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  • Is it possible, to totally bring about a mutation in what is?

  • To go into this question of bringing about a total revolution,

  • one must have an extraordinary sense of awareness.

  • The crisis especially now, is a crisis in consciousness.

  • A crisis that cannot anymore accept the old norms.

  • It seems to me, though man has cultivated the external world

  • and has more or less mastered it

  • Inwardly, he is still as he was.

  • We want happiness.

  • We do not want suffering.

  • Now we are actually creating more unnecessary suffering.

  • That "one-million dollars" will not bring inner peace.

  • This money brings more frustration, more suspicion, more anxiety

  • but people do not understand.

  • I see all this potential, and I see it squandered.

  • God damnit an entire generation pumping gas, and waiting tables.

  • ...slaves with white collars.

  • Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes

  • working jobs we hate, so we can buy shit we don't need.

  • We're the middle-children of history, man.

  • No purpose or place.

  • We have no great war... no great depression...

  • Our "great war" is the spiritual war.

  • Our "great depression", is our lives.

  • We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires and movie gods and rock stars...

  • ...but we won't

  • and we're slowly learning that fact

  • and we're very, very pissed off.

  • Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come. - Victor Hugo

  • When you're born in this world you're given a ticket to the freak-show

  • and when you're born in America you're given a front row seat.

  • Everybody's got a cellphone that'll make pancakes and rub their balls

  • so nobody want's to rock the boat. Nobody wants to change.

  • We're in a nice downward glide.

  • I call it "circling the drain".

  • I think we squandered great gifts. I think humans were given great, great gifts.

  • We polluted it with this STUFF...

  • ...things, material goods, games, gizmos, toys, gadgets...

  • ...having possessions

  • "He's got a bigger truck! Did you see his truck? It's bigger than mine! I'm gettin' a new truck!"

  • Part 1 - The Freakshow

  • "Here's a big truck! Oooh, I'm gettin that one! That's what, you got a video in there? DVD too?"

  • Hi Eric, thank you so much for being with us today.

  • Thanks for sliding on

  • We are here to talk to Eric about black-friday, it has come early this year.

  • - That's right. With the economy the way it is retailers are doing everything they can

  • to pry dollars out of reluctant customers hands.

  • So, you know this is a very important season to retailers it could be 25 to 40 percent of their years total sales.

  • So if they can expand the shopping season by a little bit, by advancing it...

  • Anything in this economy helps.

  • - Well I mean, at this point though last year people were pinching pennies just as much as this year

  • so why are we seeing this now?

  • - Well we're seeing it now because it's a way to expand the shopping season

  • and give retailers that many more chances to...

  • know, sink their hooks into you.

  • This is the world I grew up in.

  • Like many others I born with this bright, flashing, shiney promise shoved right in my face

  • that true happiness was just a credit card swipe away.

  • When I was a kid the world told me that the coolest kids wore the coolest sneakers.

  • When I got a little older it convinced me that my success was defined

  • by a college degree, and a job with benefits.

  • Today it reminds me endlessly that I should have another drink and buy a new car.

  • But I gotta tell you, the only real message I've heard through the noise

  • is that this world knows, better than I do

  • what's best for me.

  • >> It seems to me that most Americans have internalized the propaganda

  • that consumerism pummles and plies them with daily.

  • So, we internalize this system, we can't envisage anything different.

  • A number of people were speaking about, "Well why do people break windows and steal consumer goods?"

  • The poor have been pummeled with this propaganda.

  • What do you expect them to do, go out and loot a good job and good education?

  • >> Captain Capitalism! Wow!

  • What are you doing here?

  • >> I think the better questions son is, just what do you think YOU'RE doing here?

  • >> Putting money in my piggybank!

  • >> Crippling our nation by stagnating the economy and throwing us into another recession is more like it!

  • >> Hey girl! Can you say "bling-bling"?

  • >> Why do we consume to such a crazy level?

  • A level that the research shows over and over

  • is undermining our health, our societal well-being, and the environment.

  • We have to step back from before even starting this

  • to recognize that most of what we do, most of what we see as "normal"

  • is actually shaped by our cultural norms.

  • And unfortunately, where we are today is that culture has made Consumerism

  • feel "normal", or "natural".

  • So that watching 5 hours of television a day as a child

  • or drinking huge caffeinated beverages at 5 years old

  • as this picture here suggests

  • is ok... We don't even question it anymore.

  • You know, and a strong illustration of that for me is this series of pictures.

  • Now if you can't see, up at the top-right there's a little girl

  • surrounded by all of her pink toys.

  • This is a little Korean girl.

  • The artist actually was more interested in the genderfication process of children

  • Just look from how young we are brought into the consumer culture

  • where we define our well-being, our happiness, our leisure

  • through the stuff we have. Through the stuff that surrounds us.

  • And here's a picture of an American little girl

  • of course, with the princess outfit

  • which I've discovered from my own four nieces that... well, it's big business.

  • Disney makes multiple billions of dollars a year

  • selling their Disney princess fantasies to little girls.

  • So around the industrial world and increasingly in developing countries

  • consumerism, is becoming the default cultural pattern.

  • >> In the 1950s... late 50s, early 60s...

  • a bunch of advertising guys got together

  • in Madison avenue, and decided that what they were trying to do

  • was sell products to younger people

  • They thought "we should try and sell products to younger people because then they'll buy things their whole life."

  • So they'll try and sell them soft drinks, or bread, or cigars

  • or whatever the hell they were selling them, and they thought...

  • "We'll try and appeal to young people."

  • because the youth was the place where you were going to be able to sell things

  • and what happened was that, in a strange kind of quirk of fate

  • youth began to be celebrated by society

  • in a way that it had never been at any time in human history

  • because what used to be celebrated was experience and cleverness

  • but what happened was that what became valuable was youth

  • the quality of youth which made you a consumer

  • so what happened is that they started concentrating on all of these people

  • society started to turn on its head

  • because with the deification of youth...

  • Youth has a byproduct. The byproduct of youth is inexperience.

  • By the nature of having youth, you don't have any experience, you're too young to have it.

  • It became fashionable and desirable to be young and to be stupid!

  • And it started to be a fashion, and that grew, and that grew

  • and that grew, and that grew...

  • and now, that's what all the kids want to be.

  • and this terrible movement... nobody meant it!

  • >> Everytime that I open my mouth critically, with regards to this country

  • everytime I feel like I want to criticize this country

  • There's this little nagging voice in the back of my head that says...

  • "How dare you Paul. "

  • "Do you know how fat and lazy you are? Do you know how priviledged you are?"

  • "How dare you criticize this country."

  • "How dare you sit there, in your life of abject luxury and criticize this great country!"

  • "How dare you."

  • But you know what, ladies and gentlemen?

  • I cannot carry the torch anymore for this country.

  • America is not the "land of the free", nor is it the "home of the brave"...

  • It is neither of those things.

  • America is a country of aggressively ignorant fucking cowards.

  • People that are just willing to hand over their civil liberties

  • lock, stock and barrel

  • without even taking the time to inform themselves.

  • They're so stupid and so diluted

  • and so caught in the quagmire that is there empty info-tainment filled lives

  • that they just line up for somebody to tell them how they should feel.

  • The real problem is us. We're the problem

  • because we're too distracted by bullshit that's on the fucking T.V.

  • to stand up for what's in our best interests.

  • What's the answer to that? How do you stop that?

  • >> Individually, they earn about $12 a week in allowance.

  • But collectively, 8 to 12 year old kids in the U.S, 20 million strong

  • wield 43 billion dollars of their parents money in annual spending power

  • and they've got the stars to prove it.

  • >> What makes her a superstar on the launch-pad?

  • >> When she walked in and said, "Hi I'm Victoria Justice and I'm 12 years old."

  • I was like, "Alright, this kid has real charisma."

  • I'm thinking, "This is a kid I want to probably develop a T.V. show for. "

  • >> Do you want to be a movie star? Or, a singing star?

  • >> I wanna do both

  • >> You want it all.

  • >> I wanna do both. I want it all! Why not?

  • >> This season premiere got almost 9 million viewers

  • making it the highest rated season premiere in MTV's history.

  • Season 4 follows the cast as they head to their homeland, Italy

  • in what can only be described as the beginnings of a global takeover.

  • >> Can we get the Lindsey Lohan D.U.I. arrest out of the teleprompter

  • and put my script in it. Is that possible?

  • >> As to the charge of first degree murder...

  • Verdict as to count one, we the jury...

  • >> Press association is reporting that singer Amy Winehouse

  • has been found dead in her London apartment.

  • >> ...and I'm, I'm done with the Paris Hilton story.

  • >> In this country, being stupid is no longer considered to be a detriment.

  • Being stupid is considered to be a virtue in this country.

  • We reward the stupid in this country.

  • That's exactly the opposite thing that we should do.

  • There should be social pressure on people that are willfully ignorant

  • to not be stupid, and instead we reward people...

  • We reward stupidity in this country!

  • We reward people with multi-million dollar T.V. contracts

  • so that all the other stupid people can sit around and watch how stupid these people are.

  • It breaks my heart to see a place like this that has so much potential

  • absolutely fucking wasted.

  • >> But there's a reason. There's a reason.

  • There's a reason for this. There's a reason education sucks

  • and it's the same reason that it will never, ever, ever be fixed.

  • Because the owners of this country don't want that.

  • I'm talking about the real owners now.

  • The real owners. The big wealthy business interests

  • that control things and make all the important decisions.

  • They own YOU.

  • They own everything.

  • They own and control the corporations, they've long since bought and paid for the senate

  • the congress, the state houses, the city halls, they've got the judges in their back pocket

  • and they own all the big media companies so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear

  • They got you by the balls!

  • They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying.

  • Lobbying, to get what they want.

  • Well we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else.

  • But I'll tell you what they don't want.

  • They don't want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking.

  • They don't want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking.

  • They're not interested in that. That doesn't help them.

  • That's against their interests.

