字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント [♪♪♪] 2002 年 11 月 ♪ Hey ♪ 遅くなってごめん [CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY] いいよ ゲームのスコア上げてた ♪ Don't write Yourself off yet ♪ すっぽかされるの慣れているし ♪ It's only in your head you ♪ ティファニーたちがダンスに お酒持ち込んで追い出されたって JOANNA: Hi. すっぽかされて良かったよ Sorry I'm late. 本当に? Oh, hey. 別にあの子と 行きたかったわけじゃないし It's okay. Gave me time 他の子を誘えばいいのに to beat my Snake score. 他にいない Anyways, I'm already used 学校に1人もいないの? to being flaked on. 他にも候補がいたけどさ Mm. Peter. Tiffany's whole group どう思われるか分からなくて got caught bringing alcohol into the dance. いいんだ 他の人に誘われてるよ They got kicked out, so you should be happy 待ち過ぎなんだってば she bailed on you. 補欠を用意しとかなきゃ Really? 誰も補欠になんかしたくない Yeah. 私でよかったのに That's okay, I didn't wanna go ウェスの家の二次会行きたくない? with her anyways. ゲームキューブ買ったんだよ Well why didn't you ask やめとく 受験願書を書かなきゃ someone else? 高校最後の年なんだよ もっと楽しまなきゃ There's no one else to ask. 心配しないで Nobody? In the whole school? 心配するさ 大学は大事だろ I mean, there was another girl, 人生決まるんだ but I wasn't sure how she felt. なるようになるって 流れに任せればいい ♪ Alright It just takes some time ♪ ああ いいよ [SIGHS] Whatever. 30 歳になっても無職 独身 Someone else asked her anyway. 実家のソファーで寝起きして こう言うんだ Well then don't wait so long next time. ‟流れに任せろ” って You know? いいわ じゃあプラン B を考えよう You should have had a backup. 今日の反省を活かすんでしょ I don't wanna make someone a backup. 30 歳で独身でもいいなら別だけど I would have been your backup. 絶対にヤダ [SCOFFS] 30 歳なんて年寄りだよ 君は結婚してると思う? [LAUGHS] 分からない ずっと先のことだもん Hey, do you wanna go to the after party at Wes'? それに無意味でしょ I heard he just got a GameCube. 私の両親は 30 代で離婚したし Nah, I don't think so. Applications are due soon. でも1人でいるって考えると怖くない? Peter, this is senior year. You need to start enjoying it more. 流れに任せればいいじゃん Stop worrying. 補欠も How can I not worry? 分かってきたね You know, college is so important. 僕のプラン B になる? You know, it affects everything. いいよ Whatever's gonna happen is gonna happen, you know. え? 何だって? You might as well just go with the flow. 別にいいよ 私のプラン B になってくれるなら Oh, okay, sure. 他の人と幸せになってるかもしれないけど I'll be 30, jobless, single, そうじゃなかったら いい考えかもしれない living on my parent's couch and muttering to myself そうかな? "I'm just, going with the flow." もし私が補欠にいるって知ってたら [LAUGHS] 安心して他の子を ダンスに誘えたでしょ? Okay, so maybe you need a backup plan. そうかも Did you learn nothing from the dance, you know? じゃあもし 30 歳で独身だったら… Unless you wanna be single when you're 30. 結婚しよう Oh, hell no. いいよ Thirty is so old. Do you think you'll be married by then? 約束な? I don't know. That's like forever from now, you know? もしもし And anyway, what's the point? うん すぐ行く My parents, they got divorced in their 30s, so. ウェスが来た 一緒に行かない? Yeah, but doesn't it freak you out that you might be alone? いいや Mm, just go with the flow, you know? じゃあ月曜日にね 未来の旦那さん Or have a backup plan. バイバイ 奥さん Hey, you're learning, ha-ha-ha. ジョアンナ Oh, do you wanna be my backup then? 楽しんで Yeah, okay. もちろん Ha, ha... Wait. What? 30 歳まで独身だったら… Yeah, why not, you know? おはよう グレース But only if you were my backup too. 今日 誕生日なの? By then, we'll probably be totally happy with other people, Facebook 見ないんだけど ママが聖書研究グループに参加しろって but, if we're not, you've made some good points. 誕生日だよ 何かくれるの? I did? やる気のある従業員とか? 必要なんだ Yeah. Like, if you had known ゴールドマンの注文を 1時間前にしたんだから that I would have been your backup to the dance, wouldn't it じゃあ今は何してる? have been less scary to ask that girl you wanted to go with? 新曲作ってる Yeah. 生化学の学位を これに活かしているわけ? Okay, okay. If we're still single by 30 then... 医学部に行ったら活用するよ let's get married. 今は医学部を受けるのを 自慢する時なの Cool. 