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>> Jim Pytel: Good day.
This is Jim Pytel from Columbia Gorge Community College.
This is Digital Electronics.
This lecture is entitled Digital Analog Conversion Methods R2R
Ladder Method.
In our last discussion about digital to analog conversion,
we made use of binary weighted input circuit
which I have drawn right here.
As easy as it was to understand the binary weighted input
circuit, there becomes a problem with it
because notice those resistors.
R2R, 4R, 8R.
They're not exactly the most scalable methods.
For example, if I wanted to expand this to a fifth position,
D4 would R, D3 would have 2R.
D2 would have 4R, D1 would have 8R.
D0 would have 16R.
So for me to expand the pit position,
I have to do some fundamental change of those inputs.
Additionally, think about the manufacturer ability
of all these things.
Are resistors of those values even commercially available?
Is there an 8R value?
Is there a 16R value?
Is there 32 128 times that?
So if the picture if your using a huge selection of resistors
to actually perform this.
Compare and contrast to what we were just about to discuss here.
The R2R Ladder Method.
I'm discussing this circuit right here,
you can optionally take out the resistive ladder and feed it
into an amplifier, which we'll talk about in a little bit here.
But an R2R2 does not necessarily need that amplifier right now.
As confusing as this circuit may look here,
notice I'm only using two values,
namely R as the name implies, 2R.
Additionally notice the functional units
that these things are composed of.
Look at this repetitive 2R, R, L shade.
2RR, 2RR. The only difference being this 2R2R at the very end.
It stands to conjecture that if I wanted to perhaps expand
to a fourth bit position, all I would have to do is put
in that 2RR sixth bit position, so on and so forth.
You're expanding those functional blocks using the same
resistive values and that's exactly how it happens.
The binary weighted method here,
basically how we did this was the lowest significant bit
contributed less.
The most significant bit contributed more.
Exact same thing for the resistive ladder network here.
How we do that though is kind of different.
It's through this voltage division.
Notice my output voltage is right there and for D0
to contribute anything, it's got to go through one stage,
two stage, three stage,
four stages to the get to that output.
And each time it's successfully being divided.
And notice how I've heard D3 only has go to through one stage
of voltage division for it to do so.
And the reason why I'm saying it's optional
to put an amplifier there at the end is this circuit will perform
and there will be a single analog voltage of we put
in a parallel binary value.
However, it's limited to that range of that logic load.
If we wanted to somehow step it up and down or perhaps we want
to amplify or attenuate it, we could use operational amplifier
at the very end and adjust the gain with its feedback resistor.
So let's go ahead and perform a quick analysis
on the R2R Ladder Network
and what you'll find is you can be making use of evidence there.
So I know [Inaudible] you're going to have to use some
of your basic understands of electronics to understand this.
It's not that hard though
because of its repetitive functional unit nature.
Namely this 2RR combination and what you try
to do is just basically take your basic resistive network
and give it these divisions right there, right there
and another one right there.
What does [Inaudible] states is basically I can take the open
circuit voltage and the resistance
with the voltage source removed, and replace it
with the voltage equivalent and a resistor in series.
So what we can do is kind of analyze each stage
and see what contributes there.
So for example, D0.
Think about it from the perspective of D0
and all I've done between this top diagram here is all I did
was shift that one down every so slowly.
From the perspective of D0, it is being voltage divided
between two identical resistances, 2R, 2R.
Say for example, D0 was a logical value of five volts.
What's the open circuit voltage there?
Well it should be five volts divided by two and a half volts.
So we've already performed the division of that.
What is the Thevenin equivalent resistance at that point
where we remove that source and what you get is basically 2Rs
in parallel, which is the single R-value here.
And notice what it's setting us up for.
It's setting us up for 2Rs in series.
What is 2Rs in series?
Well it's 2R.
And if we were to form, again, a Thevenin's equivalent,
we're going to have 2R in parallel with 2R.
So that's our first [Inaudible] 2Rs in series to get this guy
and then we got 2Rs in parallel to get and R,
this R. 2Rs in series make, you guessed it, 2R in parallel.
You get the picture here is basically we're performing this
repetitive analysis over and over.
Ultimately what we can get is basically the Thevenin's
equivalent resistance for the whole network is R,
regardless of how many stages you've gone through there.
So this could potentially simplify all your filtration
for any stage of your circuits [Inaudible] R,
regardless of the number of the bits.
And along the way, we could have been doing
that Thevenin's equivalent open circuit voltage
for the contribution in this particular case of D0.
But what happens is basically we saw in the first stage,
you got to reduce by half.
What's going to happen in the second stage?
Half again.
Third stage, half again.
Fourth stage, half again.
What do we got here?
Basically the output voltage is D0 divided by 16.
You get the picture.
It's contributing a sixteenth of it.
And we do the same thing for D1 or it's an eighth.
D2, a fourth and finally, D3, a half.
And in the case of a five-volt TTL system,
basically the D0 bit can contribute .3125 volts.
D1 can contribute .625 volts.
D2 can contribute 1.25 volts.
D3 can contribute 2.5 volts.
Basically our final range should be 4.6875 volts
and the reason why it's shy of five volts is because think
about it, we are using 16-bit positions to represent
that range there, one of which quadruple zero is being
to represent zero.
So that's basically we can represent this in steps
of a sixteenth of five volts, which is .3125, our LSB.
So that's our minimum resolution right there.
In the case where we wanted to go ahead and amplify this thing,
that's when that output stage, V0, is being fed
into this operational amplifier
on the lower right hand corner there to potentially expand
that range to a higher voltage
or perhaps attenuated to a smaller voltage.
So let's go ahead and just do an example here.
Let's say for example, we've got the bits of say,
we're going to say 1011, that being D3, D2, D1, D0.
In the case of a five-volt system, what do we have here
for analog output voltage?
And you're answer for the combination
of 1011 should be 3.4375 volts analog.
So again, we should be able to vary this thing.
Very similar to our last method of the binary weighted input.
We should see a linear relationship developing
and in this particular case we got a much smaller solution
that our last value.
But again, be aware that our range is limited to in this case
up to just say of five volts.
So the R2R resistance ladder it's simple, effective,
accurate, and above all, an inexpensive way
to create analog data from digital input.
These resistive networks, you know,
they're sometimes monolithic, they can be produced en masse
in monolithic, a single layer or single piece.
They are semiconductor devices
that can easily be manufactured over and over.
And again, you just go ahead and expand that out
if you continuously want to add more to this.
You know, for example, a phi bit network,
D0 would be D0 divided by 32.
D1, divided by 16.
D2, divided by 8.
D3, divided by 4.
D4, divided by 2.
So you can potentially expand these networks.
This concludes the R2R Resistive Ladder Network
for Digital Analog Conversion.