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  • Since the first astronomers pointed telescopes at the heavens, they have sought to see more,

  • see farther, see deeper.

  • Space astronomy changed on April 24, 1990, with the launch of the space shuttle Discovery,

  • carrying aboard it the Hubble Space Telescope.

  • A lot of people think we launched Hubble into space to put it closer to the stars, but the

  • real reason lies in that old children’s song – “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.”

  • We all know that song, and it describes a very real phenomenonthe Earth’s atmosphere

  • both distorts and blocks light coming in from space.

  • In space, beyond the atmosphere, the stars don’t twinklethey shine steady, and

  • that allows you to get the stunning images weve become accustomed to seeing from Hubble

  • But that wasn’t Hubble’s only benefit.

  • It’s also one of NASA’s Great Observatories, these are general purpose telescopes designed

  • to be able to observe anything and everything in the cosmos.

  • There are a lot of observatories in space, but most of them are designed to answer one

  • or two specific questions.

  • Hubble was built to be as inclusive as possible; it was supposed to answer as many questions

  • as you could think to ask, at least as far as its design allowed.

  • And Hubble succeeded splendidly at that

  • Weve seen planet-wide dust storms on Mars.

  • Weve seen the astonishingly strong and surprisingly variable auroras of Saturn.

  • Weve looked deep into dense star clusters containing tens of thousands to millions of

  • stars.

  • Weve examined the birth of these clusters as they emerge from the interstellar clouds.

  • And weve watched stars die, some releasing their outer layers gently into space, like

  • smoke rings

  • Others forming cosmic butterflies

  • Some expiring in tremendous explosions that blast their material across the cosmos

  • Expanding for tens of thousands of light years until their remnants ultimately fade away.

  • Weve explored the varieties of galaxies, some with beautiful spiral shapes

  • And some with vast ellipsoidal collections of hundreds of billions of stars

  • And weve seen galaxies in massive clusters of thousands, arrayed through space

  • and time.

  • To carry us farther, to the step beyond Hubble, we need the James Webb Space Telescope.

  • Like Hubble, Webb is a general purpose observatory.

  • And like Hubble, Webb will orbit in space, giving it the clarity that comes from being

  • beyond Earth’s atmosphere.

  • The Webb Telescope sees infrared light, which is invisible to the human eye, though we still

  • perceive itas heat.

  • Putting an infrared telescope like Webb in space is going to open entirely new regions

  • of the universe to us.

  • To understand this, you need a little astronomical background.

  • Youve probably all heard that our universe is expanding.

  • But what you may not know is that as it expands, the light traveling through the universe also

  • gets stretched.

  • So what started out as visible light and ultraviolet lightthe two types of light the earliest

  • objects in the universe emitted most stronglyis changed.

  • It’s stretched into another wavelength, infrared light.

  • If we want to see the earliest objects in the universe, we have to see that faint infrared

  • glow.

  • So why haven’t we done this before?

  • Well, we have.

  • We launched the Spitzer Space Telescope, which isn’t as well-known as Hubble but has made

  • incredible discoveries of its own with the infrared capabilities Hubble lacks.

  • Next But when it comes to resolution, Spitzer's images are a lot more like ground images than

  • they are like Hubble images.

  • To get Hubble-quality images in infrared light, we need something more.

  • We need a giant mirror.

  • Spitzer’s mirror is just over two and a half feet across.

  • Hubble’s mirror is about eight feet across, so that’s about a bit taller than a human

  • being.

  • And Webb’s mirror uses 18 hexagonal mirror segments to create a reflective surface more

  • than 21 feet acrossalmost two stories tall.

  • Clearly that’s pretty big.

  • How do we get something that size into space?

  • Obviously we can’t ship it like this.

  • The answer is origami.

  • Were going to fold Webb up inside the rocket that launches it into orbit.

  • Once it’s in space, it starts to unfold.

  • The massive mirror opens up.

  • Its tennis-court sized sunshield, which will protect it from unwanted infrared emissions

  • from the Sun, Earth and Moon, stretches out.

  • And all this happens while it travels approximately a million miles away, to a point farther away

  • from our planet than even the Moon.

  • So what are we going to get for all this effort?

  • Were going to be able to see past all of these galaxies in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field.

  • Were going to be able to see beyond even the most distantred dotsin these images,

  • the tiny, newly-formed galaxies at the very edges of Hubble’s vision.

  • Were going to see the most distant and earliest galaxies in the universethe

  • first stars and galaxies to form after the Big Bang.

  • We call these objects the universe’s “first light.”

  • Hubble has been able to observe the adult, teenage and child galaxies of the universe.

  • Webb will see the toddlers and infants, filling in our story of galaxy formation and evolution

  • as surely as adding missing photos into a family album reveals how humans grow and change

  • over time.

  • But this isn’t the only area where we know Webb will provide breakthroughs.

  • This is Hubble’s image of the Eagle Nebula, the famousPillars of Creationphoto.