  • That's right.

  • They don't want people who are smart enough to sit around the kitchen table and figure out

  • how badly they're getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard 30 fucking years ago.

  • They don't want that. You know what they want?

  • They want obedient workers.

  • Obedient workers.

  • People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork,

  • and just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs

  • with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime

  • and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it

  • and now they're coming for your Social Security money.

  • They want your fucking retirement money.

  • They want it back

  • so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street.

  • And you know something? They'll get it. They'll get it all from you, sooner or later

  • because they own this fucking place.

  • It's a big club.

  • and you ain't in it!

  • Part 2 - The Big Club

  • >> Think stars are having all of the fun?

  • Uh... no.

  • >> No pressure tonight.

  • >> These days, nobodies making more and spending more

  • than the button-down badasses of Wall Street.

  • We'll tour the hedgerow mega-homes they're buying with all that hedge fund cash...

  • >> Wade Carrington's the largest estate in Grenitch, and it's 25 million dollars.

  • >> you the insane mega-yachts and jumbo jets paid for with their mind-boggling bonuses...

  • >> I'm just wondering now, what do you need a commercial size airliner for?

  • >> ...and reveal how big name charities are just another excuse to flash their cash.

  • >> They raised in one night, 71 million dollars.

  • >> We are taking from working families who are struggling to survive

  • taking hundreds of billions of dollars, and giving it to millionaires and billionaires.

  • >> I think we have a class war.

  • I think Wall Street oligarchs and corporate plutocrats

  • they're very, very wealthy, they're rich and they're very powerful

  • are using the Republican party to actually escalate a war

  • against the poor and working class of all colors

  • but it's more a "class war" than a "civil war" that really has to do with

  • organized greed at the top, and disorganized poor and working people on the bottom.

  • >> We need to build a beautiful granite and bronze monument in our nation's capital

  • to honor American heros. Unsung American heros

  • and those unsung American heros are, the rich.

  • >> Many have jobs and work hard, yet they're struggling to survive.

  • Some people showing up at a homeless shelter in Woodland

  • don't necessarily fit the mold of your typical homeless person.

  • >> The shelter planned for an increase in homeless.

  • Just not this much, this fast.

  • She says the slow economy has put many in dire straits.

  • >> Try to imagine an America without rich people.

  • Rich people contribute a lot to this country.

  • They pay a disproportionate amount, for all sorts of things that help poor people

  • whether it's food, or whether it's medicine, or whether it's helping send other kids to college.

  • The rich do a lot of good.

  • >> And what's going on now is, there's this philosophical myth

  • that has been taking Washington by storm.

  • It's always been around but for some reason recently it's been inflamed.

  • That, somehow, if these companies that have shirked tax law

  • that have taken a lot of their money offshore so that profits can't even be judged

  • let alone taxed...

  • are somehow, if they get a lower tax rate, going to bring it all back

  • create more jobs and, I don't know, fire their accounting staffs and take back their loopholes.

  • >> Can you pin down exactly what would keep investors happy, make them feel more confident?

  • >> Uh, that's a tough one.

  • Um... see, I'm a trader. I don't really care about that kind of stuff.

  • I go with what the... if I see an oportunity to make money, I go with that.

  • So, for most traders it's not about... we don't really care that much how they're going to fix the economy

  • how they're going to fix the whole situation.

  • Our job is to make money from it.

  • If a man has an apartment, stacked to the ceiling with newspapers, we call him crazy.

  • If a woman has a trailer house, full of cats, we call her nuts.

  • But when people pathologically hoard so much cash that they impoverish the entire nation

  • we put them on the cover of Fortune magazine and pretend that they're role models. - B. Lester

  • >> The racking up of wealth... you would have thought the crisis would have stopped that

  • Actually more billionaires emerged in India last year, than ever!

  • The doubled last year.

  • The wealth of the rich in this country has accelerated

  • just last year.

  • What happened was that leading hedgefund owners got personal remunerations

  • of three billion dollars each

  • in one year.

  • Now, I thought it was obscene and insane a few years ago when they got 250 million.

  • But they're now hauling in three billion.

  • And as a famous statement, I think by Andrew Mellon, was way back...

  • "In a crisis" he said, "asset's return to their rightful owners"

  • i. e. him

  • And that in effect is the plug of the finacial world right now.

  • >> New Rule; Television networks have to stop making shows that try and put a happy ending

  • on America's enormous wealth disparity

  • and instead make a show called "Shine my Shoes, Fuckface".

  • Come on! This is America where the top 400 people have more money than

  • the bottom 150 million combined!

  • If ABC can make a show where millionaires give their money to poor people

  • Animal Planet can make a show where pigs grow wings and fly out of Donald Trump's ass.

  • >> Am I suppose to be honored?

  • >> America rich aren't giving you money, they're taking your money.

  • Between the years 1980 and 2005, 80% of all new income generated in this country

  • went to the richest 1%.

  • Let me put that in terms that even you fat-ass teabaggers can understand.

  • Say 100 Americans get together and order a 100 slice pizza.

  • The pizza arrives, they open the box

  • and the first guy takes 80 slices.

  • And if someone suggests, "Why don't you just take 79 slices?"

  • That's Socialism!

  • I know, I know, it's just a T.V. show.

  • But it does reinforce the stupid idea people have

  • that rich people would love us and share with us

  • if only they got to walk a mile in our cheap, plastic shoes.

  • But they're the reason the shoe factory moved to China.

  • We have this fantasy that our interests and the interest of the super-rich are the same.

  • Like, somehow the rich will eventually get so full that they'll explode

  • and the candy will rain down on the rest of us.

  • Like they're some kind of pińata of benevolence.

  • But here's the thing about a pińata, it doesn't open on it's own

  • you have to beat it with a stick.

  • >> The rich do a lot of good, and what I'm saying Bill

  • is they don't need to be vilified the way they are in America today.

  • >> This is Wall Street bitch, you don't belong here!

  • I'm your greatest fear!

  • The shit that you wish you could be, but are too weak to get here!

  • Is it starting to make sense? Is it starting to become clear?

  • >> Our financial market actively rewards being a giant cunt.

  • Like a radioactive Ann Coulter who's grown to Godzilla proportions.

  • Does that not freak anyone out?

  • >>... Pfizer sales reps promoted it illegally, for surgical pain in higher doses.

  • Uses the FDA had rejected due to safety concerns.

  • Doctors responded.

  • Instead of prescribing Ibuprofen at pennies a pill

  • they prescribed Bextra at nearly $3 a pill.

  • >> Sales were very good.

  • >> You might have heard of "The Yes Men"

  • They do social activism pranks on corporations.

  • For example, last week they announced that General Electric

  • which uses loopholes to avoid taxes

  • was going to give back the 3.2 billion dollars in refunds it got from the government

  • or another time they told the media that Dow Chemical

  • would finally be paying the victims of a massive chemical spill

  • millions of dollars in restitution.

  • Or another time they annouced that director Michael Bay

  • would be giving us all 2 hours of our lives back.

  • So after these hoaxes, the corporations have to come out and go

  • "Oh, actually... that good thing you heard about? Yeah, we're totally NOT doing that. No. Not at all. "

  • Now here's the interesting part. During the half hour when everyone thinks the hoax is true

  • the company's stock tumbles like crazy.

  • G.E. lost billions. Dow lost billions.

  • This means, we've created a system where companies get massively punished

  • for doing good things for humanity.

  • So if a corporation announces it will hostilely take over a 50 year old, locally owned company

  • and fire all their employees.

  • It's given the financial equivelant of a high-five and a reach-around.

  • If on the other hand it anounces it will give free AIDS medication

  • to the dying people of Ghana

  • then Wall Street knocks it unconscious and draws the word "queer" on its forehead.

  • >> In this grainy seminar video posted on the file sharing site YouTube

  • a Pittsburg lawfirm, on how to use loopholes

  • to ensure foreign workes can get the jobs instead of Americans.

  • >>... and our goal is clearly, NOT to find a qualified and interested U.S. worker.

  • >> Here's the thing. If Wall Street weren't around yet

  • would you create it to be this way?

  • Would you say, "Lets make a financial system wherein companies are rewarded"

  • "for being piping hot douche-holes."

  • "and if one of them does something good for humanity"

  • "we'll treat that with suspicion."

  • "You announced you're gonna pay the victims of a horrific oil spill?"

  • "What are you, Sean Penn?"

  • "You're a multi-national. You can't go around caring about people!"

  • "Could you imagine if every company did that?"

  • "The whole system would break down!"

  • "People would have food and clean water. There'd be fewer wars, death and hardship!"

  • "What kind of world that be!?"

  • "Not one I want MY trust-fund babies to grow up in... "

  • >> I'm Matthew Lesko and the government's giving away more money than ever before!

  • 85 billion dollars, to help bank executives take a vacation!

  • 25 billion dollars to make cars that people don't want to buy!

  • 600 billion dollars to subsidise sub-prime lending practices

  • that got us in this mess in the first place!

  • Who cares about hyper-inflation, crippling debt

  • or a massive tax burden on your grand kids!

  • >> Jack Abramhoff may be the most notorious and crooked lobbyist of our time.

  • He was at the center of a massive scandal of brazen corruption and influence peddling.

  • As a Republican lobbyist starting in the mid 1990s

  • he became a master at showering gifts on lawmakers

  • in return for their votes on legislation and tax breaks

  • favorable to his clients.

  • He was so good at it, he took home 20 million dollars a year.

  • It all came crashing down 5 years ago when Jack Abramhoff pled guilty

  • to corrupting public officials, tax evasion, and fraud

  • and served three and a half years in prison.

  • Today he's a symbol of how money corrupts Washington.

  • In our interview tonight, he opens up his playbook for the first time

  • and explains exactly how he used his clients' money

  • to buy powerful friends and influence legislation.

  • >> I was actually thinking of writing a book, "The Idiot's Guide to Buying a Congressman"

  • as a way to put this all down, but...

