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  • - I feel like my favorite thing about Freddie

  • is when she gets mad.

  • 'Cause I think it's hilarious.

  • - Yooo!

  • It's so funny!

  • (laughing)

  • - 'Cause she's so little and adorable,

  • - She's so cute!

  • - But like when she's mad, she's just like:

  • "I don't have time!"

  • And you're like "Okay!"

  • - It's kinda scary.

  • (upbeat jazzy music)

  • - I'm gonna be honest; this was my idea,

  • because I love that show Wife Swap.

  • - We're not hangin' out.

  • - Not us hanging out; we're switchin' ladies.

  • - And I was like "Okay, what if we swapped boyfriends,"

  • and Freddie was like "I'm kinda mad about it, but okay."

  • (laughs)

  • - [Camerawoman] Do you guys think that it's weird

  • that we're doing this?

  • - I'm okay with it.

  • - Yeah, I don't care.

  • - [Paul] It's gonna be fun; Saf's fun.

  • - [Tyler] I think it's gonna be fun to get to hang out

  • with Freddie some more.

  • - I think I'm gonna learn a lot about you,

  • about Game of Thrones.

  • - Oh!

  • - [Freddie] About cat care.

  • - [Safiya] Yes, Crusty's sick,

  • so we have to get him vitamins.

  • I think you are gonna be doing that.

  • (giggles)

  • - You're gonna end up at the mall.

  • - That's fine, I don't go to the mall often.

  • - Yeah, no, well I go a lot.

  • (laughs)

  • - He's gonna wanna skate.

  • He's gonna wanna go to like,

  • the skate shop with his friends,

  • and like, other socially awkward skateboarders

  • that make me feel uncomfortable.

  • (laughing)

  • - Oh she loves acai bowls.

  • - Oh that's fun!

  • - Yeah.

  • - I like those things!

  • - Oh great!

  • This is great.

  • I'm excited; this is gonna be funny.

  • (upbeat music)

  • - We started off at breakfast, all four of us.

  • Nice breakfast, little eggs, little bacon,

  • little chitter, little chatter.

  • - We're gonna go--

  • - [Tyler] Here's a seflie stick.

  • - Don't selfie stick my selfie stick.

  • We're gonna go our separate ways,

  • and then we're gonna meet up after Paul's show.

  • - We're gonna go to my show; I'm in a musical.

  • - The weather was kind of crappy.

  • - Yeah it was.

  • Usually I feel like girlfriends borrow their

  • boyfriends' clothes, but with me it's the opposite.

  • - We started off at the mall,

  • walked around, hit all the spots.

  • - We just came from the Lego Store.

  • - It was fun.

  • Very overwhelmed with all the different types of Legos.

  • Lego's really stepped it up.

  • - But we got an air freshener.

  • Probably the best-smelling car air fresheners of all time.

  • It's a flavor called light squash.

  • Paul's so happy with it!

  • - It smells just like Sprite!

  • Then we, of course, hit the other spots,

  • which were like Sephora.

  • Lot of different colors; love that.

  • Love color.

  • - I showed him your brow pencil.

  • - [Freddie] Ah.

  • - I used the spoolie to brush his eyebrows up.

  • - [Freddie] (sighs) He needs that.

  • - I would totally, like, get made-up,

  • y'know what I'm saying?

  • - [Safiya] You would?

  • - Like, sit in a makeup chair, just let 'em do whatever.

  • Really fun, very overwhelming.

  • Sephora's cool; it's like the Lego Store.

  • - Almost more things to play with than in the Lego Store.

  • - Barnes & Noble.

  • - Oh that's a great Barnes & Noble that.

  • - [Paul] That's a really solid--

  • I've never been in there; solid Barnes & Noble.

  • - So our first stop was Petsmart.

  • And we're gonna get Crusty's vitamins.

  • - Vitamins.

  • - Hopefully, they're having an adoption situation.

  • - They should be.

  • - For kittens, so I can play with them, and maybe get one.

  • (record scratch)

  • (somber music)

  • - Sometimes, they have this box of cats

  • that are like this big, and Saf was holding four of them

  • on her chest, and they were just like dangling on her chest.

  • (laughs)

  • - [Safiya] So Freddie just texted us...

  • That she found a cat.

  • (somber music)

  • (cackling)

  • Paul!

  • (laughing)

  • What are you gonna do if she legit adopts a cat today?

  • You know that when Quinta got a cat,

  • Freddie was like "Now I need to get a cat."

