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Alright what's up, what's going on guys, CaptainMonk here! and in today's game we're gonna be playing
some Elementalist Lux in the mid lane here on the PBE
So let's get ourselves a dorans ring and a few health potions and the warding trinket
but before we do too too much let's go ahead and check out the skin, I'll lock the camera
you guys can see we are flying on into lane and if you keep moving here, we can keep doing
that a little bit it's almost like a witch riding her broomstick kind of effect, which
is kinda cool.
I'll go ahead and unlock the camera here, and also check out..
"You look like freaking Janna".
You're not wrong, I do kinda look like Janna in this skin.
What's the recal like, Okay it's pretty cool, I like this.
So yeah with this skin here guys, there's one thing that's really really unique with
this skin.
It is of course I think either an ultimate or a legendary or something like that, I'm
on the PBE so everything's free on the PBE so I don't have to worry about the exact cost
of it and how much it's actually worth, and all that.
What I will mention here guys is that right now we are in the Light form and basically
how this works and it's really really cool because, it pretty much means you're always
gonna have a unique skin to a certain extent.
Once you get to a certain point in the game, I think it's from hitting champions or something
like that, I don't know exactly how it works, but it explains it here.
You guys can probably just read that, because I'm just sitting here blabbing away.
But you'll get a choice of 4 different evolutions, or something like that or elements you can
choose from.
And once you do that, I'm just gonna pop his shield here real quick on the Yasuo, you can
then do the same thing again and the 2 will combine and that's how you'll have your final
form, and all that.
I'm not really exactly sure the entire details of it, but that's pretty much the general
concept, and it's pretty freaking cool.
Let's go ahead here and just keep farming, use our E here, hit this minion, and also
hit Yasuo with that as well.
He's gonna try to tornado us here and he will succeed, as well.
But, I still will get some auto attacks onto him.
So this isn't too bad of a trade for us at all, because he's actually super freaking
low and I've got double the health potions he's got.
So I am not complaining, at all.
This is good for us.
But while we're still on the gameplay here guys there's something big I wanna bring up
into the video here today.
So I'll just get this last minion here, and then I'll show you exactly what it is I'm
talking about.
So I recently went over to best buy actually and picked up myself a $10 RP card.
I don't know if you guys can see on the facecam here, you should be able to.
And so what I'm going to be doing here today guys, I'm gonna be doing a little bit of a
giveaway for that, because you guys have been so supportive since I've been back making
videos again.
I'm loving the support you guys have been showing me and I do appreciate it.
So I'm trying to give back to you guys and so if you wanna win this $10 RP card, it is
for North America only.
Which I'll bring up how I'm gonna be doing giveaways for other servers in a little bit
But let's focus on what, if you are playing North America, what you can do win this.
Step one: Make sure to Sub, of course this is me trying to thank my subscribers
for being so supportive.
So make sure you are in fact a sub, make sure that applies to you and all that.
Unfortunately gonna walk into his tornado there, but I should be able to get these other
I guess I'll put my E here, because I wanna get that extra burst.
So yeah, make sure to Like the video as well guys.
Make sure to sub.
And lastly, what I want you guys to do, and this gonna be kinda fun for you guys, I don't
know, maybe you'll like it, maybe not.
Unfortunately gonna miss some stuff here, but still gonna kill him.
I thought I was gonna miss it because he used his wind wall, but he actually walked close
enough to me that I was able to put my spells through his wind wall.
Because I walked through it and I wanna push this wave in but the problem is the wave is
kinda in an awkward place.
So I'm gonna try and push in but I might miss some minions in the process.
But yeah so last part here guys is, Comment on the video what you think my favorite tv
show is.
Now some of you are like, what the fuck, like how the hell am I supposed to know what your
favorite tv show is.
Well here's what makes it fun.
My long time fans will know what my favorite tv show is.
And this is kinda encourage you guys to stick around and maybe go back and look through
the history of CaptainMonk.
And I will go ahead and give you guys this hint, I do mention it in my 100k special.
I also mention it in my 200k special, what my favorite tv show is of all time.
