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  • I think I was supposed to talk about my new book, which is called "Blink," and it's about

  • snap judgments and first impressions. And it comes out in January, and I hope you all

  • buy it in triplicate. But I was thinking about this, and I realized that although my new

  • book makes me happy, and I think would make my mother happy, it's not really about happiness.

  • So I decided instead, I would talk about someone who I think has done as much to make Americans

  • happy as perhaps anyone over the last 20 years. A man who is a great personal hero of mine.

  • Someone by the name of Howard Moskowitz, who is most famous for reinventing spaghetti sauce.

  • Howard's about this high, and he's round, and he's in his sixties, and he has big huge

  • glasses and thinning grey hair, and he has a kind of wonderful exuberance and vitality,

  • and he has a parrot, and he loves the opera, and he's a great aficionado of medieval history.

  • And by profession, he's a psychophysicist. Now, I should tell you that I have no idea

  • what psychophysics is, although at some point in my life, I dated a girl for two years who

  • was getting her doctorate in psychophysics. Which should tell you something about that

  • relationship. (Laughter) As far as I know, psychophysics is about measuring

  • things. And Howard is very interested in measuring things. And he graduated with his doctorate

  • from Harvard, and he set up a little consulting shop in White Plains, New York. And one of

  • his first clients was -- this is many years ago, back in the early '70s -- one of his

  • first clients was Pepsi. And Pepsi came to Howard and they said, "You know, there's this

  • new thing called aspartame, and we would like to make Diet Pepsi. We'd like you to figure

  • out how much aspartame we should put in each can of Diet Pepsi, in order to have the perfect

  • drink." Right? Now that sounds like an incredibly straightforward question to answer, and that's

  • what Howard thought. Because Pepsi told him, "Look, we're working with a band between eight

  • and 12 percent. Anything below eight percent sweetness is not sweet enough, anything above

  • 12 percent sweetness is too sweet. We want to know, what's the sweet spot between eight

  • and 12?" Now, if I gave you this problem to do, you would all say, it's very simple. What

  • we do, is you make up a big experimental batch of Pepsi, at every degree of sweetness -- eight

  • percent, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, all the way up to 12 -- and we try this out with thousands of

  • people, and we plot the results on a curve, and we take the most popular concentration.

  • Right? Really simple. Howard does the experiment, and he gets the

  • data back, and he plots it on a curve, and all of a sudden he realizes it's not a nice

  • bell curve. In fact, the data doesn't make any sense. It's a mess. It's all over the

  • place. Now, most people in that business, in the world of testing food and such, are

  • not dismayed when the data comes back a mess. They think, well, you know, figuring out what

  • people think about cola's not that easy. You know, maybe we made an error somewhere along

  • the way. You know, let's just make an educated guess, and they simply point and they go for

  • 10 percent, right in the middle. Howard is not so easily placated. Howard is a man of

  • a certain degree of intellectual standards. And this was not good enough for him, and

  • this question bedeviled him for years. And he would think it through and say, what was

  • wrong? Why could we not make sense of this experiment with Diet Pepsi?

  • And one day, he was sitting in a diner in White Plains, about to go trying to dream

  • up some work for NescafE. And suddenly, like a bolt of lightning, the answer came to him.

  • And that is, that when they analyzed the Diet Pepsi data, they were asking the wrong question.

  • They were looking for the perfect Pepsi, and they should have been looking for the perfect

  • Pepsis. Trust me. This was an enormous revelation. This was one of the most brilliant breakthroughs

  • in all of food science. And Howard immediately went on the road, and he would go to conferences

  • around the country, would stand up and he would say, "You had been looking for the perfect

  • Pepsi. You're wrong. You should be looking for the perfect Pepsis." And people would

  • look at him with a blank look, and they would say, "What are you talking about? This is

  • craziness." And they would say, you know, "Move! Next!" Tried to get business, nobody

  • would hire him -- he was obsessed, though, and he talked about it and talked about it

  • and talked about it. Howard loves the Yiddish expression "to a worm in horseradish, the

  • world is horseradish." This was his horseradish. (Laughter) He was obsessed with it!

