字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント Eyebrow Tattoo Experience 眉毛アートメイク体験 Hi guys, it's Wengie ハイみんな、ウェンジ―です Today I wanted to talk about my eyebrow tattooing experience 今日は眉毛アートメイクについて話したいと思います And the reason why I got my eyebrows tattooed was a few reasons 眉毛アートをした理由は いくつかあって One of them was that my eyebrows don't grow back as quickly as they used to 1つは、以前ほど眉毛が早く生えなくなったから And I used to have really thick eyebrows that didn't really need to be filled in that much 前はすごく眉毛が濃くて、そこまで描く必要も無かったの In fact I would have to pluck them because my hair would be really long and really thick 眉毛が長くて濃かったから抜いてたの Recently, I've made a mistake of over plucking and over shaving part of it 抜いたり剃ったりし過ぎたことに 最近気付いたの And I found that is taking ages for my hair to grow back 毛が生えてくるまでに すごく時間が掛かるって気付いた And therefore I ended up with some sparse eyebrows that I've had to fill in regularly その結果 眉毛がまばらになって、いつも描かなきゃいけなくなった And if you're like me, I don't know why but I cannot fill in my eyebrows the same every single time 私みたいな人もいるかな。なぜか毎回同じ眉毛の形に描けないの I must've missed out on the 'you can draw good eyebrows' gene or something like that たぶん「キレイな眉毛が描けない病」でも持ってるのかな But I've tried and it's very, very difficult いつも頑張るけど、すっごく難しい Also I was born with eyebrows that are a little bit uneven しかも左右の眉毛がちょっと違う形なの So even naturally, my eyebrows weren't exactly even だから何もしなくても眉毛の形が違うんだよね So it made it really hard for me to fill them in properly as well on top だからよけい眉毛を描くのが難しくなる Because I had to kind of like adjust the height of my eyebrows 'cause one is a little bit higher than the other 片方の眉の高さを調整しなくちゃいけないの。眉の高さが違うからね And I think it's because maybe I like lift my eyebrows too much when I talk たぶん話してる時に眉毛をよく上げるのが原因かも And the muscles are different on one side of my face than the other だから表情筋が均等じゃないんだね But yeah, my eyebrows are a little bit uneven as well だから眉毛も均等じゃないの The other thing was I also bleached my brows as well 2つ目は、眉毛をブリーチしたから。 So when I wake up in the morning my brows are really, really light almost like I don't have any eyebrows だから朝起きると眉毛がすごく明るくて無いように見えるの And they've kind of grown back dark again, recently 最近少し眉毛が生えてきたし But yeah, I just wanted to make things easier for me ただもっと楽にしたいの So that I don't have to fill them in as regularly 毎日眉毛を描く必要もなくなるし And then I could wake up in the morning without looking like I have no eyebrows それに朝起きて眉毛が無いなんてこともないし So I decided to do this eyebrow tattoo because I just felt like it'll make everything easier for me 楽ちんそうだから眉毛アートをすることにしたの If I had someone to draw in my eyebrows to begin with, it would be a good guide for me when I put on makeup 始めから誰かに眉毛を描いてもらっていたら、メイクする時に簡単だしね And yeah, I get to live with great brows all the time しかもいつもキレイな眉でいられる The reason why I've chosen to do this now and not before is that 今までしなかったけど、最近しようと決めた理由は technology has changed a lot for eyebrow tattooing 眉毛アートメイクの技術がすごく変わったから Previously, my mom has also tattooed her eyebrows but the previous technology was pretty much permanent 私のママも眉タトゥーしてるんだけど、以前の技術ではずっと消えなかったの And any tattooing thing that you did would have pretty much lasted for the rest of your life タトゥーってほとんど一生消えないよね In addition, the pigments they use were black and it would turn this bluey, greeny shade as well それに色素が黒で、しだいに青や緑っぽく色あせる So it wasn't something I wanted to do and also I don't think I can commit to a brow shape for the rest of my life だから私はしたくなかったし、これから一生 眉の形を変えられないのはイヤだったの Or risk having to remove the tattoo 消すこともできないし So recently Koreans have developed this technology, it's called 3D eyebrow tattoo でも最近韓国で3D眉タトゥーという技術ができて Or semi-permanent eyebrow tattoo セミ・パーマネント(永遠)眉タトゥーともいうよ And it's supposed to last anywhere between a couple of months to up to a year 2か月~1年くらいもつって言われてて Now, the reason why this procedure lasts a lot less than the permanent tattoo procedure 以前の一生残るタトゥーより、かなり短くなった理由は Is mainly because they are tattooing more on the superficial part of the skin 肌の表面に近い所に入れていって They're not going as deep as the original permanent tattoo, so it will fade 前のタトゥーみたいに深くないから、色あせていくの Because it's on the surface layer of the skin that sheds and exfoliates 肌の表面の層だから剥がれ落ちていくんだね And so depending on