恵まれてるんだぞ Oh. Shake on it? 俺なんか大学を卒業した夏には 両親にここで働かされたのに [SLURPING] インターンシップまでやったんだ [PHONE RINGS] しゃべってないで仕事しなさい Hey. 誕生日おめでとう! Okay yeah, I'll be right out. 母さん ありがとう Hey, Wes is here. Are you sure you don't wanna go? ピーター おめでとう 投稿しておいたぞ Yeah. いいね… ありがとう Well, I'll see you Monday, then. 30 歳のお祝いは何するの? Later, future husband. マークと新しい タコスの屋台を見に行くんだ Peace out, wifey. タコス? 40 歳の誕生日かよ 現状満足みたいな? Joanna! ロビンからお祝いは? Have a good time. - ないよ - なんで? I will. Bye. だってもう付き合ってないから ♪ Everything, everything Will be just fine ♪ 電話しなさいよ ♪ Everything, everything Will be just fine ♪ ‟もしもし元カレだけど 誕生日祝ってくれよ” [PHONE CHIMES] 他にいないのか? ♪ Everything, everything Will be alright ♪ そろそろ落ち着いてもいい年頃だろう [PHONE CHIMES] 早く孫の顔を見せてちょうだい [SIGHS] そうだよピーター 家族の恥さらしなんだから [♪♪♪] やめた PETER: Morning, Grace. リサ? GRACE: Isn't it your birthday or something? ジョジョ! I normally rely on Facebook, but I deactivated it after 会えてすっごく嬉しい Mom invited me to her Bible study group. 私もよ In fact, it is. What did you get me? あんたがいるなんて信じられない An employee with a solid work ethic? 'Cause, I need one. それともシンガポールに行く前に 立ち寄ったとか? Chill. I processed the Goldman order like hours ago. 違うわ 戻ったの Well, what are you working on now, then? 詳しく教えて Oh, just a new track. ブログで読んだけど ここのタコス最高らしい [TECHNO MUSIC PLAYS] 魚とブドウのタコス? 誕生日これでいいのか? Is this what you're using your Biochem degree for? ああ のんびりしてて僕らしいんだ No. I'm gonna use that in a year when I go to med school. のんびりと言えば このアプリどう思う? Now is the time to brag about applying to medical school. Dryncht って言うんだけど Do you realize how lucky you are? どれぐらいコロンを つけてるか教えてくれるらしい I didn't get a gap year. The summer after I graduated, 全然よくない 大体 どうやって調べるんだ? Mom and Dad made me work here, 知らないけど 投資してみようか and I had to have an internship. ロビンから連絡は? Stop talking and get back to work. ないよ Happy birthday! なんでみんな聞いてくるんだ? Thanks, Ma. SNS で通知が来るから 誕生日は嫌でもわかるだろ Happy birthday, Peter. I've posted on your wall. 結構重大じゃないか Oh...nice. Thanks, Dad. 元カノが誕生日を祝う連絡すら してくれなくなったなんて So, what are you gonna do for the big three-oh? 彼女は完全にふっ切れているな Mm, Mark and I gonna go check out this new taco truck on 10th. 連絡がほしいなんて思ってなかったけど Tacos? Slow down, isn't that like a 40th birthday, してほしかったな this is as good as it gets type of thing? ロビンはそういう女だ Robin wish you a happy birthday? 彼女を悪く言うなよ No. もし今でも付き合ってたらさ Why not? ロビンはロビンのために 盛大な パーティーを開いただろうね Maybe it's the whole we're not together anymore thing? なのにお前は自分の意見も言えない You should call her. そんなことない And say what? Hey, uh, this is your ex-boyfriend calling. こいつ割り込みしたぞ 黙ってるのか? Wish me a happy birthday. おい お前 [SCOFFS] Then call someone else. 割り込むなよ 誕生日なんだぞ A man of your age should be settling down by now. 蹴っ飛ばすぞ Mm-hmm. やあ どうも It's time to hurry up 魚とブドウを誕生日ボーイに and give us grandbabies. あなたのことは 全部ネットで知ってる Yeah, Peter, you're kind of bringing ヨットパーティーしたの? great shame on this family. ええ タイで数年前にね [♪♪♪] それで5月に髪を切ってさっぱりした [BIRDS WHISTLING] それから… 音沙汰なし Nope. SNS はやめてるの [INDISTINCT TALKING] - 男のせい? - それもある Lisa? それって屋上パーティーで みんなとパグの写真に写ってた人? JoJo! ごめん 興奮しちゃった Hi! そうね それはカールよ Oh, it's so good to see you. カールの求めるものに 応えられなくて別れちゃった Oh, you too. 簡単に言うと 私の親友と付き合い始めたんだ Wow. - うそでしょ - 結婚するの I can't believe you're here, like standing here, - えっ? - 招待状が来た it's so weird. Or is this one of those, 男を盗んで結婚式に呼ぶなんて ドラマみたい I have a layover before my Singapore flight visits? いいえ そういうのじゃないの [LAUGHS] No, I'm a, I'm back back for now. アリソンは大学で 妹みたいにかわいがってた Okay, well I want all the deets. 