  • - We found a cat that Freddie, I think,

  • put in a request; an application.

  • He doesn't have a dick, but he's a great cat--

  • (laughs)

  • - Poor cat.

  • - No I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding.

  • They uh...

  • (laughs)

  • No, I'm not kidding actually, they were like

  • "We don't know where his penis is."

  • - He loves me!

  • Shinobi.

  • Shinobi's the cat; his gangsta name will be Shanasty.

  • - Shi-nodick.

  • (cackling laughter)

  • - So anyway, we were there to go to the cat adoption,

  • but we were also there to get pills for my cat.

  • - [Freddie] Crusty greeted us right at the front door!

  • Hey Crusty, I'm Freddie!

  • - We went back to the apartment,

  • and we gave the cat the pills.

  • (laughing)

  • Yes.

  • - [Freddie] Woo!

  • - Okay, where are we?

  • - Okay, right now we are at Babylon.

  • It's a shop my homies run and work at.

  • - [Safiya] But we did go to the skate shop,

  • and the bowl was wet.

  • And it's metal, so you don't really

  • wanna be doing that either.

  • So they've a kitchen in the back.

  • That's where people like me are meant to skate.

  • He put me on his board--

  • What's the name of the board?

  • - [Paul] Shake Junt.

  • - Shake Junt is the name of the board.

  • There wasn't really enough room for me to kick,

  • and like, coast.

  • What I was doing was I was standing on the board,

  • and then kind of hoola-ing,

  • to get myself from one end to the other.

  • Grabbing air.

  • And just, pulling myself along.

  • - In retrospect, I'm glad you guys didn't actually

  • have Safiya go into the bowl.

  • - [Paul] Wow.

  • - I was gonna say the second she gets on that bowl, y'know.

  • (smacks)

  • Tumble.

  • - I brought Tyler to my favorite acai bowl place.

  • We are about to

  • crush! ♫

  • I love acai bowls a lot, so I was just in heaven

  • when we got there.

  • - And then we went thrift shopping.

  • - Tyler tried on this badass, white Lakers bomber jacket.

  • I knew Saf was gonna like that bomber jacket,

  • 'cause she likes the street Asian style.

  • - Somewhere inbetween K-pop, and Caleb

  • from Pretty Little Liars minus the beanie.

  • That's my ideal style.

  • But I'll settle for pants.

  • - I did get a Hawaiian shirt.

  • This is a pretty stylish Hawaiian shirt.

  • I think I'm kinda pullin' off some style.

  • - And then after that we went to my show.

  • - Paul had to be there a little bit earlier for his call,

  • so I went to get a coffee by myself.

  • And I think that Freddie and Tyler

  • are gonna actually meet up with us,

  • because they ran out of stuff to do.

  • (giggles)

  • Wait, we have to wait for Tyler!

  • They're making out!

  • - Did you get a cat?

  • - Um, yes.

  • - [Safiya] Look at that printed shirt!

  • Oh wow.

  • You look just like Frenton--

  • no not like that, though.

  • - [Freddie] Watching the show,

  • and just like sitting and relaxing

  • was a nice ending to that day.

  • - Literally, all four of us are just like, exhausted.

  • - [Together] We swapped boyfriends for a day.

  • - That was planned.

  • I just thought it was fun that we all got along so well.

  • - And we took it outside of work,

  • we're all hangin' out, and it's like "Yeah,

  • let's hang out more!"

  • - Yeah!

  • - It was cool to see that the friendship was transferable.

  • Paul is similar enough to you that I was like

  • "Oh, this is fun.

  • It is kind of like hanging out with Freddie."

  • - Yeah.

  • - If anything, this brought us closer together.

  • - Yeah us, yeah.

  • - Saf, has been the homie for a minute.

  • - I think the moral of the story is that, like,

  • I need to get this cat.

  • - I was with Paul when we were getting the texts

  • about Freddie adopting the cat, and I was like

  • "Paul, just give it up.

  • You are a cat-daddy now."

  • - Cat-daddy.

  • - Anyway.

  • - Have you accepted it, Paul?

  • - [Paul] Yes.

  • - I finally came to get him!

  • Shinobi's mine!

  • - [Paul[ Shinobi!

  • Shinobi!

  • He's not lookin'.

- I feel like my favorite thing about Freddie


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BFFは一日のためにボーイフレンドを交換 - サフ&フレディ (BFFs Swap Boyfriends For A Day • Saf & Freddie)

  • 531 10
    Sharon Kung に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日