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  • It was a night full of political spectacle

  • as Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump faced off in their first presidential debate.

  • Our Hwang Hojun gives us the lowdown on who won... and why.

  • Hillary Clinton prevailed, if the polls and the pundits are to be believed.

  • After an intense 90-minute debate moderated by NBC anchor Lester Holt,

  • a CNN/ORC poll of people who watched the debate showed Clinton won the event, 62 to 27 percent.

  • Analysts generally gave Clinton points for maintaining her composure and defending herself

  • against Trump's personal jabs, interruptions and false statements.

  • It was only minutes into the debate when the two started firing accusations at each other over economic policy.

  • Trump accused Clinton of not taking any action to improve the economy during her political career.

  • Clinton responded by saying Trump's policies lack concrete details and would only hurt the middle class.

  • There were also some very heated moments on issues that have been contentious throughout the campaign.

  • At one point, Clinton demanded that Trump release his tax returns, and he shot back by saying he would

  • as long as she releases her deleted emails, a jab at the recent email scandal that's tainted Clinton's reputation.

  • In a section on U.S. foreign policy, Trump continued to argue that America's allies,

  • including South Korea, need to pay their fair share for defense.

  • However, South Korea is already paying nearly 700 million U.S. dollars for the U.S. troop presence in the country.

  • Clinton, on the other hand, stressed the importance of cooperation between the U.S. and its allies.

  • The last question was about whether the candidates would accept the outcome of the election.

  • Clinton said she will, but asked for voters' support, saying the election is about voters

  • and their families "and the kind of country and future you want."

  • Trump's final answer?

  • He wants to make America great again.

  • But he did vow to support the outcome of the election no matter who wins.

  • The second televised presidential debate is scheduled for October 9th.

  • Hwang Hojun, Arirang News.

It was a night full of political spectacle


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B2 中上級

クリントン氏、初の大統領討論会でトランプ氏を破る:世論調査 (Clinton bests Trump in first presidential debate: poll)

  • 666 27
    周瑋誠 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日