何にでもすごく正直だから Okay. それでも変な感じだわ [♪♪♪] 私の計画にはなかったな Okay, so I read about this place on a blog もうすぐ 30 歳で地元に戻ってきて and they're supposed to have the best tacos. 独身だし… でも できないことなんてないわ What is that, fish and grapes? Is this how we're 親友と元カレの結婚式だって飛び込めるわ going out for your birthday? 結婚しててよかったって 初めて思った Yeah, man, it's chill. 私は妹とお見合い番組を見てるのに I like chill. あんたは現実を生きてる And speaking of chill, 誉めてないでしょ what do you think of this app? クロエは元気? It's called Dryncht. [INHALES SHARPLY] 26 歳になって一緒に住んでる 手に負えないのよ Apparently it tells you if you're wearing too much cologne. ルームメイト探してない? No, that sounds terrible. How does that even work? 今夜はどこに行く? I don't know, I'm just the money guy. どこにも Did Robin wish you happy birthday? 冗談言うなよ No. ‟誕生日なんだ”って 最強の口説き文句を使えるんだぞ Why does everyone keep asking me that? 大騒ぎしたくないんだ It's almost impossible not to wish someone a happy birthday. 携帯見せろ You know, I mean Facebook puts it on your phone. アプリをダウンロードする I mean it's gotta be a big deal, the year an ex-girlfriend サルサベルデが入ってる doesn't hit you up anymore to wish you a happy birthday. 最悪な 20 代に比べれば 30 代は最高だ I mean, that means she's totally over you. 金なしで 方向性も 自分が何をしてるかも分からない Look, I wasn't expecting to hear from her. 第二の思春期だ Although it would have been nice. なんて言うかさ Yeah well, Robin's not nice. やるべきことを何も 成し遂げていないんだよ Hey. 親父が 30 になる頃には 結婚もしてたし I can say that, but you can't. 2人の子供を連れて 共産主義国から逃げてきたんだ Yeah, I mean, 僕なんて このサルサベルデ入りの ブリトーを返品するかどうかが唯一の決断 can you imagine if you were still with her? 30 になったけど気持ちは 10 代のまま I mean, she would throw the most amazing birthday party よし 書き込みしておいたぞ 今夜ソーホースで誕生日会を開く for Robin. And you would have been okay with it. おい やめろよ Because...you never say what you want. いいだろ 誕生日なんだ アゲていこう That's not true, man. 最高 この照明 肌がきれいに見える Hey, he just cut you. Are you gonna let him cut you? わぁ すごくいい 気に入っちゃった 引っ越そう No. 即決しなくてもいいのよ 家具も買わなきゃいけないし Hey buddy, ガレージセールとか 掲示板サイトを使えば大丈夫よ you cut my friend. It's his birthday, move your ass. そうね お互いのことをもう少し 知り合ってからにしましょう Put my foot in it. そうだね まず年齢は 25歳 Hey, how you doing? - 26 でしょ - うるさいな What's up? SWF で ADD なの MBTI では ESFP だった あとは… Fish and grapes, please. Birthday boy. 寝ながら食べるけど 起きてても食べるよ Two. Two. 暴力ふるったり悪口言うから 女子には嫌われてる LISA: So everything I know about you is from the internet, 我慢が苦手で 早起きと子供が嫌い I'm totally obsessed. You partied on a yacht? 仕事は何を? Mm, yeah, that was from a few years ago in Thailand. - 教師なの - 子供の? Then you had that short hair, don't care phase in May. 不幸にもね And then...nothing. あなたの友達のピーター・マが Yeah, I'm off social media now. ‟お待ちかね 超豪華な 誕生日パーティ” を開くってよ Is it because of a guy? なんでこんな招待が来るんだろう Yeah, sort of. ピーター・マだって もう何年も話してない Was it the hot guy at the rooftop party ソーホースだって あのバー最悪よ with the Chinese lanterns and the pug 私は大好き that everybody was posing with? - でしょうね - ピーターって? Yeah, sorry, I went down a rabbit hole. かわいいじゃん Wow, Swimfan. Uh, yeah, that was Carl. 驚かしてあげようかな Carl wanted more, and I wasn't ready, so I left. - 一緒に来る? - それは難しいわよ And long story short, he started seeing a close friend of mine. ライアンと一緒に 自然ドキュメンタリーを見て Shut up. - 定期セックスするんだから - 定期セックス? They're getting married. 結婚したらそうなる What? - ロマンティックじゃないわね - あら ロマンスもあるわよ Just got the save the date. 毎週木曜日7時から9時 Steal your man and then invite you to the wedding. 2人で楽しんで 私も楽しむ That is so dramatic. ヒートアップしてクールダウンするの Uh, no, it wasn't like that. なんだか分からないけど Allison was like my little sister in college じゃあね and she was very upfront about the whole thing. またね Still I would feel really weird if I were you. ルームメイト同士 Obviously it's not what I had planned on happening, 慣れるのにどれぐらいかかるかな but neither was being almost 30 and moving back to my hometown, 1杯だけ飲んだら帰るからな single, so uh, yeah, it's nothing I can't handle. まあそう言わずに リラックスして楽しもう Might as well throw in my ex marrying my college best friend. レイカーズの試合の 最後だけでも見たいし Wow. You've never made me feel so happy about being married. 