And so you can check it out in those.
And this Yasuo, ooo, I should have popped my E sooner, cause that actually would have
done a lot more damage to him, cause it would have actually hit him.
That's ok, let's go ahead and reorganize our team here and head back to base.
And Maokai wants to go for a play, I mean, I'm oom but ok.
Can I hit this?
I cannot.
Alright, Yasuo is gonna do some damage to me here but Maokai's coming in so this should
be, yeah it's a free kill for Maokai.
Alright, nice.
And we get the assist.
There's no part of me complaining about that, although I am kinda low on mana, I'm low on
Kha'Zix could probably kill me at any moment.
This is so awkward cause I wanna get these minions then go back, but I don't wanna miss
Alright, let's just get these two here and, Oh man I missed the siege, I'm officially
a baddy.
That's when you know you're bad, it's when you miss the siege minion when you really
didn't want to.
And snipe that one out, yeah alright.
You know I'm just gonna leave the rest and here's why.
Kha'zix is here.
Can I ghost to get away?
Oh my god.
I'm so bad at League of Legends.
See I could have just flashed, but I was like you know what know, no that's fine, I'll just
use my ghost and I'll walk away, I'll be fine.
Of course, I messed that up and get killed for it.
I deserve that though.
Let's get ourselves boots though, because I think boots will be good against Yasuo and
the Kha'zix.
Cause they're gonna try and hunt us down and we'll be able to evade them a little more
easily with that.
Also get ourselves a refillable potion and we'll head back to lane.
I can also get the control ward as I'm leaving the base.
So that'll be good as well.
I'm go ahead and ping here, letting my team know that Kha'zix is a danger.
But, yeah so, 1 real quick summary, once again, as I'm heading back to lane here.
If you want a chance to win this $10 RP card, the codes on the back.
I won't show that to you guys, of course.
Actually, I think it says scratch here, so yeah you can't even see even I was to show
Just, yeah, make sure to subscribe and if you aren't already subscribed, you should
be subscribed.
Cause, of course, people who are gonna have the best chance at winning this are people
who are, or already seen the video because they are subscribed.
Yeah, maybe that will encourage people to subscribe for future giveaways and stuff like
Like the video and comment what you would think my favorite tv show is.
I have actually told my fans that before in previous.
So, long time fans have a much better chance of winning this one.
For those of you who don't know, you're going to have to guess.
And that's what's gonna make this interesting.
Chances are, people are gonna guess the same thing repeatedly.
There's probably gonna be a few people guessing or knowing the answer already.
And so when that happens, I'll have to pick a..
You know, I'll do a draw sort of thing to figure out who actually does win it.
Cause it's probably gonna be multiple people with the right answer.
But yeah, we'll figure it out.
So I'll get these minions here.
Can I get all of these?
I don't think I can, but I'm gonna try to.
Alright I got most of them.
39 to his 28 minions here.
Unfortunately, me dying to Kha'Zix was a bit of a whoopsie, but I think going forward,
we'll be fine against this Yasuo.
Popping his shield with an auto attack, make sure to get rid of that.
Let's see what else we can do here.
I just wanna get these minions, but unfortunately the turret is gonna take that one.
Juking the tornado at least.
And how soon can I do this?
30% Ok, so I need to get a few more things done before I can actually evolve.
Is that what the term would be?
Or upgrade to the next element, something like that.
It's gonna be cool though.
Let's go ahead and get this minion here.
And then the next one.
And it looks like Kha'Zix is on the side.
I'm just gonna go ahead and auto attack this guy, make sure to get that shield popped.
And it looks like Kha'Zix did find my control ward, which is kinda shitty.
Let's go ahead and toss this guy behind Yasuo though.
He's gonna dash around a little bit, but Maokai's here.
So this is looking pretty bad for Yasuo.
But he will flash, and that will get him out safely.
I was holding onto my ultimate there, thinking.
Actually, can we kill Kha'zix?
I was hoping so shield Maokai here, but not quite gonna do that.
But yeah, these guys are just of to the side and Yasuo, I don't know if that's such a good
idea friend.
