

  • members at compile time will be provided

  • with getters and setters similar to the

  • synthetic properties and Colin to make

  • it more idiomatic will provide will also

  • provide the key file to shortcut

  • assignment to file you can add the get

  • proper function here in the extensions

  • so the function can be available to any

  • project that applies our plug-in and

  • lastly the plug-in itself that will help

  • us find it integrate these components

  • into our build lifecycle

  • first we want to add our extension into

  • the project object by using the

  • extensions properly property

  • this allows us to access the provided

  • data by the plug-in consumer and allows

  • them to use its syntax and they're built

  • the plug in class interacts a lot with

  • the project object and the Gradle

  • provides a configuration function in the

  • project object to allow for a more

  • concise syntax by inferring the project

  • object will be used in the following

  • closure you can see the second line here

  • product extensions for more concise

  • example this can be inferred to simply

  • can be inferred to simply as extensions

  • with the configure closure which

  • performs exactly like the first example

  • another important part of the plugins is

  • to make the task available to the

  • project the after evaluate closure means

  • that if you want the block of code to be

  • called once all the initialization phase

  • of Gradle has been completed

  • let's say that we only want to add the

  • task if the keys have actually been

  • assigned and that is we do in the after

  • evaluating closure to allow the plug-in

  • consumers setting it in their bill .

