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  • hello everyone, welcome to my channel this is Dori I am a teacher

  • of English and today's video is a more detailed video on

  • matching headings tasks in Reading

  • So, if you do not know the basics in these tasks

  • yet or if you're just starting out then you should probably watch

  • this video over here first where I explain the basics

  • and I give you some strategies you can follow, however if you already know these

  • tasks and you have practiced more than enough and they still confuse you

  • then this video is for you so please keep watching

  • okay first of all you should be careful

  • not to lose valuable time in this task as it has to do with whole paragraphs you know?

  • so please again do not read

  • the whole paragraph you cannot do that you do not have time for that

  • only skim through the paragraph just to get the overall meaning

  • and the gist. Secondly only read carefully

  • the first two lines (2-3 lines of the paragraph)

  • and the last 2-3 lines of that paragraph

  • you pay attention to these two parts and what about the middle?

  • well you just skim through the middle in order to

  • -very quickly- in order to find the connection

  • the beginning of the paragraph and the ending of the paragraph and this

  • will give you the overall

  • meaning, the overall points the gist of the paragraph

  • as we say. Now go quickly back to the headings

  • and start eliminating those that

  • definitely do not fit for this

  • single paragraph usually only two headings

  • are the ones that are going to confuse you so pay attention

  • eliminate the rest and pay attention only to these two

  • headings. Every single word in the heading

  • is important so ask yourself is this true

  • in the paragraph, does it represent the overall

  • meaning, the overall point that the paragraph wants to make

  • does this heading stand true for the paragraph from the beginning

  • to the end? So, usually at this point you should be able to make a decision

  • choose your heading and quickly move on to the next paragraph

  • after that you will follow the same procedure

  • paragraph to paragraph: you will pay attention only to the beginnings and the endings

  • you will skim through the middle to find the connection then you will go to

  • the headings

  • back to the headings you will eliminate the ones that do not fit

  • and you will ask yourself questions about the ones that fit

  • and then you will make a decision later after you have finished the task

  • maybe you need to change something a heading with

  • a paragraph if you need to change something please don't panick

  • it is usual and it will be so much clearer

  • and easier for you to do it if you have followed the previous

  • procedure you will instantly know which heading

  • should be changed in the end okay overall what you need to ask yourself about

  • headings and

  • paragraphs is what does this heading actually mean?

  • what does it want to say I'm sure you understand the meanings of the headings

  • but

  • but for example when we have a heading

  • that is called "A real method"

  • okay what does "real" mean?

  • of course they don't use the adjective "real" here

  • in order to tell you that it exists, the method exists

  • no not at all, they probably use "real" here

  • because maybe some people some scientists

  • let's just say don't recognize this particular method

  • as real as scientific and this paragraph wants to justify

  • and support the method as real as scientific for example

  • okay and now lets go and have a look at

  • some examples which may help you more okay now I will show you this way of

  • thinking with some examples

  • you can see this paragraph over here

  • Let's just read and underline very carefully

  • just the first 2-3 lines, so let's go and read it together

  • okay just this part over here and then

  • for the middle we're going to just skim through the paragraph so here we go

  • okay books, a lot of books

  • "in the end" we can underline that in our skimming because it is a linking phrase

  • and it is always a good thing to underline these successfully okay

  • What else? "has his own law practice"

  • money may have been

  • a motivating factor you can underline this too but

  • something else now the paragraph is going to say something

  • opposite than money being a motivating factor

  • alright he wanted a career change

  • and now after we skimmed through the middle

  • we pay attention and we underline only the last two to three lines

  • let's read it together

  • okay what do we do in this paragraph again let's recap

  • we pay attention only to the beginning

  • we skim through the middle and we also pay attention

  • to the end and what is the connection between

  • the two parts here the beginning

  • and the ending the connection is

  • that although he was very successful in his previous corporation job

  • he wanted a career change

  • let's go back to the headings and find out the truth okay here are

  • our headings let's go, one by one: time for a career change

  • this could be possible the paragraph talks about a career

  • change right

  • so it could be possible money

  • as a motivating factor well if I remember correctly the paragraph

  • said something about money being a

  • motivating factor let's go and check it out again

  • so here we have underlined that sure money may have been a motivating factor

  • but more importantly he wanted a career change

  • so the most important point the

  • paragraph wants to make

  • is not about money being a motivating factor, sure money

  • is always a motivating factor but he was happy with the money he was making

  • was making an excellent six-figure salary the most important thing of the

  • paragraph is that he wanted

  • career change he wanted what? he wanted to be

  • his own boss. So, money as a motivating factor

  • it could be but it is not what about economic recession and workplace no not at all