And the laser does go through his windwall, I didn't realize that would be a thing.
But there we go, getting ourselves the double kill.
Yeah, I was thinking, hold on, wait, does Lux ult go through windwall?
I don't know.
Time to find out, and well it worked out for us.
Very nice, me and Maokai getting the 2v2 brawl and winning it, very nice.
And we'll go ahead and get the siege minion as well.
Not gonna miss that, because we're getting better at this game.
Slowly, but surely.
52 minions here, 7 and a half minutes, 3 1 and 1, not too bad.
Now we know Kha'Zix and Yasuo are both down, so I should be able to waltz right through
their jungle.
And get some nice deep wards placed.
So got one here, we'll get one over here as well.
The red buff is here as well, so I'll go ahead and I'll ping that.
Making sure my team knows.
And I wonder if I'm strong enough to take these out.
Ok, not really, I was hoping that just a few spells would get them, but I can get the little
ones at least.
Yeah, I'll just rob him of the little ones.
The little ones actually do add up a decent amount of gold.
Like it's not too bad, it's kinda worth doing.
So I'll go ahead and do exactly that.
And get a few more minions for ourselves.
And we have enough mana with this.
What's this thing called?
Lost Chapter.
That we don't have to back immediately, we can just hang out a little bit longer.
Maybe kill Yasuo again.
Avoiding the tornado.
And with that I should be able to be able to auto attack him here to get his passive.
And actually snare him up here, chaining my spells properly to pop my passive twice.
And ok, not too bad of a trade for us here.
And I knew this minion was gonna hit me here a little bit, so I decided to shield myself.
Probably wasn't necessary, but I still wanted to do it.
I'm going to get these minions here.
Maxing the Q second.
And here we go, we can actually go into one of our elements.
So, knowing me, air, fire, nature, or water.
I've always been a fire type starter in pokemon.
So I'm gonna go with the fire one, try this out.
Alright look at that, look fucking awesome.
Let's do this.
Yeah, I don't know about you guys, but I've always wanted to try out different starters
in pokemon.
You know, like the fire one.
Sorry, I'm phrasing this wrong.
I've always wanted to use the grass one more, the water one more, but every single time,
except for in Gen 5, I've always liked the fire one best.
I mean I was a Charizard guy.
I was a bit of a Typhlosion player, in Gen 2.
In Gen 3 I wasn't actually a Blaziken player, I liked Sceptile the best.
But that was an exception.
And then Gen 4, back again to the Infernape.
So, it is what it is.
I think I might be able to snipe out the Fiora here.
I cannot, but I was close.
It was close, I had the right idea, but they got here anyways.
They didn't need my help, but it's no big deal man, the cooldown on this is pretty short.
76 seconds, I got enough.
Only 4% CDR too so it's probably like 80 seconds standard.
And that's really fucking low so like, we're all set.
I'm going to get this minion out of the way.
And let's see, can we get all these?
I'm thinking we probably can, yes we can.
Very nice.
So I'll go back here, I have enough for my Morellonomicon, so I think I'm gonna buy that.
I've had enough for a little while now, but Yasuo's pushing which makes me kinda sad.
Cause it means I'm gonna miss some minions probably.
I'll get a new control ward, though I'll probably put it in a new place, cause the last time
we placed it here, and Kha'Zix took it out pretty swiftly.
So we wanna make sure we move it somewhere better for us.
And looks like Kha'Zix and Fiora are gonna take out Cassiopeia, that's no good.
Cassiopeia is 1 and 4, damn she's having a rough game.
Let's go ahead and reorganize our team though.
By the way, we're playing with Welke here.
You guys may be familiar with him from some of my videos, because he plays in a lot of
my videos.
He also has an account on PBE.
And I was looking for players to play with on the PBE, but unfortunately I wasn't able
to find any.
So for those of you who do have a PBE account, please, please, please, please, feel free
to shoot me a friend request.
Cause unlike on live servers, where I have a lot of people send me friend requests, unfortunately
I'm not able to add everybody, so I just end up declining a lot.
