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  • - Oooh, I've been waiting to make this one.

  • Over the years, you've probably heard

  • a lot of rumors about McDonalds,

  • specifically about their food.

  • And let's be honest, most rumors aren't very flattering.

  • And some of these rumors have been

  • going on for literally a decade,

  • most of which I guarantee you've heard about.

  • But, the thing is, those rumors,

  • you know, the ones you were told

  • about from a friend of a guy who knows

  • somebody that read it on Reddit,

  • are actually misinformation, they're myths.

  • Now, before I continue, I know

  • there are some of you that are thinking,

  • oh god, here we go, Matt is becoming a coporate sell-out.

  • This video's clearly sponsored by McDonalds.

  • And hey, well, actually, it is, but with a twist.

  • See, I told McDonald's I would only work with them

  • if I could do a video that tackles

  • the hardest questions and worst rumors

  • about McDonald's that have been floating around out there.

  • And believe it or not, they said go for it.

  • So today, we are going to find out

  • just how true the nastiest myths

  • that you have ever heard about McDonald's are.

  • So, without further adieu, here are

  • five McDonald's myths you probably still believe.

  • Number one is pink goop in the McNuggets.

  • Okay, everybody has seen this picture and it's probably

  • one of the most frequent rumors that you've heard.

  • The rumor's that Chicken McNuggets

  • are made with this mysterious pink slime, but guess what?

  • That is completely false.

  • When it comes to McDonald's, their Chicken McNuggets

  • are made with chicken breast, no pink goop.

  • But it's not just that, in fact,

  • they don't even contain artificial flavors or colors

  • and McDonald's recently changed the recipe so that McNuggets

  • contain no artificial preservatives either.

  • So, what you're ordering is literally (drum roll) chicken.

  • It's just chicken breast.

  • It's time to let this myth die, it's simply not true.

  • Number two is their supplier is called 100% Beef.

  • Here's another one that you've likely heard.

  • The rumor is that McDonald's beef isn't all beef,

  • but they can say it's 100% beef

  • because the company that they buy from is called 100% Beef.

  • That's a clever conspiracy theory,

  • but it's not true and never has been.

  • The origin of this myth comes from the early 2000's

  • when distrust of large corporations was at an all-time high

  • when people associated large corporations

  • with constantly trying to cut costs.

  • The truth is McDonald's uses 100% beef

  • in its hamburger patties with no other ingredients

  • except salt and pepper, which are added after cooking,

  • but it's actually more interesting than that.

  • They specifically use only beef

  • sourced right here in Canada for their hamburger patties.

  • Here in Canada, they get their beef

  • from a company called Cargill, which gets 100% of the beef

  • from cows raised by Canadian farmers.

  • But Matt, what part of the cow do they use?

  • Let me tell you.

  • They use the chuck, round, shoulder,

  • brisket, loin, and rib for their hamburgers.

  • Sourcing locally in Canada directly

  • supports the Canadian job market.

  • In fact, 65 million pounds of beef

  • was sourced from Canadian farmers just last year.

  • That's a lot of work.

  • Number three is Big Macs can't age

  • because of all the preservatives.

  • A rumor that sprung out of nowhere

  • that many of you have heard is that

  • McDonald's burgers can't get old or rot under any condition

  • because of the amount of chemicals and preservatives

  • in their food, essentially making their food immortal.

  • But, yeah, it's not.

  • The origin of this rumor is people who have posted

  • fake pictures online as misinformation

  • for views and shares on social media

  • and in an age where this is pretty popular,

  • it doesn't surprise me that it caught on.

  • The truth is McDonald's burgers

  • are no different than any other food.

  • If a burger is left out in the open, it will simply dry up.

  • That's just science and it goes for any burger.

  • So think critically about what you see online.

  • Often, it's just for shock value.

  • Number four is pig fat in used in the soft serve.

  • This myth says that McDonald's soft serve

  • isn't made with milk but instead pig and animal fat.

  • This rumor began because McDonald's doesn't use

  • the term ice cream but instead they say soft serve.

  • So I did some digging and I found what's going to shock you.

  • McDonald's soft serve is made with real milk

  • and cream from Canadian dairy farmers.

  • Yeah, surprised me too.

  • See, they use the term ice milk

  • because the vanilla soft serve

  • is a bit different than ice cream.

  • It's considered ice milk because

  • it has three to five percent butter fat content,

  • making it a lighter and airier dairy treat than ice cream.

  • And they use that same vanilla soft serve

  • to make their sundaes, cones, and McFlurry desserts.

  • Sorry, conspiracy theorists,

  • but you gotta get your pig fat somewhere else.

  • And number five is McMuffins are frozen egg disks.

  • If you've ever had an Egg McMuffin for breakfast,

  • you've probably noticed how perfectly round

  • the egg is in the middle, hence the origin of this rumor,

  • which is that McDonald's uses frozen egg disks

  • in their Egg McMuffins.

  • But guess what? It's a myth.

  • In fact, every single Egg McMuffin

  • is made with a freshly cracked Canada Grade A large egg.

  • The egg is circular because that's the shape

  • of the container that it's cooked in.

  • And they do that so that it fits properly

  • on the sandwich and doesn't get all over you.

  • If you've ever made an egg at home and broke the yolk,

  • you know exactly what I'm talking about.

  • Last year, of the almost one billion dollars

  • McDonald's Canada spent on food,

  • more than 85% was purchased from suppliers in Canada.

  • Here in Canada, fresh Canadian eggs from Canadian farmers.

  • Canadian potatoes grown on Canadian farms.

  • It's pretty clear they like to support

  • the countries that they operate in.

  • So those were five McDonald's myths

  • you've heard that you, well, now know are myths.

  • I really want to thank you guys for

  • submitting these rumors to me via Twitter.

  • You helped me out a lot in creating this video.

  • And most importantly, I want to thank McDonald's

  • for letting me tackle these myths

  • and even allowing me to mention them.

  • I have to be honest with you guys,

  • I've worked with a lot of companies

  • and 99% of them want influencers

  • to talk very plain and vanilla

  • about their brand with their legal teams saying,

  • you can't mention that and you can't mention this.

  • But, McDonald's allowed me to ask the hard questions

  • and I think that says a lot about their brand

  • and how transparent that they are.

  • I really hope that you like this video

  • that I did with McDonald's and

  • I also hope that you're willing

  • to hang out a bit longer with me.

  • In the description of this video,

  • there's a survey that I would love for you guys to fill out

  • because I want to know what you think

  • about a variety of things.

  • The results of the survey will be shared

  • with the people at McDonald's

  • plus I'll get to find out more about what you like.

  • And that's all for this time guys.

  • Thank you so much for watching.

  • Don't forget to enable notifications on my channel

  • so that you can catch my next video.

  • And I will see you next time, thanks guys, peace.

- Oooh, I've been waiting to make this one.


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あなたはおそらくまだ信じているマクドナルドの5つの神話! (5 McDonald's Myths You Probably Still Believe!)

  • 188 6
    ktyvr258 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日