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  • A: I got a Snapchat

  • G: Yeah remember when Allison said she would never get Snapchat, and talked shit about it all the time? Now she has a Snapchat.

  • A: Because there are brand opportunities

  • G: Oh I see, money was involved.

  • A: Yeah money was involved , then I found out it wasn't money and they just wanted to send me free clothes. So I said "no thank you, I only like money"

  • G: I wanna bring up something else, uh,

  • you only Snapchat back and forth with this girl from your work

  • A: Yes. I met a blonde lesbian in there named Rachel. We formed this like unlikely Odd Couple Duo

  • G: Are you fucking serious right now?

  • A: We snap back and forth all day, we're like BFFs at work. It's so funny because people are like "oh my god, we love your dynamic together"

  • G: That doesn't remind you of anything?

  • A: She's full gay

  • G: I will not have you snapping other women in my presence.

  • A: It's not the same baby!

  • G: mm-hmm

  • A: It's not the same. We'll never have what, it's just new and fresh.

  • G: Oh!

  • A: And it's not the same, what we have is so much deeper.

  • G: uh-huh.

  • A: She's just younger you know.

  • G: Good bye!

  • -JBU instrumental music intro-

  • A: What does Auto-Tune sound like?

  • G: what?

  • A: Like if I were to do the song auto-tune what would that sound like?

  • G: -robot singing voice- like a robot voice

  • A: Great, great, great.

  • -nasally mimic of Gaby's robot voice- this week we have an international question, international question

  • G: No it's too high pitch

  • A: -voice goes deeper- international question

  • G: It's too high pitch

  • A: Genevieve Melbourne. Do you think if you tuned in late you would know I was auto-tuning it?

  • G: No.

  • A: How do you help a friend with mental illness?

  • G: Just don't judge Allison, and I understand that a lot of her stuff is coming from like her OCD, and her anxiety, and depression.

  • A: You have a lot problems as well.

  • G: I do not. We have two brands on this show one brand is mental illness, and one brand is gay stuff. And never the two shall meet.

  • A: Right, I'm straight but you are crazy.

  • G: I don't know, I've never met anybody that doesn't have anxiety.

  • A: Yeah.

  • G: Have you?

  • A: Yes.

  • G: Who?

  • A: My dad

  • G: Your dad has no anxiety?

  • A: Not like a problem with it.

  • G: What does he do all day?

  • A: Succeed.

  • A: You don't necessarily know that that's why your friend is acting the way your friend is acting.

  • G: Yeah I agree.

  • A: Like it took me a while to figure out -click-

  • G: Me?!

  • A: What's goin on over here!

  • You throw up when you're anxious!

  • G: Mm-hmm

  • A: I just burp.

  • Anyway I feel like the way you deal with the friend with mental illness is the same way you would just deal with anyone that's your friend, with compassion.

  • G: I think we do separate our brands a lot on this show however I do have mental illness stuff

  • in my past, I don't talk about it--

  • A: I kissed a girl.

  • G: Great. I don't talk about it on this show cuz' it's not like my whole deal

  • A: It's not my whole deal!

  • G: I mean it's what you care about a lot

  • Like not your whole deal, like your activism. Not like your whole deal meaning that you're like whatever. Like that's your activism.

  • A: Well I just don't think you need to hide it.

  • G: I'm not hiding anything.

  • A: No, I know. But I'm saying that is why I talk about it that much. Also--

  • G: If this were a TV show it would immediately cut to all the times you've talked about how you have mental illness

  • Sometimes friends will have mental illnesses noticeable and you just have to let them do whatever they need to take care of themselves.

  • And not judge that, and not make a big deal, or make fun of them.

  • A: Take your shoes off.

  • G: Take your shoes off if they need you to take your shoes off.

  • A: If they say I don't want sit on the grass don't make them sit on the grass.

  • G: Right. And don't be like "ugh, just get over it"

  • A: I think a great way to deal with a friend who may be is going through something is to say why don't you go talk to a professional

  • Like-

  • G: Yeah

  • A: -there's nothing wrong. You talk to a professional about everything else.

  • If your toilet's broken you're not like "Oh I better not talk to a professional that's embarrassing".

  • G: Don't let your friend dump it all on you if there not going to seek some kind of other-

  • Even if it's just running, even if you can't afford to see a professional if you're feeling bad and you just start running,

  • which is a free thing you can do.

  • A: oh but, it's awful.

  • G: I'm saying that you may not always be able to spot mental illness in people and that maybe you wouldn't think somone like me

  • would be on medication but I am. And so just be kind to your friends.

  • A: I knew.

  • -instrumental music-

  • A: It's not my whole thing. I have other things!

  • G: Name one other thing!

  • A: I'm a loser when it comes to love, I have a dog.

  • G: Yeah my whole thing is bisexuality.

  • Subtitles by the community

A: I got a Snapchat


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

どのように精神的に病気の友人を助けるのですか?/ 私たちの間だけで (How Do You Help A Mentally Ill Friend? / Just Between Us)

  • 80 5
    Jack に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日