  • And finally, he had a breakthrough. Vlasic Pickles came to him, and they said, "Mr. Moskowitz

  • -- Doctor Moskowitz -- we want to make the perfect pickle." And he said, "There is no

  • perfect pickle, there are only perfect pickles." And he came back to them and he said, "You

  • don't just need to improve your regular, you need to create zesty." And that's where we

  • got zesty pickles. Then the next person came to him, and that was Campbell's Soup. And

  • this was even more important. In fact, Campbell's Soup is where Howard made his reputation.

  • Campbell's made Prego, and Prego, in the early '80s, was struggling next to Ragu, which was

  • the dominant spaghetti sauce of the '70s and '80s. Now in the industry -- I don't know

  • whether you care about this, or how much time I have to go into this. But it was, technically

  • speaking -- this is an aside -- Prego is a better tomato sauce than Ragu. The quality

  • of the tomato paste is much better, the spice mix is far superior, it adheres to the pasta

  • in a much more pleasing way. In fact, they would do the famous bowl test back in the

  • '70s with Ragu and Prego. You'd have a plate of spaghetti, and you would pour it on, right?

  • And the Ragu would all go to the bottom, and the Prego would sit on top. That's called

  • "adherence." And, anyway, despite the fact that they were far superior in adherence,

  • and the quality of their tomato paste, Prego was struggling.

  • So they came to Howard, and they said, fix us. And Howard looked at their product line,

  • and he said, what you have is a dead tomato society. So he said, this is what I want to

  • do. And he got together with the Campbell's soup kitchen, and he made 45 varieties of

  • spaghetti sauce. And he varied them according to every conceivable way that you can vary

  • tomato sauce. By sweetness, by level of garlic, by tartness, by sourness, by tomatoey-ness,

  • by visible solids -- my favorite term in the spaghetti sauce business. (Laughter) Every

  • conceivable way you can vary spaghetti sauce, he varied spaghetti sauce. And then he took

  • this whole raft of 45 spaghetti sauces, and he went on the road. He went to New York,

  • he went to Chicago, he went to Jacksonville, he went to Los Angeles. And he brought in

  • people by the truckload. Into big halls. And he sat them down for two hours, and he gave

  • them, over the course of that two hours, ten bowls. Ten small bowls of pasta, with a different

  • spaghetti sauce on each one. And after they ate each bowl, they had to rate, from 0 to

  • 100, how good they thought the spaghetti sauce was.

  • At the end of that process, after doing it for months and months, he had a mountain of

  • data about how the American people feel about spaghetti sauce. And then he analyzed the

  • data. Now, did he look for the most popular brand variety of spaghetti sauce? No! Howard

  • doesn't believe that there is such a thing. Instead, he looked at the data, and he said,

  • let's see if we can group all these different data points into clusters. Let's see if they

  • congregate around certain ideas. And sure enough, if you sit down, and you analyze all

  • this data on spaghetti sauce, you realize that all Americans fall into one of three

  • groups. There are people who like their spaghetti sauce plain, there are people who like their

  • spaghetti sauce spicy and there are people who like it extra chunky.

  • And of those three facts, the third one was the most significant. Because at the time,

  • in the early 1980s, if you went to a supermarket, you would not find extra-chunky spaghetti

  • sauce. And Prego turned to Howard, and they said, "You telling me that one third of Americans

  • crave extra-chunky spaghetti sauce and yet no one is servicing their needs?" And he said

  • yes! (Laughter) And Prego then went back, and completely reformulated their spaghetti

  • sauce, and came out with a line of extra chunky that immediately and completely took over

  • the spaghetti sauce business in this country. And over the next 10 years, they made 600

  • million dollars off their line of extra-chunky sauces.

