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  • Hi guys! Let me give you the most delicious recipe for fluffy thick pancakes which is

  • so so simple. First of all put a pan onto a medium heat. Into a bowl, put one mug of milk

  • one mug of self raising flour, white or wholemeal and one lovely free range egg, one pinch of

  • sea salt and give a good whisk and it'll be a fairly thick light batter, lightly rub a

  • pan with just a little butter and then pour in enough batter to the size of the pancake

  • that you want. When the batter's cooked around the edge and little holes have come to the

  • surface of the pancake, have a little look under the pancake, and on the count of three

  • a nice, confident flip. As soon as it is turned, nice to give it another little rub with butter

  • and after one minute you'll have a beautiful fluffy gorgeous pancake ready to be taken

  • sweet or savoury. So there you go guys. That is a foolproof pancake recipe. If you liked

  • it, please give us a like. Share it on your social media, don't forget to comment in the

  • comment box below, and if you want more inspiration hit the i!

Hi guys! Let me give you the most delicious recipe for fluffy thick pancakes which is


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B2 中上級

完璧なパンケーキを作る方法|1分間のコツ - AD (How to Make Perfect Pancakes | 1 Minute Tips - AD)

  • 1716 129
    Jamie 榕 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日