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  • These lollipops are so small. I wish I had a big one. Let's make one!

  • In this video I'm going to show you how to make the biggest lollipop in the world. I'll

  • show you two different recipes, which are both easy to make and super yummy to taste!

  • Hey loves! I have a super exciting video to share with you – I'm going to show you how

  • to make a giant lollipop. I had so much fun making it, it turned out amazing. Plus it

  • tastes exactly like a storebought lollipop, which is pretty awesome. I'm going to show

  • you two different recipes. Both very easy and super yummy. So I hope you are in the

  • mood for something sweet, because we're going to get started.

  • This is also a massive collab with Glitter forever 17, Glamour life fox, Alejandro Valdes,

  • Timmy Timato , Chelsea Crockett, SoCraftastic, Gillian Bower and Clarissa May. We are all

  • making giant slash edible DIYs. All videos will be linked in the description bar, but

  • first - here's how you can make a giant lollipop!

  • Making a lollipop from scratch is super easy and you probably already have all the ingredients

  • at home. For the first recipe we need a giant mold, one part of water, one and a half parts

  • of corn syrup, three and a half parts of sugar, cooking pot, candy thermometer, food coloring,

  • flavoring of your choice and a lollipop stick.

  • First let's prepare the mold. I am making mine in this large pink tray. We have got

  • to cut out the opening for our huge lollipop stick.

  • Take a cooking panmine has to be pretty huge. I am using about 7 and a half cups of

  • sugar, 3 cups of corn syrup and 2 cups of water. If you are making smaller lollipops

  • you will of course need much less of these ingredients. Place the pan with your sugar,

  • water and corn syrup mixture on the stove and start cooking at a medium heat. Be sure

  • to stir it constantly so that it doesn't burn. When the mixture starts boiling it's time

  • to add the color to your lollipop – I am using yellow. The lollipop has a nice caramell-ish

  • taste by default, but you can add flavor of your choice as well. Dip a candy thermometer

  • into your mixture and wait until the mix reaches the temperature of 300 Fahrenheit or 150 degrees

  • Celsius. Your mixture has to reach this temperature if you want your lollipop to set hard. Now

  • we can take our pan off the heat and pour our melted lollipop into the mold to set.

  • As you can see I covered my mold with parchment paper to assure that the lollipop won't stick

  • to the tray. Be very careful as the mixture is super hot and you might need to ask an

  • adult to help you. Look at this awesome bubbles our lollipop is making wow, so cool! Leave

  • your lollipop to cool down completely.

  • OK, time to take this beauty out of the mold! Remove the parchment paper and look at this

  • masterpiece! I decided to take my lollipop to the next level and add a pair of eyes and

  • mouth to it. So let's quickly make a blue lollipop mixture to pour in. In the bowl I

  • am putting three and a half parts of sugar, one and a half parts of corn syrup and and

  • one part water. Bring that to a boil while constantly stirring. I added a bit of blue

  • food coloring. Keep stirring until the mixture reaches the hard crack stage at 300 degrees

  • Fahrenheit. Now we can pour the blue lollipop mix into the eye and mouth molds. I made these

  • little molds from cardboard and parchment paper.

  • I think giving a face to our lollipop made it so much more special! Once this is completely

  • set, you can remove the molds and look at this perfection! I mean come on! Isn't it

  • crazy beautiful?! I am so pleased with how this lollipop turned out. And honestly I was

  • pretty surprised to find out that it tastes exactly like store bought lollipops. You can

  • of course make yours using any color you like. I chose yellow for mine because I wanted it

  • to look like emoji. I had so much fun with this DIY and I couldn't be happier with the

  • result. Me and Mr lollipop we've really bonded, yeah we're BFFs.

  • If you want to make small and a bit more practical lollipops you can just pour the mixture on

  • a parchment paper. These lollies set very quickly because they are thin and small. The

  • ingredients are so affordable and just think how many lollipops you can make using one

  • cup of sugar. A lot of lollipops! You can make them using different colors and they

  • taste amazing! Alternatively you can just pour the mixture on a tray, like I'm doing

  • here. You get this large sweet piece which you can then crush into little hard candy

  • pieces. Yummy and inexpensive treat!

  • You shall not pass! Oh no!

  • Since in some countries corn syrup is a bit hard to get hold of, I am going to show you

  • how you can make a lollipop without it! I'll make this big yummy heart lollipop.

  • You'll need a cooking pan, a silicone mold of your choice, one part of water, two parts

  • of sugar, food coloring and a lollipop stick. Yep only three ingredients, how cool is that?

  • Let's prepare our mold first. Using a knife make a cross cut in the mold edge like this.

  • Take any kind of stick, I just decided to use a wooden cooking spoon and put it through

  • the opening. Grab some oil or a non stick cooking spray and spray a few times into the

  • mold to make sure your lollipop won't stick.

  • Now let's put together our three ingredient lollipop. Put two parts of sugar and one part

  • of water into a cooking pan. Just make sure that the amount of sugar is double the amount

  • of water. Give it a quick stir and put the pan over the stove. Cook on low to medium

  • heat while constantly stirring. When the mixture starts boiling you can put in a bit of food

  • coloring. This time I went for the beautiful teal color. Keep boiling and stirring until

  • the melted sugar reaches 300 degrees Fahrenheit. Time for the fun partwe can now pour

  • our lolly mixture into the mold and wait for it to cool completely. I think it's so fascinating

  • to watch the mixture cooling down. These bubbles are completely mesmerizing. Once your lollipop

  • is set, you can take it out of the mold and you are finished! How flipping adorable! And

  • to think that we only needed water, sugar and food coloring to make this. Crazy!

  • Making my own lollipops was seriously so much fun. When I first started thinking of making

  • a giant lollipop I thought it would be so tricky and complicated. It is the same in

  • life. Going into the unknown to try new things may be scary and intimidating. But sometimes

  • you just have to jump in and have faith that great things will happen. Don't think about

  • everything that could go wrong, focus on the positive instead and fight the obstacles when

  • they arrive. Gosh, those are some pretty deep thoughts for a lollipop tutorial.

  • Hope you liked this giant lollipop tutorial! Give it some love for more DIY videos and

  • tell me in the comments which lollipop flavor is your favorite. Imagine you're in a store.

  • You're about to pick a lollipop. Which flavor do you chose? I normally go for Cola and sometimes

  • apple. Anyway, thank you so much for watching this video and don't forget to check out other

  • videos from this collab, they are all pretty epic, and I will see you soon. Bye!

  • They say that it's the little things in life that count the most. I agree, but there's

  • also big or giant things in life that make it that extra special ;)

These lollipops are so small. I wish I had a big one. Let's make one!


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B2 中上級

巨大ロリポップをDIY!世界一大きいキャンディーの作り方 (DIY Giant Lollipop! How to Make the Biggest Candy in the World!)

  • 548 29
    samko5sam に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日