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  • Fine Bros: So do you wanna watch a video?

  • Yeah, the different ones

  • Fine Bros: Yeah Morgan: The different ones

  • Children's Voices: Kids React to Viral Videos!

  • First Video - Chocolate Rain

  • Tay Zonday: [singing] Chocolate Rain

  • Chocolate Rain?

  • Tay Zonday: [...] and others feel the pain. Chocolate Rain...

  • Oh This is not- This is a Person.

  • Fine Bros: You don't want to see people?

  • No, I want to see cats

  • This guy is weird

  • What is he looking at?!

  • Tay Zonday: [...] Wonder where it went William: that was weird.

  • Children's voices: Question Time!

  • Fine Bros: What was the song about ?

  • It's raining chocolate

  • Oh yes I love chocolate!

  • I'm not sure, either he's obsessed with chocolate and he really likes rain,

  • or he wishes it would rain chocolate

  • Maybe the terrorists start raining us with chocolate

  • He wants rain to be chocolate so he can just do this.

  • I heard like, 'some stay dry and others feel the pain'. I don't see could chocolate could cause pain

  • Fine Bros: Did you Like the Song?

  • He sang really weird

  • I don't even know if that's his real voice!

  • He- He sounds too manly

  • 'Cause he doesn't look like he'd have that voice

  • [deep voice] Chocolate rain

  • Fine Bro: So what do you think his voice should be like?

  • [high pitched baby voice] Chocolate rain, chocolate raaaain

  • Fine bro: How many people do you think watched that video?

  • Twenty?

  • Eight, seven

  • A thousand?

  • Two thousand...

  • Eight thousand?

  • Fine Bro: Over 58 million people have watched that video

  • Wow..

  • Oh my gosh!

  • Oh my god!

  • [Fine bros laugh]

  • It's such a dumb video!

  • Fine bro: Why do you think so many people wanted to watch that?

  • I think it's stupid they'd watch this

  • No offence

  • I don't know, he's funny.

  • He's weird, and that's what makes it funny

  • Because it's so, like dumb,

  • like, they wanna show their friends how dumb the video was

  • Curse you, chocolate rain dude

  • [Cheerful music]

  • Children's voices: Next video, psycho girl can't sing!

  • Girl [singing]: And IIIIIIIIIIII [voice breaks] eeeeaaa

  • Oh my god, I'm sorry let me do it again

  • Girl: Will always love [voice breaks] you [voice breaks] !! HEADPHONE WARNING !!

  • Girl: screams (x4)

  • [William laughs]

  • Girl: And I- Monica: Interesting...

  • Girl: [screams]

  • Lia: Oh god!

  • Girl: IIIIIEEEIIIII WILL- No! I can do this!

  • Girl: Don't!

  • Girl: And I- [screams]

  • [William laughs. William seems to be enjoying this one.]

  • Girl: And I- No!

  • She can't remember the...

  • Girl: And I [sustained] Dylan: You can't even get through one phrase of the song!

  • Oh wow, she is so fail

  • There's something wrong with her

  • [A Fine bro wheezes] Like, I think she needs some help

  • [Cheerful music]

  • Children's voices: Question time!

  • Fine Bro: Why was she screaming?

  • I don't know, maybe she was afraid of something

  • She's really hard on herself!

  • She was so nervous that it made her wanna scream like,

  • [screams]

  • Fine bros [talking over each other]: You sound just like her! Fine bro: [...] close!

  • [Dylan laughs]

  • I think she's just making up something,

  • and she screamed the whole entire time!

  • Scream scream, ha ha!

  • Ha ha!

  • Don't!

  • Don't!

  • Don't!

  • Fine bro: Do you think that she's a good singer at all?

  • No

  • No

  • No

  • Not when she screamed

  • She should keep on trying,

  • don't give up.

  • And stop screaming at herself.

  • Fine bro: She covered her eyes, and then she covered the camera

  • Why do you think she did that?

  • Maybe she was like, embarrassed

  • Hide her face so she would get less shy

  • She wants to just think of that she's singing to herself

  • Fine bro: If you had a friend that was singing this badly,

  • and then said 'how did I do?',

  • what would you tell them?

  • Monica: Um...

  • [makes a croaky noise]

  • It was very...

  • original

  • It sounds like a bunch of burning tires at once-

  • I'm- Don't cry.

  • I'm sorry

  • Keep trying,

  • and get some singing lessons maybe

  • Clearer voice, a little

  • And...your nice tone

  • Fine bro: So you'd try to be nice

  • 'Cause I'm a nice person

  • How to put this nicely....

  • Bad.

  • [Dylan and the Fine Bros laugh]

  • Children's voices: final video,

  • pretty girl makes faces!

  • Woman: [laughing evilly]

  • This is gonna be scary to some of the younger kids

  • But why do you look so horrible?

  • Stop laughing 'cause you're ugly

  • It's not that funny

  • [Monica and Lia laughing]

  • [whispering] I can't breathe

  • I'm gonna have nightmares about that

  • Children's voices: Question time!

  • Fine bro: So what was happening in that video?

  • She was laughing and um,

  • twister vision was going on

  • Terrifying things

  • I don't know, it looked really weird

  • She was like wiggling, and too fast,

  • and it was like [scream] she's so weird!

  • She looks like a alien! Get away from me!

  • It's probably fake

  • Or if it's not, she has to go to a mental asylum

  • Fine bro: What did her face look like?

  • Like a goblin!

  • Pirate hag

  • Kind of like a donkey

  • An eyeball-less witch?

  • She was really disgusting!

  • Fine bro: I don't know if I would-

  • Ahhh, la la laaaaa

  • Fine bro: [chuckles] What is that song?

  • Uhm, it's just,

  • I make up songs

  • Fine bro: So, it was kinda scary?

  • Yeah

  • Oh yeah, when she stared right at me

  • She sounds like,

  • like some evil emperor, just tryna

  • meh meh meh meh meh meh meh [impression of evil laugh]

  • It's freaky!

  • I wanna see her real face, actually

  • 'Cause I wonder what she looks like

  • Fine bro: we can show you

  • Really?

  • Fine bro: yeah

  • Okay, maybe that's not what I pictured her to look like

  • Her face still is huge

  • Why's she moving her teeth like that?

  • That's scary!

  • [Fine bro laughs]

  • It looks like she's trying to like,

  • eat someone

  • People think she's just crazy laughing like this

  • [making demented sea lion noises]

  • [Fine bro(s) laugh]

  • [weird humming sound]

  • [strange humming]

  • [Fine bros and Monica laugh]

  • [constipated whale noises]

  • [constipated crying noises]

  • [Fine bros laugh]

  • Thanks for watching!

  • Thanks for watching!

  • Let me know what videos I should watch next!

  • I wanna watch cats!

  • I wanna watch ponies!

  • And thanks for watching, people!

Fine Bros: So do you wanna watch a video?


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子供たちは、バイラルビデオ#3(チョコレートレイン、サイコガールは歌うことができない、プリティガールは顔を作る)に反応する (Kids React to Viral Videos #3 (Chocolate Rain, Psycho Girl Can't Sing, Pretty Girl Makes Faces))

  • 31 0
    VoiceTube に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日