  • And everyone else in the industry looked at what Howard had done, and they said, "Oh my

  • god! We've been thinking all wrong!" And that's when you started getting seven different kinds

  • of vinegar, and 14 different kinds of mustard, and 71 different kinds of olive oil -- and

  • then eventually even Ragu hired Howard, and Howard did the exact same thing for Ragu that

  • he did for Prego. And today, if you go to the supermarket, a really good one, and you

  • look at how many Ragus there are -- Do you know how many they are? 36! In six varieties:

  • Cheese, Light, Robusto, Rich & Hearty, Old World Traditional, Extra-Chunky Garden. (Laughter)

  • That's Howard's doing. That is Howard's gift to the American people.

  • Now why is that important? It is, in fact, enormously important. I'll explain to you

  • why. What Howard did is he fundamentally changed the way the food industry thinks about making

  • you happy. Assumption number one in the food industry used to be that the way to find out

  • what people want to eat -- what will make people happy -- is to ask them. And for years

  • and years and years and years, Ragu and Prego would have focus groups, and they would sit

  • all you people down, and they would say, "What do you want in a spaghetti sauce? Tell us

  • what you want in a spaghetti sauce." And for all those years -- 20, 30 years -- through

  • all those focus group sessions, no one ever said they wanted extra-chunky. Even though

  • at least a third of them, deep in their hearts, actually did. (Laughter)

  • People don't know what they want! Right? As Howard loves to say, "The mind knows not what

  • the tongue wants." It's a mystery! And a critically important step in understanding our own desires

  • and tastes is to realize that we cannot always explain what we want deep down. If I asked

  • all of you, for example, in this room, what you want in a coffee, you know what you'd

  • say? Every one of you would say "I want a dark, rich, hearty roast." It's what people

  • always say when you ask them what they want in a coffee. What do you like? Dark, rich,

  • hearty roast! What percentage of you actually like a dark, rich, hearty roast? According

  • to Howard, somewhere between 25 and 27 percent of you. Most of you like milky, weak coffee.

  • But you will never, ever say to someone who asks you what you want -- that "I want a milky,

  • weak coffee." (Laughter) So that's number one thing that Howard did.

  • Number two thing that Howard did is he made us realize -- it's another very critical point

  • -- he made us realize in the importance of what he likes to call horizontal segmentation.

  • Why is this critical? It's critical because this is the way the food industry thought

  • before Howard. Right? What were they obsessed with in the early '80s? They were obsessed

  • with mustard. In particular, they were obsessed with the story of Grey Poupon. Right? Used

  • to be, there were two mustards. French's and Gulden's. What were they? Yellow mustard.

  • What's in yellow mustard? Yellow mustard seeds, turmeric, and paprika. That was mustard. Grey

  • Poupon came along, with a Dijon. Right? Much more volatile brown mustard seed, some white

  • wine, a nose hit, much more delicate aromatics. And what do they do? They put it in a little

  • tiny glass jar, with a wonderful enameled label on it, made it look French, even though

  • it's made in Oxnard, California. And instead of charging a dollar-fifty for the eight-ounce

  • bottle, the way the French's and Gulden's did, they decided to charge four dollars.

  • And then they had those ads, right? With the guy in the Rolls Royce, and he's eating the

  • Grey Poupon, the other Rolls Royce pulls up, and he says, do you have any Grey Poupon?

  • And the whole thing, after they did that, Grey Poupon takes off! Takes over the mustard

  • business! And everyone's take-home lesson from that

  • was that the way to get to make people happy is to give them something that is more expensive,

  • something to aspire to. Right? It's to make them turn their back on what they think they

  • like now, and reach out for something higher up the mustard hierarchy. A better mustard!

  • A more expensive mustard! A mustard of more sophistication and culture and meaning. And

  • Howard looked to that and said, that's wrong! Mustard does not exist on a hierarchy. Mustard

  • exists, just like tomato sauce, on a horizontal plane. There is no good mustard, or bad mustard.