  • First, I think most congressmen don't feel they're being bought.

  • Most congressmen I think can, in their own mind, justify the system.

  • >> Rationalize...

  • >> Rationalize it. And by the way we wanted, as lobbyists, for them to feel that way.

  • >> Abramhoff would provide freebees and gifts

  • looking for favors for his clients, in return.

  • He'd lavish certain congressmen and senators with access to private jets

  • and junkets to the world's great golf destinations like Saint Andrews in Scotland.

  • Free meals at his own upscale Washington restaurant

  • and access to the best tickets to all the areas sporting events

  • including two skyboxes at Washington Redskins games.

  • >> I spent over a million dollars a year on tickets to sporting events

  • and concerts and what-not at all the venues.

  • >> A million dollars?

  • >> Yea.

  • >> For the best seats?

  • >> THE best seats.

  • >> But the best way to get a congressional office to do his bidding, he says

  • was to offer a staffer a job that could triple his salary.

  • >> When we would become friendly with an office and they were important to us

  • and the Chief of Staff was a competent person

  • I would say, or my staff would say to him or her at some point

  • "You know, when you're done working on the hill"

  • "we'd very much like for you to consider coming to work for us."

  • Now the moment I said that to them, or any of our staff said that to them

  • That was it. We owned them.

  • >> You're asking me to trust the top one tenth of one percent of wage earners

  • and the politicians that they outright purchase

  • with stewardship of the economy.

  • You're asking me to trust them to run the economy in such a way that not only benefits them

  • but benefits me and everyone else besides.

  • >> How many congressional offices did you actually own?

  • >> We probably had very strong influence in

  • 100 offices at a time.

  • >> Come on...

  • >> No

  • >> 100 offices?

  • >> In those days I would view that as a failure

  • because that leaves 335 offices that we didn't.

  • >> When Barack Obama and I were literally sitting at a desk in a high rise in Chicago

  • beginning to plan how we would try to get this economy out the ditch

  • literally

  • the first guy I called, was Jon Corzine.

  • Jon Corzine - 54th Governor of New Jersey former CEO at Goldman Sachs and MF Global

  • Net Worth approximately $300 million.

  • >> These people have never given me any reason to trust them.

  • Use a little Google Fu, go and look up white collar corporate crime statistics

  • you know, from 1980 on.

  • These names show up over, and over, and over

  • and over again for the same shit.

  • Embezzlement, bribery of public officials, outright theft, tax evasion, misstatements of profits

  • and they do it again, and again, and again

  • and again, and pay billions of dollars in fines

  • and they do it again, and again, and again...

  • This is not just an isolated incident or two, this is a pattern.

  • This is a part of the way they do business.

  • Part of doing business in America, is breaking the law

  • over and over and over again...

  • and getting caught over and over and over again...

  • and you're asking me to trust these people.

  • >> I'm not here to talk about plans to deal with this till 2017.

  • I'm saying we've got a real problem

  • and I'm tired of Republicans and Democrats who either...

  • Republians who want to burn the place to the ground

  • and Democrats with all due respect, who want to offer a plan

  • that gets it through the end of their second term of their presidency

  • and then screws me and my kids when it's over.

  • And until we do that we have to deal with the extraction that is at foot

  • it is the reason the financial markets are behaving the way their behaving

  • that is a mathematical fact! This is not some opinion!

  • This is a mathematical fact!

  • Tens of trillions of dollars are being extracted from the United States of America.

  • Democrats aren't dong it. Republicans are not doing it.

  • An entire integrated system; financial system, trading system, taxing system

  • that was created by both parties over a period of two decades

  • is at work on our entire country right now!

  • And we're sitting here arguing about whether we should do the four trillion dollar plan

  • that kicks the can down the road for the president for 2017

  • or burn the place to the ground.

  • >> At this point in history, you can no longer afford to live in blissful ignorance of the facts.

  • You can no longer afford to be wrong about this.

  • The decisions that these people make, the laws that these people break,

  • the money that these people extract from the global economy illegally

  • ...and in some cases legally...

  • everything that they do affects every aspect of your life.

  • >>...and, you know the joke is if you want to talk to someone from Goldman Sachs

  • call the treasury department.

  • I mean, it's just staffed with people who are from Wall Street.

  • So, it's an area where they really do control both ends of the debate.

  • You don't really have much choice between the Republicans and Democrats.

  • You know, you get the Democrats in, you have as many people from Wall Street

  • as with the Republicans. Maybe more.

  • So it's certainly a very, very big problem.

  • >> Here's the way it works.

  • It's 10:14 PM, eastern time.

  • You're gonna get up at 5:30 in the morning tomorrow.

  • If the kids are sick, forget about it. I don't care.

  • Get somebody to take care of them.

  • That lousy commute that takes you an hour and a half...

  • Suck up and do it, don't give me any bologna.

  • Go to work at a job that you hate, but you're taking the job because you need the money

  • and your boss is a jerk, and you can't stand your coworkers

  • I don't wanna hear any complaining.

  • You have to stay late.

  • And then make that commute back.

  • And then feed your kids some garbage that you have that you call food.

  • And then call it a night and start the next day.

  • I don't want any back-talk but I want your money.

  • I'm gonna take your money, and I'm gonna give it to my friends!

  • >> There is a capacity to basically fire a politician

  • who disagrees with me by taking funding away from him.

  • People of the United States of America, your congress is bought!

  • Your congress is incapable of making legislation

  • on healthcare, banking, trade or taxes because if they do it

  • they will lose their political funding, and they won't do it!

  • And I won't have a country that is run by a bought-congress!

  • >> Why aren't we directly helping home owners with their debt burden?

  • Why aren't we helping American families faced with bankruptcy?

  • Is this the United States congress, or the board of directors of Goldman Sachs!?

  • >> My name is Mitch McConnell

  • My name is Boehner

  • My name is Bush

  • My name is Clinton

  • My name is Obama

  • My name is Reid, Pelosi, Frank, Dodd...

  • I'll tell you want to think, what to believe. You just turn over your money!

  • And I'm gonna give it to my buddy over there, Bernanke.

  • And he's gonna distribute it to all the banks and all the businesses

  • and all the hedge funds.

  • And they're gonna borrow billions and trillions at zero interest rate.

  • Part 3 - The Iron Fist

  • >> Does the government work for us or do we work for the government?

  • How has the United States changed from a humble, peaceful republic

  • into a police state?

  • Tonight, "Freedom vs. Security".

  • This past week the United States supreme court told police that

  • they could break down the door of your home if they smell what they think is

  • smoke from the use of Marijuana coming from inside.

  • Last week the Indiana supreme court told police in that state

  • that they can enter a private home even if they're not looking for evidence of a crime.

  • And yesterday the Justice Department revealed that

  • FBI and local police are executing "sneak and peek" warrants.

  • They break into your home, seize an item

  • and don't tell you that they've done this for over 18 months.

  • And they are doing this in ordinary criminal prosecutions

  • not just for the persuit of terrorists, as the law requires.

  • This is all about the slow loss of personal libery.

  • >> The number one priority of this government

  • and future governments

  • will be to protect the American people against terrorist attack.

  • >> After the events of 9/11, the Department of Justice

  • came to us in the congress and said...

  • "These terrorist succeeded, because we didn't have (we in the government)"

  • "did not have sufficient power to have stopped them"

  • "and we, therefore need the congress to pass legislation"

  • "correcting these deficiencies in previous law"

  • "and giving us (the government) more power."

  • >> So just 6 weeks after the attack on the World Trade Center

  • congress passed a new law called

  • "The Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools"

  • "Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism" act of 2001

  • The PATRIOT act.

  • Sure is the "Axis of Evil" for bad acronyms.

  • The PATRIOT act is, "An act to deter and punish terrorist acts"

  • "in the United States and around the world."

  • "to enhance law enforcement investigatory tools,"

  • "and for other purposes."

  • Other purposes?

  • >> Under the USA PATRIOT act, among other things

  • you can now have people who are tried on a military barge

  • off the coast, a U.S. military barge off our coast or some other country.

  • They could be tried by a military tribunal. We wouldn't know the charges against them

  • let alone the evidence

  • They could be convicted...

  • They could be sentanced to death by this military tribunal

  • and thrown overboard

  • and we wouldn't even know their names.

  • >> When the PATRIOT act was first sent to the congress by the Bush administration

  • it came with a request that we hold no hearings on it

  • so that there would be no public input

  • or public discourse.

  • >> Imagine if your family was awakened in the middle of the night

  • by a team of federal officers.

  • Well that's exactly what happened to a woman and her children

  • in Grandville county.

  • >> Amanda Lamb is in the news room joining us now

  • and Amanda, we understand that because

  • this case falls under the PATRIOT act

  • a lot of the usual rights for defendants, not available here.

  • >> That's right David. The PATRIOT act was created after 9/11.

  • It allows federal agents to investigate suspected cases of terrorism, swiftly

  • in order to better protect our country.

  • But one Grandville county mother says

  • it gives the federal government too much leeway.

  • Her son was taken into federal custody 2 months ago

  • she can't get him out, and she can't get any answers.

  • According to the United States government

  • this 10th grader who has never been in trouble with the law before

  • is now a suspected terrorist.

  • >> They said that he was being arrested for

  • making bomb threats.

  • >> Annette Lundeby told the officers that

  • someone stole her son's I.P. address

  • and used it to make crank calls through the internet

  • making it look like the calls had originated

  • from her home.

  • She says the FBI's extensive search of her home

  • turned up nothing.

  • >> Quitely and quickly, congress reauthorized

  • the PATRIOT act last week

  • just before ducking out for the holiday weekend.

  • The senate passed the bill, 72 to 23.

  • The house followed suit just hours later

  • passing it 250 to 153.

  • All in all, more than 80 Democrats supported the bill.

  • We're going to bring in Jeffery Rosen.

  • He's a law professor at George Washington University

  • he's also the legal affairs editor at the New Republic.