当日に投稿したから誰も来ないさ My sister and I have to 何言ってんだよ 友達のジェフはどうなった? binge watch The Bachelor and you're like おい ジェフ living the real thing. ジェフなんて知らない I don't take that as a compliment. おい こっちに来るなよ How is Chloe, by the way? ジョアンナ? Oh, she's 26 and a pain in my ass ピーター! and she's been living with me. どうして君が Hey, are you looking for a roommate? 30 歳おめでとう MARK: So where we going tonight, birthday boy? びっくりした こっちへ来て Nowhere. 何してるの? Are you kidding me? Come on, like... ‟お待ちかね 超豪華な 誕生日パーティ” に来たんだけど? "It's my birthday" is the best pick-up line いい名前だろ and tonight, it's actually true. 彼は大学の友達のマークだ Look, I really don't want to make a big deal out of it. 彼女は幼馴染のジョアンナ Let me see your phone. - 初めまして - よろしくね I'm gonna download this app. ジョアンナ! [TAPPING] 友達が来てるから待ってて Ah, they put salsa verde in this. 分かった Dude, what's wrong with being in your 30s? 知り合いは来ないと思ったんだろ? Your 30s are awesome. If anything, your 20s sucked. 実は彼女 高校の頃の親友なんだ You have no money, no direction, 何年も連絡してなかった まさか来るなんて you have no idea what you're doing. ただの ‟親友” か? お前らもう既に… It's like, adult puberty. 俺たちはそんなんじゃないって Yeah. I just feel like ‟ただの友達”って? I haven't accomplished anything I thought I was supposed to. ちがう You know by the time my dad was 30, he was married, 確かに俺は好きだったけど 向こうは友達だと思ってた had two kids and escaped a Communist regime. だから俺は女友達は作らない Mm-hmm. 彼女がここにいるなんて My biggest decision today will be if I 何で? send back this burrito with salsa verde. 彼女は覚えてないと思うけど 高校生の時 約束したんだ I may be 30, but I feel like a teenager. 30 歳までに2人とも独身だったら Boom. Updated your status, you're hosting a birthday 結婚するって party tonight, Sawhorse. そんなふざけた話 聞いたことないぞ Dude, not cool. What... 学園ドラマでも見てたのか? I don't care. It's your birthday. ただの冗談だった Turn up! 彼女は補欠だって WOMAN: Ah, yes! 彼女の所へ行って デートに誘って来い My skin looks so good in this lighting. やってみる Wow, oh my gosh, I mean, I love it. いいぞ 援護してやる I'm so down. あなた本当にかわいい 隣に立たないで Um, maybe we're doing this お嬢さん方 a little quickly, I still have furniture to buy-- どうも I saw a garage sale on Facebook and there's Craigslist, 俺はマークだ 君は? so I'm on it. クロエは私のルームメイトなの Well, you know maybe リサを覚えてる? 妹なの we should get to know each other a little bit better first. 微分積分の宿題を僕に 押し付けようとしてたリサか Totally, yeah, here's my synop. そのリサ I'm 25-- こいつ頭いいんだよな Twenty-six. 他の人たちは? Shut up. マークの思い付きだったから 投稿を消したんだ Okay. 謙遜してるだけさ こいつは天才だ Uh, SWF, ADD, ESFP on the MBTI. Um, what else? Oh! お前は本当にバカなやつだな I sleep-eat, but I also awake-eat, 本当はもっと のんびりしたのがよかった and girls are threatened by me, サニーズのミルクシェイクとか? because I physically and verbally threaten them, ああ いいね and I have very little patience, 懐かしいわね and I hate kids, and early mornings. 僕も何年も行ってない Uh, what do you do? よく覚えてたね I'm a teacher. サニーズだもん Of...children? 頼んでませんけど Unfortunately. 私が頼んだ [LAUGHS] 衰えていくピーターに乾杯 Sorry, it says that your old bestie Peter Ma is having - おめでとう - 乾杯 a "2 Fast, 2 Thirteous Birthday Extravaganza." 今どこに住んでるの? Why do I get notified for this stuff? Makes no sense. うそ マークってこの人? Wow. Peter Ma. We haven't spoken in years. happen で見つけた Oh, it's at Sawhorse. I hate that bar. 裸で赤ちゃんトラを抱っこしてる I love that bar. 人気アプリを売った後に サファリに行ったんだ Of course you do. 」みんなのミーム” の創設者だって? Who's Peter? ミームジェネレーター? Okay, he cute. ありえない Eh, maybe it'd be fun to go surprise him. なんだと? 