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[M] It is so damn hot in Japan right now, guys.
I thought that Korea was hot, and I was wrong. Japan is like
- tropical rainforest, sweating from places... - This is humid and sticky...
you didn't want to sweat. Like, eyebrow sweat and back of the--
What did you just point to there?
I said...
- crotch... mama sweat - Mama (I think he meant Mata 股 which means crotch)
Now, if I was over in Canada, I'd pop over to a convenient store and grab myself
a Freezey!
Back in the day, I only remember popsicles -- like, their name would be just the color.
- Purple, Orange, and Pink. That was it. - That's it.
But now I'm sure they probably have more -- I don't know what they have in Canada anymore.
But we're gonna show you some of the awesome stuff Japan has to offer.
We're having the Choco Monaka now.
These things are pretty cool.
Not that I've had them before! This is all new, so I can show you guys.
Yes, Simon has never had this before without telling me.
ಠ __ ಠ
I've never had this before! You've had this before?
(ʘ ᗩ ʘ)
That one binge night when we first arrived in Japan and you went out drunk because you were hungry
from our little tiny room and you said you'd go get us ice cream and you came back with like 6 containers of
ice cream and you ate half of them and brought one for me!
- *gasp* flashback - I did...
I'm gonna break this now, okay?
- Ooh - Ahh
Perfect break in half. I'll be honest, this doesn't feel edible right now.
So this is a wafer filled with chocolate-- filled with chocolate lining and then ice cream
with a chocolate slice in the middle.
- [M] This looks really good actually. - [S] Alright, ready to try it?
It's so hot right now, I can see the outsides of it starting to melt.
My hair is sticking to all the sweat rolling off my face. Make-up R.I.P.
- Ready? - Yeah.
This is like a reverse ice cream cone.
Oh yeah.
It's cold. It's cold!
- It's called ice cream... - It hurts my teeth!
Ducky has sensitive teeth.
Ducky has sensitive everything.
- Aww man. - (cough) wrong tube!
(coughs) It's fighting back.
I'm gonna be shooting this video by myself from now on.
- Oh my god that was so cold. - Martina is not mature enough to eat ice cream.
I'm not built for this world.
Do you need a little sippy cup?
Yeah! Everyone needs a sippy cup! Why wouldn't you? Why would you want to spill things?
You knock things over your computer all the time you should have a sippy cup.
- When do I ever knock things over... - I didn't mean you, I mean them.
- Okay. - You know who I'm talking about.
The wafers are nice and dry. They absorb the ice cream nicely.
Oh so cold!
Was this perfect for Japanese summer? Because it keeps it from melting all over your body.
- This right here... - This is like a nice compact way to eat.
...maintains its integrity as you eat it.
Probably not supposed to do this...
That's great. Such a satisfying chew to it. It's not like you bite into it and breaks off dry.
Cheap ice cream cone from the convenient store feeling!
- It has that... - The cheapness
- ...cheapness quality. - is so high quality right now.
Would buy this again.
- This is great. - It's a great one.
[Simon] You know what I feel like whenever I want a dessert?
[Martina] Mm what do you feel like?
So today we're having an Azuki little ice cream. So Azuki is those sweet red beans.
- Are you trying to say Azuki or Zuki like Zuko? - Azuki.
- Okay - Azuki.
Or is it Ah-zuki or A-ZU-ki or Azu-KI?
Azu-KI. A-zuki.
What emPHAsis do you put on what sylLAble?
Well, I learned something really cool, which is this little tiny sign here --
you'll see them all over Japan now in the summer time and I didn't know what this sign was.
It's for shaved ice. So if they have it hanging down, you can go for shaved ice.
We're going for the lowest quality of shaved ice.
Let's get the lowest quality cheap--
- Ooh. - Oohh baby.
Looks -- ♪ Aww baby, I like it raw ♪
[M] This looks pretty good!
[S] This does not look like the best quality stuff right here.
So these are really tiny little beans.