how often your skin sheds and exfoliates it might last shorter or longer time 自分の肌のターンオーバーの早さによって、短いか長持ちするか変わってくる So you can either do it again and change the shape if the trend has changed だから眉のトレンドが変わったら また違う形にできる That's the reason why I decided to do it because I know it won't be permanent 一生じゃないって分かったから することに決めたの But I know it would last a couple of months and save me a lot of time from drawing in my brows でも2、3ヶ月はもつから眉毛を描く時間を節約できる So this Korean 3D eyebrow tattoo is super popular in Korea だから韓国では この眉アートがすごく人気だよ A lot of women are going to do this now 今では たくさんの女性がやってる Because they realise it's a lot of work if you had to draw in your eyebrows every day 毎日眉を描くのが面倒だって気付いたんだね And for people that have a career or go to work on a daily basis 毎日仕事などに行く人にとって Yeah, it pretty much saves you so much time especially if you're busy 忙しい人には かなり時間の節約になるよ In addition, your eyebrows won't wash-off when you sweat, or when it's hot and when you go into the pool それに汗をかいても、暑い日にプールに行っても消えないし And it just stays there, which is amazing ずっとキレイなままだから最高なの The difference between a 3D eyebrow tattoo an a normal eyebrow tattoo is that 3Dと普通のアートメイクの違いは 3D eyebrow tattooing they actually draw the individual hairs 3Dは一本一本の毛を描いていくの So when you look closely it almost looks like an eyebrow hair because they use little strokes だから間近で見ても毛のように見えるから本物みたいなの Instead of just doing a whole block of colour 眉毛全体を塗るよりもね So that's another improvement as well and it looks super natural これも進歩の一つで、すごく自然に見えるよ And with 3D eyebrow tattooing you can have two types 3Dには2タイプのアートメイクがあって One is machine drawn, which is they use a tattoo machine 1つ目は、タトゥーの機械で描く方法 And they basically draw lines and theses line will end up looking more straight and more parallel 線を描いていくんだけど、ストレートで平行な線になる The other kind of stroke is actually a hand drawn stroke and this is the style that my particular tattooist use 2つ目は、手で描いていく方法で、私はこっちにしたよ And I think it's much better because hand drawn stroke are, I guess, more imperfect 私は手で描く方が良いと思う。だってその方が完璧な線じゃなくなるから Just like natural hair, they're not exactly parallel and they're all kind of different 自然な毛みたいに、正確に平行じゃないし、それぞれ違うし And I feel that this kind of stroke actually makes your eyebrows look それにこっちの線の方が A lot more natural than a machine drawn stroke 機械より もっと自然な感じがする But it's completely up to you what style you choose でも自分次第だから好きな方を選んでね It's just good to know what you can choose from 知っていれば選べるから良いよね So these are the two kind of strokes that you can actually choose from この2つから選ぶことが出来るの When you're choosing an eyebrow tattoo artist 自分の眉アーティストを選ぶ時にね So now, I just want to walk you guys, through the process of actually tattooing your eyebrows 今から眉毛アートの実際のプロセスについて話すね So I turned up to the tattoo place and basically まずはアートメイクのお店に行くんだけど What you need to do is to remove all the makeup from your eyebrows 眉毛の化粧は全てとらなきゃいけないの Turn up with a clean eyebrow or they may wipe it off for you 化粧せずに行ってもいいし、お店の人が落としてくれるかも And the next thing you do is you actually choose the shape of your eyebrow 次は眉毛の形を決めるよ And my tattoo artist had all these pre-drawn shapes onto these pieces of paper, which was really awesome 私がしてもらった人は色んな眉毛の形が紙に書いてあって、すごく良かった The great thing I loved about that person was she actually recommended 一番良かった事は彼女がおススメしてくれたのが what was the most popular amongst young people in Korea 韓国の若者の間で一番人気の眉毛だったこと And that was a straighter, thicker brow. Which is what I chose まっすぐで、太めの眉を選んだの And she'll basically draw on your eyebrows an outline of the shape the eyebrow that you chose 自分が選んだ眉の形を実際に書いてもらって And then you can just kind of have a look at what it looks like on your face どんな感じか見ることが出来る And you can say yes or no or make them adjusted それでokとかダメとか言ったり、調整してもらうの And after the shape of your brow it's decided, then you just pick the colour of your brow 眉の形が決まったら、次は毛の色を選ぶよ I chose a medium ash brown; the lightest colour is sort of like a medium brown 私が選んだのはミディアムアッシュブラウンで、それが一番明るい色だったの Which is fine because it actually fades over time so it becomes a nice colour 普通の茶色だったけど、だんだん色あせていくからもっと良い色になるよ For those of you guys, that have dark hair you can choose between like 暗い髪の色の人は A warm brown, an ash brown or