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  • South Korea and the United States have kicked off a two-week-long military exercise aimed

  • at better countering North Korea's growing threats.

  • All branches of the military will take part in the annual Hoguk exercise, which will focus

  • on field training exercises to enhance interoperability between the branches.

  • Maritime, landing and anti-missile operations will be part of the drills.

  • The exercise was first held in 1996 and this year's drill will run through November 11th.

South Korea and the United States have kicked off a two-week-long military exercise aimed


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S.韓米、毎年恒例のホグク軍事演習をキックオフ (S. Korea, U.S. kick off annual Hoguk military exercise)

  • 109 2
    bjnav に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日