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  • What sorts of countries cut down all their trees? What sorts of countries pollute their

  • air? What sorts of countries wantonly kill their animals? There is a lot of variation

  • but on an average there is this underlying theme countries that are more economically

  • free tend to protect their environments. Countries that are less economically free tend to despoil

  • their environments and this isn't a rich country poor country thing. Even amongst the poor

  • countries those that are more economically free tend to protect their environments more

  • so than the poor countries that are less economically free.

  • I am Antony Davies Professor of Economics at Duquesne University. I and many other professors

  • work with Learn Liberty asking questions like what is it we can do to help make our world

  • a better place? How is it that we can institute rules that help to protect the environment

  • and time and again we come back to the same answer 'economic freedom'; more so than any

  • other tool that humans have ever employed economic freedom on average tends to be the

  • tool that best protects the environment.

  • Join me and many other professors as we ask this question and many other questions about

  • what it is that can help make our world a better place.

  • Give us 3 minutes of your time and an open mind. We will rock your world.

What sorts of countries cut down all their trees? What sorts of countries pollute their


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A2 初級

環境保護。意外と知られていない解決策|Learn Liberty (Environmental Protection: The Surprising Solution | Learn Liberty)

  • 178 14
    VoiceTube に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日