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  • So this might surprise you, but one of the most amazing feats

  • you'll ever accomplish as a human being already happened,

  • and that is language development.

  • I mean, think about it.

  • When you're a baby, all these sounds are coming at you,

  • and somehow, you're able to figure out

  • which sounds are words, where there are breaks

  • between the words, general grammatical rules,

  • and you're able to apply them without

  • any real formal training.

  • This is amazing.

  • So naturally, a lot of research has

  • been done into how this ability develops.

  • And I'm going to tell you about the three main theories that

  • look at language development.

  • So first, we start out with the nativist,

  • or innatist perspective.

  • And what this perspective says is

  • that children are born with the ability to learn language.

  • And the main guy associated with this theory is Noam Chomsky.

  • And he thought the humans had something called a language

  • acquisition device, or LAD, in their brains

  • that allowed them to learn language.

  • And this isn't really supposed to be

  • in a specific part of the brain.

  • It's just an idea that this ability exists.

  • And this works because he thought

  • that all languages shared a universal grammar,

  • or the same basic elements, so all languages would

  • have nouns, verbs, things like that.

  • So the language acquisition device

  • enables the child to pick up on and understand

  • those types of words and their organization

  • within a sentence for any language.

  • This goes along with the idea that there

  • is a "critical period" or a "sensitive period."

  • The "critical period" is usually thought

  • to be from birth until about age eight or nine,

  • and it's the period of time in which

  • a child is most able to learn a language.

  • So if you try to learn a language after that age,

  • it's a lot harder.

  • It's not impossible.

  • It's just a lot harder.

  • And nativists like Chomsky would say

  • that that's because the LAD only operates

  • during that critical period.

  • Once you start using it, then it specializes to your language,

  • and it becomes unable to detect other sounds and grammar

  • from other languages.

  • The second theory I want to tell you about

  • is the learning theory.

  • Learning theorists think that children

  • aren't born with anything.

  • They only acquire language through reinforcement.

  • So a learning theorist would say that a child learns to say

  • "mama" because every time it makes it sound that approaches

  • that-- so "ma-something"-- then Mom starts smiling,

  • hugging the child, so over time, the child learns, oh,

  • the more I make this sound, the more I get hugs and smiles.

  • And so then, eventually, it learns to say "ma,"

  • and then say it again, and learns to say "mama."

  • So this makes sense.

  • But a strict learning theory doesn't

  • explain how children are able to produce words they've never

  • heard before or produce unique sentences.

  • So we have another theory called the interactionist approach.

  • Sometimes this is called the social interactionist approach,

  • because these theorists believe that biological and social

  • factors have to interact in order for children

  • to learn language.

  • So they would say that children strongly

  • desire to communicate with others,

  • such as the adults in their lives,

  • and that desire motivates them to learn

  • to communicate via language.

  • And the main theorist associated with this school of thought

  • is Vygotsky.

  • He was a big proponent of the importance

  • of social interaction in the development of children.

  • All three of these theories have made big contributions

  • to our understanding of how children develop language.

  • So the next time you look at a baby, be impressed.

  • They're actually working really hard.

So this might surprise you, but one of the most amazing feats


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A2 初級

言語発達論(ナティヴ主義、学習主義、相互作用主義 (Theories of Language Development (Nativist, Learning, Interactionist))

  • 137 13
    Liao Jess に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日