Just cause it's just not fair to add some people and not add others.
So I kinda keep it specific to people I really know.
But with PBE, I literally have no friends.
So if you guys wanna be friends, I'm happy to make new friends on the PBE cause I'm always
looking for players to play with on here.
On live servers it's a little bit different, unfortunately.
And wow I am strong, look at that.
One E manages to break the shield and do some damage to Yasuo and kill the mage minions
as well.
In just one E. That's why you max it man, the AOE is so strong, so much damage, and
it's really hard to avoid too.
The Q's a bit of a line skillshot, whereas, the E has got that big AOE that's really nice.
Now I'm gonna try and rotate bottom here and see if I can help my team out.
If Maokai's ganking alongside me at the same time, I think he can stall them long enough
for me to show up and get my spells down.
I could use my ult here, but Vlad has pool and Ezreal has shift, they might just avoid
So we make sure they're locked down first.
Here we go.
There's one combo onto the Ezreal, and let's go ahead and pop our ghost here.
I'm thinking if we shield our teammates here, and tower dive, we might be able to get this
There we go, the double kill for us.
I was taking a few tower shots there, as well, but it didn't even matter.
But that's why I like ghost on Lux, man, it just allows you to pursue plays.
Whether it's a teamfight and you're wanting to run, or if it's a teamfight and you wanted
to chase.
Just having ghost and having the mobility, it creates a lot of options for Lux.
And I really like that.
And of course, flash is always good for those quick blinks, in and out of fights.
Ghost just gives you all the options, and I love it.
And that's a pretty poor windwall.
He used it kinda late and I might be able to hit the bind here.
We are gonna hit the bind.
Let's go ahead and pop the shield cause we're taking minion agro.
He's actually gonna dash into us here.
So I'm gonna miss my E, but I think if we just keep auto attacking him, we just might
win the fight.
And Kha'Zix.
Oh here we go.
Ok, that did not go as well as I thought it would, but that's ok.
It's looking like these two might get the kills here.
Janna's got the slow.
Give it to him, yes, nice, ok.
That was really freaking close.
I was thinking I might be able to get the double kill on them, when the Kha'Zix and
Yasuo both went on me there, cause I flashed away.
But unfortunately, they did outplay me in the end.
But my teammates covered my back.
Nice clean up guys.
Appreciate that.
So let's go ahead here and work towards our next item , which will be the Luden's Echo.
Luden's Echo is really, really great because it increases your wave clear potential, it
increases your burst.
It also increases your poke.
A bunch of things that Lux wants to utilize.
And you can utilize all of them, using this item.
And that'll be great.
Also, blue buff's up here in a moment, so I'm gonna go here and get that as well.
That'll be awesome for us.
And it looks like'What skin is that?
I've never seen that before.
Is that some like SKT Kalista skin?
It probably is.
I think the reason I haven't seen it though is cause Kalista is so weak right now.
She's so, so weak.
And it's...
I'm not sure why RIOT's keeping her so weak.
It's probably cause she was so strong for so long, and RIOT's just like: "K let's just
give Kalista a break, like from being OP, let's just leave here being underpowered for
a while, then we'll bring her back, maybe at some point".
That happens with a lot of champions, like, I think they did that with Kha'Zix for while
as well.
Where they went: "This champion's OP, let's just leave him being underpowered for a while
then we'll bring it back".
Well, they brought him back a little bit last season and this season, as well.
But I think, season 4 or 5 for a while, he was just really terrible.
Like I think there was a point time which his Q did less damage than auto attacks.
Like that's freaking nuts.
And it looks like there is a bit of a fight going on over here.
I know Yasuo's on the way as well though.
Can I hit the bind?
I can, but he's gonna block that and he's gonna block he's gonna block this as well.
That makes me sad.
Alright, unfortunately.
Sorry Yas was on the side.
I let him down.
Honestly that was my fault, entirely, 100%.
I should have been helping him instead of going for Yasuo, but I was worried that Yasuo
might flank me and I might get killed myself.
So that was just, yeah, it's entirely my fault.
Yeah that was my bad man, I'm sorry.
