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Hi! My name is Rebecca, and in today's lesson you'll learn how to participate effectively in a discussion in English,
something you may need to do in your personal, professional, or academic life, okay?
Now, the topic we'll use as our sample is this one:
Is it better to study online or in a regular classroom? Okay?
You'll have a chance to hear a discussion by native English speakers on this topic.
What I'd like you to do is listen for any special expressions and phrases that they use during the discussion.
Afterwards, I'll review the expressions and phrases with you, okay?
Now, today I have some special friends who have agreed to help me with this lesson,
and they're waiting in the classroom next door, so let's go and say hello to them.
" Hello!" " Hello!" "Hi!" "Hi!" "How are you?"
"Good" "Well, look who's here. It's"
"よし" "さて、誰が来たか見てみろ。それは
"Ronnie." " Alex." "James." "Adam."
"Thank you for joining me, and thanks for helping with this lesson, guys."
"No problem." "No problem." "No problem." "No problem."
"So you know we're talking about discussions, and the topic is: Is it better to study online or in a regular classroom?
Okay, who wants to go first?"
"Okay, so I'll start, and I think that it's actually very good to study online
because it's very convenient. because you can study whenever you want and at your own place.
For example, someone like me, I like to study at nighttime. So for me, online works better
because it's quiet at night, no one disturbs me, and I can do what I need to do." - Okay
夜は静かだし、誰にも邪魔されないし、自分のやるべきことをやることができる。"- いいわよ
Uh, that's true, but if you're going to study online... Ronnie: "Sorry, but..."
Please let me finish. Let me finish.
As I was saying, that's true, but if you're studying online you do need to motivate yourself,
so I think it's better to be in a classroom where you have other students and a teacher who can motivate you.
That's true, but some people can't afford to go to a classroom
and don't have enough money or resources to actually go to a big school.
So studying online, you can actually do it for free.
"Me? Well, I would like to add. May I say something?" "Sure."
"私が?" "そうだな、付け加えたいんだが何か言ってもいいですか?""いいよ"
"Soft skills. That's not usually talked about in schools,
but when we talk about "soft skills", it's actual interaction,
utilizing your English when you're with other people, and that's hard to get online
because you're watching a screen and not actually interacting with other people.
"You make a very good point but I would also like to add that sometimes having classmates
takes you away from your focus because you have to maybe review things many times for other people to catch up,
or you have to do topics that are interesting to other people,not to yourself.
So it's a little distracting sometimes, too.
"However, focus is a good thing. I mean, it's not a bad thing to repeat something because
sometimes people don't catch the material the first time.
So that way, you go over the material, and they -- you know, you get depth.
So you get to learn more, and people who don't understand get the opportunity to ask questions and learn from it again.
"Yeah, but sometimes the resources that you get in a classroom are boring,
and online you can just look up whatever you need on the Internet, and you've got it right there.
You don't have to rely on a textbook. Sometimes it can be a bad textbook."
"Okay. Don't get me wrong. I mean, there are good resources on the Internet, like engVid.com.
However" "I'm sorry, did you say engVid.com?
"I did say engVid.com." "Oh, I've heard of engVid.com."
"engVid.comと言ったんだ""あぁ engVid.comは聞いたことがある"
"I think I have too." "Me too."'
"Check it out. Anyway." "It's a good website."
"So as I was saying, don't get me wrong, I think there are excellent resources online.
However, some students who are just learning English for the first time might not know how to judge the quality of the resources.
So I think if you go to a school, if you're inside a classroom,
you're with a teacher who is trained, is a professional,
who can give you the resources you need to improve your English.
"Well, it's a good thing you said about professional teachers because at engVid.com"
"engVid.com?" "engVid.com" "engVid.com" "Yeah, EngVid"
"engVid.com?""engVid.com" "engVid.com" "Yeah, EngVid"
We have professional teachers ready to teach you.
So in conclusion, in a nutshell, can we just, kind of, sum up and say that
studying online or in a classroom will help everyone?"
"Sure." "I think so." "I can agree with that." "Okay."
"All right. Thank you very much for your help guys." "Okay" "No problem."
"わかったよ。ご協力ありがとうございました。""Okay" "No problem."
So now, I'll review some of the phrases and expressions that you heard in the discussion.
I think that it's actually very good to study online.
"I think" is used when you're going to express your opinion.
"I think "は自分の意見を述べるときに使います。
You could also say "I believe" and so on.
Next. -- That's true, but if you're going to study online --
次の人-- それはそうだけど オンラインで勉強するなら...