批判的な君こそありえない Will you come with me? ジョン・メイヤーの引用もありえない That's gonna be a hard pass. こんな娘を育てた父親もありえないね Ryan and I are watching a nature documentary クラブでドンペリを両手に持ってるなんて ありえないから and then having scheduled sex. ベガスにボトルキープできないのを 嫉妬している奴もありえないな Scheduled sex? AXE の制汗剤使って ダサい時計して 眉毛整えてるのもありえない Yep. That's what married people do. 清潔感があって整った眉毛を リスペクトしない奴の方がありえない That's so unromantic. もういい アプリ消して携帯捨てるわ Relax, we have romance time. 山の中に住んでやる もう行こう Scheduled on Thursdays from seven to nine. また今度 Have fun you guys, okay? Cause I know I will. デートしてくれない? We're gonna heat it up, then cool it down. 何してんだよ I don't know what it is. あのクロエって女は バカだ Goodbye. こっちはいい感じだった 援護してくれよ Okay. むかつく女に邪魔されてたら 援護なんかできない Bye Lis. いいから… ちょっと休憩だ Roommate bonding. 相手を変えよう 彼女たちは? [NERVOUS LAUGH] 僕はジョアンナと話がしたかったんだ Wonder how long until our cycles sync up. お嬢さんたち 僕の友達が 一杯おごりたいって [♪♪♪] ありがとうマーク おごりたかったんだ Happy birthday to you-- やっとだわ Look, I'll have one drink ウォッカクランベリーがほしいの and then I'm leaving. クランベリーはほんの少しでね No, no, no. Dude. You're gonna 彼女は白ワインスプリッツァーね stay, relax, it's okay. それと ジェイシー No, no, no, seriously. ねえちょっと ジェイシーったら I wanna catch the last quarter of the Laker game あの子には水を もう潰れてるから and besides, it was a last minute post, ケンカしてたわね I'm sure no one's gonna show up. ケンカじゃないよ アピールしてたの Wh-what are you talking about? Where's your buddy Jeff? マークに? Hey Jeff. 違うよ あっちにいる男 I don't even know who Jeff is. ずっと見つめ合ってた No, please don't, no, no. Please don't. 彼かわいいでしょ 話に行ってきてよ Joanna? 遠慮する 私はピーターと話したいの Peter! そう 分かった Oh my god. - スプリッツァーね… - あなた最高 Wow, happy 30th. やっぱり飲み物取りに行こう Wow! C-come on, come here, come here. そうだよ 飲みに行こう W-what are you doing here? 両親と住んでるんじゃないよ 一緒に働いているんだ I mean obviously I'm here for a 私も親って大好き "2 Fast, 2 Thirteous Birthday Extravaganza." 言っておくけどな I told you it was a great title, you're welcome. 赤ちゃんトラとは今でも 関係を保ってるんだ Oh hey, uh, this is Mark, we went to college together, 毎月エサ代として1ドル送ってる and Joanna, known since I was a kid. モテるためじゃない [LAUGHS] 分かったよ Nice to meet you. ムダ毛処理した胸板の方が嫌だったけど Hi, good to meet you too. 若気の至りだ Joanna! Yo! 今でもだけど Okay, let me go check 嫌いじゃないけど on my friend, I'll be right back. 何を言っても関係ないか Okay. もうここにはいたくないんだ Huh. 高校の友達を デートに誘いたいんだ And you thought a bunch of randos were just gonna show up. 本当 ジェイシーってビッチよね She's not a rando. あんた面白い She was my best friend in high school and... いなくなってごめん you know, we just lost touch over the years, ここにもバーがあったんだ but, I guess it's pretty random. 上の階は変な男だらけで 逃げ出したかったの Oh, best friend, huh? 女がバーにいるのって大変なんだから Did you guys..? [SQUEAKING NOISES] 僕なんか今3杯もおごらされたよ No, no, no. It was not like that between us. 奨学金の足しになったかな Oh, so she friend zoned you? 男だって大変なんだよ No! バーで誰かを誘うとか考えられる? I mean, I did have a crush on her, こんな最悪な場所ないって but I don't think she felt the same way. 心から賛成する See, that's why I'm not friends with any ladies. それで [LAUGHS] Wow, it's insane that she's here. いい誕生日だった? Wait, what? もっと控えめなのがよかったけど I doubt she remembers, but in high school, 君に会えてよかった もっと話したかったよ we made a pact that if we weren't married 私もよ by the time we're 30, we'd marry each other. サニーズって今もやってる? Wow. That is the most stupidest thing I've ever heard. - 行きたい? - ええ 早く出よう Were you guys stoned and watching Dawson's Creek? マークとクロエ探す? No, it was like sort of a joke, you know. そうだね She was my backup. マークは他のバーに行ったって How about you back your ass up into that bar - どこかは分からないけど - 2人で? and go ask her out. そうなんだ [CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY] クロエが友達を探すアプリを ダウンロードしてたんだ I'm gonna go for it. - 使う人いるの? - クロエがね Hell yeah, and I'm gonna be your wingman. 