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The first pizzeria in New York is also the first pizzeria in the United States.
Lombardi's opened in 1905 just down the street
at its original location when Italian immigrant Gennaro Lombardi decided to convert his grocery into a pizza shop.
based on the popularity of one of his employees' handmade pies.
Now it's a bit of a family problem.
But one estimate for the number of pizza shops in the five boroughs is at around 2000,
many of them serving and some of them focused on the slice, which
incidentally you can't get at Lombardi's, only whole pies here.
So we're going to have to go somewhere else.
In New York City, this really is something of a staple.
I mean, I have heard people describe the New York slice
as nothing short of a way of life.
Distilled down into this single piece of pizza is the stereotypical New York rush.
I want to be served quickly and cheaply.
I want to walk and eat and be satisfied and not late for my Idea Channel shoot.
Today we're going to talk about many different kinds of pizza,
both literal and figurative,
back on the Idea Channel set with pizza, literal pizza,
because if we're making an episode about it
it's a business expense.
There's evidence going as far back as ancient Rome, Greece,
and Egypt that, as Carol Helstosky says
in "Pizza A Global History", people used,
quote, "bread as a plate", which is
pizza's essential characteristic
besides its main toppings,cheese, tomato sauce, and as John Green says, possibly other.
Bread as plate, Helstosky says, puts pizza in the same lineage as pita, lavash, and tortilla.
But what we would point at and go, mmm, pizza,
didn't come together until 18th century Naples, Italy.
Considered low class food, Neapolitan pizza,
which we may call flat bread or thin crust pizza now,
was the first widely recognized marriage of bread, tomato, cheese,
and possibly other put into an oven and baked,
though the possibly other wouldn't become a craze until the mid 20th century.
The tomatoes that are so often the base of a slice or a pie
didn't make it to Italy from Central and South America until the mid 16th century.
Let's just think about that briefly, a time in Italy without tomatoes.
When they arrived, it was thanks to the Colombian Exchange.
At first, most Europeans thought tomatoes were poisonous
being in the deadly nightshade family of plants.
So they were sold as ornaments and decoration
until some brave soul somewhere ate one.
Mmm. Golden Apple.
This puts pizza at a crossroads.
Adventurousness and complex economic and cultural trade resulting from colonialism eventually
produced a simple, satisfying food with humble origins.
Since its start, pizza has depended upon globalization.
Trade got the ingredients to Italy.
Immigration brought it to America,
whose cultural dominance brought it to the world.
And at the end of that complex process,
its kind of funny to think that we're likely to call something that looks like this fancy pizza.
While Neapolitan pizza was rounding out on the Western coast,
further south in Palermo, Sicily there was a different square shaped pie in the works.
Sicilian pizza is based on focaccia,
a thick bread that's often topped with salt, garlic, and herbs.
So while it doesn't resemble the iconic pizza emoji,
this is still pizza, which is important,
because though there are first pizzarias, Lombardi's,
L'antica Pizzeria, Port'alba in Naples, it's tough if not impossible to point to a platonic pizza ideal.
There's no single original model that all pizza references.
The economic climate and poverty stricken population combined with available materials
at pizza's genesis to help feed whole families cheaply
in a way that was satisfying and nutritional.
More so than many other foods beyond its central ingredients,
pizza is historically a culinary solution
to a particular set of economic, cultural, and dietary conundrums
which differ between the communities experiencing them.
Pizza may have gone global.
But it is, in some sense, always local.
Related to the Sicilian slice but distinct
is what is often called the grandma slice, which
admits something great about pizza that I think we rarely confront explicitly.
It involves family, maybe not literally,
but gathering around people and sharing a meal with them.
I think about this whenever I get a slice from the corner pizza shop.
What strangers are eating a slice pulled from the same pie as mine?
Who am I, in some distributed and emergent sense, sharing a meal with?
Who are my pizza pals, my pie ties, my cheese chums?
This is not to say that everything is rosy in the plaza del pizza.
There are preferences, allegiances, and animosities,
perhaps none more pronounced than that between Chicago and New York.
At the heart of the geographically reinforced pie dispute is thickness.
New York's pizza is thin like Neapolitan.
