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  • (electronic music)

  • (tape rewinding)

  • (tape recorder clicking)

  • (smooth piano music)

  • - [Lilian Terry] I have a feeling that

  • evening gowns are your weakness.

  • - [Nina Simone] Well, clothes period.

  • (laughing)

  • I love clothes.

  • - [Lilian Terry] You love clothes.

  • - [Nina Simone] Yes, I do.

  • I mean, if you come out,

  • and you look the way you want to look,

  • you will create a mood before you open your mouth,

  • And sometimes, that can be enough to

  • get your audience exactly in the groove,

  • where you want them.

  • (smooth piano music)

  • Like last year, I wore the same gown for a year,

  • everywhere I went.

  • I wanted people to remember me, looking a certain way.

  • It made it easier for me.

  • - [Lilian Terry] What was the gown like?

  • - [Nina Simone] It was a black, crocheted,

  • fishnet jumpsuit, with a flesh colored lining.

  • So when I came on stage...

  • - [Lilian Terry] Oh, yes.

  • - [Nina Simone] The illusion was that I was actually naked.

  • I loved that.

  • It always, kind of shocked people enough

  • that they became mine immediately.

  • - [Lilian Terry] Yes!

  • (laughing)

  • (boisterous piano solo)

  • - [Nina Simone] Since I was three

  • I've been playing the piano, I've been onstage.

  • My mother is an Evangelist and I used to play

  • the piano at her revival meetings.

  • - [Lilian Terry] Yes, you have one daughter?

  • - [Nina Simone] Yes, I have one daughter.

  • - [Lilian Terry] How old is she?

  • - [Nina Simone] She's five.

  • She'll be six in September.

  • - [Lilian Terry] I see, and does she play the piano?

  • Does she like music?

  • - [Nina Simone] Oh, she loves music.

  • Well sit at the piano, when she's in the mood

  • and pick out our own songs.

  • She dances fantastic.

  • And she mimics me all the time,

  • and has the nerve to tell me when I'm wrong.

  • When I sing, the lyrics are wrong, she'll tell me.

  • She's very, very talented.

  • - [Lilian Terry] That's good.

  • - [Nina Simone] But it's fun to her,

  • and I want to keep it that way.

  • - [Lilian Terry] There was one song, you sang in Newport.

  • The one that starts,

  • listing the various things you haven't got.

  • - [Nina Simone] Oh, yes.

  • That's Ain't Got No, and I Got Life.

  • Two titles to the tune. - [Lilian Terry] Yes.

  • - [Nina Simone] It is from a new Broadway play called Hair.

  • - [Lilian Terry] Do you remember the words?

  • Of course you do. - [Nina Simone] Yes.

  • It says "I ain't got no home.

  • "Ain't got no shoes.

  • "Ain't got no money.

  • "Ain't got no class.

  • "No faith, no mind.

  • "Ain't got no God."

  • ("Ain't Got No/I Got Life" by Nina Simone)

  • Then the song stops, and then it says

  • "Well, what have you got?"

  • ♫ I got my hair

  • ♫ I got my head

  • So you get the two pictures, right there.

  • Really, in these days, in these hard times,

  • is you must be grateful that you are surviving.

  • That you have your health.

  • (jazzy piano music)

  • - [Lilian Terry] And of course,

  • the last song you sang was very beautiful.

  • - [Nina Simone] The King Of Love Is Dead.

  • - [Lilian Terry] The King Of Love Is Dead.

  • - [Nina Simone] Now, that's composed by my bass player.

  • Dr. King was killed on Thursday

  • and Gene Taylor composed that tune Friday.

  • So it was completely inspired.

  • In a narrative way, it is a folk song.

  • "Why was he killed?

  • "It was bigotry that sealed his fate.

  • "You can shed your tears, but they won't change a thing.

  • "Will my country ever learn, must it kill at every turn?

  • "We have to know what the consequences

  • "of these acts will bring."

  • Folks you'd better stop and think

  • And then it says ""Folks, you'd better stop and think.

  • "'Cause we're all heading for the brink."

  • Which is the truth.

  • "What will happen now, that the king of love is dead?"

  • What's gonna happen? ♫

  • So the song is extremely powerful there.

  • There's no conclusion, it just leaves you up in the air.

  • - [Lilian Terry] Yes.

  • - [Nina Simone] It's a good time for

  • black people to be alive.

  • It's a lot of hell, a lot of violence,

  • but I feel more alive now than I ever have in my life.

  • I have a chance to live, as I've dreamed.

  • - [Lilian Terry] Do you think that your child

  • will be living through the revolutionary years?

  • - [Nina Simone] I don't know, love.

  • Whatever it is she's going to

  • have pride in her own blackness.

  • She's going to have a chance to be more than

  • just somebody who's on the outside looking in.

  • Like it's been for most of us, and my parents before me,

  • but she may see more bloodshed

  • than I've ever even dreamed of.

  • I have no way of knowing that evolution.

  • The cycle goes round, and round.

  • It's time for us.

  • (smooth piano music)

  • - [Voiceover] This episode is sponsored by Dropbox.

  • Whether you're designing, presenting, writing, or building

  • Dropbox makes it simple to work together on any file,

  • because if you can work with anyone,

  • anywhere, anyway you want,

  • the world will be full of more interesting things.

  • Dropbox, all yours.

  • Now, back to the interview.

  • - [Lilian Terry] Why don't you come to Italy on vacation?

  • - [Nina Simone] Well, you're sweet love,

  • but you're the only one I know there,

  • and I don't like to go to strange places.

  • I was in Italy for about five hours on my way to Africa.

  • And I got pinched.

  • - [Lilian Terry] At the airport.

  • - [Nina Simone] Yeah.

  • (laughing)

  • I did, I liked it.

  • I really did, right there in the airport.

  • (laughing)

  • - [Lilian Terry] Let's say arrivederci.

  • - [Nina Simone] Arrivederci.

  • - [Lilian Terry] You know what that means.

  • - [Nina Simone] Of course I do.

  • - [Lilian Terry] Yes.

  • Bye-bye.

  • - [Nina Simone] Bye.

  • (smooth, jazzy music)

  • (tape rewinding)

  • Subtitles by the community

(electronic music)


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

ニーナ・シモン・オン・ショック|ブランク・オン・ブランク|PBSデジタル・スタジオ (Nina Simone on Shock | Blank on Blank | PBS Digital Studios)

  • 8 2
    VoiceTube に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日