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  • Hi, my name is Rosa, and today we will be doing

  • the Top 25 phrases in Spanish.

  • So the first one is...

  • HolaHello

  • Hola which means "hello". Hola is a very casual way to greet someone.

  • So you can say hola to your friends, and hola to your family and

  • hola to everyone.

  • Adiós ——"Goodbye"

  • Adiós is "Goodbye".

  • I don't know why but to me, adiós sounds a bit harsh.

  • So I don't really like saying adiós.

  • It sounds like you are not going to see that person again maybe.

  • So instead of adiós I would maybe use hasta luego

  • which is, "see you later".

  • Buenosas——"Good morning"

  • The next one is buenosas, which is "good morning".

  • Yep, you say when you see someone in the morning. So...

  • Buenosas.

  • Buenas tardes——"Good afternoon"

  • Buenas tardes which is "good afternoon".

  • Buenas tardes is used from 12 PM on.

  • So maybe you are having lunch and you see someone, so you say...

  • Buenas tardes.

  • Buenas noches ——"Goodnight"

  • The next one is buenas noches, which means "goodnight". You say like "goodbye".

  • When you are going to sleep, you say buenas noches. It is the last thing you say.

  • Buenas noches.

  • Sí ——"Yes"

  • The next phrase is sí, which means "yes".

  • For example, if someone ask me,

  • Do you want a slice of cheesecake?

  • I would say ¡Sí!

  • No ——"No"

  • The next phrase is no,

  • which means "no".

  • For example,

  • Do you want to do your homework?

  • No.

  • Nos vemos ——"See you later"

  • The next one is Nos vemos,

  • which is "see you later". Very casual.

  • So, yeah, you can say it to your friends or, yeah, to your family, whatever

  • when you want to say like goodbye. See you soon.

  • Hasta mañana ——"See you tomorrow"

  • The next one is Hasta mañana, which means "see you tomorrow".

  • For example, if you are in university and you want to

  • say goodbye to your friends

  • which you won't be seeing until tomorrow, you would say...

  • Hasta mañana.

  • ¿Cuál es tu nombre? ——"What is your name?"

  • So the next phrase is ¿Cuál es tu nombre?

  • which means "what is your name?"

  • Mi nombre es Rosa.

  • Yep. What is your name? Tell me.

  • Yo soy Rosa ——"I am Rosa."

  • The next phrase is...

  • Yo soy plus your name.

  • So in my case, Yo soy Rosa. and it means, I am Rosa.

  • What's your name?

  • Encantado de conocerle ——"Nice to meet you."

  • The next phrase is Encantado de conocerle, which is "nice to meet you"

  • but the thing is that Encantado de conocerle is a bit formal.

  • So if you want to say it to your friends or you know family,

  • you could say...

  • Encantado de conocerte.

  • Encantado de conocerte.

  • Gracias ——"Thank you"

  • The next phrase is gracias which is "thank you".

  • If you want to say...

  • Thank you very much, you say...

  • Muchas gracias.

  • Thank you for watching this video.

  • Gracias por ver este video.

  • Thank you!

  • De nada ——"You are welcome"

  • and the next phrase is de nada, which means "you are welcome".

  • So yep, whenever someone says thank you to you, make sure to say...

  • De nada.

  • No hay de qué ——"don't mention it"

  • The next phrase is No hay de qué, "don't mention it".

  • So if you do a favor to someone and that someone says thank you to you, Gracias

  • You could say No hay de qué.

  • Por favor ——"Please"

  • The next one is por favor, which means "please".

  • So if you want to ask for a favor to someone, you would say...

  • Por favor.

  • Por favor suscribiros a este canal.

  • ——"please subscribe to this channel."

  • ¿Perdón? ——"Sorry?"

  • The next one is ¿Perdón? ,which is "sorry?"

  • If you haven't heard something properly

  • and you want the other person to repeat it, you can say...

  • ¿Perdón? “Sorry?”

  • Lo siento ——"Sorry"

  • The next one is lo siento ——"I am sorry".

  • So if you did something wrong, that's what you say.

  • So for example, if you get late to class,

  • you would say to the teacher...

  • Lo siento.

  • Bienvenidos ——"Welcome"

  • The next one is bienvenidos. which is "welcome".

  • Bienvenidos.

  • If someone is coming to your house, you can say...

  • Bienvenidos.

  • ¿Cómo estás? ——"How are you?"

  • The next one is ¿Cómo estás? which means "how are you?".

  • It's not a formal way to say it

  • but maybe a more informal way would be...

  • ¿Qué tal?

  • but yeah I think you can use ¿Cómo estás? like, with almost everyone.

  • Like sometimes when you ask ¿Cómo estás?

  • you want like a more in depth answer, like, you don't want a simple "I'm fine"

  • but you really want to know how the person is

  • but maybe ¿Qué tal? is more casual.

  • It's just like you just want to hear "I'm fine, thank you."

  • For example, if you ask someone...

  • ¿Cómo estás?

  • that person could tell you,

  • I am not very good. I lost my job.

  • And I am trying to find a new one but umm…. something like that.

  • ¿Qué hora es? is ——"What time is it?"

  • The next one is ¿Qué hora es? is "What time is it?"

  • So now it's 4 o'clock.

  • Las cuatro en punto.

  • ¿Cuánto es? is ——"How much?"

  • The next one is ¿Cuánto es? "how much".

  • So when you enter a shop and you want to know the price of something,

  • you can say "¿Cuánto es?”

  • Also you can say ¿Cuánto cuesta? It is the same thing.

  • ¿Qué es eso? ——"What is that?"

  • The next one is ¿Qué es eso? "What is that?"

  • Here you can point out something, ask...

  • ¿Qué es eso?

  • ¿Ennde está el baño? ——"Where is the bathroom?"

  • The next one is ¿Ennde está el baño? "Where is the bathroom?"

  • Yeah, very useful phrase to know.

  • So for example, if you are in a restaurant

  • and you want to go to the bathroom,

  • you can ask the waiter ¿Dónde está el baño?

  • and then the waiter indicates you, and then you go to the bathroom.

  • No lo comprendo ——"I don't understand."

  • The next one is No lo comprendo, which is "I don't understand it".

  • If someone is talking to you, and you are a bit lost. You can say...lo siento, no lo comprendo.

  • If they are nice, they will try to explain it well to you.

  • Also instead of comprendo you can also say entiendo.

  • So, no lo entiendo.

  • It will be the same thing.

  • This is the end. Thank you for watching this video.

  • I hope you enjoyed these top 25 phrases in Spanish

  • and don't forget to subscribe. Bye!

  • I'm a bit shy, I don't know.

  • I don't know.

Hi, my name is Rosa, and today we will be doing


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スペイン語の必須フレーズトップ25を学ぼう! (Learn the Top 25 Must-Know Spanish Phrases!)

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    Charo Wen に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日