100%, Cause I think in that situation I could have helped him kill Kha'Zix just by ulting
a lot sooner.
But instead I was like, "ok, but wait, Yasuo's gonna flank me and I don't wanna get surrounded".
I was being too careful about myself, and not worrying about how it's gonna affect my
And I'm just gonna walk on this side of your windwall if that's ok with you friend, and
kill you.
Alright, see you later Yasuo.
Get ourselves some more minions here.
And, What else can we do?
I'm thinking we could just walk in here and take out the turret.
Maybe a little bit?
I'm gonna pop my ghost here as well.
Actually, I'm freaking dead.
How did Kha'Zix get back so quick?
Mobi boots.
That would do it.
That would absolutely do it.
And I didn't realize Fiora is freaking huge.
She's got 4 kills.
I used my bind there, thinking it would snare her up.
I'm not entirely sure if it worked or not.
She might've her riposte, her W. Whatever that is, I don't know.
I didn't really see it, cause I was also paying attention to the fact that, oh hey Kha'Zix
is gonna murder me.
And Cassiopeia using her ult, but not quite doing damage to Fiora there.
She must've riposted that, but it likes she probably will die here to Maokai.
So at least they're getting that kill back.
And I can get spell pen boots now.
Cause it was a shutdown, right, and when you get a shutdown, doesn't your team get gold
Yeah team gold.
That's pretty cool.
Basically means that some champion gets fed and one of your teammates takes it out, that,
your team kind of all comes back not just the person who got the kill on the fed champion.
So it's kind of a nice change.
I don't know how long that's been there, but I'm pointing it out now, so.
I don't know it's probably been out there for a while i've been updated for a lot of
the information that's been going on for league.
But it's looking like this is looking pretty good for us I mean our team is getting some
nice poke down, I'm on the way.
but I'm thinking if I can get a few E's down, whatever that spell is called.
There we go got Yasuo.
I was actually aiming for Ezreal but I got Yasuo. and the sapling.
the sapling that could lets go. and Ezreal is still here can we get the e down?
We can see ya later Ezreal I fucking ks'd the hell out of our kalista I'm so sorry.
this game's crazy.
Alright Vlad your turn.
Oh no he's not quite dead yet but Janna might pursue.
I'm actually taking tower shots here I don't want that.
Are we not gonna get the Vlad?
Wow after all the tower shots I took we still didn't get him.
Can I get the seige at least?
Got the siege.
It's always worth when you get the siege.
Ok got the turret as well.
Is our ability power high enough to get these?
Not quite.
Yeah there's just so many of these but they don't have like a ton of HP they just have
enough you can't one shot them like you used to be able to which is kind of annoying but,
its no big deal.
Give me your life.
Thank you.
Its life is worth money.
I want it.
Ok so 136 minions here to 16 and half minutes like not too bad.
We're doing pretty well.
Our score could be a bit better.
We could be farming a little bit better we could be dying a little bit less.
Overall I'm pretty satisfied with our gameplay right now we're doing alright.
Lets get ourselves that Luden's Echo, and work towards our next item which I'm thinking
hourglass will be really nice choice as they have a triple AD threat plus a support Vlad.
So they don't really have any magic damage threats so I'm really leaning towards getting
that hourglass.
I think that'd be huge for us so we're going to do exactly that.
And look at top lane here.
Looks like they're gonna try and kill Fiora?
I'm on the way, if she tries to execute I can prevent that unless she ripostes it.
But, even then though, like, you're gonna have to riposte this if you wanna avoid getting
Maokai gets the assist as well.
I was really hoping he wouldn't ks it by mistake and he didn't that's awesome.
And we're almost able to upgrade our element again so that'll be cool.
Three top?
Nah there's more than three.
And lets just go ahead and get these minions here.
Cool. and Yas is on the run lets see if I can just ult him to death.
Ooh almost.
I almost just took out half his HP.
Is my team not gonna kill him though?
That's gonna make me sad.
I'm gonna rotate bottom though I think my teammates could use some help down here so
i'll go and do that.
