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  • Hi everyone!

  • It's my day off.

  • It's Saturday I'm just starting the day by going to the gym but it's super cold.

  • But here I am at the gym.

  • I'm so white!

  • I'm here at Lowe's.

  • I'm working on a secret project today so I came here to get some supplies.

  • A medium box is what I'm getting.

  • So I'm back from the gym and from Lowe's from getting all the supplies.

  • So the secret project that I'm making is: I'm making a light box today.

  • So it's like a do it yourself kinda thing.

  • I thought it might be a fun little thing to make at home so I can try to take better pictures

  • for Instagram and other things.

  • So I have all the supplies here.

  • I have this white paper roll, some wax paper, and this box that I bought and that's pretty

  • much all I need to make the light box, so let's get started!

  • Candy come!

  • So I'm about half-way done with my light-box.

  • All the cutting actually reminded me a little bit of surgery.

  • So that's really fun.

  • So next, I'm gonna cover the wholes with wax paper that I cut out here, like this!

  • Alright guys, check out the finished product.

  • It's like a legit--it looks like a legit light box.

  • So it's basically a box with three sides cut out and those sides that are cut out are covered

  • with wax paper or tracing paper and then you just line the inside with a white piece of

  • paper like that!

  • And if you go in, it's like a legit background.

  • So cool!

  • So if you guys are wondering where I got the idea for this light box, I got it from this

  • website called

  • It's actually like an online learning community where there's tons of videos on design, art,

  • photography and even like website designing and things like that.

  • A lot of you guys ask me all the time how I edit videos and how I shoot all the youtube

  • videos and they have tons on film-making and editing and all that.

  • I think they can probably explain it much better than I ever can so definitely check

  • out their videos.

  • So if you guys wanna try out the website, the link that I'm gonna put below is gonna

  • give you two months of free unlimited access to all the learning videos but if you do want

  • a premium membership after that it's gonna be about $10 a month for unlimited ad-free

  • learning experience.

  • So you do need a credit card to sign up but you can cancel anytime and it will be free

  • for the first two months.

  • Like I mentioned in the last video, I'm gonna talk a little bit about my fourth year schedule.

  • So I just did my fourth year schedule a couple weeks ago.

  • It was done by lottery system similar to how my third year schedule was done.

  • I got a pretty decent number I got almost everything I wanted at the time that I wanted

  • it and I told you guys that I was considering both surgery and emergency medicine.

  • I made my fourth year schedule kinda geared around emergency medicine just because there

  • are some requirements for emergency medicine that I have to take into consideration that

  • I don't really have to for surgery.

  • For example, doing away rotation is really important for emergency medicine cause you

  • need a special letter not just from you home institution but from another institution for

  • emergency medicine.

  • So, my schedule is... so every block is about one month long and we have eleven blocks total.

  • Blocks 1 and 2, I'm gonna be doing two away rotations, I don't know where exactly yet.

  • Block 3--I'm gonna take off to study for my Step 2 and Block 4 I'm gonna be doing Medical

  • ICU Rotation.

  • Block 5 I have currently dermatology elective.

  • Block 6 I have a course called... it's like a radiology course but you don't really have

  • to come in to school as much because block 5 and 6 is the time when a lot of people start

  • to get interviews.

  • So the course partially takes place online so that you can stay home and go to your interviews

  • or travel or whatever that you need to do during that time.

  • So it's sort of like an online radiology course.

  • After block 6, it's winter break.

  • Block 7 starts out with addictive disorders and that's a lot of different seminars and

  • it's kinda cool how the course is set up because you go from hospital settings to out-patient

  • setting to group meetings.

  • I really like how the class is structured so that's what I'm doing.

  • Block 8 I have nothing so far so that might end up becoming a vacation month.

  • Block 9 I have two weeks of intensive emergency medicine preparation course for residency.

  • Obviously that might change if I decided to go into surgery.

  • Block 10 I have my sub-internship under medicine and Block 11 is also empty for now.

  • You guys can probably tell that I have a lot of like empty weeks and that's because of

  • 4th year and once you're done with all your requirements, it's a time when a lot of people

  • end up traveling, taking vacations, and spending time with their family and friends before

  • starting residency year.

  • So I'm gonna end up having probably at least 6 to 7 weeks of free time and I haven't really

  • decided what I'm gonna do during those weeks just yet.

  • They say 4th year of med school is like the promised land of med school cause you have

  • a ton of free time and you can do whatever you want with that time.

  • A lot of people choose to get married or have babies and things like that.

  • So fourth year is great!

  • I heard it's awesome after interviews and I'm really, really looking forward my forth

  • year.

  • So it's Saturday and I haven't had a Saturday off in a few months.

  • No, that's a lie, in a few weeks.

  • I had to work this past two Saturdays but today I have off.

  • That's because I have a long call tomorrow on Sunday.

  • I'll be working from 8am to 8pm.

  • So for today, it's like a nice free Saturday.

  • I'm super happy that I did all the things that I normally like to do like going to the

  • gym, eating and doing little fun projects and things like that.

  • But I still do have a lot of work to do.

  • I have to write an H&P.

  • At my school's medicine rotation they require us to write 8 H&Ps total and it's kind of...

  • it takes me long time because they really want it to be thorough and they really want

  • you to go into like very in depth differential diagnoses for all the symptoms.

  • So I'm gonna work on that for this week.

  • I'm also gonna write a thank you card for my resident who's gonna be going to another

  • rotation, so tomorrow is gonna be his last day, and he was really good to me and another

  • student.

  • So we're gonna write him a nice thank-you card.

  • And I think that's probably what I'm gonna do for the rest of the night.

  • So I'm just taking a quick break.

  • Writing my H&P, like I said takes me a long time.

  • What happens is when I write it, I realize that I'm missing a lot of information from

  • the patient so I like to write it first pass and then go back and talk to the patient again

  • and fill in some of the missing information.

  • So I'm most likely gonna do that tomorrow or Monday or whenever I see the patient next.

  • So I'm gonna end the vlog here.

  • Thank you guys so much for watching.

  • Don't forget to check out and let me know if you like the videos and I will

  • see you guys in the next video! Byeee!

Hi everyone!


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A2 初級

医学部最終学年のスケジュール+ DIYライトボックス|医学部3年Vlog (MY FINAL YEAR OF MEDICAL SCHOOL SCHEDULE! + DIY Lightbox | 3rd Year of Med School Vlog)

  • 179 17
    Jolin Kao に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日