割と近くにいるみたい 会いに行ってみる? [BUZZES] ここを出るならどこでも Oh my god, you're so pretty. Never stand next to me. もうバーなんて行きたくないけど Hey! ええ 面倒よね Hi. よし 行って行って Sup, ladies. ジョアンナ・テイラーは SNS をやってないんだ Hey. 大胆だね 誰を避けてるのかって 勘ぐられちゃうよ How you doing, I'm Mark. 聞いても面白くないよ Uh, this is Chloe, my roommate. そうか 分かったよ Um, you remember Lisa, right? This is her sister. 誰かと付き合ってた? Yes, Lisa. She used to con me into giving her my カールとね Calculus homework before class, right? 私より年上で結婚したがってたから That's Lisa. 色々と複雑になっちゃって Ah, Calculus. 大変だったね That's-- He's so smart. もう大丈夫 あなたはどうなの? Where is everyone else though? 長く付き合ってた人がいたみたいだけど Oh, I-I deleted the post ロビンね it was all Mark's idea. 数か月前に終わったんだ No, but he came up with it, he's a genius. 残念ね You're silly, you're so silly. いいんだ [LAUGHS] また1人に戻れて嬉しい? 私はビビっちゃって Um, I actually just wanted something chill. 特に今夜のあれを見せられて Curl up with a milkshake from Sunny's? 失恋してからまた あそこに戻るのは気が重い Yes, yes. よく分かるよ Yeah, man, I miss Sunny's. 30 にもなるとやり直すのは とても気が重いよ No, I-I-I haven't been there in like years. デートなんてすっ飛ばして すぐ彼氏 彼女になりたいよ I can't believe you remembered that. あなたはやり直しだけど Sunny's, you know. 私は地元に帰ってきて 知り合いはほとんど結婚してる Oh, uh, I'm sorry we didn't order this. 補欠をとっておかなきゃ CHLOE: I did. 何だよ? To Peter and his waning youth. 約束覚えてる? To the birthday boy. 30 歳になっても独身だったら… Cheers. 私もあと5カ月で 30 歳になる PETER: So where you living now? もう近くにいるみたいよ Um-- 本当に? Oh, my god, is this Mark? あっちかな? Oh my god. ここにバーはなさそうだ He just popped up on happn. 彼女はここだって Shirtless and holding a baby tiger. 待って 何か聞こえる Yeah, I was out in the safari after selling my hit app. あれって Creator of "What Do You Meme?", that's your app? うそでしょ あれって… A meme generator? そうみたいだ Swipe left. やだ 気持ち悪い What? No, it's swipe left for being judgmental. 2人はあの中にいたの? Swipe left for John Mayer quotes. ああ いたと思う Swipe left for fathers that clearly ねえ didn't take care of their daughters. 私はいいよ Swipe left for holding up two bottles of Dom by your face 何が? in a club? No. 約束 Swipe left for someone who's clearly jealous 飲みすぎたんじゃない? that they haven't had bottle service in Vegas. でも考えてよ Swipe left on Axe body spray この年でデートするのは怖い and that tacky watch and tweezed eyebrows. 新しい関係を初めて 最初から知り合わないといけない Swipe left on someone who doesn't appreciate hygiene, 私はあなたのことをよく知ってる bling, and eyebrows that stay fleet. ピーナッツアレルギーで 90 年代のヒップホップが好き Okay, swipe left, delete app, 待ってよ 12 年間で成長したよ throw away phone, become mountain woman! 2000 年代のヒップホップも聞く Let's go, Joanna. 自分たちが 30 で 独身でいるとは思わなかったでしょ Oh! Okay. 5か月後に結婚しようなんて言ってない Okay, catch you later. いつかは友達に頼れるって 安心感があれば Wanna go out sometime? 新しい人に出会えるかもしれないでしょ What the hell happened? その理論には賛同できるね That girl Chloe is ridiculous. 僕はもう 30 になったけど… No, no, no. 君が 30 になったら プロポーズするの? We were making progress, where was my wingman? まずデートするっていうのはどう? Look, I-I can't wing when there's this annoying 私が 30 になるまでに 2人とも相手がいなかったら sparrow picking at my feathers. All right, we'll just.. 一緒になる お互いの補欠なんだから [SIGHS] We'll take a break. そうだね やってみよう Okay? W-w-we'll talk to someone else. どうかしてると思ってる? Let's talk to these girls. そんな… でもそうだね I don't want to talk to girls. ちょっとクレイジーだ I want to talk to Joanna. 基本的なルールを決めておこうよ Hey ladies! Would you like it 考えすぎ if my friend here bought you guys a drink? 結婚のことなんだ ちゃんと考えないと Yes, Mark, that's exactly what I wanted to do. ただ協力し合うってことよ Awesome. 