Looks like Kha'zix is looking for the kill on Janna.
He's not gonna find it though cause Maokai's got that snare.
I'll just pop a ward behind us to make sure we're not getting flanked.
Ezreal take it.
Aww he didn't take it.
I was hoping he'd take my q to the face.
Not gonna happen.
But look at that wave clear.
Just popped one E on the wave and walk on away cause it's gone already.
Nice. and dragon might be an objective that's worth taking but we already have one infernal.
But might get a second one here.
And hello Ezreal.
Goodbye Ezreal.
Let's pop our ghost here because this Vlad might have his pool but if you want, if I
have the movement speed we can pursue this guy.
I'm gonna try and force him to burn his pool here, cause I wanna use my sn- where is it.
Come on.
Pool. alright I'm just gonna do this instead.
Cause the thing is he might pool my, what is this thing called.
The binding, so to avoid letting him do that I want to make sure I was right in his face
to make sure he wouldn't have time to react.
Because I think that's what he was waiting for too.
That's why he didn't pool sooner.
Its a cool thing to keep in mind.
Like sometimes when you're playing like, elise jungle, for example, you don't wanna max range
use your stun, you wanna walk right in their face and then use it, because then they have
no time to react to the stun cause its a projectile, right.
But if its flying across the map you have time, whereas if its right in your face you
have no time.
You're gonna just die.
And I know he's giving me blue but I wanna get these minions first.
No don't give it to Cassiopeia.
That bitch.
Cassiopeia gave it to me and hello.
Don't get in my face Kha'zix that's gonna get you killed.
Ok let's walk top lane here see if we can get Fiora off the turret.
I don't think we can kill her necessarily cause she's pretty strong.
She is taking that turret regardless of what I do.
But at least we'll be able to clear that minion wave I think that'll be in our best interest.
And she actually got hit by the bind so let's go and try to auto attack her here.
I know I have a teammate just in the backside so I'm not too concerned.
alright well she really messed up there cause she didn't even block my snare.
Or, is that a snare?
Its a root.
Feels like it should be a snare.
Alright Ezreal's kind of in a weird spot might be able to get the bind on him.
We can, see you later Ezreal.
Man these, this is the PBE man.
This is what happens when you're playing on the PBE players are not as good.
That's why I'm playing so much better in this game it appears compared to in a lot of my
other videos you guys will see.
Its honestly not, I'm not playing that much better, its just these players are much much
Can we get this guy?
I mean I'm not really in range.
Actually, air, and what's this one?
Oh I can't choose this one nature, or water.
I kinda wanna go water.
Not quite gonna land that am i.
Can we get this one down though?
Nope. the fire and water sounds like a really cool combo.
I kind of want to do that.
Fire and water.
Look at that I'm purple.
So what am I now?
Ooo I like that that's awesome.
Dark types have always been one of my favorite pokemon too.
And I know I'm making a lot of pokemon references but this typing element stuff?
Come on.
It's got a bit of pokemon to it and I like it.
Let's just steal these.
My spell looks so cool with this skin.
Oh my god.
This skin is awesome.
I really like this one.
Its a good thing I have a PBE account so I can do things like this.
Ok and it looks like Yasuo's back on the prowl, looking for damage on something.
Not quite gonna hit me but I'm not quite gonna hit him either.
And it looks like something's going on here.
I mean I think going for Yasuo is a good plan here but can it, is it a plan that can work.
No no its absolutely a plan that can work cause he's just gonna die to me in a few hits.
Alright and what's going on here.
Upgrade my shield here and Fiora's on the run.
If she runs up though I think we can get her.
If she goes into the jungle it might be a little bit more tricky though cause we don't
have as much vision.
Yeah what do you thinks going to happen here Fiora?
And I shouldn't have done that yet.
That was a mistake.
I'm gonna pop my ghost actually cause I wanna save Cassiopeia.
Shield you, there we go.
The thing with this game you'll notice is all of our team is just kinda running around
looking for kills, while nobody's pressuring the map and pushing up.
Their team's doing that, we're not actually doing that we're just getting kills.