  • Jeffery, thanks so much for joining us, really appreciate it.

  • Let me start with that fundamental question.

  • Is there something significantly different about

  • this PATRIOT act as opposed to the one during the Bush years?

  • >> Absolutely not, in fact the three most controversial provisions of the PATRIOT act

  • were reauthorized with barely any debate.

  • These are the provisions that authorize roving wire-taps,

  • the infamous section 215

  • which allows the government to seize "any tangible thing"

  • data, cellphone records, what have you...

  • merely by saying that it's "relevant to a terrorism investigation".

  • And then finally, the secret national security letters

  • that also allow the government to seize any data

  • and if you receive this letter

  • you're not even allowed to mention it to anyone else

  • and an investigation in 2007 found

  • serious and wide-spread abuse of these letters.

  • It found there were 140,000 of them issued

  • between 2003 and 2005

  • many with people with no connection to terrorism.

  • These are very provisions that Harry Reid and

  • other Democrats properly denounced during the Bush years

  • and this past week as you said, with barely any debate

  • the same people just voted to reauthorize

  • these terrible provisions.

  • >> Government was giving us, kind of a running tally...

  • >> There have been a total of over 480 people

  • arrested or detained...

  • ...we've arrested or detained, 614 persons...

  • ...we've detained nearly 1000 individuals...

  • >> He swept broadly, he swept blindly

  • until the number was over 1000

  • and people started asking questions.

  • They said "How many of these 1000 people"

  • "have been charged with the crimes of September 11th?"

  • and the answer was zero.

  • Then people asked "Well, how many of these people, these suspected terroristists"

  • "have been charged with any crime related to terrorism?"

  • and the answer was zero.

  • Those were not good answers from the government's perspective

  • so what did the government do?

  • In early November it annouced

  • "We no longer will give out a daily tally."

  • "It's too difficult for us to give out a daily tally."

  • It wasn't difficult for them, when they thought

  • it sent the message that, "We're doing something to fight terrorism"

  • but when it started to send the message

  • "We're locking up lots of people who aren't even charged with terrorism"

  • they just stopped telling us how many people were detained.

  • >> Most congress members admit that

  • they never even read it.

  • >> It is an immutable law of the universe

  • that if you give government power

  • it uses it.

  • >> But in reality, our liberties have been on decline

  • from almost the moment of the conception of this great country.

  • The hateful "Alien and Sedition" acts, which criminalized free speech

  • that was critical of the government

  • were inacted in the 18th century by the same generation

  • indeed, in some cases the same people

  • who adopted the first admendment with its iconic language that

  • "congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech"

  • Those laws expired, when Jefferson refused to enforce them

  • but two generations later another president would argue

  • that he could arrest state officials and newspaper editors

  • with whom he had political differences

  • and two generations after that

  • the government enacted the espionage act of 1917

  • which made it a crime to speak out against World War 1

  • or to oppose the draft.

  • And two generations after that

  • F.D.R. arrested Japanese Americans and Italian Americans

  • just because of their nationalities

  • and the supreme court let them get away with it.

  • And two generations after that

  • the war on drugs was prosecuted

  • to distract us from the disaster in Vietnam

  • and the economic destruction brought about

  • by wage and price controls and the rejection of the gold standard.

  • Each of these assaults on freedom

  • used the previous assault as a legal justification.

  • >> The war in Iraq may be over

  • but America is still fighting its so-called "war on terror".

  • U.S. president Barack Obama says

  • he wouldn't block a new security bill, which for the first time

  • writes into law the indefinite detention

  • of alleged terrorists at Guantanamo Bay

  • even American citizens.

  • >> It's very, very noxious...

  • Very, very reminiscent of the "Emergency Regulations"

  • introduced in Nazi Germany in 1933.

  • It goes way beyond the "War Powers" act

  • and it's meant to intimidate people

  • to make sure that people don't act up or speak out.

  • >> U.S. congress passed a bill

  • which repeals "Posse Comitatus"

  • which means, that we have now

  • institutionalized and codified marial law.

  • Right now, the battle against terrorism involves all of us.

  • Everybody in the country is a potential terrorist.

  • And the words that they used in there

  • to bring everybody in as a potential terrorist

  • is "any associated forces"

  • which means that if you happen to visit a website

  • or happen to attend a meeting...

  • happen to do one association

  • you can be accused of being a terrorist

  • and the bill says you have "no right to a lawyer".

  • And this president, just about a year ago announced

  • that some of these "bad people", even though they're American citizens

  • don't deserve even charges

  • that they can now be assassinated.

  • >> The vote was 93 to 7.

  • So only 7 senators object

  • to the literal evisceration of the fifth amendment.

  • >> Someone missing fingers on their hands, is a suspect.

  • Someone who has guns...

  • Somebody who has ammunition...

  • Someone who has more than 7 days of food in their house...

  • >> We're talking about the military arresting citizens

  • and then you disappear forever with no trial

  • for no reason.

  • And they say they can kill you if they want

  • and torture you

  • or have a military trial. Whatever they want.

  • I mean this is, this is...

  • This is the royal flush.

  • This is the "crčme de la crčme".

  • This is the Mike Tyson in his prime of boxers.

  • The Babe Ruth of Baseball.

  • You sit here and you look at this

  • and it is so mind blowing

  • and it's happened, and now they're just going to

  • slowly roll it out, and they'll use it on examples

  • of "turbaned brown people" so it'll be ok...

  • >> Radical change is immediately noticeable

  • not just when it is radical

  • but when it is disruptive.

  • But if it happens slowly, and in steps

  • if it happens in degrees

  • eventually the radical change will have happened

  • and we will not have noticed it at all.

  • >> The internet is one of the United States most robust

  • and growing industries.

  • It enables free and open communication among billions

  • and it's been the backbone of protests around the world.

  • But a new bill proposes we give the power to censor the internet

  • to the entertainment industry.

  • >> You got to care about this because SOPA is next.

  • It's coming. What that is, if you don't know

  • it's corporate censorship. That's what it is.

  • It means if they see fit the government can shut down your entire website.

  • because you have copyrighted material on it including links.

  • They can sue you. You will technically be a felon.

  • If your daughter posts a video of her lip-syncing

  • to Michael Jackson, or whatever

  • she can be sued for millions of dollars and is now a felon.

  • >> Federal law enforcement and national security

  • aiming to get new regulations

  • that would make it easier for them to wire-tap internet communications.

  • So that includes email, facebook, skype, and other sites

  • so how can the U.S. promote internet freedom in other countries

  • yet restrict those same freedoms here at home?

  • >> Some amongst those who had been campaigning against SOPA and PIPA

  • did not know the U.S. government already had the authority

  • to shut down entire websites, and in fact

  • has excersised that authority on numerous occasions.

  • Late last year, a number of nations signed a new global copyright agreement

  • known as "The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement"

  • or ACTA

  • signatories include the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, South Korea

  • and 22 member states of the European Union.

  • >> The problem is that it's vauge enough

  • that abuses can happen.

  • >> These acts have potentially disastrous consequences

  • for things that we enjoy doing.

  • It's not just about taking down "rogue sites".

  • It has far more dangerous implications.

  • The fact of the matter is the vast majority of people debating it

  • have no idea what it is.

  • They don't have any idea how to use the internet, for one thing

  • They have freely admitted that!

  • It's like putting toddlers at the controls of a 747

  • but not just "a" 747...

  • ...EVERY 747, 777, Airbus A320, every aircraft in the world.

  • Do you think that's a good idea?

  • >> NO!!

  • >> Now it's tempting to stop the story here

  • and conclude that the problem is that

  • lawmakers are either clueless or evil

  • or possibly evilly clueless

  • and just leave it there

  • which is not a very satisfying place to go

  • because it's fundamentally a council of dispair.

  • >> People who see nothing wrong with restricting internet freedoms

  • I don't think their primary interest right now is

  • being able to shut down access.

  • In fact, I think they actually like the idea of us using

  • as many social networks as possible.

  • Because what they want to do is, they want to eavesdrop.

  • Actually let people say as much as they want

  • then let us watch, let us collect it

  • and then let us do whatever we want with that information

  • whether that's indefinite detention

  • or whether that's shutting down websites

  • >> If there was trust throughout the system

  • ACTA wouldn't be scary.

  • There's no trust, that's why it's scary.

  • >> The preponents of SOPA, the "Motion Picture Association of America"

  • circulated a memo citing research that

  • SOPA would probably work

  • because it uses the same measures as are used in

  • Syria,

  • China,

  • and Uzbekistan...

  • These measures are effective in those countries

  • and so they would work in America too.

  • The fact that this will be a dismal failure over and over and over again

  • will just make them try harder at ineffective remedies.

  • >> And all these people that do not care

  • they say they don't care

  • well guess what, mush-head...

  • It's your fault we're in this predicament to begin with.

  • We can't afford to talk about football anymore, ok?

  • But you have to let them know, and they're going to start caring

  • when their wife dissappears

  • and their friends are gone

  • and their kid is a felon

  • and their business website was taken down...

  • They're going to care. This is something we have to care about.

  • We have to wake up.

  • >> It is an immutable law of the universe

  • that if you give government power

  • it uses it.

  • >> Wake up stupid, or your fucked!

  • >> Have you ever noticed

  • that the government always claims

  • that when it does these things, it does so in the name of

  • "safety"

  • When is the last time you heard the government give

  • as a basis for its behavior

  • "personal freedom"?

  • Some will say "Come on Judge, this is America. We're free."

  • And I would say "There are none who are so enslaved..."

  • " those who falsely believe themselves to be free."

  • >> This is an open message to police

  • to the military

  • to TSA

  • Homeland Security

  • and to members of every other enforcement arm of the government.

  • I know that most of you chose the life in uniform

  • because you love your country.

  • Because you believed in what that uniform stood for.

  • Because you genuinely wanted to serve and protect.

