字幕表 動画を再生する
I can see the shining light
【語彙 私には輝く光が見える【和訳 I can see the shining light
Between the earth and sky
【語彙 地と空の間には【和訳 Between the earth and sky
Love is in the open air
in the open air:戸外で【語彙 愛は外にある【和訳 Love is in the open air
Because I know that you're out there
out there:向こうに、世の中に【語彙 君が向こうにいるのを、私は知ってるのだから【和訳 Because I know that you're out there
And I long for you, my dear
long for X:(動)Xを切望する、dear:いとしい人【語彙 私は君がほしい、いとしい人【和訳 And I long for you, my dear
It's almost as though you're here
as though X:まるでXのよう(=as if X)【語彙 もう君がここに居るようだ【和訳 It's almost as though you're here
My feeling for you will start to grow
grow:発達する【語彙 私の君への思いは大きくなり始めるだろう【和訳 My feeling for you will start to grow
As I gaze into the glow
gaze:じっと見る、glow:輝き【語彙 私がその輝きを見る時、【和訳 As I gaze into the glow
Gather everything you need
gather:集める【語彙 君が必要なもの全てを集めて【和訳 Gather everything you need
To set out on a journey
set out on X:X(旅など)に出る、journey:旅行【語彙 旅にでるために【和訳 To set out on a journey
Let these necessities
necessity:(名)必要なもの*cf. necessary(形)【語彙 この用意したものに…させよう【和訳 Let these necessities
Lead us on our way
lead X Y:XをYに導く、on one's way:途中に【語彙 私達を旅に導か(せよう)【和訳 Lead us on our way
My father has handed me down
hand X down Y:XにYを伝える、残す【語彙 私の父は私に残した【和訳 My father has handed me down
His impassioned soul
impassioned:熱のこもった【語彙 彼の情熱的な心【和訳 His impassioned soul
My mother has passed me down
hand X down Y:XにYを伝える、残す【語彙 私の母は私に残した【和訳 My mother has passed me down
Her look in her eyes
【語彙 彼女の目の辺りの見た目(:私は目の辺りが母似)【和訳 Her look in her eyes
And so the world will turn
【語彙 世界は回る【和訳 And so the world will turn
As it keeps you out of sight
keep X Y:XをYに保つ、out of sight:視界の外に【語彙 君を隠し続けながら、【和訳 As it keeps you out of sight
These eyes are shining bright
bright:明るい【語彙 この目は明るく輝いている【和訳 These eyes are shining bright
Along with these glittering lights
along with X:Xと一緒に、glitter:きらきら光る【語彙 この輝く光と一緒に【和訳 Along with these glittering lights
And so the world will turn
【語彙 世界は回る【和訳 And so the world will turn
Carrying you on its back
【語彙 君をその背に乗せて【和訳 Carrying you on its back
Carrying the two of us
【語彙 私達2人を乗せて【和訳 Carrying the two of us
We may be able to meet up someday
meet up:出会う【語彙 私達はいつか出会うことが出来るかもしれない【和訳 We may be able to meet up someday
My father has handed me down
hand X down Y:XにYを伝える、残す【語彙 私の父は私に残した【和訳 My father has handed me down
His impassioned soul
impassioned:熱のこもった【語彙 彼の情熱的な心【和訳 His impassioned soul
My mother has passed me down
hand X down Y:XにYを伝える、残す【語彙 私の母は私に残した【和訳 My mother has passed me down
Her look in her eyes
【語彙 彼女の目の辺りの見た目(:私は目の辺りが母似)【和訳 Her look in her eyes
And so the world will turn
【語彙 世界は回る【和訳 And so the world will turn
As it keeps you out of sight
keep X Y:XをYに保つ、out of sight:視界の外に【語彙 君を隠し続けながら、【和訳 As it keeps you out of sight
These eyes are shining bright
bright:明るい【語彙 この目は明るく輝いている【和訳 These eyes are shining bright
Along with these glittering lights
along with X:Xと一緒に、glitter:きらきら光る【語彙 この輝く光と一緒に【和訳 Along with these glittering lights
And so the world will turn
【語彙 世界は回る【和訳 And so the world will turn
Carrying you on its back
【語彙 君をその背に乗せて【和訳 Carrying you on its back
Carrying the two of us
【語彙 私達2人を乗せて【和訳 Carrying the two of us
We may be able to meet up someday
meet up:出会う【語彙 私達はいつか出会うことが出来るかもしれない【和訳 We may be able to meet up someday