And the problem is I'm having to do maintenance whether its, you know, going mid to make sure
they don't get this turret or going top make sure they don't get that turret or going bottom
make sure they don't get the other turret.
I mean I literally have 15 of our teams 22 kills.
So I have to do maintenance on all the lanes to make sure we don't lose, but we can't actually
press the map cause I'm too busy doing maintenance all the time and hello.
So there we go gotten rid of Ezreal.
Now Fiora's back pushing top lane so I have to go do maintenance top lane.
And that's this game for you right now.
Maokai's doing the right thing getting the wave pushed up a little bit, but we need to
be further, like, look at this.
Like, no one's defending this.
Alright I can't even have I don't even have time to buy items.
We'll just get our hourglass for now and get Fiora off this turret.
If I clear the minion wave out as well she'll have nothing to tank the turret for her.
And she didn't even block that.
Why not?
You bad?
I know she's waiting for my ult, to use her riposte.
And I have hourglass, like, she's not gonna kill me.
Alright and it looks like Maokai got a solo kill on Kha'zix that's not something you see
every day.
Its like Kha'zix is known for his 1v1 potential.
And looks like Maokai's on the run as well.
Yasuo might come over there and hello, Fiora.
Uh oh.
Ok we got him.
I kinda messed up my combo there, used some spells in the wrong direction but.
It all worked out in the end.
I said ow before he even hit me cause I just knew he was gonna hurt me but.
Its not gonna be enough for him to kill me at least.
Got ourselves that shield, and can just walk on out.
"Luckiest Lux that has lived on this planet."
what if I'm not living on this planet?
What if I'm a dark type cause I'm undead?
What about that?
Maybe that explains why I just I didn't die.
Alright next item Rabadons.
We need the ap man we really do.
In this game at least.
Maybe a void staff be good too.
Looks like my team is getting some kill botlane alright nice.
So maybe with that they'll get this bottom tower and the inhibitor maybe?
I mean Kha'zix is there and he's going for the resets onto Janna but he's not gonna find
it right away but he will find it later on.
I was thinking with the cc coming in he might actually fail but he still got it unfortunately.
Yeah that's not what you want but that's ok.
We're gonna head back midlane though.
Got some maintenance done toplane.
Can go back mid here and try and maintain this, and get rid of that minion as well.
Blue buff's up here in about fifteen seconds dragons in a minute.
I think I'm just gonna push this wave down.
In fact I'm just gonna ult it.
And that one didn't die?
I thought my ult would kill it.
Alright but we got a lot of CDR right so our ult's on a pretty short cooldown.
Can we just kill this guy?
Thank you team.
I almost got myself killed there to win that fight in the Kha'zix cause I think he's got
upgraded claws, so if I'm next to him even if he's, well I should I have to be isolated.
But I think I was isolated there in fact so.
I don't know I'm getting all my words mixed up but I'm pretty sure I'm isolated so if
I'm isolated he's able to- wow that almost killed me too.
Well not quite.
But he's able to have his Q's cooldown reset by 60% per use.
And my ults not quite in range.
Maokai looks like he did get it though.
Yes he did.
Nice. yeah we're on the way.
I'm pretty sure Fiora's ult's, or not her ult, her riposte's down.
Yeah I'm sorry Fiora but you're outnumbered on this one.
And that last auto attack it chased her over the wall.
Nice. ok and that's gonna be the dragon for us as well.
You know what I should have done this game I should have gotten a Magi's.
Its just I'm not a Magi's kind of player.
Cause I feel like when soon as you can buy a Magi's everyone's gonna focus you and I
realize this is probably redundant cause like why would they not focus me already I'm eighteen
and frickin three.
I mean Maokai's nine and two as well so he's pretty strong.
the rest of our team is pretty borderline useless and actually still gonna hit him with
See ya later Yasuo.
I didn't even think like that was gonna work I was just like oh he's over the wall now
with that plant I may as well just toss this over there and see if it lands and it frickin
did that was awesome.
Ok so let's get these minions here and see what's next.
Maokai's in their jungle finding the Kha'zix.