  • But I also know that deep down inside

  • you sense that something has gone terribly wrong.

  • You've watched with the rest of us

  • as elected officials have legislated our constitutional rights away

  • piece by piece.

  • You've watched as the state surveillance apparatus

  • has expanded like a cancer

  • through the heart of the nation.

  • And you've seen the corruption that become more blatant with every passing year.

  • I can understand why you haven't wanted to acknowledge the implications of what you're witnessing.

  • To face the reality of what's happening

  • would mean admitting that you've been betrayed.

  • And it would mean coming to terms with the fact that

  • you are working for criminals.

  • I don't envy your position.

  • I know your job depends on following orders.

  • And I know you have families to support

  • and bills to pay

  • and I know that if you stand up

  • you could lose everything.

  • But what you need to understand

  • is that, continuing to submit to unconstitutional

  • and immoral orders

  • will not protect you from whats coming.

  • You may tell yourself that you can draw your line in the sand later

  • that there's a certain point where you'll say no.

  • But in reality, you crossed the line a long time ago.

  • You're standing on the wrong side of history

  • right now.

  • You are already participating in the destruction of this country

  • and the trampling of our rights...

  • of your childrens' rights...

  • and your grandchildrens' rights.

  • You are the enforcement arm

  • of a criminal enterprise.

  • You are a servant of a rapidly expanding police state

  • and you DO have a choice.

  • I'm not telling you this to condemn you.

  • I'm telling you this because we, the people

  • desperately need you to take a stand.

  • We desperately need you to have the courage to face your commanding officers

  • and tell them, "No, I didn't sign up for this."

  • "No, this isn't right."

  • "No, I will not obey these unlawful orders."

  • You took an oath to defend the constitution

  • against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

  • It's time to start taking that oath seriously.

  • >> Why are you huring these people!?

  • It doesn't make any sense!

  • It doesn't make any sense!

  • How do you sleep at night?!

  • There is no honor in this!

  • There is no honor in this!

  • There is no honor in this, man!

  • >> So look man, that's the fucking job.

  • The job is, we agreed, that guy gets the gun

  • and the flashing lights

  • and you listen to him. "Yes sir / No Sir"

  • and that means you're a good citizen

  • and you're not trying to cause any trouble.

  • And in turn, he doesn't take advantage of this power

  • that's presented to him by this willingness for people to obey

  • and he doesn't automatically assume that

  • everybody OWES it to him...

  • and that's the problem with older cops that you see

  • punching people in these Occupy Wall Street crowds.

  • They've been involved in law enforcement for 30 years

  • and you have to listen to them. You know...

  • The whole things disgusting.

  • It's really disgusting.

  • It's like, these cops are forced everyday to go out there and

  • try to combat this ever growing thing

  • that shows no signs of weakening.

  • In fact, shows signs of gaining momentum and strength.

  • And that's why all these actions are being

  • taken to try to supress it

  • because they go, "Well, we've got to stop this now"

  • "because right now it's 30,000 people."

  • "What the fuck do we do when it's 300,000 people out there?"

  • "Guess what, 300,000 people are going to come through those doors"

  • "and they're going to start throwing people out windows."

  • You know, and I don't think they will.

  • I mean, it hasn't been a violent movement so far

  • but that's what they would do if they had 300,000 people.

  • If you're Mayor Bloomberg

  • or if you're one of these guys that owns some giant hedge fund

  • and you've made billions of dollars just raping people your whole life

  • and then all of the sudden, you know

  • you picture what you would do

  • if you were all those people.

  • You would think, "those people are going to get me."

  • "They're going to come get me."

  • >> They're going to storm the gates.

  • >> Even if they stay non-violent

  • these people are never going to accept that

  • because they're always going to assume that

  • human nature is always violent

  • so they're going to push these people back

  • before it ever gets to a point where they can't control it.

  • You know that Chase paid the cops $4.6 million

  • made a huge donation to the cops.

  • >> Of course.

  • >> Isn't that ridiculous?

  • >> Do you think that all this is leading up to

  • a protest, or getting the troops back here

  • or, like, all of this is just going to lead to something

  • like a new "Hands Accross America" or a new "We Are the World"?

  • >> That's so not what's going on here.

  • What's going on here is some "overthrow the government" type shit.

  • That's what's going on here.

  • You know.. this is the only time in our life that I've ever seen this.

  • Never seen anything even remotely close to it.

  • People saying "Hey, this system right now doesn't work AT ALL."

  • Part 4 - The Awakening

  • Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world.

  • For indeed, that's all who ever have. - Margaret Mead

  • >> We will not be silent! We will not obey!

  • We will not let our government destroy our humanity!

  • >> If you looked at young blacks

  • and young whites

  • with a discerning eye...

  • and careful hearing...

  • they have been telling us

  • and we would not listen!

  • >> A year ago, thousands of Egyptians shocked the world

  • when they took to Cairo's Tahrir Square.

  • Fast forward 365 days

  • and the iconic square is packed again.

  • >> You know, they're begining to understand that the game is up.

  • And yet, in their desperation to preserve their dream

  • They want to remove any remaining traces of Democracy from the system.

  • >> Years of anger and frustration spilling over in the Romanian capital.

  • What began as a protest against healthcare reform

  • has widened into mass protests against the government.

  • >> Friday's protests culinates a week of numerous mass-rallies

  • accross Poland...

  • >> ...a revolution. These people are also standing for change.

  • >> My wages didn't go up, but prices went up!

  • Gas goes up!

  • Milk goes up!

  • Trains go up!

  • How am I suppose to live?

  • >> Wall Street, and the banker class, the people who actually run this country...

  • they have a blueprint. And it's written in

  • all of their Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman textbooks.

  • Their blueprint, is the destruction of the future of this generation.

  • >> Thousands of people are out marching here in Santiago today.

  • It's about people fed up with the inequalities of the current economic system.

  • >> It is happening in Syria.

  • It is happening in Clapham.

  • It's happening in Liverpool,

  • and that is the nature of the historical moment!

  • >> My interests is in reclaiming human consciousness

  • that's autonomous.

  • That is our organic, natural, evolutionary place.

  • We are not designed to be following orders.

  • We are not designed to have

  • authority figures above us

  • or submissive people below us.

  • That is not natural.

  • It is not normal

  • and it's certainly not healthy.

  • >> We are at a pivotal, pivotal evolutionary moment in human history.

  • And, we're clearly witnessing biological and cultural evolutionary collisions.

  • I don't know how it's going to shake out.

  • >> The wealthy in the United States are worried about global unrest.

  • They're investing in arming their yachts.

  • They have planes and cars with military-style security features...

  • >> They're starting to buy Predators.

  • Drones.

  • Ok? They're not armed yet, they're just for spying...

  • Oh that's great.

  • >> This was meant to be the first post-ideological generation, right?

  • This was meant to be the generation that never thought of anything

  • bigger than our facebook profiles and our T.V. screens.

  • This was meant to be the generation where the only thing Saturday night meant was X-Factor.

  • I think now, that claim is quite ridiculous.

  • We are now the generation at the heart of the fight back.

  • We are now the generation that will stand

  • with everyone whose fighting back!

  • >> Humanity marches on!

  • You can fight it, or fight for it.

  • When we say "revolution"

  • we say it with love.

  • >> They're giving out leaflets to the public

  • where they say that they want to see the money market system replaced

  • By a Resource Based Economy

  • where everyones needs are provided for, free.

  • >> Because WE'VE got to sit around in this shit for the next 70 years, alright?

  • Who do you think has to sit here breathing the tained air

  • eating the mutated fish

  • watching the vetted reality shit on T.V.

  • create a nation of malignant imaginations...

  • It's us, alright? We've got to sit here in this rancid bathwater...

  • You know, this is a revolution.

  • This may not be a revolution in the traditional sense

  • but this is a revolution of the mind.

  • >> We have to think as a human species.

  • We have to think as homosapiens.

  • We have to create global consciousness

  • if we're going to move this through an industrial revolution

  • and create a new civilization...

  • an empathic civilization.

  • Maybe it's not always about trying to fix something broken. Maybe it's about starting over and creating something better.

  • What we're seeing here is a defining moment for the human race.

  • >> We will not wait another moment in fear to stand up for what we know to be right.

  • It is time we start meeting oppression, with resistance.

  • >> Hello citizens of the world.

  • We are Anonymous.

  • >> The hacker group Anonymous is fighting back

  • temporarily taking out several government websites...

  • >> ...but the hacker group called Anonymous

  • was secretly listening and recording...

  • >>...the hackivist organization Anonymous has announced plans to...

  • >> They call themselves Anonymous.

  • They are hackers on steriods...

  • >> ...calls itself Anonymous...

  • So who are these people?

  • >> Anonymous has no leaders to be targeted.

  • Anonymous has no headquarters to maintain.

  • And to become a member you will not be required to fill out a questionnaire.

  • >> They're this shadowy and motley group

  • group of hackers and activists

  • who answer to no one,

  • drawn together by a love of internet mischief.

  • >> Now they're evolving into this movement of social change

  • a real driving force behind the Wall Street occupiers.

  • No surprise, they're hated by corporate security

  • but also, hunted by the FBI.

  • >> The label, Anonymous, is only a symbol

  • that embodies the collective actions of many autonomous intividuals

  • fighting against the injustice of the current system

  • and any individuals or organizations that hide in its shadow

  • and exploit the world.

  • >> Anonymous, and a lot of other movements, regard the internet as

  • sort of independant from any government

  • and they regard governments interfering in the free flow of the internet

  • as stepping outside of their jurisdiction.

  • >> We are the 21st century militia.

  • We are a part of humanity's developing social immune system.

  • We are those who have taken up arms to defend ourselves

  • and others, against those who abuse their positions of power...

  • ...people who do not yet understand that there are no individuals

  • there is only humanity.

  • If you believe, as we do, that the current system is a burden to humanity

  • then you are already a member.

  • >> We aren't a group,

  • we're an idea.

