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  • It's easy to feel like the way we experience life is generally the same for others.


  • But did you realize that the majority of people in this world don't actually have the internet?


  • About 3.5 billion people or only 40% of the world has an internet connection today, meaning this digital reality we experience is actually done so by a minority of people in the world.

    35 億人、もしくは世界人口の 40 %が現時点でインターネット接続環境がある場所に暮らしており、つまりデジタル環境を経験している私たちは世界規模で見ると少数派だということになるのです。

  • Or how about the fact that the majority of people on the world live in this circle?


  • In fact, it contains 22 of the world's 37 mega cities which each have at least 10 million people.

    この円の中には世界に 3 7か所あるメガシティのうちの 22 都市が含まれており、各都市の人口は少なくとも 1000 万人を数えます。

  • Only 2 cities in America fall into this category, New York and Los Angeles.

    アメリカを考えると、この条件にあてはまるのはニューヨークとロサンゼルスの 2 都市だけです。

  • On that note, the majority of the world actually live in developing countries.


  • In fact, modern langauge is now advocating to change terms like "third world country" to "majority world country"


  • to more accurately represent that these countries are, well, the majority of humankind.


  • Even if the G8 countries made decisions that affect the majority of people on this planet.

    たとえ G8 諸国の下す決断がこの地球上に暮らす大多数の人に影響を与えるとしても、この事実は変わりません。

  • To that point, around 70 to 80% of people on this planet make less than 10 US dollars a day.

    その点でみると、地球上の 70 ~ 80 %の人が 1 日 10 ドル以下の収入で暮らしています。

  • Well, even in a wealthy country like America, over 50% of people make less than 30,000 dollars a year.

    それどころか、アメリカの様に豊かな国であっても、50 %以上の国民が年間 3 万ドル以下のの収入で暮らしています。

  • The good news is that global poverty has fallen by half over the last decade.


  • But we still have a global environment where more people have cell phones than toilets.


  • And when they're talking on those phones, the vast majority aren't speaking English as a first language.


  • The majority also aren't Christian.


  • As if November 2016 most people are male with roughly 55 million less females on the planet,

    2016 年 11 月の時点で、男性より女性の人口の方が5500万人少なく、

  • and of our population, the majority are under the age of 30.


  • In America, once you turn 37, you're officially older than half the country.

    アメリカでは、37 歳になった時点で国民平均年齢で考えると上位半分に該当します。

  • And the most common age for a person to be worldwide?


  • Zero years old, followed by 1 year old, 2 years old, 3, 4 and then 26 years old.


  • The majority of adults in the world weigh around 61 kilograms or 135 pounds,

    世界の成人の過半数の体重は 61 キログラムまたは 135 ポンドです。

  • whereas the vast majority of people in North America are overweight .


  • And while the majority of Nothern Americans drink coffee over tea,


  • three cups of tea are drank for every one cup of coffee worldwide, making it a much more popular drink.

    世界中ではお茶の方が 3 倍多く消費されていますから、お茶の方が人気があると言えるのです。

  • Speaking of North America, the majority of the Canadian population actually lives South of Seattle.


  • In terms of energy consumption, the vast majority of the world consumes more than two times less energy per capita than Canadians or Americans.


  • If we take a wide view, it turns out that the majority of the universe is made up of dark energy at 68%.

    より幅広い観点で考えると、宇宙空間の大半は 68 %の暗黒エネルギーで構成されています。

  • Dark matter makes up 27% and the rest (everything on earth and everything ever observed with instruments), otherwise called "normal matter" only makes up 5% of the universe.

    そして暗黒物質が 27 %で、残りの通常物質と呼ばれるもの(地球上のすべての物質ならびにこれまで計器で監査されている全ての物質)は宇宙空間の中では 5 %を占めるに過ぎません。

  • And given that atoms are made up of 99.99% empty space, the majority of you is...

    そして分子の 99.99 %は何もない空間から構成されていることを考えると、私たちの大半は…

  • nothing.


  • We want to send a special thanks to BIll and Melinda Gates for supporting this episode.


  • Did you know that the number of childhood deaths have been cut in half over the last 15 years?

    ここ 15 年間で、子どもが亡くなる数が半分にまで減少しているという事実をご存じでしょうか?

  • And that 122 million children's lives have been saved since 1990?

    そして 1990 年以降、1 億 2200 万人の子どもたちの生命が救われています。

  • Sometimes it may feel like the world is getting worse, but global health intervention is changing that,


  • and in their annual letter, Bill and Melinda Gates highlight this amazing progress.


  • But, also the challenges, like how 45% of child deaths are linked to malnutrition.

    しかし、子どもが亡くなる原因の 45 %は栄養失調によるものであるという現状など、まだまだ課題は山積みです。

  • You can check out the annual letter at by using the link in the description below to learn about and support their amazing initiatives.

    この年度報告書は で見ることができますが、下の説明箇所にあるリンクからアクセスが可能ですので、是非この素晴らしい活動の内容を知ってサポートいただけたらと思います。

  • Don't forget to subscribe for more weekly science videos every Thursday.


It's easy to feel like the way we experience life is generally the same for others.



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