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[music] Hi. Bill Caskey back at Caskey One. We’ve
talked about this concept of emailing and to me, one of the skills of the future of
the sales professional or business development person is to be able to write and part of
that is being able to write good copy and part of that is being able to write good copy
in an email.
Since a lot of our communication today is done through emailing and documentation and
writing, we need to be good writers and one of the challenges in writing an email is many
times, we write it from the standpoint of, “What can I get out of this relationship?”
"この関係から何が得られるのか" という視点で書くこともあります。
In other words, we usually don’t just write an email to say hey to someone. We write it
because there’s a problem somewhere or there’s an emotion. There’s a difficulty or I’m
どこかに問題があったり 感情があるからです困難があったり、私は
writing it to someone in the case today where I don’t even know them and they don’t
know me.
Well that’s kind of an odd and awkward place. So you got to be really careful when you write
these emails that it comes across properly and correctly. So today, we’re going to
talk about, “How do you write a prospecting email?” and all these emails that we talk
about on this video series are in the book Email It and you can find it there on the
lower third of your screen where to go to get it. There are 20 different scenarios,
everything from how do you write a connector email to how do you write an email to a potential
strategic partner. How do you write an email to a long, lost client? What about a resistant
client? We’ve talked about that. What about a client who just disappeared off the face
of the earth?
But today we’re going to talk about how to write a prospecting email. There are a
couple of things to it. Number one, I think we have to get out of this feeling that we’re
honing in and we’re putting pressure on this prospect. The surest way not to get an
answer from an email is when the recipient feels pressure. So I think a thing to substitute
for pressure is just casualness and maybe even some humor.
So here’s an email that we came up with that we have found works very well and some
of our readers of Email It have found the same thing. You’ve got to really let your
メールイットの読者の多くが 同じことに気づいています本当に自分の
personality show through. I would prefer you not take this. If you do end up buying the
book and starting to use these and cutting and pasting them, I still recommend that you
use your own words. If you wouldn’t say a certain thing that we say here, change it
by all means. You got to have a little bit of your personality in it.
So here’s the way I would start an email to a brand new prospect. We’ll call them
そこで私が新規の見込み客に メールを送る時の始め方を説明します私たちはそれらを呼び出すでしょう
a cold prospect. By the way, I wouldn’t spend a lot of time counting your money on
these emailing to cold prospects because it’s very difficult. But if you have to do it,
これらのコールド見込み客へのメールは 非常に難しいのでしかし、もしあなたがそれをしなければならないならば
“You don’t know me. Here’s who I am. Let me tell you why I’m writing. I’m using
this format because I hate making cold calls probably as much as you hate getting them.
So I thought I would spare us both the agony and just drop you a note.”
So that’s a way to just add some levity to the situation. Nobody has gotten that email
before. Now it has got to be you. It has got to be your personality but you’re setting
the stage there. You’re creating an atmosphere in this email where a person is at least interested
in reading the next paragraph in which I say, “All kidding aside, I work with businesses
around this area helping them with some very specific problems like A, B and C. In no way
would I ever presume that you have any of these problems but I do find that half the
あなたがこれらの問題を抱えていると 推測したことはありませんが、私は半分の問題を見つけることができます。
companies that I call on have them and half don’t. If it makes sense to get a coffee
sometime and discuss your issues, I would be happy to do that.”
"いつかご相談にのっていただければ 嬉しいです"
So you’re really being very casual with it. You’re being very soft and a little
elegant. You’re being very efficient. You’re not trying to hammer someone for an appointment
エレガントなとても効率的だ誰かにアポを取るために 叩こうとしているのではなく
and I think what you will find is this email will help break the ice a little bit. So make
sure you stay tuned for some of the modern emails, some modern rules of emailing and
if you liked what you heard here and like the tones of these, make sure you go to Email
It: A Seller’s Guide and buy the book. It’s only $20 and there’s also some other videos
それは。A Seller's Guideを購入して、この本を購入しましょう。たったの20ドルで、他にもいくつかのビデオがあります。
in there too. Take care.
http://emailitsellersguide.com/ [music]
http://emailitsellersguide.com/ [音楽]