[M] You know what? It actually has shaved ice, and then it looks like condensed milk, and then, beans on top.
Let's see how this is.
They're not that bad at all.
That's not as terrible as I was hoping for it to be.
"As you were hoping it to be."
I wanted a really bad reaction out of this.
It's actually quite good. The vanilla ice cream that they have in there almost tastes like whipped cream.
This layer here doesn't taste like ice cream.
It's not the best one ever. For a convenient store, this is great!
- Great! - Holy crap!
- Really good! - This is my favorite one so far.
And the red beans taste different than the Korean red beans as well.
So if you go to Korea and you try it, you say "Well, I've had it before."
Make sure you try it in Japan as well! They're different.
It almost taste like a bubble tea bean, you can say.
That's definitely a bean ~
It's a bean!
If you're coming to Japan, don't be afraid to try the red bean stuff 'cause this is great!
How many more of these did you buy?
I only bought one...
Why would you buy 2 of other things but 1 of this?
I thought that we could share it.
Why do I wanna share with you?
- 'Cause I love you. - 'Cause you love me.
♪ Love is the --
- I'm full. - Good.
I wasn't full!
[S] The next up has very modest advertising.
You can have ice cream that'll keep you cool. Or you can have something that can keep you cool-ish.
You're like "What should we name this? I mean it's pretty cool. But I mean it's not that cool."
It's kinda like [both] Coolish.
These are little ice creams in a bag that you suck out
suck out suck out
another great way of not getting ice cream melting all over your hands.
♪ sexy food porn music ♪
- Oh - Oh yeah.
- Oh yeah, we're ready. - Aw yeah.
Was not expecting that flavor.
That is some...
- awful - cheap quality...
Augh. That taste like strawberry penicillin.
This is those ice creams that can't afford to put in enough milk so they fill it with water
- and you get a whole bunch of ice crystals on the inside - ice shards
But I mean this flavor... is chalky penicillin.
You know how I hated banana milk back in Korea?
Because it tasted like penicillin and I got over it.
This has that chalky coating on your tongue like you've had really awful medicine.
Wait, maybe this is supposed to taste like that because it has like a shaved ice on it.
Maybe this is supposed to be like bingsu-ish.
Whatever. You're just cheap and you're trying to make your -- like this is so icey and disgusting.
What should we do? And they're like "Quickly! Pretend that it's a shaved ice dessert."
Whoa. Coolish. More like not cool at all.
More like "I don't like it - ish"
Can we not think of anything better?
- Coolish more like... - This is more like FOOLISH.
Coolish. More like foolish if you buy it!
...If you like it... darn.
The only people who eat these are TOOLish.
You call this Coolish? You should have called it Ghoulish!
Eh?! :D
'Cause it's so bad. It's like a ghoul.
[M] Think we might have been tricked into buying just fruit.
Wait a second...
[S] Wait a second! Is this healthy?!
- [S] Nonono. I need sugar. - [M] This is some bull*sheep noise* right now.
I need some modified corn oil.
I think we got tricked into buying 5 fruits. I think it's literally we bought 5 fruits.
We almost bought something -- I was like "Look it! How cute! That ice cream looks like oranges!"
- It was just frozen oranges. - They took tangerines and froze them.
This is BS, stop trying to trick me. I want unhealthy...
How are we going to eat this? This has orange peel in it!
- You just gotta lick it. - Alright.
- That's delicious. - That is delicious.
Oh my god. Did I get tricked into eating something delicious?
This is what moms do when they're like "Just blend broccoli into puree and dump it into your muffin!"
"No one will know."
Aw yeah. This is lovely.
This is super refreshing on a hot day.
- Those other ones. They were more cream based. - They were creamy.
But this right here is just light and wonderful.
Son, you know what we should be doing right now?
We should have a glass of red wine and then you just dump this in it and mix it to make a magical Sangria on the go.
Mmm. Oh yeah. That's great. That's like orange. What is that? Strawberries.
Bonus round!