  • We're an expression of the anger

  • that every person feels

  • when they see injustice.

  • >> It's a dark and disturbing vision.

  • A world where riot police attack with impunity.

  • Where democracy is corrupted by greed

  • and dissent is crushed.

  • That's how Anonymous sees America

  • and they say, that's why they're fighting back.

  • >> We are legion.

  • We do not forgive.

  • We do not forget.

  • >> Our weapon is not a gun

  • but our ability to operate with efficiency in the digital realm.

  • Our ammunition is not bullets

  • but information.

  • And our protection comes from the fact

  • that we have grown out of the fabric of humanity itself.

  • We cannot be stopped, because we are not restricted by your rules.

  • We cannot be beaten, because we are not playing your game.

  • We are the first stage of a new human evolution

  • born out of the collective human consciousness

  • and augmented by the technologies of our time.

  • Each of us has our own path.

  • But each of us share the same goal.

  • A free humanity.

  • The corrupt fear us. The honest support us. The heroic join us.

  • >> The people should not fear their government.

  • The government should fear the people.

  • We, are the people.

  • The people are legion.

  • The people will not forget.

  • The people will not forgive.

  • Expect us.

  • >> Mr Cruise. Come on, be a gentleman.

  • Give me a sign on it...

  • Yes!

  • This is cool, I love it.

  • Oh thank you so much!

  • Thank you!

  • >> And now we have to take that information and that awareness

  • and that knowledge, and build a foundation

  • for a new way. A new life.

  • >> Hi, my name is Marcin.

  • Farmer... technologist...

  • I was born in Poland. Now in the U.S.

  • I started a group called "Open Source Ecology"

  • We've identified the 50 most important machines that

  • we think it takes for modern life to exist

  • things from tractors...

  • bread ovens...

  • circuit makers...

  • Then we set out to create an open-source, do-it-yourself version

  • that anyone can build and maintain at a fraction of the cost.

  • We call this the "Global Village Construction Set".

  • Problem

  • Lack of freely shared information unnecessarily prohibits

  • economic distribution and general prosperity

  • by keeping human inovation in the hands of only a few

  • while creating artificial material scarcity for most.

  • Solution

  • The GVCS is an open enterprise platform

  • that allows for true collaborative development of key productive technologies

  • that foster the use of best-practices accessible to everyone.

  • We are accelerating the inevitable.

  • A future where everyone has access to economic best-practices.

  • The 'Global Village Construction Set' is an open source enterprise kernel

  • consisting of the 50 key industrial machines that reinvent local production.

  • bringing wealth back to communities.

  • The GVCS is phase one of the Open Source Ecology platform

  • that includes an open-source CAD/CAM solution to realize the promise of digital fabrication.

  • Phase two is the use of the GVCS to create open-source industries, and sustainable communities

  • virally and world-wide

  • in parallel to the global economic status-quo and urban sprawl.

  • This is brought about by ethical supporters and entrepreneurs

  • using the GVCS platform.

  • Phase three is a new world of individuals and communities

  • living beyond the constraints of artificial material scarcity.

  • Why Now

  • We all know the world is cracking at the seams.

  • Despite having access to the most amazing productive technology,

  • long hours, low job satisfaction, poor distribution of wealth

  • remain persistant global problems.

  • The new paradigm requires an unprecedented level of collaboration

  • necessary to make a comprehensive civilization starter-kit kernel

  • which was impossible, prior to the digital age.

  • Market Size

  • The GVCS technology spans multiple industry sectors

  • from agraculture, construction, energy production, and industry.

  • Our competative advantage is a 24/7 development and improvement cycle

  • around the world via open-source collaboration

  • not to mention, equipment created with lifetime design

  • and at a typical 8x cost reduction than industry standards.

  • Development Roadmap

  • Presently, we have completed four beta product releases:

  • The Automated Compressed Earth-Brick Press

  • Multi-purpose Tractor

  • Soil Pulveriser

  • and Hydrolic Power Unit

  • By April 1st, 2012 we will release 13 further, beta-stage products

  • in the microfactory, energy production, and construction areas.

  • By the end of 2012 we will complete the remaining 33 products

  • after an agressive field testing and product documentation campaign

  • involving a network of remote collaborators.

  • By April 1st, 2012

  • we will recruit a project co-founder, CEO, and CTO

  • to the core team to develop strategy, production,

  • and to manage technological development.

  • The OSE Fellows Program will begin April 1st, 2012;

  • Individuals who we train and fund to produce a beta product release

  • and open business model on a time-scale of 6 months.

  • 2012 will also be spent largely developing standards

  • and a platform to make this one of the most collaborative projects in the world.

  • We are a distributive enterprise, movement entrepreneur incubator.

  • Movement entrepreneurs are tech-savvy individuals

  • organizing world progress by economic development.

  • a distributive enterprise is an enterprise which maintains replication as one of its core values

  • by publishing its own trade secrets openly.

  • At heart, we develop open source technology

  • we train entrepeneurs via dedicated educational programs

  • but since we are now in startup we have initial trainees

  • participate in both research and development, and production runs.

  • Open source hardware is the next trillion dollar industry.

  • We are not saying that we will be a huge corporation to acheive this

  • but instead, that we will generate this value as a distributed movement.

  • Understanding Peak Oil

  • Oil is a limited resource.

  • Oil takes hundreds of millions of years to form.

  • Peak oil is when oil extraction rates max out and begin to decline.

  • Rob Hopkins of transition network

  • is seeking solutions to the problem of peak oil.

  • >> It started when I was working in Kinsale in Ireland

  • at the "further education college" there

  • and we started looking around for...

  • ...there must be places who are using permaculture principles

  • and sustainability thinking, systems thinking,

  • to work out how cities and towns and communities

  • are going to get through peak oil sucessfully.

  • And we couldn't find any, so we just improvised and did a 20 year plan

  • for the town of Kinsale, based on the idea that

  • where we got to in the end, could be better than where we start from now.

  • Today, the transition network inspires and connects thousands of people

  • worldwide who seek to reduce carbon emissions at a local level.

  • >> I think what's changed for us really over the last couple of years

  • has been, firstly, how the idea of peak oil

  • has moved from being largely a fringe idea

  • to something now talked about by a number of governments

  • and a lot of leading organizations.

  • It's really moved from being considered a very odd kind of idea

  • to part of the political mainstream now, really.

  • This is a process that you start, and you catalyze

  • and you have no idea where it's going to go or what's going to come out of it.

  • What does a local authority look like

  • whose development plan for the next 20 years is based on the end of the age of cheap oil?

  • ...on cutting carbon by 90% a year like we actually are going to need to?

  • What does that look like? It's an enormous question.

  • But what's really exciting is today, I think we've sowed the seeds

  • of people starting to ask those questions.

  • The transition model has spread quickly around the world.

  • There are now 320 official initiatives in 14 countries

  • and thousands more in development.

  • >> It was really fascinating when about 2 years in to transition

  • and it really started to gain some traction.

  • People started coming along and saying...

  • "You know, Transition is really a fascinating peice of design work."

  • Transition IS a design project.

  • When faced with with peak oil and climate change and the need for collective community responses to that

  • maybe we need to look at this as being a collective design exercise.

  • How do we disign our way through from where we are now to where we want to get?

  • The Transition Model

  • >> There's a lot of value, I think, in acknowledging the work

  • that people do like this.

  • When you're actually doing work that comes to be seen as

  • innovative, or pioneering, or whatever...

  • it's generally, the people who do that have ploughed a fairly lonely furrow

  • for quite a long time.

  • So when will peak oil happen?

  • There is still a lot of debate on the exact date

  • but one thing is certain...

  • No matter what else happens, this is the century in which we must learn to live without fossil fuels.

  • >> It's about the re-writing of stories

  • collective cultural stories. The myth, the narratives that we tell ourselves.

  • The idea that we can just carry on as we are

  • that technology can solve everything

  • or that everything is just going to collapse and unravel very quickly

  • You know, what we DON'T have are the stories

  • about the generation, the culture, that looks something like peak oil and climate change

  • square in the face, and responds

  • with compassion, and creativity, and ingenuity.

  • That's the story that Transition is trying to tell.

  • Oil is conserved, demand shrinks

  • Clean, renewable alternatives are put in place

  • Sustainable local agriculture

  • Fewer cars on the road

  • and a sustainable and healthy future.

  • Rob Hopkins Transition Network

  • The Zeitgeist Movement

  • >> Hi, my name is Peter Joseph

  • I'm the founder of a social sustainability organization called the Zeitgeist Movement

  • which, in form, has about 1000 chapeters accross 70 countries

  • and basically we're all working together to try to bridge some differences

  • about economic problems that are working its way accross the world

  • social destabilization, unemployment, debt crisis, environmental destabilization...

  • and this community is attempting to bring new sustainable ideas

  • to the forefront, to revolutionize economy as we know it

  • hence revolutionize "human values" as we know it

  • so we can try to create a new way of life.

  • It's a grassroots movement with that basic premise.

  • >> This movement is essentially a social movement.

  • It's not... It's easier to describe what it isn't, really.

  • It's not a political movement.

  • We don't really recognize politics as a viable option

  • in addressing the issues that we talk about.

  • It's a voluntary social movement. A grassroots social movement

  • that centers on ACTUAL sustainability.

  • We need a society that functions on a physical level

  • that actually has advanced, intelligent, automated to the most degree you can... systems.

  • to enable efficient transport, efficient energy usage, efficient land usage...

  • Part of our understandings are that we need sustainable city systems

  • very much like those spoken about

  • in the Venus Project, or by Buckminster Fuller

  • or many other futuristic city planners.

  • So, that's sort of the first level.

  • We understand that Earth is a finite resource.

  • Earth is actually entirely A resource.

  • We think about wave, and wind, and tidal...

  • It's in fact, one thing.

  • This is the resource we're on. This is the rock that we're on, that's hurtling through space

  • and we need to live on it, we need to continue to live on it

  • and as well as possible.

