字幕表 動画を再生する
I'd like you to come back with me for a moment
翻訳: Kazunori Akashi 校正: Mamoru Ichikawa
to the 19th century,
少しの間 皆さんを 19世紀にお連れしましょう
specifically to June 24, 1833.
少しの間 皆さんを 19世紀にお連れしましょう
The British Association for the Advancement of Science
is holding its third meeting at the University of Cambridge.
英国科学振興協会の 3回目の会議が
It's the first night of the meeting,
ケンブリッジ大学で 開かれているところです
and a confrontation is about to take place
会議1日目の夜 ―
that will change science forever.
その後の科学を変える ―
An elderly, white-haired man stands up.
The members of the Association are shocked to realize
立ちあがったのは 白髪の老人です
that it's the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge,
会員達は その男性が詩人の
who hadn't even left his house in years until that day.
S・T・コールリッジだと 気づいて驚愕します
They're even more shocked by what he says.
彼はそれまで何年も 自宅から出たことはありません
"You must stop calling yourselves natural philosophers."
彼の発言を聞いて さらに驚愕します
Coleridge felt that true philosophers like himself
「君達は『自然哲学者』という 呼び名を返上すべきだ」
pondered the cosmos from their armchairs.
コールリッジの考えでは 自分のような真の哲学者は
They were not mucking around in the fossil pits
アームチェアに座って 宇宙について考えるけれど
or conducting messy experiments with electrical piles
振興協会員のように 化石の産地をうろついたり
like the members of the British Association.
手を汚して電堆で 実験などしないというのです
The crowd grew angry and began to complain loudly.
手を汚して電堆で 実験などしないというのです
A young Cambridge scholar named William Whewell stood up
次第に聴衆の感情は高ぶり 不満を述べはじめました
and quieted the audience.
ウィリアム・ヒューエルという 若いケンブリッジの学者が
He politely agreed that an appropriate name
for the members of the association did not exist.
"If 'philosophers' is taken to be too wide and lofty a term,"
確かに存在していないと 丁寧に述べました
he said, "then, by analogy with 'artist,'
「『哲学者』という呼び方が 幅広く高尚過ぎると言うなら ―
we may form 'scientist.'"
"artist"(芸術家)という 呼び名にならって
This was the first time the word scientist
"scientist"(科学者)という 言葉を作ってはどうでしょう」
was uttered in public,
この時初めて公の場で "scientist"という言葉が使われたのです
only 179 years ago.
この時初めて公の場で "scientist"という言葉が使われたのです
I first found out about this confrontation when I was in graduate school,
and it kind of blew me away.
私は この議論について 大学院生の時に知り
I mean, how could the word scientist
not have existed until 1833?
なぜ"scientist"という ―
What were scientists called before?
言葉が1833年まで 存在しなかったのか?
What had changed to make a new name necessary
それまでは どう呼ばれていたのか?
precisely at that moment?
新たな名前が その時 必要になったのは
Prior to this meeting, those who studied the natural world
were talented amateurs.
この会議以前は 才能あるアマチュアが
Think of the country clergyman or squire
collecting his beetles or fossils,
like Charles Darwin, for example,
or, the hired help of a nobleman, like Joseph Priestley,
who was the literary companion
ランズダウン侯爵の司書で 酸素を発見した ―
to the Marquis of Lansdowne
when he discovered oxygen.
After this, they were scientists,
professionals with a particular scientific method,
この会議以降 彼らは科学者になりました
goals, societies and funding.
つまり科学特有の方法と目的 学会 予算をもった ―
Much of this revolution can be traced to four men
who met at Cambridge University in 1812:
Charles Babbage, John Herschel, Richard Jones and William Whewell.
1812年にケンブリッジ大学で 出会った4人の人物 ―
These were brilliant, driven men
C・バベッジ J・ハーシェル R・ジョーンズ W・ヒューエルです
who accomplished amazing things.