And Chicago's is deep like Sicilian.
Like most things pizza, it's hard to say who did it first.
But Pizzeria Uno is confidently implicated somehow
in serving the first Chicago style deep dish pizza in the 1940s.
Chicago deep dish is often thicker
than even Sicilian pizza but still round like a Neapolitan
and more pie like with a thick, hard crust.
Jon Stewart famously called it tomato soup in a bread bowl,
which explains why we haven't removed a slice,
because there would be an avalanche of tomatoes
to clean up.
And we still have a lot to shoot.
Deep dish devotees, anyway, counter that it's more flavorful.
You get more for your money.
Or simply and inarguably, I just like it more.
Back off.
While the deep versus thin dispute may be notable,
it is not pizza's sole conflict by any means.
Rivalry is practically baked in to pizza consumption.
For one thing, pizza is both customizable and meant to be shared.
Everyone who's ever ordered one has argued about toppings.
Anchovies over my dead body.
Who likes mushrooms?
For the record, my personal favorite toppings
are pineapple and jalapeno.
That is not a joke.
Then of course, there's the question of where you even get the pizza.
Even within geographic allies, there's disagreement.
Do you order from Giordano's or Lou Malnati's in Chicago
or probably some other place that I've never heard of,
because I don't live there.
Where in New York is the best slice?
Di Fara, Anna Maria, famous Ray's, not famous Ray's?
And if it's not a pizza place, is it delivery, and if not delivery, DiGiorno?
Even if you can agree on toppings,
you still have to acknowledge that pizza is today
and has been for a long time heavily branded
and aggressively commercialized.
This is always my favorite part of eating a DiGiorno pizza.
Where preferences can be articulated,
they will be commercialized.
You want pizza bagels, bites, French bread pizza,
pizza burgers, chips, pretzels, Combos, or gum?
We gotcha.
How about pizza on things, tattoos and nail art, sure.
But what about pizza shirts, hats, hoodies, sunglasses,
socks, shoes, shorts, or a pizza wrap for your car?
We've gotcha.
Come on, down to pizza town, where everything has pizza on it for some reason.
Pizza may be an old world, rustic Italian food.
But it's an American phenomenon.
Up through the early 20th century,
pizza didn't make it far outside of Italy
except to the immigrant communities that brought it with them.
But at the end of World War II, GIs stationed in Italy
return home to the United States with a taste for pizza.
And what's more, as Helstosky writes,
during and after the war, pizza constituted a kind of edible goodwill ambassador,
repairing fractured relationships between the United States and Italy.
Suddenly there was a diplomatic and economic imperative
to saving a service member's cheese lust.
Pizza was sold as cheap, fun, family friendly,
marketed as an easy dinner for the busy housewife.
And biggened by the arguably superficial multiculturalism of the '60s and '70s,
pizza went from ethnic food item
to product, a process greatly aided by the freezer.
Pizza, now frozen, inert, turns from an edible item
to a sellable thing.
In addition to the freezer,
there was also one other piece of technology
that helped pizzas rise to ubiquity.
And that was the combustion engine.
So there's a joke that's in all of the food history books and pizza websites that I read.
And it goes something like this.
Did you know that the first pizza delivery occurred in 1889?
And so you're imagining like some pimply kid
in a Domino wire wheel pulling up to an Italian villa.
What actually happened was that King Umberto and Queen Margherita,
after whom the Margherita pizza is named,
had the first ever pizza delivery
from Raffaele Esposito's Pizzeria di Pietro e
Cosi, the man and pizzeria considered the birthplace of modern pizza.
I couldn't find in any of the records,
though, how much they tipped.
But it wasn't until 1961 in the American Midwest
at Dominic's, later Domino's, that pizza
forged its interminable relationship with automobiles.
Tom Monaghan bought the struggling Ypsilanti, Michigan pizzeria Dominic's
in 1960 for $500 down.
Monaghan sold his stake in the company in 1999 for $1 billion.
Monaghan attributes much of his and the company's success to delivery.
In a 2003 interview, Monaghan explained
that pizzerias offered delivery until they were solvent after which they stopped.