I say we go hunting for the vending machine ice creams that they have in Japan.
They have like 8 different flavors or 17 flavors.
- Let's see what those are like. - Okay.
[M] It's been very difficult for me to concentrate because there are bubbles everywhere.
- Bubbles!~ - Focus here, girl.
- Focus! - Okay, okay. I got this.
Look at them constantly trying to trick us into fruit.
- This is BS - [S] Who wants fruit?
Ohh. Chocolate ice cream. This is mint, which means you're gonna totally hate it.
[S] Okay.
- This is just pretty much what we kinda just had. - [S] We've already had those.
- How about the orange one? - [S] Let's try the Ghana balls.
The Ghana balls.
Ooohh. You should feel this.
- Oh my god. Let's just live in this. - [S] Oh my god! Let's just sit here.
- [S] Shoot the rest of our video with this open - Yeah.
- [S] Ahh my god. It's so refreshing! - That is nice.
[S] The biggest challenge in shooting a video like this is making sure your ice cream doesn't melt.
Really? What about me? I'm melting.
You're melting as well into a big baby.
That's for you.
Thank you.
That's for me. We have more.
- These are individually wrapped. - Are these individually wrapped balls?
Litlle balls. I guess?
I didn't expect that.
I didn't expect that either.
Let's not waste packaging or anything but...
So cold.
- MMm - I can't even bite through it.
Make sure to suck on these balls okay? Big ol' chocolate ball.
Suck on those big ol' chocolate balls.
Okay it's really cold. Really really cold. Ducky, it's really cold ducky.
These would be a lot better if they weren't that cold.
It's really cold.
You know, we had a different kind before in Japan.
[S] Pinos, they were called.
[M] Yeah. And they had a stabby fork that came with them. They tasted way better.
They tasted like those ice creams that you get dipped when you're at Dairy Queen or McDonald's or something.
These ones taste really cheap.
- Yeah. - Like the outside chocolate tastes like it's almost burnt.
And it's not even a dark chocolate taste. It just doesn't taste as good.
This has that same kind of crystal in the ice cream over-watery flavor.
Well the other one is really creamy. So if you're gonna choose between Ghana chocolate balls and between
Pino chocolate balls, go for the Pino ones.
- Get the Pinos. - Yeah.
So that's it for this week's Food Adventure Program for Awesome People.
We would have done some more ice cream, except Martina's not really good in the heat.
And she's kind of dying.
We had like 12 more ice creams planned.
- You're dying. - I'm so tired, guys.
[Both] It's sooo hot.
The ice cream did nothing.
(Schwarzeneggar voice) The ice cream did absolutely nothing.
But if there was one that did kind of something, which one would you vote for on a hot day like this?
I would eat that fruit bar.
I mean the ice cream was delicious. It's just that it's creamy and you don't really want something creamy
when it's hot. You want something that feels like zingy.
There were so many more ice creams that we could have tried.
If I had a choice, I'd probably go for the Azuki bean one.
- Yeah? - That's just...
It's delicious. It's not something that you could really like walk and eat.
Well, maybe you can if you're dedicated?
How can you not walk and eat with it? It comes in a container!
Well, you know, 'cause you gotta like look and it's a 2-handed deal.
- It's complicated for people like Simon. - You know...
Some people might bump into you.
- And then you're gonna be like "my beans!~" - But if you're like...
If you're holding a popsicle, then you can eat like this as you're walking.
I don't know what you're theory -- I think the heat has got to your head because that made no sense.
Really wilty hot.
If you guys have a favorite ice cream that you usually eat in North America or Europe or where ever you are
let us know in the comment section below.
I'm curious if we have the same ice creams around the world or if every place has their own thing.
What kind if convenient store ice creams do they have in Canada and America now?
I'm gonna go lie in a cold bath.
Let's go jump in the water right here.
It looks a little bit algae-like but okay.
Let's do it.
- I saw some ducklings. - (gasp)
Subtitles by MissDichotomy