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  • - (children) Kids react to viral videos!

  • This episode: Shia LaBeouf - Just Do It!

  • - (whispering) What is he doing?

  • - (Shia) DO IT!!!

  • DO IT!!! - What is this?

  • - (Shia) DO IT!!!

  • - I love this so much.

  • (Shia) Just DO IT!!! - He's a yeller.

  • - (Shia) Don't let your dreams be dreams. - What?

  • - (Shia) Yesterday, you said tomorrow, so just DO IT!!!

  • - No.

  • - (Shia) Make your dreams come true! - (creeped out) Okay.

  • - (Shia) Just... DO IT!!! - Do what?

  • - (whispering) What's he talking about?

  • - (Shia) Some people dream of success while you're gonna wake up

  • and work hard at it!

  • Nothing is impossible. - Well, can I fly?

  • Can I have telekinesis? - (Shia) You should get to the point

  • where anyone else would quit, and you're not gonna stop there.

  • - Sir, yes, sir. (giggles) - (Shia) NO!

  • What're you waiting for? - He's the weirdest guy ever.

  • - (Shia) DO IT!!! - Do what?

  • - (Shia) Just-- - He's really into it.

  • - (Shia) DO IT!!! - NO!

  • - (Shia) Yes, you can.

  • - No, I won't! - (Shia) Just do it.

  • - No.

  • - Why's he yelling at us?

  • - (Shia) If you're tired of starting over...

  • stop giving up! - I'm not giving up!

  • - (Shia) Stop giving up. - How do you even know I've given up?

  • (silence)

  • - Why are you squatting?

  • - Okay.

  • - Is he in jail or something?

  • - Do what?!

  • What do you want me to do?!

  • - (children) Question time!

  • - (Finebros) So what do you think about this guy who was yelling?

  • - He was a bit much.

  • - He squats too much.

  • - Angry. Very angry.

  • - He's creepy, that's it.

  • - (Finebros) He kept saying, "Just do it!"

  • What does he want you to do? - Uh, I don't know.

  • - I don't know.

  • - He really wants people to not give up on their dreams.

  • - He was like, "Don't give up!"

  • And I was just like, "I never did!"

  • And he like, "Just don't!" And I was like, "Okay!"

  • - (Finebros) Would you say some of the things

  • he was saying were good things? - Yes.

  • - Yes. He doesn't want me to just give up.

  • - Yeah, but just not in a positive way of saying it.

  • - He was doing the wrong thing and the right thing.

  • - Because of mannerisms, it made it so just angry and negative.

  • - You don't need to be so aggressive, like, "YOU NEED TO DO THIS!!!"

  • - (Finebros) Do you recognize who this person is?

  • - No.

  • - Should I?

  • - I recognized him from a TV show, I think.

  • - Shia LaBeouf. He is an actor.

  • - (Finebros) Well, his name is Shia LaBeouf.

  • - What?

  • - I have no idea who that is.

  • - Oh yeah.

  • - I do know him!

  • - (Finebros) Well, he's an actor. - He's an actor?

  • - From Transformers.

  • - (Finebros) And he was the star of the Transformers movies,

  • and was also a kid actor and he was in a bunch of things

  • but his most famous TV show, when he was a kid,

  • was called Even Stevens. You ever heard of that show?

  • - No.

  • - Nope!

  • - No, I haven't even seen Transformers.

  • - That sounds vaguely familiar.

  • - I don't think I've ever seen it, but I've heard of it.

  • - I was gonna say, "Wasn't he on Even Stevens?"

  • I swear to god, I was gonna say that.

  • I actually remember watching some of it.

  • - (Finebros) So we're gonna show you a picture of what he looked like

  • when he was a kid, compared to what he looks like now,

  • and you'll tell us what you think of the difference.

  • - It's probably gonna be a cute little boy,

  • and now he's, like, screaming at people.

  • Oh my gosh, I'm totally right!

  • - He doesn't really look like the same person.

  • - Before, he seemed happy. Now he's yelling at you to just do it.

  • - I feel like he's from a movie, Holes.

  • - (Finebros) He was in Holes! - Yes.

  • He's changed a lot.

  • - He looks like he's just a normal, happy boy.

  • He thinks, "I'm gonna have a great life and be so happy."

  • - (Finebros) So back to the video, do you have any idea why

  • he decided to make this? - I don't know. Maybe a commercial?