分かったよ Finally, oh my god. でも1つだけルール Ha-ha, I would like a vodka cran, いいよ 何? but just like a splash of cran. いつも正直でいること And Courtney's gonna get a white wine spritzer. もちろん 当たり前でしょ And Jacey... やあ [SNAPS] Jacey! ずいぶん偶然だな Jacey. 安物の香水のにおいがする Give her a water, she's cut off for the night. 600 ドルは安くない [♪♪♪] こんな臭いになるために 600 ドルも? Okay, that was intense. おなかすいて死にそう ピザでも食べに行かない? Was it? No, no, I was flirting. 君たちは空腹だろうね With Mark? いい家だね Absolutely not, no, with that guy over there. 荷物でごちゃごちゃだけどね We were making eye contact the whole time. 昨晩はクレイジーだったわね Wow. マークは好きになったみたいだ Uh, he's so cute, he has friends クロエは何も言ってない go talk to them. マジで Uh, no, I-I wanna go 大丈夫だと思う you know, catch up with Peter. 約束のことマークに話した? Really? Okay. ああ 頭おかしいって Yeah. クロエはマジでクレイジーって The spritzer, yes that's-- あいつらがそう言ったの? You're amazing. 私は平気よ [NERVOUS LAUGHTER] どうやって始める? You know, actually, let's-let's grab drinks. 約束の最初の日だから Yeah, let's grab some drinks. フレッシュに始めないと No, no, no, I don't live with my parents 清算しよう I work with my parents. 昔の相手の番号を消すっていうのは? Oh yeah, I love my parents too. よし Hey, just so you know, Asha, the baby tiger and I, ‟カール” still keep in touch. Okay, I send a dollar いい? every month to keep that little bad boy fed. 3… 2…1 It's not just some ploy. すっきりした Okay. もっと早くやればよかったな I was more opposed to your waxed chest. 平気? That was just a phase. ‟消去しない” That I'm still going through. ええ I don't hate it. I-I-I could say anything and it wouldn't matter. I don't want to be here right now. There's a girl from high school that I want to ask out. You're right, Jacey is a bitch. Ha-ha-ha. You're so funny. Hey. Oh, hi. Sorry I lost you. Whoa, I didn't know this bar was here. Yeah, uh, kind of needed a break from upstairs. Lot of sketchy guys up there. [LAUGHS] Well no, it like, really sucks to be a girl at a bar. Okay wait, no, no, no. I-I just bought three girls drinks and probably paid off one of their student loans. [LAUGHS] It sucks for guys at bars. Can you imagine, like, asking someone out at a bar, though? Worst place ever. Totally agree. So... Did you have a good birthday tonight? Yeah. Although I would have preferred something more low-key. But it was great seeing you, I just wish we got to catch up more. I know, me too. Well, hey, um, is Sunny's still open? Wanna go? Yes, please. Let's leave this place. Um, should we go find Mark and Chloe, though? Yes, yes, uh... [TAPPING] Oh, Mark said that they went to another bar, but didn't say which one. They? Yeah. What? Okay. Actually, Chloe downloaded Find My Friends on my phone before she left. People use that? Chloe does. Oh, they're actually not too far, do you wanna just meet them there? Please. Let's get out of here. Oh I don't know if I can do another bar. Yeah I know that sounds rough. All right, let's go, go, go! [CRICKETS CHIRPING] So, Joanna Taylor not on social media. That's a bold move. I mean it gets people thinking. Who is she avoiding? I swear it's really not that interesting. All right, I hear you. And you were dating a guy? Yeah, Carl, uh... He's a little older than me, ready to get married, so... Things got complicated. Oh. I'm sorry. It's totally fine, you know. Uh, what about you? I saw you were dating some girl for a long time. Robin. But that long time ended a few months ago. Sorry. It's okay. [SIGHS] But hey, you excited to be single again? Cause I know I am terrified. Especially after seeing all of that tonight. Oh my god, it's so hard to get back out there after a breakup. [SIGHS] Well I know what you mean. You know, at 30, starting over