Where other pizzerias saw hassle,
Monaghan saw dollar signs.
And he was right but only to a degree.
The Domino's story is a long and a super interesting one
even if you don't like their pizza,
longer than we have time to cover here.
But I'll put some links in the doobly doo.
Suffice it to say that the delivery racket kind of turned into a death race.
As local shops and other chains added engines to their roster,
Domino's got edged off the course.
It was Domino's, though, that popularized the idea that pizza comes to you.
Sure you can make it at home.
But 99% of people don't.
I own a pizza stone.
And I still order pizza from the corner shop on Fridays
because delivery pizza is, in some way, more real pizza.
And all the pageantry around it, discussing, ordering, waiting,
the arrival, opening the box, which
was another hugely important technological development
in the commercialization of pizza, all of that,
is also pizza, which brings us just momentarily
to leftover pizza, what remains on the countertop,
in the fridge, in the box, on a plate,
in a stack, covered in tin foil,
or left to the elements on Saturday morning,
delicious, delicious, left over breakfast pizza.
Don't fool yourself.
Though it was made by the same people as that delivery pizza,
left over pizza is a different kind of pizza.
It has undergone a transformation.
Left over pizza is somehow more indulgent
and maybe a little shameful but no less awesome
and maybe even more awesome.
Leftover pizza is also sometimes surprise pizza.
Leftover pizza is an artifact that remains,
commemorating DnD games or Netflix marathons,
all nighters, hackathons, and various get togethers.
Pizza is so delicious and so powerfully persuasive
in its ability to convince you to just have one more slice
because of the presence of naturally occurring glutamates in tomato and cheese.
You've maybe heard glutamates referred to as umami.
And that is what makes slices so neurophysiologically irresistible.
But I might argue there's also a romance to pizza that
makes it so enjoyable, leftover pizza doubly so.
It's not only laden with that savory flavor magic
but with memories of whatever pizza
fueled shenanigans you got up to the night before
and perhaps need a nice cold slice of pizza
to help you recover from.
Carol Helstosky writes, quote, "today,
advertisements for Pizza Hut Poland promote Indian style pizza.
Meanwhile, in India, Pizza Hut's website
uses an Australian cartoon to promote their specialty pizzas.
It would seem that the globalization of pizza
has led to a greater localization of the food
as consumers make pizza their own concoction.
Yet, somehow pizza still retains its Italian identity
and, to some extent, its American identity."
End quote.
In Costa Rica, you may find coconut and shrimp on pizza
and in France, egg.
German and Japanese pizza is often
topped with seafood, tuna and octopus,
specifically and respectively.
This is what I mean when I say beyond its central ingredients,
pizza is historically a culinary solution
to a particular set of economic, cultural,
and dietary conundrums.
It may be fair to say that every culture has its pizza.
But it's also increasingly fair to say that many cultures also just have pizza.
Pizza is both local and global, thanks in no small part
to the long history of commercial and cultural trade
which sustained its economic viability and ability to act as a status marker,
a communicator of preference,
allegiance, and taste.
And if you don't like leftover pineapple and jalapeno New York style pizza,
you are objectively wrong.
Deep dish oatmeal pizza with grapefruit topping!
Let us know your thoughts about pizza in the comments below.
And I will respond to some of them
in next week's comment response video.
In this week's comment response video,
we talk about your thoughts regarding superhero destruction.
But like last week, that video will be out on Friday.
I promise we're not going to make a habit of this,
just these two weeks, most likely.
We have a Facebook, an IRC, and a subreddit,
links in the doobly doo.
The tweet of the week comes from Solaru0311,
who points us towards an article that compares the way digital assistants
respond to certain requests for help and assistance in dire situations.
It is very interesting.
One small bit of news, PBS Digital Studios
has been nominated for a Webby in the best science and education network category.
So that is very exciting.
If you want to go vote for PBS Digital Studios for that Webby,
you can find a link in the description.
Voting is open until April 21st.
You can only vote once.
Use it wisely on Digital Studios.
And last but certainly not least,
this week's episode would not have been possible or good
without the very hard work of these anchovy lovers.
MORGAN: I don't know if any of us do love anchovies.
Shh, Morgan.