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Welcome to the greatest common divisor or greatest
common factor video.
So just to be clear, first of all, when someone asks you
whether what's the greatest common divisor of 12 and 8?
12 と 8 の最大公約数は何かと尋ねたら?
Or they ask you what's the greatest common
あるいは 12 と 8 の最大共因数は何かと尋ねたら?
factor of 12 and 8?
ここにある C は common (共通) の C です.
That's a c right there for common.
I don't know why it came out like that.
They're asking you the same thing.
約数というのは単になにかを割る(=約する) ことができる数です.
I mean, really a divisor is just a number that can divide
そして因数は,それらをかけることである数になる数, ということは割ることができる数ですね.
into something, and a factor-- well, I think, that's also a
number that can divide into something.
So a divisor and a factor are kind of the same thing.
12 と 8 の最大公約数,または
So with that out of the way, let's figure out, what is the
greatest common divisor or the greatest common
factor of 12 and 8?
Well, what we do is, it's pretty straightforward.
まずは12 の全ての因数を書きましょう.
First we just figure out the factors of each of the numbers.
1 は因数です.2 も 12 を割り切ります.
So first let's write all of the factors out of the number 12.
3 も 12 を割り切ります.
Well, 1 is a factor, 2 goes into 12.
4 は 12 を割り切ります.
3 goes into 12.
5 は 12 を割れません.
4 goes into 12.
6 は 12 を割ります,というのも 2 かける 6 だからです.
5 does not to go into 12.
そしてもちろん 12 は 12 を割り切ります.
6 goes into 12 because 2 times 6.
1 かける 12 です.
And then, 12 goes into 12 of course.
これらが 12 の因数です.
1 times 12.
8 の因数を書きましょう.
So that's the factors of 12.
まず,1 は 8 を割り切ります.
Let's write the factors of 8.
2 は 8 を割り切ります.
Well, 1 goes into 8.
3 は 8 を割り切りません.
2 goes into 8.
4 は 8 を割り切ります.
3 does not go into 8.
そして最後の因数は 1 とペアの 8 です.
4 does go into 8.
12 と 8 の全部の因数を書きました.
And then the last factor, pairing up with the 1 is 8.
12 と 8 の共通の因数をみつけましょう.
So now we've written all the factors of 12 and 8.
1 は両方に共通の因数ですね.
So let's figure out what the common factors of 12 and 8 are.
Well, they both have the common factor of 1.
And that's really not so special.
または,全ての整数は 1 を共通の因数に持ちます.
Pretty much every whole number or every integer has
両方とも 2 という共通の因数を持ちます.
the common factor of 1.
4 も両方の数に共通しています.
They both share the common factor 2 and they both
share the common factor 4.
So we're not just interested in finding a common factor, we're
全ての共通の因数は 1, 2, 4 です.
interested in finding the greatest common factor.
So all the common factors are 1, 2 and 4.
And what's the greatest of them?
4 です.
Well, that's pretty easy.
12 と 8 の最大共因数は 4 です.
It's 4.
So the greatest common factor of 12 and 8 is 4.
12 と 8 の最大共因数は 4 に等しい.
Let me write that down just for emphasis.
Greatest common factor of 12 and 8 equals 4.
12 と 8 の最大公約数は 4 に等しいです.
And of course, we could have just as easily had said, the
greatest common divisor of 12 and 8 equals 4.
Sometimes it does things a little funny.
25 と 20 の最大公約数は何でしょうか?
Let's do another problem.
What is the greatest common divisor of 25 and 20?
Well, let's do it the same way.
まずは 1 です.
The factors of 25?
2 はこれを割り切りません.
Well, it's 1.
3 はこれを割り切りません.
2 doesn't go into it.
4 はこれを割り切りません.
3 doesn't go into it.
5 は割り切ります.
4 doesn't go into it.
これは実は 5 かける 5 です.
5 does.
そして 25 です.
It's actually 5 times 5.
