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  • Your favorite band is great at playing music,

  • but not so great at being organized.

  • They keep misplacing their instruments on tour,

  • and it's driving their manager mad.

  • On the day of the big concert,

  • the band wakes up to find themselves tied up

  • in a windowless, soundproof practice room.

  • Their manager explains what's happening.

  • Outside, there are ten large boxes.

  • Each contains one of your instruments,

  • but don't be fooled by the pictures - they've been randomly placed.

  • I'm going to let you out one at a time.

  • While you're outside, you can look inside any five boxes

  • before security takes you back to the tour bus.

  • You can't touch the instruments

  • or in any way communicate what you find to the others.

  • No marking the boxes, shouting, nothing.

  • If each one of you can find your own instrument,

  • then you can play tonight.

  • Otherwise, the label is dropping you.

  • You have three minutes to think about it before we start.

  • The band is in despair.

  • After all, each musician only has a 50% chance of finding their instrument

  • by picking five random boxes.

  • And the chances that all ten will succeed are even lower -

  • just 1 in 1024.

  • But suddenly, the drummer comes up with a valid strategy

  • that has a better than 35% chance of working.

  • Can you figure out what it was?

  • Pause the video on the next screen if you want to figure it out for yourself!

  • Answer in: 3

  • Answer in: 2

  • Answer in: 1

  • Here's what the drummer said:

  • Everyone first open the box with the picture of your instrument.

  • If your instrument is inside, you're done.

  • Otherwise, look at whatever's in there,

  • and then open the box with that picture on it.

  • Keep going that way until you find your instrument.

  • The bandmates are skeptical,

  • but amazingly enough, they all find what they need.

  • And a few hours later, they're playing to thousands of adoring fans.

  • So why did the drummer's strategy work?

  • Each musician follows a linked sequence

  • that starts with the box whose outside matches their instrument

  • and ends with the box actually containing it.

  • Note that if they kept going, that would lead them back to the start,

  • so this is a loop.

  • For example, if the boxes are arranged like so,

  • the singer would open the first box to find the drums,

  • go to the eighth box to find the bass,

  • and find her microphone in the third box,

  • which would point back to the first.

  • This works much better than random guessing

  • because by starting with the box with the picture of their instrument,

  • each musician restricts their search to the loop that contains their instrument,

  • and there are decent odds, about 35%,

  • that all of the loops will be of length five or less.

  • How do we calculate those odds?

  • For the sake of simplicity, we'll demonstrate with a simplified case,

  • four instruments and no more than two guesses allowed for each musician.

  • Let's start by finding the odds of failure,

  • the chance that someone will need to open three or four boxes

  • before they find their instrument.

  • There are six distinct four-box loops.

  • One fun way to count them is to make a square,

  • put an instrument at each corner,

  • and draw the diagonals.

  • See how many unique loops you can find,

  • and keep in mind that these two are considered the same,

  • they just start at different points.

  • These two, however, are different.

  • We can visualize the eight distinct three-box loops using triangles.

  • You'll find four possible triangles

  • depending on which instrument you leave out,

  • and two distinct paths on each.

  • So of the 24 possible combinations of boxes,

  • there are 14 that lead to faliure,

  • and ten that result in success.

  • That computational strategy works for any even number of musicians,

  • but if you want a shortcut,

  • it generalizes to a handy equation.

  • Plug in ten musicians, and we get odds of about 35%.

  • What if there were 1,000 musicians?

  • 1,000,000?

  • As n increases, the odds approach about 30%.

  • Not a guarantee, but with a bit of musician's luck, it's far from hopeless.

  • Hi everybody, if you liked this riddle, try solving these two.

Your favorite band is great at playing music,


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

TED-ED】囚人箱の謎は解けるか?- ヨシ・エルラン (【TED-Ed】Can you solve the prisoner boxes riddle? - Yossi Elran)

  • 308 35
    VoiceTube に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日