Charles Babbage, I think known to most TEDsters,
invented the first mechanical calculator
たぶん皆さんもご存じの チャールズ・バベッジは
and the first prototype of a modern computer.
John Herschel mapped the stars of the southern hemisphere,
現在のコンピュータの 原型を発明しました
and, in his spare time, co-invented photography.
ジョン・ハーシェルは 南半球の星を記録し
I'm sure we could all be that productive
余暇を利用して 写真の開発にも一役買いました
without Facebook or Twitter to take up our time.
私達もFacebookや Twitterの時間を減らせば
Richard Jones became an important economist
同じ位 創造性豊かに なれるかも知れません
who later influenced Karl Marx.
リチャード・ジョーンズは 大経済学者となり
And Whewell not only coined the term scientist,
as well as the words anode, cathode and ion,
but spearheaded international big science
陽極 陰極 イオンといった 言葉を造っただけでなく
with his global research on the tides.
地球規模の潮汐に関する ―
In the Cambridge winter of 1812 and 1813,
the four met for what they called philosophical breakfasts.
1812-13年の冬 ケンブリッジで
They talked about science
この4人が集まって 「哲学朝食会」を開きました
and the need for a new scientific revolution.
話題は科学について ―
They felt science had stagnated
そして新たな科学革命の 必要性についてです
since the days of the scientific revolution that had happened
彼らは17世紀の科学革命以降 ―
in the 17th century.
彼らは17世紀の科学革命以降 ―
It was time for a new revolution,
which they pledged to bring about,
4人が起こすと誓った 新たな革命が
and what's so amazing about these guys is,
not only did they have these
grandiose undergraduate dreams,
but they actually carried them out,
even beyond their wildest dreams.
And I'm going to tell you today
about four major changes to science these men made.
これからお話しするのは 彼らが実現した4つの大きな変革です
About 200 years before,
これからお話しするのは 彼らが実現した4つの大きな変革です
Francis Bacon and then, later, Isaac Newton,
『証拠に基づく帰納的方法』 200年ほど前には
had proposed an inductive scientific method.
フランシス・ベーコン その後にはニュートンが
Now that's a method that starts from
科学の帰納的方法を 提案していました
observations and experiments
and moves to generalizations about nature called natural laws,
which are always subject to revision or rejection
自然に関する一般法則 つまり自然律を導きます
should new evidence arise.
However, in 1809, David Ricardo muddied the waters
by arguing that the science of economics
ところが1809年に デビッド・リカードが
should use a different, deductive method.
The problem was that an influential group at Oxford
began arguing that because it worked so well in economics,
そして影響力のある オックスフォードの学者達が
this deductive method ought to be applied
to the natural sciences too.
「演繹法が経済学で 機能するなら ―
The members of the philosophical breakfast club disagreed.
They wrote books and articles promoting inductive method
「哲学朝食会」の面々は これに反発しました
in all the sciences
彼らは科学の全分野で 帰納法を用いることを
that were widely read by natural philosophers,
本や論文を通じて説き ―
university students and members of the public.
自然哲学者 大学生 一般大衆に
Reading one of Herschel's books
was such a watershed moment for Charles Darwin
that he would later say, "Scarcely anything in my life
ダーウィンにとって 重要な転機となりました
made so deep an impression on me.
彼は後に こう言っています 「あれほど影響を受けたものは
It made me wish to add my might
一生を通じて 他に見当たらない
to the accumulated store of natural knowledge."
彼の本を読んで 私も自然科学の知識を
It also shaped Darwin's scientific method,
蓄積することに貢献したいと 感じたのだから」
as well as that used by his peers.
その本は ダーウィンとその仲間たちの
[Science for the public good]
Previously, it was believed that scientific knowledge
ought to be used for the good of the king or queen,
かつて科学知識は 王や女王のため ―
or for one's own personal gain.
For example, ship captains needed to know
information about the tides in order to safely dock at ports.
Harbormasters would gather this knowledge
船を安全に着岸させるために 潮汐の知識が必要でしたが
and sell it to the ship captains.
