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Alice Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I'm Alice…
アリス こんにちは、6分間英語のページへようこそ。私はアリス...
Neil And I'm Neil.
Alice We’re talking about old technology today, Neil. Did you use to have any old tech, you know, a Walkman, back in the 1990s? Before music went digital?
アリス 今日は古い技術の話をしているのよ、ニール。90年代にウォークマンとか、古い技術を使っていたの?音楽がデジタルになる前?
Neil No. I didn't have a Walkman… But I do have a record player.
ニール いや、ウォークマンは持っていなかったが、レコードプレーヤーは持っている。
Alice I know you like flared trousers, but I didn't realize you were that retro. A record player, for those of you who don’t know
is a box with a turntable – or turning plate that you put your vinyl records on to play them.
Neil And retro means going back to styles and fashions from the past. Well, I love my record player.
ニール レトロとは過去のスタイルやファッションに戻ることだ僕はレコードプレーヤーが大好きなんだ。
I have a large collection of vinyl records, as well as cassette tapes that I inherited from my parents…
Alice Vinyl is the plastic that records are made from. And cassette tapes came after records – which are these small plastic cases with audiotape on reels inside them.
アリス ビニールはレコードが作られているプラスチックです。カセットテープはレコードの後に来たんだ。
Well, I don't understand your fondness for out-dated stuff, Neil.
Neil Don't be so quick to dismiss old tech, Alice. There's been a resurgence – or new rise in – record sales recently
– here in the UK, and in the US. Some DJs have gone back to using them, and new record stores have opened to meet the demand for vinyl.
- ここイギリスでもアメリカでも一部のDJはそれを使っていましたし、レコード店もレコードの需要を満たすためにオープンしました。
Alice Really?
Neil Yes, really. In fact, I have a question for you, Alice: How many records were sold in the UK
ニール そうだね。実は君に質問があるんだけど、アリス、イギリスでは何枚のレコードが売れたのかな?
in 2014? Was it… a) 10,000? b) 100,000? Or c) 1 million?
2014年には?それは...a)1万だったでしょうか? b)10万だったでしょうか?それとも c) 100万?
Alice Well, I think it’s b) 100,000.
Neil We'll find out if you're right or wrong later in the show. For myself, I just think vinyl sounds nicer than digital – has a warmer quality.
ニール 私たちはあなたが正しいか間違っているかどうかをショーの後半で見つけるでしょう。僕自身は、デジタルよりもビニールの方がいい音がすると思っているんだ。
Alice That sounds a bit technical, Neil! Don't you think this retro trend has more to do with nostalgia for the past?
アリス それはちょっと専門的な話に聞こえるわね、ニール!このレトロなトレンドは昔を懐かしむというよりも、昔を懐かしむという意味だと思わない?このレトロなトレンドは過去へのノスタルジーと関係があると思わない?
Neil Nostalgia means thinking about the past with a mixture of warm feelings and sadness. Well, yes
ニール ノスタルジアとは、温かい気持ちと悲しい気持ちが入り混じった状態で過去のことを考えることです。まあ、そうですね。
I think people who grew up with the old technology probably are nostalgic about it. Let's listen to music journalist Jacqueline Springer talking about cassette tapes and what they mean to her.
Jacqueline Springer, music journalist They were audio love letters. They were ways in which you started to carve out your own identity so you know when Dan or I have interviewed people we talk about…
Jacqueline Springer, 音楽ジャーナリスト 彼らはオーディオ・ラブレターでした。あなたが自分のアイデンティティを確立するための方法でした。ダンや私がインタビューした人たちのことを話すときに
we talk to musicians about their impressions and, you know, and their influences, and invariably it was siblings or parents. And you would raid those vinyl albums and you would self-select.
Neil Jacqueline Springer there. So she calls cassette tapes 'audio love letters' – because people often compiled
or put together – their own collection of songs on tapes and gave them to the boy or girl they liked.
Alice Jacqueline says they recorded songs from their parents' record collections onto tape. And it seems that this process helped create their musical and social identity.