I wanna join him and help mao on that one actually.
And yet Ezreal's pushing here.
Man nineteen kills I wonder if I can get to one kill a minute that'd be pretty hilarious.
Looks like Kha'zix might be going for the kill here on Cassiopeia.
It doesn't look like I could help from here.
I'm gonna pop my ghost cause I'm thinking we might be able to get the Ezreal?
Lets see.
I know my cooldowns will be back up by the time if I need them I think.
I'm pretty sure.
Kha'zix is just so quick with those mobi boots.
Ezreal doesn't have mobi boots though so I don't know where he's at.
Alright I got some damage down but I was hoping to get the bind on somebody.
Alright nice nice.
Oh man Kha'zix keeps juking my spells.
Either that or I'm just missing.
Alright Vlad's out.
I was running a little low on mana so I figure hey.
I'll just use my ult here.
May as well use it at some point in this fight before I run out of mana and go from there.
And if Kha'zix comes back again.
Like why?
What is he benefiting from just being annoying like this?
I don't understand.
Eh whatever.
Let's get a ward behind us here.
There's three down actually so maybe I can pressure this midlane cause its only gonna
be Yasuo and Kha'zix.
Yeah I'm probably in over my head on this one but I think I still may be able to pressure
the turret maybe get some damage on it cause like i've been saying man its been me doing
maintenance all game and right now there's no minion wave I need to maintain there's
only pressure on the map to be done.
So I'm gonna go ahead and try and do that.
And Kha'zix is just so quick I wanna toss a bind at him and try and combo him here but
if I miss the bind its not good.
And it almost hit it too even though you're so quick.
Toss the ult in.
alright nice damage.
Not quite gonna kill anybody though.
Alright and she's so low.
This Malphite, or not Malphite Maokai thought his red smite might have actually killed her
but not quite.
Think we get an E down if we can.
Not quite gonna kill Kha'zix.
He actually leaped out but still got hit by Luden's.
Kind of a weird interaction on that one.
Is the blue buff here?
Damn it right as I was thinking I want blue buff.
Oh he has spell shield shit.
Lets flash the wall then.
Ok you might be flanking us here but I have no mana.
If my team can help us here I have hourglass I could be the biggest bait of all time.
You got baited son.
And we'll go back, and I still get the assist.
Fuck yeah.
I love it.
I think i'll have enough mana to, when I recall, and gold to not only buy ourselves a Rabadons
but also get ourselves a blasting wand and run down mid and maybe get an ult down.
You know what nevermind it doesn't matter we don't need to.
Yasuo's already dead.
Three and nine what a beast.
He's probably a beast he's probably just having a rough game cause he's playing against the
young captain monk.
Let's go over here to our wolves and we kill these.
Alright nice.
Looks like another kill there for Cassiopeia.
Killing the Ezreal, Fiora's on the run.
I'm thinking we should be able to press this midlane though.
We'll just pressure this let our team do their own thing.
And I didn't want to miss that minion there so let's use our spells.
Maokai going on Fiora again is he gonna get the kill?
It looks like he will but she's so.
Yeah she's, he's got'em.
The burn from the sunfire.
Or no, sorry the actual, what's the thing called.
That's the one.
I like shes calling us tryhards.
Or calling Maokai tryhard.
Alright well your spellshield's down now.
So Maokai's gonna get the first one.
Going to shield ourselves here.
Oh that silly windwall.
But it doesn't matter we can still kill you.
It doesn't need to be used I don't need to use my ult on that one its a little bit overkill
but i'll still do it.
Got him.
Nice. ok and with that its not quite aced but Its only Ezreal and they're actually going
to surrender.
So that's the game here today guys hope you like it a little bit of footage of the Elementalist
Lux here on the PBE.
Managed to upgrade from light to fire into water which made us dark, so hopefully you
guys liked that.
Of course we can always change it up in a future recording but that's it here for today.
If you guys did like it make sure to drop that like it really helps out a ton and subscribe
for more videos and of course if you guys wanna win the $10 RP card code all you gotta
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So i'll see you guys next one.
Peace out.