even a darker grey colour 茶色やアッシュブラウンとか、暗めのグレイでもいいね So for people with black hair, a grey colour is actually better 黒髪の人はグレイの方が良いと思う Than black per say cause actually looks more natural 真っ黒よりナチュラルに見えるから Once you've chosen the colour she basically mixes that colour and the numbing cream it's applied 色が決まったら彼女は麻酔クリームとカラーを混ぜる And the numbing cream is applied onto your brows just to make the whole process comfortable 麻酔クリームは眉毛に塗って痛くないようにするんだよ Because the needle's actually going into your skin and can feel quite painful だって針を使うから、けっこう痛いの And this numbing cream really just makes you comfortable throughout the whole procedure この麻酔クリームを塗ると施術中そんなに痛くなくて And she had this special Korean numbing cream that was suppose to work really, really well 特別な韓国の麻酔クリームだったからすごく効果があった So I laid there with relaxing music for about 15 to 20 minutes until the numbing cream worked 麻酔が効くまで15~20分くらい音楽を聴いてリラックスして And then basically the numbing cream it's wiped off そしたら麻酔クリームを拭きとるの And then she uses this sort of needle, this hand drawn tattoo pen needle thing that she had 針のような、手書き用のタトゥーペン針を使って And started drawing the colour in, stroke by stroke 一本一本描いて色を入れていくの And she would work on one side of your eyebrow, then do the next 片方し終えたら、もう片方に移って And work back onto the other side of the eyebrow 残った片方も終わらせるの And depending on the style of strokes that you chose, will either be a machine tattoo pen 自分が選んだ一本の毛の形によって、機械のタトゥーペン Or like her, she had a manual tattoo pen もしくは私の時と同じ手動のペンを使うよ Each individual stroke it's then drawn with the shape that you have in mind 一本ずつ自分が選んだ眉毛が描かれていくの And this is the longest part of the process ここが一番長い工程 After the numbing cream is applied, the actual tattooing process feels like 麻酔クリームを塗った後の感覚は Kind of like someone's scratching your skin 誰かに肌を掻かれてるような感じ Is not completely painful and if it is, you can ask them to apply some more numbing cream そこまで痛くない。もし痛かったらもっと麻酔クリームを塗ってもらえるか聞いてみて And wait while they move on to the other side of your eyebrows 今やってる方の眉毛が終わるまで待ってね But it was very, very bearable. I had a tattoo done before でも本当に我慢できる感じだった。タトゥーしたことあるけど And this was much more painful because I didn't have numbing cream when I did this tattoo こっちの方が痛かった。麻酔クリームなんてなかったから So yeah, it just basically feels like someone's scratching your eyebrows, it's not too bad 本当に誰かに眉毛を掻かれてる感じでそこまで痛くなかった On the scale of 1 to 10, I would say the pain would have been around a 5 so it's definitely bearable 痛みを1から10に例えるなら、5くらいだから我慢できるよ And then that is the longest process, you basically have each stroke drawn in 一本ずつ描いていくから、ここが一番長くて And after it's drawn in she basically applies an ointment 描き終わったら軟膏を塗ってくれて And for the next week, you'll be applying this ointment about three times a day 翌週は1日に3回軟膏を塗るの Just to keep the area moisturised and soft 幹部を保湿してソフトにするためにね If you have a tattoo done as well, you'd have the same thing タトゥーしたことある人は、その時と同じだね And then you can use the ointment for three days and then Vaseline for the other four days for the week 3日間軟膏を塗って、あとの4日はワセリンを塗る And just to keep the area moisturised, and so it won't scab 幹部を保湿しておけば、カサブタが出来ないの Now, the whole process from beginning to end, took about an hour and a half and two hours 始めから終わりまでだいたい、1時間半から2時間で Depending on the amount of strokes that you need, and the condition of the eyebrows and things like that 必要な毛の量や、眉の状態などによって変わってくる It could take shorter or longer 早く終わるかもしれないし、長いかもしれない Overall, I'm really, really loving the results 結果的に私すごく気に入ってるの So this what my eyebrows look like before I got it tattooed これは眉アートする前の眉毛 And this is straight after I got my eyebrows tattooed これが眉アートし終わったばかりの眉毛 And for the first week or two weeks, it would actually be very, very dark 始めの1、2週間はすごく眉毛が濃いの And for the first week as well, you're actually not allowed to apply any eyebrow products on it しかも1週目は眉毛に何もつけちゃいけない It doesn't look too bad. If you have dark hair, it would look completely normal with this eyebrow colour そこまで見た目は悪くなくて、暗い髪の人には普通で And you will look completely natural ナチュラルに見えるよ The first week, however you will just look a bit shiny 'cause you'll have gel on your eyebrows でも一週目はジェルを塗るから少しテカってるの So if you're planning to get this done and you have