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  • - I'm not wearing pants right now.

  • There's a fact for ya.

  • So if you've ever watched a Hollywood movie

  • that involved a heist, you'll notice that they

  • almost always portray the thieves

  • as criminal masterminds.

  • Movies like Oceans 11 and The Thomas Crown Affair

  • among others, are excellent movies, but

  • once they end so does our suspension of disbelief

  • because let's face it, there couldn't possibly be

  • that smart of criminals out there

  • that they could pull off these incredible heists.

  • Or could there?

  • Well as it turns out there have been

  • some criminals that have pulled off some

  • incredible heists over the years,

  • proving that once in a while crime does pay.

  • So this week I gathered some of the

  • smartest criminals of all time

  • that have pulled off some pretty amazing thefts.

  • And of course I wanted to share them all with you.

  • So here they are, the

  • 10 Most Brilliant Criminals In History.

  • Number one is The Vacuum Gang.

  • In France there's a gang of thieves that have

  • been steeling money from supermarkets since 2006.

  • Their brilliance is that unlike other thieves

  • that might use safe cracking or explosives

  • this gang has been emptying safes

  • using nothing more than a drill and

  • a modified vacuum.

  • They discovered a weakness in the type of

  • safe used by French supermarket chain Monoprix.

  • By drilling into the delivery tubes near the safes,

  • they simply hook up their device to it

  • and suck out the envelopes of cash.

  • They have successfully stolen at least

  • $800,000 from 15 different stores since they started.

  • What's most surprising is that Monoprix

  • has no plans to change their

  • cash delivery system, despite the fact

  • that it's cost them nearly $1 million

  • over the last several years.

  • See sometimes the simplest things

  • are the most successful, maybe

  • that's why so many of you subscribe to me.

  • (laughs)

  • Number two, Are the Credit Lyonnais Burglars.

  • On March 30th 2010 a group of thieves stole

  • millions of Euros of cash and valuables

  • from the Credit Lyonnais bank in Paris.

  • They first waited until the bank was closed for renovations.

  • They then tunneled into the bank,

  • subdued a guard, broke into the vault,

  • and emptied 125 safety deposit boxes.

  • Finally they set the building on fire

  • destroying any evidence and allowing them

  • to get away scot-free.

  • What's incredible about this story

  • is not that they got away with it but

  • that the whole operation took nine full hours

  • and they still got away with it.

  • Really though, one guard to watch

  • and entire bank for nine full hours

  • and nobody checked on him?

  • Either this was an inside job or

  • the robbers had horseshoes up their asses.

  • Or they just realized that they

  • were hitting up a really stupid bank.

  • Yeah I'm gonna go with the latter.

  • Number three, are The Pink Panthers.

  • The Pink Panthers were a Serbian gang

  • of jewel thieves known to be responsible

  • for the robberies of 120 jewelry stores

  • in over 20 different countries.

  • They were known for their daring escapes

  • and creative break-ins, including one famous heist

  • where they all dressed up as women,

  • broke into a jewelry store and stole

  • $108 million worth of jewelry.

  • Their crowing achievement however

  • was the theft of a diamond worth £500 million in London.

  • The thieves hid the diamond in a jar of face cream

  • similar to the movie Return of the Pink Panther

  • which is how the group earned their name.

  • That is crazy stuff.

  • Number four, is the Friday Night Robbers.

  • Carl Gugasian was a successful American thief

  • that had the smarts to make his

  • criminal career last 30 years.

  • He began robbing shops when he was 15

  • and dedicated himself to a lifetime of crime

  • even going as far as to get a

  • master's degree in Systems Analysis.

  • He was extremely meticulous in his planning

  • using two separate getaway vehicles

  • and even had very specific criteria to

  • narrow down which banks were the

  • most vulnerable, ensuring his success.

  • Three decades and $2 million later,

  • the only reason that he got caught

  • was pure and simple bad luck.

  • One day two teenage boys just happen

  • to discover his cache of weapons and masks

  • while playing in the park, that happened

  • to have his fingerprints on it.

  • As of right now he's still serving his 17 year sentence

  • and I hope to hell he's had better luck in prison

  • otherwise I'm sure he ended up as

  • Big Bubba's personal pincushion.

  • Yikes.

  • Number 5 is Derek "Bertie" Smalls.

  • Bertie Smalls was a British robber

  • who led a gang of thieves in the 1960s and 70s.

  • He led several successful bank robberies

  • including one where he got away with

  • £230,000 which was a record theft at the time.

  • Unfortunately for him his streak ended

  • when a member of his gang gave him up to the police.

  • However Bertie always had incredible survival instincts

  • and was very smart when it came to avoiding jail.

  • So this time was no exception.

  • Faced with 25 years in prison, he offered

  • to give up the name of every single person

  • he had ever been connected with and for

  • testifying against all of his former friends was

  • offered immunity and successfully avoided jail time.

  • Pretty sweet deal considering he led

  • a lifetime of crime except for the

  • rumor there's a £1 million bounty on his head

  • from some very powerful underground mob bosses.

  • So, he's free but you know now he's got

  • a significantly shorter lifespan.

  • Number six is The 300 Million Yen Robber.

  • On December 10th of 1968 a bank car

  • transporting ¥300 million, worth about $817,000 US

  • was pulled over by a policeman on a motorcycle.