Neil Yes. I identified with The Rolling Stones, The Clash, and The Sex Pistols when I was a teen. How about your musical identity, Alice?
ニール はい。10代の頃はローリング・ストーンズ、クラッシュ、セックス・ピストルズに憧れていました。あなたの音楽的なアイデンティティはどうですか、アリス?
Alice Well, I was in love with all the boy bands from the 1990s – NSync, Westlife, Backstreet Boys, Take That.
アリス そうですね......90年代のボーイ・バンド、NSync、Westlife、Backstreet Boys、Take Thatなどに恋をしていました。
Neil Unbelievable. I can see I need to make you some decent tapes of music from the 90s, Alice
ニール 信じられない90年代の音楽のテープを作ってあげないとね、アリス。
Alice I didn’t say I still like boy bands, Neil. I'm not nostalgic for my lost teenage years – unlike you.
Neil Old tech is everywhere. Did you know that the US nuclear weapons force still uses a computer system dating back to the 1970s with 8-inch floppy disks?
ニール 古い技術はどこにでもある。アメリカの核兵器部隊が、1970年代の8インチのフロッピーディスクを使ったコンピュータシステムを今でも使っていることを知っていますか?
Alice Floppy disks? You mean those flexible plastic computer disks used for storing data magnetically. Well, I can't believe the guys in The Pentagon are nostalgic about floppy disks.
Neil Well, a Pentagon spokesperson said it would be extremely expensive to update the system and it still works
They plan to do it by 2020 and save a lot of space for sure. You would need more than 130,000 8-inch floppy disks to store 32GB of information
Alice Wow! This is the equivalent of an average memory stick!
Neil Yes. But there are more people out there keen on old tech. How do you think a DVD rental stores survives in this era of online movie streaming?
ニール そうだしかし、古い技術に熱心な人も増えてきています。どのようにDVDレンタル店がオンライン映画ストリーミングのこの時代に生き残ると思いますか?
Let’s listen to Tara Judah, co-director of UK rental store 20th Century Flicks and find out.
イギリスのレンタルショップ「20th Century Flicks」の共同ディレクター、タラ・ジュダの話を聞いて確かめよう。
We've survived because of the experience of coming into this store. Um… It's a very human experience. It's human interaction
People come here because they want to talk to somebody who's really knowledgeable about film.
They want to have a recommendation or a conversation about the films they just watch. You know, they really want to discuss those things.
Neil So it's back to the idea of human contact – we like compiling lists of music and sharing them with our friends and loved ones
Neil 人と人との触れ合いという考えに戻ります。
Sharing a playlist through iTunes or Spotify isn't quite the same, though. We like talking people about the films we watch.
Alice You can always talk to me, Neil. Now how about giving me the answer to today's quiz question?
Neil I asked: How many records were sold in the UK in 2014? Was it… a) 10,000 b) 100,000? Or c) 1 million?
Neil I asked: 2014年にイギリスでは何枚のレコードが売れましたか?それは...a) 1万枚 b) 10万枚?それともc) 100万枚?
Alice I said b) 100,000.
Neil And, Alice, you were in fact totally wrong! The answer is c). Vinyl is booming – in 2014, sales passed 1million albums in the UK for the first time since 1996.
ニール そしてアリス、君は完全に間違っていた!答えはc)だよ。ビニールは活況を呈している - 2014年、イギリスでは1996年以来初めて100万枚のアルバムの売り上げを突破した。
The format has been steadily increasing, thanks in part to the popularity of guitar bands, traditionally associated with records.
Alice Now let's hear words we learned today.
アリス さて、今日学んだ言葉を聞いてみよう。
They are: record player turntable retro vinyl
彼らは次のとおりです:レコードプレーヤー ターンテーブル レトロなビニール
cassette tapes resurgence nostalgia compiled floppy disk
Neil Well, that's the end of today's 6 Minute English. Don't forget to join us again soon!
Neil さて、今日の6分間英語はこれで終わりです。またすぐに参加してくださいね。
Both Bye!