  • >> Why do I like the Zeitgeist movement?

  • Why do I advocate for the Zeitgeist Movement?

  • It's very simple.

  • I love this.

  • >> What we currently refer to as Capitalism

  • under various guises around the world

  • and suggested in various doses and concoctions

  • in the prescripted manuals and political philosophy and economic texts

  • the monetary based price system is a means of coordinating and organizing so-called economic activity

  • of consumers, producers, and owners of resources

  • is ultimately unsustainable.

  • The reason for this is that it's essentially predicated upon linear consumption

  • and you cannot run a linear system on a finite planet.

  • >> Join the Zeitgeist Movement, it is exciting

  • the people that you meet are fantastic, they think like you

  • and we're out to make a difference on something that really matters.

  • >> was, whatever you needed to do to get money.

  • and what's happened now with the value system disorder

  • is that, since that's the persuit, that's the devine drive of the system...

  • that's what status is defined by, that's what your success is defined by...

  • that everyone can blindly look the other way with how much destruction is occuring in the world

  • >> And when I look at our species, I just see one that's divided.

  • We're SO in our infancy. We're having to learn the most basic lessons

  • in the 21st century.

  • The Zeitgeist Movement and the Resource Based Economy

  • doesn't go like that.

  • It advocates that the Earth is the common heritage of everyone to share.

  • And not for us to all just dive in and take what we want

  • but for us to intelligently manage the planet.

  • >> The monetary system has come to an end.

  • It was very useful for a while, I've not been anti-money in all of history.

  • It's changed its usage in history.

  • You can't be "blanket anti-money" and still understand the history of money.

  • But we've obviously come to the end of that paradigm now

  • because now it isn't serving us anymore

  • and that was the goal to begin with.

  • It was to ensure that there was enough labor, so there were enough resources,

  • so that we have the system, so that people are ok.

  • >> The Zeitgeist Movement, from my perspective

  • it's all about equality, it's all about preserving our planet

  • and it's all about thriving on human creativity and innovation.

  • >> In fact, the truth is this entire sytem of cyclical consumption that we have in this country

  • is the cause of all of our problems.

  • >> Zeitgeist: Addendum was mind boggling.

  • Dots began to connect.

  • >> Now is that time, to move to that next level.

  • >> I advocate the Zeitgeist Movement, the Venus Project and a Resource Based Economy

  • because they represent the only viable alternatives

  • to the corrupt and unsustainable system that we have today.

  • >> People aren't following this because Jacque Fresco is their version of Jesus

  • or because Peter Joseph is a good public speaker...

  • They have looked at it, and decided that it makes sense to them.

  • >> ...basically trying to get people from around the world to discuss why, in a very concise manner

  • they advocate the Zeitgeist Movement, the Venus Project, and of course a Resource Based Economy.

  • >> Today around the world, many people often say

  • "I wish we could live like Americans."

  • I know you've heard this before.

  • Well, no.

  • Conspicuous consumption patterns of the American culture

  • should be despised

  • by all other countries on this planet.

  • We have 5% of the population and we consume 30% of the worlds resources.

  • It's insane.

  • In a resource based economy, where be base our production and distribution on physical references

  • starting with the carrying capacity of the Earth...

  • where we streamline our labor expression towards things that have a long-term social return...

  • where we get rid of the cancer known as the financial system

  • and start to share our resources in a diligent way

  • working togther, avoiding the false values of materialism and consumption pushed upon our culture

  • we find that we can provide a high quality of life for everyone on this planet

  • while eliminating all of the central reasons

  • for war, poverty, destitution, violence, criminal behavior, neurosis...

  • It would be the dawn of a world we could actually label a civilization

  • and if that isn't a goal worth working towards

  • I don't know what is.

  • >> The future rests in our hands.

  • Yours and mine.

  • It rests in the capacity, which we totally have as a species

  • to make radical shifts

  • when our survival is necessary.

  • And maybe WE are the people who will emerge

  • to create an alternative that enables our species to survive in peace on the planet

  • otherwise we WILL NOT survive.

  • The Venus Project Beyond Politics, Poverty and War

  • >> The Venus Project is the redesign of a culture

  • in which the elements that comprise the culture are different.

  • What the Venus Project has to offer

  • is a way of life without ambiguity

  • to change the relationship between people.

  • When you break the patterns that have been established by existing society

  • you begin to move people in a new direction.

  • As long as there are prisons, police, armies, navies...

  • we are not civilized.

  • When the world joins together

  • and agrees to use the Earth intelligently

  • that'll be the beginning of the civilized age.

  • People say "Well, the trouble with you Jacque, is you want to give people things for nothing."

  • Let me tell you a little about "things for nothing".

  • Just being born in any technical country today

  • you've got the lights, the telephone, the washing machine, air transportation...

  • You had nothing to do with that. You got it for nothing.

  • To build a way of life, worthy of man

  • to humanize society

  • it is neither Communist, Fascist, nor Socialist

  • nor Democratic.

  • To break away from the artificiality, the regimentation...

  • that dominates our society today

  • we feel that machines ought to do the filthy, or the repetitious, or the boring jobs.

  • That man has to be free

  • to persue the higher things. The higher possibilities of man.

  • All of the marvels of science and technology

  • all of the electronic and mechanical wonders

  • are just so many millions of tons of junk unless it enhances the lives of men.

  • The reason we emphasize machines and technologies

  • is to free man, to find the meaning of their own existence and lives.

  • Our problems today are not political.

  • Our problems are technical.

  • Everything that you have...

  • your radio, your telephone, your airplanes, your transportation...

  • is all technical.

  • If it wasn't for technology, you'd be pulling boats along the Volga river.

  • It's technology that moves things forward.

  • Human beings are not self-operating entities.

  • We are operated by many resonant forces.

  • Of course many of us are not aware of that. It looks like we're perfectly free

  • making our own decisions.

  • I know I think for myself. I'm sure you do.

  • That's an illusion.

  • You're indoctrinated to a set of values that are unreal.

  • Indoctrination continuously!

  • And then all of us together sing "we are free"

  • ..let's go, "we are free".

  • >> What we are introducing is a new method of organizing and running society

  • based on the methods of science and technology applied to the social system.

  • >> You have a society that's a predatory society.

  • If you get your car banged up, somebody makes money.

  • You get a toothache, the Dentist makes $1500.

  • So everybody makes money on every form of misery.

  • There's no final architecture, or final frontiers,

  • or final city.

  • Even the best city I design

  • will be a straight-jacket to the kids of the future.

  • They'll design their own cities.

  • I don't want to follow anybody

  • and I don't want anybody to follow me.

  • If what I say makes sense, do it.

  • If it doesn't, get off.

  • To build a following where people admire you,

  • that's dangerous.

  • Trying to solve your problems politically

  • by electing this political party or that political party...

  • ALL politics is immersed in corruption.

  • We have the brains, the know-how, the technology, and the feasibility

  • to build an entirely new civilization.

  • The choice lies with you.

  • There are no negro problems, or Polish problems,

  • or Jewish problems, or Greek problems or Women's problems...

  • they're human problems.

  • We could either develop paradise on Earth

  • or oblivion... wipe ourselves out.

  • Only the future will tell.

  • What you do to make the future.

  • Part 5 - The Future

  • There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind. - C.S. Lewis

  • >> The tremendous progress we've made over the last century

  • by a series of forces, are in fact accelerating!

  • To a point that we have the potential in the next three decades

  • to create a world of abundance.

  • Now, I'm not saying we don't have our set of problems...

  • Climate crisis, species extinction, water and energy shortage...

  • ...we surely do.

  • And as humans, we are far better at seeing the problems way in advance

  • but ultimately, we knock them down.

  • Underpinning much of this is technology

  • and of late, exponentially growing technologies.

  • We truly are living in an extraordinary time

  • and many people forget this!

  • This is Moore's Law over the last hundred years.

  • I want you to notice two things from this curve.

  • Number one, how smooth it is.

  • Through good time and bad time, war time and peace time,

  • recession, depression, and boom time...

  • This is the result of faster computers being used to build faster computers.

  • It doesn't slow for any of our grand challenges.

  • And also, even though it's plotted on a logarithm curve on the left

  • it's curving upward.

  • The rate at which the technology is getting faster is itself, getting faster.

  • And on this curve, riding on Moore's Law

  • are a set of extraordinarily powerful technologies

  • available to all of us.

  • "Cloud Computing", what my friends at Autodesk call "Infinite Computing"...

  • Sensors and networks...

  • Robotics...

  • 3D Printing, which is the ability to

  • democratize and distribute personalized production around the planet.

  • Synthetic biology... fuels, vaccines and foods...

  • Digital medicine... nanomaterials... and A.I.

  • The world is going to change with or without you... get ready.

  • >> Science and technology are propelling us forward at accelerating rates

  • >> That's right, and if we don't understand it

  • and by "we" I mean the general public

  • If it's something that... "Oh, I'm not good at that. I don't know anything about it."

  • Then who is making all of the decisions about science and technology

  • that are going to determine what kind of future our children live in?

  • Just some members of congress?

  • Science is more than a body of knowledge.

  • It's a way of thinking.

  • A way of skeptically interrogating the universe

  • with a fine understanding of human fallibility.

  • If we are not able to ask skeptical questions

  • to interrogate those who tell us that something is true

  • to be skeptical of those in authority

  • then we're up for grabs

  • for the next charlatan, political or religious, who comes ambling along.

  • It's a thing that Jefferson lay great stress on.

  • It wasn't enough, he said, to enshrine some rights in a constitution

  • ...or a Bill of Rights...

  • The people had to be educated

  • and they had to practice their skepticism and their education

  • otherwise we don't run the government. The government runs us.

  • >> My sense is, the problem lies with the fact that

  • our business leaders, our government leaders and for that matter the rest of us

  • we are continuing to rely on 18th and 19th century ideas

  • about human nature and the human journey

  • that were spawned at the begining of the market era

  • the nation-state era

  • and at that period of time we had a great discussion

  • The Enlightenment.