-- However, focus is a good thing -- --
-- しかし、集中力はいいものだ。
Yeah, but sometimes the resources that you get in a classroom are boring.
-- Okay, these three phrases, "That's true, but"; or "However"; or "Yeah, but", are used
-- なるほど、この3つのフレーズ、"That's true, but" or "Schould" or "Yeah, but "を使います。
-- What do you think? They're used when we want to contradict what someone else has said,
-- どう思う?誰かが言ったことを否定したい時に使うんだ
when we disagree with what someone else has said. Okay?
Next. -- You make a very good point, but I would also like to add that sometimes having classmates
次の人-- 非常に良い指摘ですが、私も付け加えたいと思います。
takes you away from your focus."
-- "You made a good point but I'd also like to add", is a very nice expression.
-- 「ご指摘の通りですが、私も付け加えたいと思います」という表現がとてもいいですね。
It shows that you recognize the contribution that someone else has made to the discussion in the first part,
and you're also going to add your own opinion, which is different from what the first person said.
-- But if you're going to study online -- -- Sorry, but --
-- でもオンラインで勉強するなら...
-- Well, I would like to add. May I say something?
-- まあ、追加しておきます。一言いいですか?
-- "Sorry but", which Ronnie says, or "May I say something?", which James said,
-- ロニーが言う「ごめんね、でも」、ジェームズが言う「何か言ってもいい?
are two different ways in which you can interrupt a discussion.
You see that the first one was purposely done for you not in a very polite way to show you how not to do it.
And James says, "May I say something?", which is a very polite way to enter a discussion.
Next. -- Sorry, but -- -- Please let me finish. Let me finish.
次です。-- すみません、でも...最後までやらせてください。最後までやらせてくれ。
-- "Please let me finish" is a very nice way to hold the floor.
-- 「最後までやらせてください」は、床の持ち方がとてもいいですね。
What does it mean to "hold the floor" in a discussion? It means to establish your position as the speaker, all right?
So someone else is trying to interrupt, but you want a chance to finish whatever argument you're presenting,
so you say, "Please let me finish", okay? Very nice.
"最後までやらせてくれ "って言うんだよね?いいね
Next. -- As I was saying, that's true, but if you're studying online --
次の人-- さっき言ったように それはそうだけど オンラインで勉強するなら...
-- "As I was saying" is used when you're returning to your -- to speaking, to whatever you were saying when someone has interrupted you, okay?
-- "私が言っていたように "は元の話に戻る時に使われます。誰かに邪魔された時に、何を言っていたのか、何を言っていたのか、わかりますか?
It's a way of saying, "Okay, now I'm talking again"
"わかったから、また話すよ "という言い方です。
. "As I was saying." All right?
Next. -- Okay. Don't get me wrong. I mean, there are good resources on the Internet.
次だ-- 次の人誤解しないでねインターネットには良い情報源がある
-- Alex uses, "don't get me wrong". Now, this is an interesting expression
-- アレックスは「勘違いしないで」を使っています。さて、これは面白い表現です。
because when we say this, what we're saying is that,
"I've been explaining something, I've been presenting a certain point of view, but I do understand that there is another point of view,
and I accept that, and I understand that. However, I do still have my opinion."
と私は受け止めていますし 理解していますしかし、それでも私の意見はあります。"
So we use that when we are taking into account the other opinion as well.
Next. -- So in conclusion, in a nutshell, can we just, kind of, sum up and say that --
次の人-- 結論から言うと、一言で言えば、一言で言えば、...
-- Okay, the last three phrases were used by Ronnie to end the discussion,
-- 最後の3つのフレーズは、ロニーが議論を終わらせるために使ったものだ。
so "in conclusion","in a nutshell". "In a nutshell" just means "in short"
"in conclusion "で "in a nutshell "です"In a nutshell" は単に "in short" という意味です
or "Can we sum up by saying..." "Can we sum up?" means "Can we summarize?" All right?
または "Can we sum sum up by say.""Can we sum up?" は "まとめられるか?" という意味ですいいですか?
So that's a nice way to end a discussion by including everyone in it. It's not as if one person is deciding to end the discussion.
She's sort of asking everyone's permission by saying, "can we sum up by saying", okay?
"言ってまとめていいですか?"みたいな感じで みんなに聞いてるんですよね?
I hope this lesson has given you a number of different expressions that you can use when you're taking part in a discussion, all right?
If you'd like to do a quiz on this subject, please go to our website, www.engvid.com.
Thanks very much for watching, and good luck with your English.