  • the paragraph says nothing about that new way of thinking new opportunities not at all

  • we are not told about any of that

  • balance between work and play no

  • the paragraph doesn't say anything about that, lost enjoyment in life not at all

  • quite the opposite

  • he wanted to do something else he wanted to be his own boss he was successful

  • it was not a matter of losing enjoyment financial security

  • well he was financially secure but it is not

  • the main the overall meaning of the paragraph, what the paragraph wants to say

  • what the paragraph wants to say is that although his father was successful

  • it was time for a career change for him he wanted to be his own boss

  • so this is the heading for this paragraph. Now let's go to the next

  • paragraph to use it as an example

  • obviously I'm explaining now things but you will do this

  • fairly quickly you know you just read the first 2-3 lines, just skim through

  • the middle and then you underline

  • the last lines, it's not going to waste you

  • a lot of time and gradually with practice you will become better

  • so let's read

  • the first 2-3 lines

  • okay and we stop here and we skim through

  • okay own supervisor we can

  • underline that

  • while money is always a motivating factor

  • again we see that it does not

  • have to define us when you see these phrases "while"

  • these are linking words they usually prepare the reader

  • that something opposite is going to be the case you see

  • it does not have to define us

  • and now the last part

  • okay so this paragraph

  • is all about the workplace isn't it?

  • and what happens now with this economy with this bad economy of ours

  • nowadays people have lost their jobs

  • the connection what is the connection? the connection is that people

  • all find ways to be their own supervisor in this economy

  • because some of them have lost their jobs but they're not upset or

  • disappointed they're happy for the opportunity to have some time

  • to do something else okay let's go to the headings

  • time for a career change it could be that

  • honestly but is it the main point?

  • does this heading define the paragraph as a whole?

  • I don't think so and in addition we have already

  • put this heading in the first paragraph where it actually went

  • money as a motivating factor again we saw that phrase let's go back to the

  • paragraph to check it out

  • more carefully

  • okay we have skimmed through this part but now

  • we can go if we remember something and read it a little bit more carefully

  • again it's not the main theme of the paragraph

  • money is not used as a motivating factor

  • in this case in this paragraph in order to convey that it is

  • used this paragraph is used to say that it does not have to define us

  • money all the time something else is more important

  • let's go back to the headings economic recession

  • and workplace well obviously from the beginning until the end of the paragraph

  • the paragraph talks about

  • economic recession and what actually happened

  • in the workplace people have lost their jobs

  • things have changed they want to be their own boss and stuff like that so

  • this heading could be it but let's move on new way of thinking new opportunities

  • the paragraph talks about the opportunity of doing something else but

  • the overall gist is not about a new way of thinking we're not told about that

  • nothing about a new way of thinking and new opportunities

  • as a plural and as a whole no not so much

  • balance between work and play, no it doesn't say anything about that

  • lost enjoyment in life again it talked about enjoyment but

  • quite the opposite actually even people that have lost their jobs

  • they're not upset or disappointed here do you remember?

  • so, not this heading here and what about financial security well

  • the paragraph really doesn't talk about financial security

  • per se, it is more of the "economic recession and workplace" do you see that now is that clear?

  • I think it

  • is really really clear when you do when you follow this strategy

  • when you do this

  • when you follow this kind of procedure

  • ok that's it for today, I hope it helped for questions and comments here

  • or in Fb, T, G+ all links are down below in the description box

  • thank you very much for watching good luck with your exam

hello everyone, welcome to my channel this is Dori I am a teacher


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A2 初級

IELTSリーディング。マッチング見出しのヒント-英語ビデオ (IELTS Reading: MATCHING HEADINGS TIPS- english video)

  • 418 35
    Jay Terry Sky に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日