  • The policeman warned there was a bomb under the truck

  • so all four armed guards exited the vehicle

  • while the policeman inspected it.

  • The only problem is the policeman wasn't a policeman

  • he was actually an unknown bank robber

  • who simply drove away with the cash

  • never to be seen again.

  • Now this might sound silly but in

  • the guards' defense that specific bank

  • had been getting a lot of bomb threats

  • as of late, so it wasn't unreasonable

  • to hear that there was a bomb under the truck.

  • Still that being said Japan you might wanna

  • step up your security game, know what I'm sayin'?

  • Damn.

  • Number seven are the Boston Art Robbers.

  • On the night of March 18th 1990

  • two men gained access to the

  • Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston.

  • They stole and estimated $500 million worth of art

  • including priceless masterworks by Rembrandt

  • and Monet among others.

  • Dressed as police officers they were able

  • to convince security that they were responding

  • to a call, after which they raided the museum

  • stealing 13 pieces of historical one-of-a-kind

  • pieces of artwork.

  • Despite this being the largest private property theft

  • in history, the truly amazing thing is that

  • the statute of limitations has run out.

  • So even if these men came forward

  • they could not be charged with a crime.

  • Man, these guys need to come forward,

  • I mean they can't be charged with a crime

  • so at a minimum they'll probably

  • be given a movie deal and become celebrities.

  • I mean we have made people like Honey Boo Boo

  • famous so these guys definitely have a shot.

  • Number eight is The School of Turin.

  • The School of Turin was the name given

  • to a group of thieves led by criminal mastermind

  • Leonardo Notarbartolo in Belgium.

  • They were the ones responsible for

  • the infamous Antwerp diamond heist

  • which was dubbed the heist of the century.

  • Every step of the heist was carefully planned

  • and executed, everything from Leonardo staying

  • in the bank vault the night before to learning and

  • by passing the most intricate workings of the bank vault.

  • They were even smart enough to have

  • the foresight to not only grab the diamonds but

  • the paperwork needed to sell them as legitimate.

  • Interestingly they all got away with it except

  • Leonardo who was convicted purely on DNA evidence

  • found on a half eaten sandwich found by the crime scene.

  • Damn well just goes to show you

  • never commit a robbery on an empty stomach.

  • You're more likely to slip up.

  • (touching piano riff)

  • Number nine are the Baker Street Burglars.

  • In 1971 a team of thieves tunneled into

  • the Lloyds Baker Street bank vault in London

  • stealing £3 million worth of cash and valuables

  • from safety deposit boxes.

  • During the heist a radio operator overheard

  • their transmissions and contacted police,

  • who franticly searched over 700 banks in the area.

  • Amazingly police arrived at that very bank

  • but upon seeing no damage to the vault door

  • left and continued searching other banks.

  • But despite several of the men getting caught

  • years later the true mastermind of the plot

  • was said to be a London car dealer

  • who was never caught.

  • Interestingly this story was the basis

  • for the movie The Bank Job starring Jason Statham

  • who just happens to be one of my favorite actors

  • because he's got the whole bald with

  • a beard thing going on.

  • It's my favorite look.

  • And number 10, D. B. Cooper.

  • One of the most infamous and mysterious

  • criminals in history is D. B. Cooper.

  • On November 24th of 1971 a man

  • named Dan Cooper who's real name

  • has never been discovered, hijacked a

  • Boeing 727 claiming that he

  • had a bomb in his suitcase.

  • Upon landing in Seattle he demanded

  • $200,000 and four parachutes.

  • Shortly after the plane taking off for Mexico

  • he jumped out of the aircraft, over the

  • mountains northwest of Portland.

  • Even after years of searches and ongoing

  • FBI investigations neither he nor the money

  • were ever found.

  • It's amazing to think that there

  • was once a time when criminals in America

  • could actually get away with hijacking an airplane.

  • Today he probably would've been wrapped up

  • in an American flag while everybody

  • aboard that flight beat the piss

  • out of him and yelled 'Merica.

  • And that's all for this time guys.

  • If you enjoyed this video you should definitely

  • check out my buddy Russell's channel ownage Pranks.

  • We thought that it would be funny

  • for him to do the exact opposite of my video

  • prank call a guy as a dumb criminal

  • and it turned out amazing.

  • Russell's a really talented voice actor and

  • you have to see what he does with

  • this guy over the phone.

  • So if you want to check that out I'll put a link

  • on the screen and in the description.

  • I've actually been subscribed to him for a while now

  • and I think you guys are really going

  • to enjoy his content.

  • As always if you enjoyed this video

  • please share it on Facebook and Twitter

  • and give that like button a click,

  • and I will see all of you back here

  • next Saturday with a brand new video, peace.

  • I am uncomfortably close.

  • Thanks for watching my new video.

  • If you'd like to see future videos from me

  • remember to click the big red Subscribe button below

  • to subscribe to my channel, I release

  • a new video every Saturday.

  • And if you'd like to add me to Facebook and Twitter

  • or check out my second channel, the

  • links to those will be in the description

  • along with the link to check out Russell's

  • channel ownage Pranks which you should

  • definitely do, and I will see you all

  • back here next week.

  • Have a great weekend.

  • Bye.

- I'm not wearing pants right now.


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史上最も輝かしい10人の犯罪者! (The 10 Most BRILLIANT CRIMINALS in History!)

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    ktyvr258 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日