港湾管理人は その知識を集めて
The philosophical breakfast club changed that,
working together.
Whewell's worldwide study of the tides
resulted in public tide tables and tidal maps
that freely provided the harbormasters' knowledge
to all ship captains.
港湾管理人だけが持っていた 知識を 全ての船長が
Herschel helped by making tidal observations
off the coast of South Africa,
and, as he complained to Whewell,
he was knocked off the docks during a violent high tide for his trouble.
激しい高波で 埠頭から落ちてしまったと
The four men really helped each other in every way.
ヒューエルに こぼしたそうです
They also relentlessly lobbied the British government
4人はあらゆる面で 助け合いました
for the money to build Babbage's engines
英国政府に働きかけ バベッジが考案した ―
because they believed these engines
機械を作る 資金を得ようとしました
would have a huge practical impact on society.
In the days before pocket calculators,
the numbers that most professionals needed --
bankers, insurance agents, ship captains, engineers —
銀行家や保険代理業者 船長や技師といった ―
were to be found in lookup books like this,
専門家が 必要な数値を知るには
filled with tables of figures.
数字で埋めつくされた ―
These tables were calculated
早見表を調べる 必要がありました
using a fixed procedure over and over
このような早見表は 決まった手順で
by part-time workers known as -- and this is amazing -- computers,
何度も計算を行う パートの労働者 ―
but these calculations were really difficult.
「コンピュータ」達が 作っていました
I mean, this nautical almanac
数値の計算は 極めて難しいものでした
published the lunar differences for every month of the year.
Each month required 1,365 calculations,
毎月の月の変化が 1年分載っています
so these tables were filled with mistakes.
1か月分で1,365回の 計算が必要で
Babbage's difference engine was the first mechanical calculator
devised to accurately compute any of these tables.
バベッジの階差機関は このような表なら常に正しく
Two models of his engine were built in the last 20 years
計算できるように設計された 初の機械式計算機です
by a team from the Science Museum of London
ロンドン科学博物館では バベッジの設計図を元に
using his own plans.
この20年で2種類の 機械を制作しました
This is the one now at the Computer History Museum in California,
この20年で2種類の 機械を制作しました
and it calculates accurately. It actually works.
1台は今 カリフォルニアの コンピュータ歴史博物館にあり ―
Later, Babbage's analytical engine
was the first mechanical computer in the modern sense.
It had a separate memory and central processor.
初めての機械式の 現代的な意味でのコンピュータで
It was capable of iteration, conditional branching
独立したメモリと 中央演算装置を備えていました
and parallel processing,
繰り返しや条件分岐 ―
and it was programmable using punched cards,
an idea Babbage took from Jacquard's loom.
パンチ・カードを使った プログラムが可能でした
Tragically, Babbage's engines never were built in his day
バベッジがジャガード織機から 得たアイデアです
because most people thought that
残念ながら 当時バベッジの機械は 制作されませんでした
non-human computers would have no usefulness
そんな機械が社会の役に 立つはずがないと
for the public.
そんな機械が社会の役に 立つはずがないと
[New scientific institutions]
考える人が ほとんどだったのです
Founded in Bacon's time, the Royal Society of London
was the foremost scientific society in England
ベーコンの時代に設立された 王立協会は
and even in the rest of the world.
イングランドのみならず 世界的にもトップレベルの
By the 19th century, it had become
a kind of gentleman's club
19世紀には 会員制クラブ化していて
populated mainly by antiquarians, literary men and the nobility.
19世紀には 会員制クラブ化していて
The members of the philosophical breakfast club
好古家や学者や貴族が 主たるメンバーでした
helped form a number of new scientific societies,
including the British Association.
英国科学振興協会を含む 新たな多くの団体の
These new societies required
that members be active researchers publishing their results.
新しい団体では 会員は現役の研究者で
They reinstated the tradition of the Q&A
研究結果の公表が 必要とされました
after scientific papers were read,
論文発表後に 質疑の時間を設ける ―
which had been discontinued by the Royal Society
as being ungentlemanly.
