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  • Hi, I’m Tobin with Section 8 Ski Institute. Today I’m going to give you guys a cool

  • skiing drill that will help with the timing of your pole plant in your short turns.

  • So quite often when people are attempting to ski short turns I see them try to pole

  • plant a bit too late in the turnand what happens is their upper body then twists around

  • their pole and they get off balance. So what I suggest, is thinking of your pole

  • plant more at the end of the turn. That way it will stabilize your upper body

  • for the transition and also stop your upper body from rotating back up the hill before

  • you move into the new turn. Now the drill that I suggest to practice the

  • timing of this is to just have your buddy draw a line straight down the fall line in

  • the snowsort of like this.

  • Greatso for this drill you can see I’ve had my buddy draw a line in the snow and as

  • I’m doing my turnsand as I steer my skis across the hill towards

  • the end of the turn… I’m reaching down and planting my pole directly on that line.

  • Now when I plant my pole there, it should stabilize my upper body for the next turn

  • and also stop my upper body from rotating back up the hill into the old turn

  • Now go skiing and strop watching youtube!;)

Hi, I’m Tobin with Section 8 Ski Institute. Today I’m going to give you guys a cool


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B1 中級

スキーのヒント - あなたのスキーを向上させるためのショートターンポールプラントドリル - 上級者向けレッスン (Ski Tips - Short turn pole plant drill to improve your skiing - Advanced Lesson)

  • 69 3
    alex に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日