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  • Today we're going to talk about the basics of brewing coffee. We're going to talk about

  • four different parameters. The first is going to be dose, how much coffee to water. The

  • second is going to be grind. The third is going to be temperature of water that we use,

  • and the final element is going to be contact time between coffee and water.

  • First covering dose. Depending on how much coffee to water ratio you're using will determine

  • the strength of your final cup. The second element of brewing is going to be grind. If

  • you take, for example the consistency of gravel, sand and dirt and translate that over to the

  • consistency of your grind size, will determine how fast or slow the water's going to flow

  • through the coffee. In discussing temperaure, that will also vary depending on the brew

  • method we use. A good baseline for any manual brew method is going to be right off boil.

  • The final element of brewing is going to be contact time. So depending on how long our

  • water is in contact with the coffee will also determine the concentration level of our final

  • brews. If you're having problems brewing coffee these are four elements that you should really

  • take into consideration of examining. Find out what your dose is, find out what size

  • grind you're using, um, make sure your temperature is at where it needs to be and finally look

  • at your contact time to get the best cup of coffee you can possibly brew.

Today we're going to talk about the basics of brewing coffee. We're going to talk about


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

ロースト ハウス コーヒー学校-偉大なカップ コーヒーの主要な要因。 (Roast House Coffee School- Key factors in a great cuppa coffee.)

  • 704 77
    TONY に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日