And for the first time, they gave women a foot in the door of science.
「紳士的でない」として やめていた慣習です
Members were encouraged to bring their wives,
また これらの団体は初めて 科学を女性に開放しました
daughters and sisters to the meetings of the British Association,
英国科学振興協会では 会員が自分の
and while the women were expected to attend
妻 娘 姉妹を会合に 同伴するよう奨励されました
only the public lectures and the social events like this one,
当初 女性は公開講座や イベントにだけ
they began to infiltrate the scientific sessions as well.
出席するものと 考えられていましたが
The British Association would later be the first
次第に科学の授業にも 姿を見せるようになりました
of the major national science organizations in the world
to admit women as full members.
国レベルの科学機関としては 世界で初めて
[External funding for science]
Up to the 19th century,
natural philosophers were expected to pay
for their own equipment and supplies.
実験器具や材料は 自然哲学者が
Occasionally, there were prizes,
such as that given to John Harrison in the 18th century,
時々 賞金が出ることは ありました
for solving the so-called longitude problem,
18世紀に「経度問題」を 解決したジョン・ハリソンに
but prizes were only given after the fact,
与えられた賞金は その一例です
when they were given at all.
ただ成果があがるまで 賞金は出ませんでした
On the advice of the philosophical breakfast club,
ただ成果があがるまで 賞金は出ませんでした
the British Association began to use the extra money
generated by its meetings to give grants
科学振興協会は 会合で集まった余剰の資金を
for research in astronomy, the tides, fossil fish,
天文学 潮汐調査 化石魚 ―
shipbuilding, and many other areas.
船の建造など 様々な分野の研究に対する ―
These grants not only allowed
less wealthy men to conduct research,
but they also encouraged thinking outside the box,
研究できるように なったばかりでなく
rather than just trying to solve one pre-set question.
既存の問題に 取り組むだけでない ―
Eventually, the Royal Society
型にはまらない 発想を促したのです
and the scientific societies of other countries followed suit,
その後 王立協会や
and this has become -- fortunately it's become --
他の国の科学団体も その例にならいました
a major part of the scientific landscape today.
So the philosophical breakfast club
幸いにも これが主流になっています
helped invent the modern scientist.
That's the heroic part of their story.
現代の科学者を生む きっかけとなりました
There's a flip side as well.
それが彼らの物語の 成果の部分です
They did not foresee at least one consequence
その反面 ―
of their revolution.
They would have been deeply dismayed
結果の一部は彼らには 予見できませんでした
by today's disjunction between science and the rest of culture.
It's shocking to realize
断絶した現在の状況を見たら 彼らはがっかりすることでしょう
that only 28 percent of American adults
have even a very basic level of science literacy,
アメリカでは基礎的な 科学知識をもっているのは
and this was tested by asking simple questions like,
"Did humans and dinosaurs inhabit the Earth at the same time?"
この結果は ごく簡単な 質問を通して得られました
and "What proportion of the Earth is covered in water?"
「人間と恐竜が 一緒に住んでいた時期はあるか?」
Once scientists became members of a professional group,
「地球上の何割が 水におおわれているか?」
they were slowly walled off from the rest of us.
This is the unintended consequence of the revolution
次第に その他の人々との間に 壁ができました
that started with our four friends.
これは哲学朝食会の 面々も予期しなかった ―
Charles Darwin said,
"I sometimes think that general and popular treatises
are almost as important for the progress of science
「一般向けの論文も 元の論文と同様に
as original work."
In fact, "Origin of Species" was written
for a general and popular audience,
実際 『種の起源』は 一般向けに書かれ
and was widely read when it first appeared.
実際 『種の起源』は 一般向けに書かれ
Darwin knew what we seem to have forgotten,
出版当初から 広く読まれていました
that science is not only for scientists.
ダーウィンは 私達が忘れかけている ―
Thank you.
「科学は科学者だけのものではない」 ということを理解していたのです