興味深いことに,これは 3 つしか因数がありません.
And then 25.
なぜこの数が 3 つの因数しかないのか考えてみて下さい.
It's interesting that this only has 3 factors.
I'll leave you to think about why this number only has 3
では 20 の因数を考えましょう.
factors and other numbers tend to have an even
20 の因数は 1,2,4,5,10,20です.
number of factors.
And then now we do the factors of 20.
そうですね.両方に 1 があります. しかしこれは特別なことではありません.
Factors of 20 are 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, and 20.
And if we just look at this by inspection we see, well, they
もちろん -- 5 ですね.
both share 1, but that's nothing special.
25 と 20 の最大公約数,あるいは最大共因数は,
But they both have the common factor of?
5 に等しいです.
You got it-- 5.
So the greatest common divisor or greatest common factor of 25
5 と 12 の最大共因数は何ですか?
and 20- well, that equals 5.
5 の因数は?
Let's do another problem.
What is the greatest common factor of 5 and 12?
1 と 5 です.
Well, factors of 5?
Pretty easy.
1 と それ自身以外の因数はありません.
1 and 5.
12 の因数は何ですか?
That's because it's a prime number.
12 はたくさんの因数を持ちます.
It has no factors other than 1 and itself.
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12 です.
Then the factors of 12?
すると 1 しか共通の因数がないようですね.
12 has a lot of factors.
It's 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12.
5 と 12 の最大共因数は 1 です.
So it really looks like only common factor they share is 1.
So that was, I guess, in some ways kind of disappointing.
2 つの数の最大共因数が 1 しかない場合,
So the greatest common factor of 5 and 12 is 1.
And I'll throw out some terminology here for you.
When two numbers have a greatest common factor of
1 とそれ自身しか因数を持たないものですし,
only 1, they're called relatively prime.
2 つの互いに素の数は,
And that kind of makes sense because a prime number is
最大共因数が 1 しかない数の組のことです.
something that only has 1 and itself as a factor.
And two relatively prime numbers are numbers that
only have 1 as their greatest common factor.
6 と 12 の最大公約数を求めましょう.
Hope I didn't confuse you.
いつも 12 ばかり使っていますね.
Let's do another problem.
数を考える時にはもう少しクリエイティブに 考えたほうがいいですね.
Let's do the greatest common divisor of 6 and 12.
では,6 と 12 の最大公約数は?
I know 12's coming up a lot.
まずは 6 の因数,
I'll try to be more creative when I think of my numbers.
それは 1, 2, 3, 6 です.
Well, the greatest common divisor of 6 and 12?
12 の因数は: 1, 2, 3, ---
Well, it's the factors of 6.
Are 1, 2, 3, and 6.
3, 4, 6, 12 です.
Factors of 12: 1, 2, 3-- we should have these
1 は両方の数に共通する因数です.
memorized by now.
2 も両方の数に共通する因数です.
3, 4, 6, and 12.
3 も両方の数に共通する因数です.
Well, it turns out 1 is a common factor of both.
そして 6 も両方の数に共通する因数です.
2 is also a common factor of both.
3 is a common factor of both.
6 ですね.
And 6 is a common factor of both.
And of course, what's the greatest common factor?
この場合,最大公約数は, --
Well, it's 6.
And that's interesting.
数学の人達はどっちか1つに意見をまとめるべきですね. (訳注:日本語では最大公約数でいいと思います.)
So in this situation the greatest common divisor-- and I
6 と 12 の最大公約数は 6 です.
apologize that I keep switching between divisor and factor.
The mathematics community should settle on
one of the two.
なぜなら,6 は 12 を割り切るからです.
The greatest common divisor of 6 and 12 equals 6.
So it actually equals one of the numbers.
And that makes a lot of sense because 6 actually
is divisible into 12.
Well, that's it for now.
Hopefully you're ready to do the greatest common divisor
or factor problems.
I think I might make another module in the near future
that'll give you more example problems.