  • Inside these pillars of gas and dust, new stars are forming.

  • But we can’t see them, because the dust blocks visible light.

  • But it doesn’t block infrared anywhere near as well.

  • Infrared light can beam through the nebula and if we can see it, we can see the newly

  • formed stars within.

  • Hubble’s view of the Orion nebula shows hundreds of newborn stars only a couple million

  • years old.

  • But if we zoom in on Spitzer’s infrared image we see thousands more hidden inside.

  • Orion is the place where we get our best view of not just star formation

  • But also of the new solar systems forming around those stars.

  • We know that planets -- new Earths, new Saturns, new Jupiters! -- are forming inside these

  • dark dust rings, what we call protoplanetary disks, but we can’t see them, they are hidden

  • behind the dust.

  • Webb’s infrared vision will allow us to see through these opaque clouds so we can

  • discover how solar systems like our own came into being.

  • Well be able to see what our own solar system would have looked like after the Sun

  • had formed, but before Earth existed.

  • Webb’s vision is going to take us even further than that, to individual planets beyond our

  • solar system.

  • This isn’t one of Hubble’s most dazzling images, but it’s an important one.

  • Several planets are orbiting around this star.

  • But their light is lost in the bright glare of their Sun.

  • [click] If we can remove the star’s light, we can see the planetsthese bright dots

  • here.

  • This is an infrared observation.

  • Planets, which don’t shine with their own visible light, are usually brightest in infrared.

  • The best way to observe planets is with a high-resolution, infrared space telescope.

  • But Webb will be able to take even that another step further.

  • Some extrasolar planets, from our point of view, pass in front of their stars.

  • When that happens, some of the star’s light passes through the planet’s atmosphere.

  • We can analyze that light and measure things about the atmosphere of that distant world.

  • So what does that mean for us?

  • Well, here is the plotted infrared light of three different planets.

  • Youre seeing the differences in those planets that indicate the presence of carbon dioxide,

  • ozone and water [click] Those are the telltale differences between

  • Venus … [click]

  • Mars

  • And Earth.

  • The first signs of life elsewhere in the universe will not be photographs of civilizations or

  • a visit by little green menitll be features in the atmospheric spectrum of an

  • extrasolar planet that show biological activity.

  • And that’s what Webb has the potential to give us, that tremendously exciting discovery.

  • So when is this all going to happen?

  • Webb is scheduled to launch in 2018, just six years away.

  • An enormous amount of the work on the telescope has already been completed.

  • All of Webb’s 18 mirror segments have been ground, polished, coated and tested.

  • Its cameras and other instruments are nearing completion or in their final stages.

  • But since Webb will be located a million miles away, it has to be perfect before it launches.

  • So were testing everything.

  • The pieces get tested separately, then together, then as part of the actual telescope.

  • Theyre tested to make sure they work in the extremes of space and that they can survive

  • the violence of launch.

  • When it’s time to test them as part of the entire telescope, theyre brought to NASA’s

  • largest test chamber, this cavern-like thermal vacuum chamber at Johnson Space Center, which

  • is being refitted specially for Webb.

  • If it looks familiar, that’s because it’s famous for being used to test the Apollo space

  • vehicles.

  • It seems fitting that that chamber, used to prepare humanity for its first true exposure

  • to the heavens, is also where NASA’s next great space observatory is coming together.

  • Every decade, astronomers conduct a survey to determine the astronomy community’s top

  • priorities.

  • Webb is their number one priority.

  • This is the observatory they want above everything else.

  • We've already explored some of the reasons why, but not the most important reason.

  • If Hubble is any guide, Webb's most important contributions to our understanding of the

  • universe will probably surprise us.

  • Because it was designed as a general purpose observatory, it is extremely versatile.

  • The Webb Space Telescope will be able to answer the questions we have, and then move on to

  • questions that we haven't yet thought to ask.

  • For example, before Hubble, we thought the expansion of the universe was slowing down.

  • But Hubble made crucial discoveries to confirm that, actually, it is speeding up, and for

  • that to happen, there may exist some form of strangedark energy,” a discovery

  • that won its scientists the Nobel Prize in physics this year.

  • The universe doesn’t always work the way we think it does.

  • It surprises us again and again.

  • Weve only begun to chip away at the mysteries that are out there.

  • And Webb, because it’s designed for this purpose, will be able to explore, confirm,

  • or deny these discoveries as they arise.

  • And that is the true power of Webbits potential for unbounded discovery, its ability

  • to reveal wonders we didn’t even know existed.

  • That capability, perhaps more than anything else, makes Webb the future of space astronomy.

Since the first astronomers pointed telescopes at the heavens, they have sought to see more,


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彼方を見る - ジェームズ・ウェッブ宇宙望遠鏡 (ファイナルカット) (Seeing Beyond - The James Webb Space Telescope (Final Cut))

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    Wonderful に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日