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  • Food waste arrives at the plant

  • it's pre-treated and any remaining packaging is removed, it's then fed into

  • the digestion tank

  • here the waste separates into the two main products: firstly

  • there's methane and rather than being released into our atmosphere this gas is

  • captured and used to power

  • electricity generators. Over ninety percent of the electricity produced in

  • this way is exported to the national grid

  • the remainder being used by the plant itself, alternatively

  • the methane can be cleaned up and used as a vehicle fuel or fed into the

  • national gas supply

  • for use by homes and businesses. There is also a very useful byproduct,

  • heat, about a third of this is used to heat the AD plant itself

  • with the remainder often being used to warm local factories and other buildings

  • making the whole process almost self sufficient in power and heat

  • There's also an useful secondary product which comes from anaerobic digestion

  • this is a digest that sinks to the bottom of the tank, which is rich in

  • nutrients and nitrogen

  • which can be used as a soil improver and, with the cost of fertiliser going up all

  • the time, this is a great way of returning nutrients to the land

  • theme

Food waste arrives at the plant


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B2 中上級

嫌気性消化のアニメーション (Anaerobic Digestion Animation)

  • 68 1
    Nguyễn Xuân Cường に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日