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  • Hello! This is Cynthia Sue Larson with Reality Shifters dot com.

  • and I'm here today to talk with you about muscle testing

  • and how you can learn to do this in just a couple of minutes. First of all,

  • if you've got two of your hands free, you'll be wanting to put your fingers together

  • making little circles like this,

  • between the thumb and the pinky finger. What you're doing is creating

  • something like a daisy chain when you put the two links together.

  • I suggest using the pinky finger because usually it's

  • one of the least strong fingers. You want some minimal resistance.

  • The next thing you do is ask a question that you already know the answer to.

  • For example, I would ask myself, "Am I Cynthia Sue

  • Larson?" and pull my daisy chain rings

  • apart--and they hold together very firmly. I'm not really trying to do this,

  • I'm just focusing on, "Am I Cynthia Sue Larson?" This is my "Yes"

  • when the chain does not pull apart. Next,

  • I can ask a question such as, "Is my name

  • John?" and I pull the chain apart. I'm once again not TRYING to do this at all,

  • it's just a weakness in the muscle, so that's why they call this "muscle testing."

  • It is a form of dowsing. The reason behind it

  • has a lot to do with physics, actually, and the fact that when you ask a question,

  • you are essentially entangling yourself with the subject of your inquiry.

  • This is through the focus of your attention. I talk about dowsing

  • in my book, "Aura Advantage," which describes some other methods you can use.

  • I describe the fact that we are in the Quantum Age right now

  • in my book, "Quantum Jumps," describing many of the principles behind quantum physics,

  • such as entanglement,

  • coherence, superposition of states, and

  • teleportation. Once again, if you want to use this method

  • of muscle testing, you may wonder what can you use it for?

  • You can use it for choosing things, when you

  • want to know in advance before opening the package, is it good for you?

  • Is this the right car to buy? You can say,

  • "Is this broken-down jalopy that

  • gets twelve miles to the gallon-- that kind of thing--

  • and costs twenty thousand dollars-- is this the right car for me?" That's a NO!

  • And now I'm just speculating with this question.

  • if you ask another question seriously, and you're looking at different ads

  • for

  • different cars, cameras,

  • computers, or anything might want to figure out... where you want to live...

  • what kind of food is good for you... which restaurant to choose...

  • and so forth, you can get really strong indicators. You are connecting with your

  • intuition;

  • you are entangling with the subject of your inquiry. You can also locate things.

  • I've used this successfully-- this very same method,

  • because my hands are always with me-- to locate my friends and family

  • when I've been in crowded environments. I just ask, "Should I turn?

  • Are they to the right of me?" and then if you get a strong yes like that,

  • then you'd know to go that direction.

  • And I ended up... I've got some amusing stories! I ended up able to just walk directly to

  • a group that I'd gotten detached from.

  • So have fun with this! I know you will. This is Cynthia Sue Larson

  • with

Hello! This is Cynthia Sue Larson with Reality Shifters dot com.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

3分で筋肉をテストする方法を学ぶ (Learn How to Muscle Test Yourself in 3 Minutes)

  • 104 6
    Pinze Liu に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日