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  • How's it going guys it's Matthew of the Front Room Gamers here

  • this is going to be a quick tutorial on how to use

  • split screen in the Master Chief collection I noticed that

  • on one of my other videos a lot people being going through to that

  • by trying to search for

  • how to work the split screen or whether

  • it even has split screen so in this video I'm just going to show you how its

  • done. So obviously I'm signed in already at the moment

  • I can go into campaign if I wanna player split screen campaign or

  • something

  • so got obviously got the four campaigns here

  • Combat Evolved is two player co-op

  • split screen so is halo 2 and so is Halo 3 and four

  • however Halo 3&4 are four player

  • online which would mean that you and a guest can play with a friend and a guest

  • to make the four players however you can play for player =

  • split screen like I believe you used to be able to

  • in Halo 3 and Halo 4 however

  • when playing in multi-player you can play all four of them

  • split screen and you could take them online with you as well

  • So if I was to

  • want to obviously play combat Evolved with two people

  • all I need to do is hit X when I'm

  • in any screen actually, any screen so even up here I can press X

  • and as you'll see there my other controller is on

  • ready to start playing and it says press A to join. I simplly need to just press a

  • a to join there. Choose

  • this person. No I'm not going to chooses person cause I'm already signed in

  • that so mark going to do for simplicity is if

  • your friend doesn't have accounts on your x-box you know you can just

  • add them as a guest and they'll just come up with your name

  • and the little brackets 1, 2, 3 as they have done in

  • many Halo you notice that we've got two guys

  • in the party, so I can switch back to my main controller so this will be

  • me where the other one was a guest and I can just

  • start the campaign. So as you can see here we are playing

  • and split screen at the moment and

  • yeah, two player a Combat Evolved anniversary and it is lovely

  • so as you can see here guys it's exact same concept

  • for multi-player as well. I have already got my guest in

  • just as I would any other way. I'm in the main menu, I just go in to

  • multiplayer let's say I wanna do custom games

  • on will go for Haloa 3 this time

  • so as you can see exactly the same for

  • multiplayer you know the difference is of course the

  • edges. the screens isn't as

  • wide which isn't so much a problem. So thank you for watching this video I

  • hope

  • it helps you figure out how to add your guest into

  • a game as quite a few people seems to

  • be stumbling across one of my videos trying to find out the answer to that.

  • So for the a good idea just to make a quick video about it just to explain

  • so people you know find what they're looking for

  • if you did find this helpful in any way

  • please give it a like and don't forget to check out the rest of channel

  • there'll be a couple annotations that'll come up

  • so once you're finished playing with your guest and you want to sign out with

  • the guest account

  • you just need to go to the Xbox home. Go up to

  • here and sign

  • out of your guests which is obviously this one

  • because of the brackets on there

  • and once it's signed out

  • you'll notice that you can't use that control anymore, it doesn't

  • work on it and if you press X on your main controller

  • press a joint so he is gone.

  • There's some really fun stuff on our channel

  • we play a lot of custom games on Halo and

  • alsorts of other randoness, so please check it out

  • thanks for watching and good bye!

  • hahha

  • Matthew: Oh I'm so sorry

  • Matt: Noo!

  • Sam: that's not very helpful did anyone see that

  • Nathan: Oh, he's coming for me! Run!

  • Matt: Oh f- Andrew: Hahaha

  • Matt: Don't go towards it, Matt run away it's instant death

  • Nathan: Oh he's so close he's running for his mun! (apparently)

  • Matthew: What?! Nathan: Haha, you ran out the battle field! Matthew: Oh, come on!!

How's it going guys it's Matthew of the Front Room Gamers here


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A2 初級

ヘイローマスターチーフコレクションでスプリットスクリーンをプレイする方法 (How to play Split Screen On Halo Master Chief Collection)

  • 70 0
    Mine Shi Lee に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日