  • There is no perfect mustard, or imperfect mustard. There are only different kinds of

  • mustards that suit different kinds of people. He fundamentally democratized the way we think

  • about taste. And for that, as well, we owe Howard Moskowitz a huge vote of thanks.

  • Third thing that Howard did, and perhaps the most important, is Howard confronted the notion

  • of the Platonic dish. (Laughter) What do I mean by that? For the longest time in the

  • food industry, there was a sense that there was one way, a perfect way, to make a dish.

  • You go to Chez Panisse, they give you the red-tail sashimi with roasted pumpkin seeds

  • in a something something reduction. They don't give you five options on the reduction, right?

  • They don't say, do you want the extra-chunky reduction, or do you want the -- no! You just

  • get the reduction. Why? Because the chef at Chez Panisse has a Platonic notion about red-tail

  • sashimi. This is the way it ought to be. And she serves it that way time and time again,

  • and if you quarrel with her, she will say, "You know what? You're wrong! This is the

  • best way it ought to be in this restaurant." Now that same idea fueled the commercial food

  • industry as well. They had a notion, a Platonic notion, of what tomato sauce was. And where

  • did that come from? It came from Italy. Italian tomato sauce is what? It's blended, it's thin.

  • The culture of tomato sauce was thin. When we talked about authentic tomato sauce in

  • the 1970s, we talked about Italian tomato sauce. We talked about the earliest ragus.

  • Which had no visible solids, right? Which were thin, and you just put a little bit over

  • it and it sunk down to the bottom of the pasta. That's what it was. And why were we attached

  • to that? Because we thought that what it took to make people happy was to provide them with

  • the most culturally authentic tomato sauce, A, and B, we thought that if we gave them

  • the culturally authentic tomato sauce, then they would embrace it. And that's what would

  • please the maximum number of people. And the reason we thought that -- in other

  • words, people in the cooking world were looking for cooking universals. They were looking

  • for one way to treat all of us. And it's good reason for them to be obsessed with the idea

  • of universals, because all of science, through the 19th century and much of the 20th, was

  • obsessed with universals. Psychologists, medical scientists, economists were all interested

  • in finding out the rules that govern the way all of us behave. But that changed, right?

  • What is the great revolution in science of the last 10, 15 years? It is the movement

  • from the search for universals to the understanding of variability. Now in medical science, we

  • don't want to know how necessarily -- just how cancer works, we want to know how your

  • cancer is different from my cancer. I guess my cancer different from your cancer. Genetics

  • has opened the door to the study of human variability. What Howard Moskowitz was doing

  • was saying this same revolution needs to happen in the world of tomato sauce. And for that,

  • we owe him a great vote of thanks. I'll give you one last illustration of variability,

  • and that is -- oh, I'm sorry. Howard not only believed that, but he took it a second step,

  • which was to say that when we pursue universal principles in food, we aren't just making

  • an error, we are actually doing ourselves a massive disservice. And the example he used

  • was coffee. And coffee is something he did a lot of work with, with Nescafe. If I were

  • to ask all of you to try and come up with a brand of coffee -- a type of coffee, a brew

  • -- that made all of you happy, and then I asked you to rate that coffee, the average

  • score in this room for coffee would be about 60 on a scale of 0 to 100. If, however, you

  • allowed me to break you into coffee clusters, maybe three or four coffee clusters, and I

  • could make coffee just for each of those individual clusters, your scores would go from 60 to

  • 75 or 78. The difference between coffee at 60 and coffee at 78 is a difference between

  • coffee that makes you wince, and coffee that makes you deliriously happy.

  • That is the final, and I think most beautiful lesson, of Howard Moskowitz. That in embracing

  • the diversity of human beings, we will find a surer way to true happiness. Thank you.

I think I was supposed to talk about my new book, which is called "Blink," and it's about


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マルコム・グラッドウェル~スパゲッティソース(17分 (Malcolm Gladwell - Spaghetti Sauce (17 minutes))

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    盧怡靜 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日