any major events もし何かイベントがあって、眉アートしようと考えてるなら Do it one week in advance or two weeks in advance 1、2週間前には しておいた方がいいよ For myself by the second week it was still quite dark 私は2週目でもまだかなり濃い色だった And you guys have commented on how dark my eyebrows are compared to my hair colour 髪の色より眉の色が濃いって、皆コメントしてたよね It has faded a lot now and I've actually created a light eyebrow colour simply by using an eyebrow mascara 今ではかなり色あせて、ブロウマスカラ塗るだけだよ And I pretty much don't fill in my eyebrows anymore 眉毛はほとんど描いてないの I just apply the eyebrow mascara and I've got a full brow ブロウマスカラ塗るだけで整うよ And that makes things so much easier for me. I'm super happy with the shape だからすっごく楽になったの。眉の形も気に入ってるし And the process is, after your first session, you might want to do a follow-up session 1度目の施術が終わったら、再度施術した方がいいかも What happens is the colour will actually fade out 色があせていくから And the actual shape might become thinner than you wanted 眉の形が理想より細くなることがあるの So a touch-up needs to be done about a month after you do your first session だから一か月後くらいに お直しした方がいいよ To just fix the shape up a bit, or filling in, or do any changes 形や色などを少し直すためにね Because it's unpredictable how much it will fade the first time 一度目はどれだけ色あせるか誰にも分からないから And usually after the second session you've got the perfect shaped brow 二度目の施術が終わると、たいてい完璧な眉に仕上がるよ So I'm yet to do my second session but I'm still already really happy with how it turned out 私はまだ二度目をしてないけど、すでにとても満足してる I would totally do it again and it's really made my life a lot easier a lot more convenient またやると思う。だってすごく楽になったし、便利だから Especially when it comes to my brows 私の眉は特にね This procedure is perfect for people that don't have a lot of time to do their eyebrows 眉アートは忙しい人にピッタリだよ May not be good at doing their eyebrows, and may find it difficult to draw in the shape everyday 眉毛を描くのが苦手な人や、毎日面倒だと思う人とか Or people that have really sparse eyebrows from either genetically being born 眉毛がもともと薄い人とか With less eyebrow hair or have over plucked 抜きすぎて眉毛がまばらな人 The price of this procedure it cost me about a hundred and fifty to two hundred dollars for your first session 初めての施術にかかった費用は約150~200ドル And the follow-up session is around a hundred to a hundred and fifty dollars 再度の施術は約100~150ドル This may change depending how much tattoo work is needed on your eyebrows and also who you go to でも必要な眉の量や、お店によって違うかも The person I go to is really, really, reasonable. You can pay up to 300, 400 dollars as well 私がしてもらった人はすごく安かったけど、300、400かかる所もあるよ Depending on where you go to, so I don't know how much it costs in your local area あなたの地域では いくらか分からないし You're going to have to find out who does this and who is best for you どこでやってるか、誰がベストかは自分で探す必要があるよ But I can only tell you how much I paid myself 私は自分が払った価格しか教えられないからね So yeah, that is my 3D eyebrow tattooing experience ではこれが私の3D眉毛アートメークの体験でした I hope this video has helped you guys, if you guys are researching this procedure or always wanted it この動画が眉アートを調べてる人や、しようか考えてる人の役に立てたら嬉しいです What is like to get your eyebrows tattooed and what you have to go through, I hope this video helps you guys 実際にやってみたらどんな感じか。プロセスはどんなものか I'm super happy with my eyebrows now and I will definitely do this again in the future when it fades 私はすごく気に入ってるし、色あせたらまたやるよ Thank you so much for watching this video guys この動画を見てくれてありがとう Let me know in the comments box below if you've done this as well もしやったことある人がいたらコメント欄で教えてね And what your thoughts are from it and your experiences 実体験や感想もね And maybe if you guys want to help out some people find a good tattooist もしアートメイクが上手い人を探す手伝いができるなら You can probably leave the details of someone near you as well 近くの人のために詳細をコメントしてあげてね And help someone out, if they're looking for someone good 良い人を見つける手助けをしてあげよう Don't forget to thumb this video up if it helped you and you enjoyed it もしこの動画が役に立ったり、楽しんでくれたらイイネしてね And don't forget to subscribe as well if you haven't already まだチャンネル登録してないなら忘れずにね And I'll see you guys next time, bye また次回会いましょう。バイバイ
B1 中級 日本語 米 眉毛 アート 麻酔 タトゥー すごく 塗る 眉のタトゥー.ビフォーアフター(Eyebrow Tattoo Before and After ♥ Everything you need to know 3D Korean Eyebrow Tattoo Temporary) 236 15 VoiceTube に公開 2016 年 10 月 27 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語