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  • I just wear the most boring jeans that I can find.

  • I want to be comfortable.

  • Generally if you have like a really nice pair of jeans then your dad jeans are the other ones.

  • You need to stick like a paintbrush in the pocket, you don't care.

  • Wouldn't make sense skinny jeans, and they make me look really hot so I try to stay away from hot things.

  • [rock 'n roll music]

  • I DEFINITELY would wear these jeans.

  • I feel kind of alive in these.

  • And it shows off my calves pretty nice.

  • I don't know... they're kind of growing on me.

  • They feel like a combination of sexy and superhero.

  • I feel kind of free.

  • [more rock 'n roll music]

  • Daddy's got it going on a little bit with these jeans on.

I just wear the most boring jeans that I can find.


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A2 初級

パパがスキニージーンズを履いてみる|コスモポリタン (Dads Try Wearing Skinny Jeans | Cosmopolitan)

  • 25 3
    VoiceTube に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日