  • John Locke, the great political philosopher of the Enlightenment

  • He said "Look, babies are born tabula rasa. Blank slates."

  • "They're not born in sin."

  • But he did leave a little opening.

  • He said "However, there is a predisposition to acquire property."

  • Somebody should have caught him on that.

  • >> Scarcity is contextual

  • and technology is a resource liberating force.

  • The cost of solar dropped 50% last year.

  • Last month MIT put out a study showing that by the end of this decade

  • in the sunny parts of the United States

  • solar electricity will be 6 cents per kilowatt hour

  • compared to 15 cents as a national average.

  • And if we have abundant energy

  • we also have abundant water

  • because we live on a water planet.

  • We live on a planet 70% covered by water.

  • Yes, 97.5% is salt water, 2% is ice

  • and we fight over a half of a percent of the water on this planet

  • but here too, there is hope

  • and there is technology coming online

  • NOT 10-20 years from now, right now.

  • and the conversation I had with Dean Kamen this morning

  • one of the great D.I.Y. innovators, I'd like to share with you...

  • His technology called SlingShot that many of you may have heard of

  • it's the size of a small dorm room refrigerator.

  • It's able to generate 1000 liters of clean drinking water a day

  • out of ANY source. Salt water, polluted water, latrine...

  • at less than 2 cents a liter.

  • This is the kind of innovation that exists today.

  • >> I should like to help everyone if possible.

  • Jew, Gentile...

  • black man, white...

  • We all want to help one another, humans beings are like that.

  • We want to live by each others happiness, not be each others misery.

  • We don't want to hate and despise one another.

  • In this world there's room for every one, and the good Earth is rich

  • and can provide for every one.

  • A way of life could be free and beautiful.

  • But we have lost the way.

  • Greed has poisoned mens' souls.

  • Has barricaded the world with hate.

  • Has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed.

  • >> In the last 10 years

  • under the radar

  • there's been some very interesting developments

  • in evolutionary biology, neurocognitive science,

  • child development research, and many other fields

  • which is beginning to challenge some of these long-held shibboleths that we have

  • about human nature and the meaning of the human journey.

  • This was the dominant frame of reference:

  • Utilitarian, self-interested, materialistic.

  • It really challenges these assumptions.

  • And with that, the institutions that we have created

  • based on those assumptions.

  • Our educational institutions, our business practices,

  • our governing instituions, etcetera...

  • So here's the question.

  • We know that consciousness changes in history.

  • The way our brain is wired today

  • is not the way a medieval serf's brain would be wired

  • and their brain wouldn't be the same as

  • the wiring of a forager/hunter 30 thousand years ago.

  • So the question I asked at the beginning of this study 6 years ago

  • or this book

  • is, how does consciousness change in history?

  • Is it possible that we human beings, who are soft-wired for empathic distress

  • is it possible we could actually extend our empathy to the entire human race

  • as an extended family

  • and to our fellow creatures

  • as part of our evolutionary family

  • and to the biosphere as our common community?

  • >> We're going to hit 70% penetration of cell phones in the developing world

  • by the end of 2013.

  • Think about it.

  • That a Masai warrior on a cell phone in the middle of Kenya

  • has better mobile com than president Reagan did 25 years ago.

  • And if they're on a smart phone on Google

  • they've got access to more knowledge and information than president Clinton did 15 years ago.

  • They're living in a world of information and communication abundance

  • that no one could have ever predicted!

  • Here is the biggest force for bringing about a world of abundance.

  • I call it, the rising billion.

  • In 2010 we had just short of 2 billion people online, connected.

  • By 2020, that's going from 2 billion to 5 billion internet users.

  • 3 billion new minds who have never been heard from before

  • are connecting to the global conversation.

  • And they will get healthier by using a tricorder

  • and they'll become better educated by using the Khan Academy

  • a by literally being able to use 3D printing and infinite computing

  • more productive than ever before.

  • So what could 3 billion rising, healthy, educated, productive members of humanity bring to us?

  • How about a set of voices that have never been heard from before.

  • What about giving the oppressed, wherever they might be

  • the voice to be heard and the voice to act for the first time ever

  • What will these 3 billion people bring?

  • What about contributions we can't even predict.

  • >> But if we have gone from empathy in blood ties

  • to empathy in religious associational ties

  • to empathy based on national identification

  • is it really a big stretch to imagine

  • the new technologies allow us to connect our empathy

  • to the human race at large, in a single biosphere?

  • Today we're in a globally connected world.

  • Our youngsters can begin to empathize across all the traditional lines.

  • We almost can grasp the possibility

  • of global empathy.

  • The new communications

  • the ICT revolution, is open-source, flat, peer to peer, here's the key word...

  • It's distributed.

  • Meaning 2 billion people can put a little utensil in their hand

  • and they can send their own video, audio, text, to all the other 2 billion people

  • at the same time, at the speed of light, with more power than the centralized BBC

  • and we did it all in 15 years.

  • >> We have heard the rationals offered by the superpowers.

  • We know who speaks for the nations

  • but who speaks for the human species?

  • Who speaks for Earth?

  • Our global civilization is clearly on the edge of failure

  • in the most important task it faces;

  • Preserving the lives and well-being of its citizens

  • and the future habitability of the planet.

  • Shouldn't we consider, in every nation

  • major changes in the traditional ways of doing things?

  • A fundamental restructure, of economic, political, social, and religious institutions?

  • Fundamental changes in society

  • are sometimes labeled impractical

  • or contrary to human nature

  • as if there were only ONE human nature.

  • But fundamental changes can clearly be made. We're surrounded by them.

  • In the last two centuries, abject slavery

  • which was with us for thousands of years

  • has almost entirely been eliminated

  • in a stirring, world-wide revolution.

  • Women, systematically mistreated for millenia

  • are gradually gaining the political and economic power

  • traditionally denied them.

  • And some wars of aggression have recently been stopped or curtailed

  • because of a revulsion felt by the people in the aggressor nations.

  • >> What gives me tremendous confidence in the future

  • is the fact that we are now more empowered as individuals

  • to take on the grand challenges of this planet.

  • We have the tools, with this exponential technology

  • We have the passion of the D.I.Y. innovator

  • And we have 3 billion new minds coming online to work with us

  • to solve the grand challenges

  • to do that which WE MUST do!

  • >> Our children are being revolutionized, in terms of their consciousness

  • to fit the new tempral-spacial orientation of the biosphere.

  • The kids in 1st grade are learning

  • that everything they do...

  • The clothes they wear, the food they eat,

  • the electricity they use, the car the family drives...

  • All of that affects their carbon footprint

  • and impacts some other human being, or some other creature

  • somewhere else in the biosphere

  • because we're all connected. THAT's a revolution.

  • We have the technology that allows us to extend the central nervous system

  • and to think viscerally as a family, not just intellectually.

  • It's not going to give us utopia.

  • It's not going to eliminate the fragilities

  • and the inconsistencies, and the imperfections

  • and the struggle of being alive.

  • But it will give us a sense of our stewardship of this planet.

  • And we know at the end of our life when we look back

  • we don't look back at our life, and we don't say...

  • "Gee, that momement where I made a new deal..."

  • "I felt really impregnable as an island to myself..."

  • "I felt really detached and rational, and really objective..."

  • "I was able to extinguish my libido, and enjoy my utility..."

  • I just don't think...

  • There may be some pathalogical person that does that

  • but, as my wife said, it's the death bed chest.

  • When we look back at our life

  • we look back and its the moments where we had that empathic connection

  • where we transcended ourselves

  • and could actually FEEL a loved one, or someone else

  • as if we were experiencing it ourself.

  • We feel super-alive.

  • It's of those moments where we actually feel transcendence.

  • You don't have to be religious.

  • And we felt, we're connected.

  • We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned

  • so as to have the life that is waiting for us. - Joseph Campbell

  • >> You the people, have the power!

  • The power to create happiness!

  • You the people, have the power to make this life free and beautiful!

  • To make this life a wonderful adventure!

  • Let us use that power! Let us all unite!

  • Let us fight for a new world

  • a decent world

  • that will give men a chance to work

  • that will you the future

  • and old-age a security.

  • By the promise of these things, brutes have risen to power.

  • But they lie, they do not fulfill their promise

  • they never will!

  • Now, let us fight to fulfill that promise!

  • Let us fight to free the world!

  • To do away with national barriers!

  • To do away with greed!

  • ...with hate, and intolerance!

  • Let us fight for a world of reason!

  • A world where science and progress

  • will lead to ALL mens' happiness.

  • >> The old appeals to racial, sexual, and religious chauvinism

  • and to rabid nationalist ferver

  • are beginning not to work.

  • A new consciousness is developing which sees the Earth as a

  • single organism

  • and recognizes that an organism at war with itself

  • is doomed.

  • We are one planet.

  • A film by RELIC

  • final mix and master by THE VOICE OF REASON

  • all footage provided by The Interwebz

  • want info on how to contribute to future projects?

  • Those who say it cannot be done, should not interrupt the people doing it. - unknown

  • More powerful than the will to win, is the courage to begin. - unknown

  • Man is free the instant he wants to be. - Voltaire

  • Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity. - Horace Mann

  • If there is no struggle, there is no progress. - Frederick Douglass

  • All limitations are self-imposed. - unknown

  • >> I want to live my life taking the risk all the time

  • that I don't know anything like enough yet.

  • That I haven't understood enough.

  • That I CAN'T know enough.

  • That I'm always hungrily operating on the margins of a potentially great harvest

  • of future knowledge and wisdom.

  • I wouldn't have it any other way.

  • Take the risk of thinking for yourself.

  • Much more happiness, truth, beauty, and wisdom will come to you that way.

  • This presentation was brought to you by Crackin Films.

  • Subtitles by the community

Is it possible, to totally bring about a mutation in what is?


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