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  • How men react to different levels of makeup online this was a really interesting social experiment,

  • a beauty-related social experiment.

  • Her name is Brinton Parker. What she wanted to see was how men would react dependent on how much makeup she wore,

  • So she created three completely identical accounts on Tinder,

  • one where she had very minimual makeup, almost bare-face-makeup.

  • The other one average amounts of makeup.

  • And then finally the third account with heavy makeup.

  • And then she swiped, 'cause you guys are familiar with Tinder, I'm not.

  • But you basically "swipe" to accept someone.

  • So she "swiped" the first one hundred suggested matches for herself.

  • This is what her findings were. So she saw that men actually flocked to the bare-faced version of her.

  • But their language was different. They almost treated her more like a friend than a hook-up.

  • Now the person with average makeup that's where she got most of the flirtation.

  • And where most the men I guess wanted to take her out on a date.

  • And then finally with the heavy makeup.

  • It was people assumed she was more, based on the language, sexually promiscuous.

  • And then also that she was more stylish.

  • So she would get comments like "dope style", "I like this style".

  • She did say which I thought is really interesting that she was actually quite refreshed by most of the conversations

  • that most of the people seem that they genuinely wanted to get to know her

  • even though Tinder is specifically based on your physical appearance.

  • But she said of course there were some standouts, some negative standouts

  • that definitely correlated to her sexual willingness to how much makeup she was wearing.

  • Interesting thoughts. Five words or less.

  • Men make up your mind.

  • This experiment needs more foundation.

  • Can't make this stuff up.

  • Tinder is the night.

  • Okay, so...First of all, what do you guys think about the results of this experiment?

  • And I do think that we need to just talk about the fact that it's not the ideal sample size. A hundred people.

  • It's not gonna have the significance, statistically, nor there's other variables involved.

  • But what do you still think?

  • I have a problem of calling it a social experiment to begin with.

  • It lacks credibility.

  • What about all the other factors that are not being counted here?

  • There's backgrounds, there's clothing,

  • there's lighting, there's photo composition.

  • there's a fact that she is beautiful no matter how she looks in all the pictures.

  • You don't know about the men coming up to her

  • and you don't know about are they judging by social economic status.

  • How does that work?

  • It's Tinder though.

  • This is not like, you don't set up a huge dating profile.

  • You don't get the opportunity to find out about anyone anyway.

  • I think she had plenty of controls.

  • I think she has like it's the same person.

  • It's basically the same photos. She did like change some they were like I'm outside and an outdoorsy person.

  • I disagree 'cause in the no makeup one she had a picture with her wearing like a beany and she is outside in a forest,

  • she was very outdoorsy.

  • There's one in the medium makeup where she is holding a drink, so men maybe take that as a "woo", that drink means.

  • She is ready to "gagedi gagedi gagedi "

  • Yeah! I agree.

  • 'Cause I don't think makeup is necessarily the right thing to say she changed,

  • because I think it would better presensitized like, "do men like an outdoorsy-looking person",

  • "or like a person who looks like they wanna go out and do it".

  • And I think it's been proven by the reactions she got --- people picked up on her.

  • They picked up on that instead just being like you know this looks like somebody that's clearly promiscuous,

  • 'cause I'm equating their sexual availability to wearing makeup.

  • They saw more stylized because the pictures were very stylized.

  • So that's a very good point!

  • But do you think she has any sort legitimacy here? With her claim that men will equate one woman's...uh...

  • Yes! Well, first of all what was frustrating is the medium amount of makeup getting the most,

  • she said flirtations and disturbing.

  • And there are a list of disturbing comments.

  • And to me, as I'd say most of us, we are like in the medium makeup section, right?

  • I mean, if you were to post pictures, would you do full makeup...?

  • I think I'd like to go too off the board on mine.

  • I've been wanting to tell you that, but I thought I'd tell you in private.

  • Each beard hair is individually placed by my guy I have a guy who does that, beard guy.

  • I don't like that. If I wanna wear that much makeup, I don't want that type of attention.

  • Do you think you get objectified more, Kim, when you do pile on more makeup?

  • Or do you think it also has to do with the fact that your clothing choices and how friendly you are.

  • I think that place more into it than the makeup.

  • It's easier to detect what you are wearing than being like "oh that's that kind of girl.

  • I mean, lot's of different kinds of girls wear the medium amount of makeup.

  • Right! But I think heavy makeup is like...

  • It communicates whether you are consciously or not that I spend lots of time

  • trying to get you to notice me.

  • Or I care about my appearance or I'm an artistic person.

  • It could mean a lot of things.

  • It could. But in her defense...

  • Those all fall under "to get you to notice me"...

  • I think, in the guys' mind, I totally understand women being like "oh today I'm just gonna put a little extra into it

  • 'cause I got the time"...whatever.

  • I've known girls who do that.

  • I agree with you.

  • Normally, when women wear more makeup but usually it correlates with the outfit.

  • They are gonna be dressed up more, and I think that lands your point

  • as well as the fact that I think subconsciously when men see and women see girls that are dressed down

  • and normally when you dress down and your normally bare-faced makeup, you do put off more a grounded vibe,

  • which does sometimes lead to people thinking that you are less available or promiscuous.

  • For us, guys, in the way you go about doing it, trying to get chicks,

  • you try to do on their, try to do "all right all right" on their level.

How men react to different levels of makeup online this was a really interesting social experiment,


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男性はどのように異なるレベルのメイクに反応するか (How Men React To Different Levels Of Makeup)

  • 15232 1015
    Hsin に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日