again feels like so much work. You know? I just wanna skip the dating and get straight to the relationship part. You think you're starting over, like, imagine moving back to your hometown. I don't even really know anyone. The few people I do know are married. Well that's why everyone needs a backup. [LAUGHS] What? Just...do you remember our pact? If we're both still single by 30... Yeah, so you know, I'm 30 in five months. [LAUGHS] I think we're actually pretty close. Really? Yeah. I think it's over here. Yeah, I don't think there's a bar around here. It says she's right here. Hm. Wait, shh! Listen, listen. [MUFFLED VOICES] Wait is that? Wait, no, is that, is that? Yeah, yeah, No. Ew. Ew! Okay, let's go. Ew! Oh my gosh. Are they actually in the-- Yes, yes they are. I think, actually, I know they were. [SIGHS] Hey. I'm on if you're still on. For what? The pact. How many drinks have you had? [LAUGHS] You know hear me out okay? Dating is scary at this age because when you're starting a new relationship, you have to get to know someone all over again, all right? Well I know you. You're Peter Ma, you're... allergic to nuts and you love 90s hip-hop. Okay, a lot has changed in 12 years. I graduated to aughts hip-hop. Look. You didn't see yourself single at 30, I didn't see myself single at 30. Let's not look at this as we're gonna get married in five months, okay? Let's look at this as a motivator to get us out there, meeting people with the comfort of knowing we can fall back on a friendship. Yeah, I can kind of follow the logic there. But, I just turned 30, so... on your 30th, I propose? How 'bout this? We help each other date. Okay? That's what this will be about. First and foremost, if we're both still single by the time I turn 30, then... Let's go for it. We'll be each other's backups. Yeah, we'll go for it. Unless you think it's too crazy. No. I mean, yeah. I-i-it is kind of crazy, yeah. Which is why we should set some ground rules. Hey, don't overthink it. How can I not overthink it, I mean we're talking about marriage here. No, we're talking about teaming up. Fine, okay. But just one rule. Okay, what's that? That we're always honest with each other. Of course, why wouldn't we be? [CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY] Hey. What are you guys-- What a coincidence. [LAUGHS] I smell like cheap cologne. Six hundred dollars isn't cheap. What? You paid $600 to smell like this? [MOUTHING WORDS] [SIGHS] You guys wanna get pizza or something? I'm starving suddenly. Yeah. You guys must be really hungry. [♪♪♪] [KNOCKING] Hey. Hi. Nice place. Uh yeah, if you can see it under the mess. So uh, last night was crazy. Oh, yeah. Mark seems to be in love. Chloe has not mentioned it once. Oh, boy. I'm sure it'll be fine. Have you told Mark about the pact? Yeah. He thinks we're insane. Yeah, Chloe's words were "cray cray". Oh, for them to think that? [LAUGHS] I'm unfazed. So... Uh, how do you wanna kick things off? Well it's the first day of our pact, so... We should start fresh. Clean slate. How about we delete our ex's numbers from our phones? [♪♪♪] All right. All right. Ready? Three...two...one. [IMITATES EXPLOSION] Wow. That felt awesome. Should have done that a long time ago. Feeling good? [CLICK] Yeah. [♪♪♪]
B1 中級 日本語 誕生 クロエ いい ジョアンナ 結婚 独身 速すぎて、三味線すぎて|30歳までのシングル|第1話 (Too Fast, Too Thirteous | Single by 30 | Ep 1) 862 64 kath_chaste に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語