  • Gradle here we can see how one would use

  • that plug that plug in your build.gradle

  • script so there you have it a greater

  • plugin in groovy simplifying your use of

  • the web api keys now let's see what it

  • would look like if we try to convert

  • that into Colin here's the syntax that

  • you should already be familiar with from

  • the earlier introduction that I gave to

  • the language we have two fields key that

  • our list and file that is knowledgeable

  • now we don't need it to be knowledgeable

  • per se but for this demo I want to make

  • it knowledgeable to show you how to deal

  • with the interoperability of java api is

  • that are by nature knowledgeable so

  • Colin needs to be able to interact with

  • that API know that that's inaudible

  • coming in please pay attention to the

  • first line the open here declares that

  • this class is not final

  • by default all classes and Colin are

  • final and that'll be an issue when it

  • comes to building this in Gradle because

  • the task needs to explicitly be extended

  • from the Gradle and provides a proxy and

  • we need to market is open such a great

  • all can inherit from it

  • that its own logic is that version of

  • create file function when translated

  • line-by-line similar to groovy Colin

  • does not have checked exceptions so any

  • uncaught exception will just be elevated

  • to the caller here we have another

  • version that's a bit more idiomatic

  • we've replaced the for loop with a for

  • each and function literal but what's

  • more interesting here is this last line

  • here we're using the double bang

  • operator remember how key file was

  • knowledgeable well what we're saying

  • here with the double bang operator is

  • that Keith key file isn't all just throw

  • the null pointer exception and that's

  • another way to deal with multiple

  • objects and job in with multiple objects

  • coming from java here's our version of

  • the pojo as the Gradle extension and

  • this uses the data classroom Colin now

  • we're looking at the plug in class

  • similar to before we want to add the

  • extension to the project and again we

  • want to use the after evaluate here to

  • allow the extension to be set in the

  • build-up cradle

  • well this is cleaner than the java

  • example that I showed earlier at this

  • stage it still looks quite verbose and

  • I'd love to further improve on that some

  • examples the fight to get my name with

  • the holder you're looking that up that's

  • just not going to autocomplete so can we

  • do to simplify this by utilizing a

  • couple extension functions we can assign

  • a configure function to the project in

  • the first line extensions and in

  • extensions on the second line one will

  • be able to make the code alot more

  • concise and comfortable to those coming

  • from

  • groovy so here's the example of how it

  • looks like before and after we use

  • extension functions to clean it up you

  • can see in the second example how we

  • move towards a more declarative and

  • groovy like syntax so now we have the

  • final version of our plug-in Colin just

  • like with the groovy version we add

  • extension the after evaluation is done

  • to create a task to create a file based

  • on the extension date

  • that was supplied declarative concise

  • and familiar groovy developers but it's

  • consistent with the cotton that is

  • potentially already in your Android app

  • if you use panko or similar patterns in

  • your Android app all of your code can

  • start to look like this as well I

  • believe this reduces the context

  • switching the overhead and it allows for

  • faster move between different layers of

  • the stack and I've run into a large case

  • of developers that have a little bit of

  • anxiety and hopping into the build tool

  • incoming from android apps and I hope

  • that something like this can start to

  • make that a little more approachable

  • we've talked about a lot of info here

  • today there's some great resources on

  • the web to help you dig deeper into the

  • language first is the official docs

  • there a great learning resource with a

  • ton of info

  • I'd recommend starting their the column

  • Cohens are a great way to learn and play

  • with Colin your browser it's an

  • interactive ide echoes that cool plugin

  • that i showed earlier it's open source

  • you can dig into that it's kinda cold

  • replace xml layouts I wouldn't

  • necessarily using that in production i

  • know that some apps are but it's kinda

  • cool to see how that evolves is also the

  • official Gradle repo that has examples

  • of using cotton and build scripts now

  • there's another talk given by jeff

  • gordon actually last year door to have

  • that dives a lot deeper and using Colin

  • and android development i recommend

  • watching that there's also been a lot of

  • other great Colin talks coming out of

  • the android seen recently

  • if you wanted more information on using

  • that in android lastly this sample

  • Gradle plug-in is open-source this one

  • that we bought today and Scotland

  • version lives in this repo on github

  • these are all clickable links from the

  • slides will be shared the more people

  • use and contribute to Colin the faster

  • we can all have a modern language for

  • our day jobs since Google may take

  • awhile to officially sanction cotton

  • cotton for android if they ever do

  • it's up to us in the community to drive

  • the best practices forward while google

  • owns Android Open Source ecosystem and

  • we are all responsible for making it

  • better

  • can take some questions now and if you

  • don't want to say them out loud

  • out then I'm happy to talk afterwards as

  • well thank you for your time today very

  • much time we got one question from the

  • apps and that's out

  • we're cuddling has support for lint in

  • Android studio right now on the landing

  • tooling is a very telling in general is

  • an awesome i'm jake today introduced and

  • support in 104

  • it's somewhat recent one of three so

  • it'sit's reason but i don't think

  • there's a lot of out-of-the-box left

  • tooling for the things in common that

  • you might want to be checking for so

  • just be the android lengths that you

  • don't know whether any questions from

  • the audience surprised no one's asking

  • me about the downsides of college you

  • know maybe you could do something

  • whether I well I mean it'sit's not the

  • first party tooling that by the Android

  • team so it's definitely running a little

  • slower

  • all times are slower they're still think

  • eNOS in the IDE if you're using an

  • alternative build system like fuck

  • you're gonna have some issues getting it

  • running

  • it's definitely a fast-moving

  • environment so the tooling will get

  • there but it's definitely a work in

  • progress so we see something that you

  • would you try to absolutely will

  • absolutely guys in the corner

  • no I mean for us we've had multiple

  • teams in uber that have been been

  • investigating it using it in testing

  • different things for a little while I

  • know there's been plenty of other teams

  • pinterest has some of their code written

  • in it I no squares worked in column a

  • little bit on some of their stuff it's

  • definitely up-and-coming and it's going

  • to be a great way to put in your apps

  • but it's definitely since it's still

  • evolving is an ecosystem the tools

  • coming up around it it's something to be

  • thoughtful about the migration okay

  • thank you

  • time please give him a hand and remember

  • to rate decision

thanks Simon as developers we get the


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GOTO 2016 - Kotlin & Gradleを使ったより良いAndroid開発 - Ty Smith (GOTO 2016 • Better Android Development with Kotlin & Gradle • Ty Smith)

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    colin に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日