  • - Maybe he got fired or something.

  • - Did he just do that to put it-- or does he have a YouTube channel?

  • - There was a green screen behind him, so maybe it was for a movie?

  • - Isn't the "Just do it" thing Nike's or something?

  • - Isn't it Nike?

  • - (Benny Fine) It's not. - (Rafi Fine) No.

  • - Wait, what?

  • - (Finebros) So it turns out that this was a piece of a project

  • that he was in, that was a 30 minute long video

  • where he was just reading things that college students

  • had written for him to act out. - Wow.

  • - Oh, that makes more sense.

  • - I kinda wanna see the whole thing!

  • - But this small clip, by itself, went viral.

  • Why do you think this video of a famous actor

  • yelling these things at people became so popular?

  • - Because it's weird and funny.

  • - Maybe it's just because it's funny.

  • - The hand motions. The hand motions!

  • - And then, while he does it, he starts flexing.

  • And then some people are like, "What is this?"

  • And they reposted it everywhere.

  • - Because it has no context.

  • If some people probably don't think that he's acting in it,

  • (laughing) so he's just saying that.

  • People are probably gonna think he's gone off the deep end.

  • - (Finebros) Okay, so people didn't just watch this.

  • They took this footage and made other videos with it,

  • so we're gonna show you a few clips

  • of how people have used this footage. - Okay.

  • (Shia, muffled) Make your dreams-- - (man) Oh my god. Is he out there again?

  • - (Shia) Just-- - (man) Hey, didn't I tell you yesterday

  • I was calling the cops? - (Shai) Yesterday, you said tomorrow.

  • So just DO IT!!!

  • - (man) How are you even getting up here?

  • That's an impossible climb. - (Shia) Nothing is impossible!

  • - (cracking up) That's perfect.

  • - Things could run wild.

  • - Oh my god. The Avengers! Yes! - (Shia) DO IT!!!

  • (helicopter flies overhead) - (Shia) Just DO IT!!!

  • (cracking up)

  • ♪ (dramatic action music) ♪

  • - How'd he get in The Avengers? - (Shia) Nothing is impossible!

  • - (Captain America) Now might be a really good time

  • for you to get angry. - (Shia) DO IT!!!

  • - Oh my god.

  • - What?

  • - He turned into Hulk.

  • - Thank you for showing me this.

  • (giggling uncontrollably)

  • (Goku grunts)

  • - (sighs) Oh, Goku.

  • - I used to watch this.

  • - (Shia) DO IT!!!

  • Just DO IT!!! (Goku grunts)

  • - (Shia) Make your dreams come true! - (laughing) Come true.

  • - Wow. - (Shia) Just do it!

  • (Goku screams) (cracks up)

  • - Whoa. (chuckles)

  • - Oh my gosh.

  • - That was beautiful.

  • - That's great, you know? (laughing) Creativity is key.

  • - I wonder what the actor's reaction is.

  • Happy, sad, or like, "What the heck?"

  • - (Finebros) So last thing, we want you to pretend

  • you are Shia LaBeouf, so we're gonna have you say

  • some of these things. - (whimpering) No, I don't want to.

  • I'm not used to yelling.

  • - I feel like I need to stand up. - (Finebros) Okay, you can stand up.

  • - Okay.

  • - Just do it!

  • - Just do it!

  • - Don't let your dreams be dreams!

  • - (screeching) Don't let your dreams be dreams!!!

  • - Yesterday, you said tomorrow.

  • - (tinny voice) So just do it!!!

  • - Just do it!

  • - (yelling) Make your dreams come true!

  • - (stilted) Make. Your. Dreams. Come. Truuuue!!!

  • - Just do it!

  • - (screeching) Just DO IT!!!

  • (aggressive grunt)

  • (giggles)

  • (silence)

  • - I'm Shia LaBeouf!

  • - Thanks for watching Kids React.

  • - Let us know in the comments what we should react to next.

  • - (as Shia) Subscribe! DO IT!!!

  • - (laughing) Goodbye!

  • (giggles)

  • ♪ (end music) ♪

- (children) Kids react to viral videos!


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A2 初級

子供たちは「Just DO IT」に反応する(シャイア・ラブーフのモチベーショナル・スピーチ (KIDS REACT TO JUST DO IT (Shia LaBeouf Motivational Speech))

  • 107 6
    Daijha Renee に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日