字幕表 動画を再生する
- I'll start. What did you think--
- 私が始めるわ何を考えていたのか...
- What did you think...
- どう思った?
- What did you think...
- どう思った?
- What did you think...
- どう思った?
- What did you think when I told you I was gay?
- ゲイだと言ったらどう思った?
- I thought you were kidding.
- 冗談かと思ったわ
♪ [music] ♪
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- I didn't think anything because I knew it and I just needed you to tell me it.
- それを知っていたから何も考えていなかったし、それを教えてくれればいいだけの話だった。
- I felt relieved. I wasn't like, dumbfounded, shocked and surprised.
- ホッとしました。私は、<a href="#post_comment_1">dumbfounded<i class="icon-star"></i>、ショックを受けて驚いた、という感じではありませんでした。
- Did you have any fears after I told you I was gay?
- 私がゲイだと言った後、何か不安はありましたか?
- Yes. Well not fears of you, just fears for you. About people accepting you outside of your house.
- そうだなあなたへの恐怖ではなく あなたへの恐怖よ家の外であなたを受け入れてくれる人のことを。
- I think society has progressed an awful lot, but naturally I had fears for you for being the victim of discrimination.
- 社会の進歩はすごいと思いますが、当然ながら<a href="#post_comment_2">差別<i class="icon-star"></i>の被害者であることに恐怖を感じていました。
- Were you scared to tell me you were gay?
- ゲイだと言うのが怖かったのか?
- I was petrified. I had known I was going to be in the city for two nights, and I had plans if you guys didn't want me to stay in the house with you anymore.
- 私は<a href="#post_comment_3">petrified<i class="icon-star"></i>でした。2泊することはわかっていたし、もうお前らと一緒に家に泊まるのが嫌なら予定もあった。
- I can't believe you felt that way.
- そんな風に感じるなんて信じられないわ。
- When did you first know I was gay, if ever?
- 私がゲイだと知ったのはいつ?
Remember my favorite Power Ranger was the pink one.
- When did you first know I was gay?
- 私がゲイだと知ったのはいつ?
- When you were like four years old with a sheet wrapped around you singing Ella Fitzgerald.
- エラ・フィッツジェラルドを歌うシートを巻いて4歳くらいの時に
- There were times in life that I thought you were,
- と思うこともあった。
especially when you would walk around the house singing show tunes.
- I had conversations with people who were involved in the gay and bisexual community
- ゲイやバイセクシャルのコミュニティに関わっている人たちと会話をしたことがあります。
really early on when you were little. - What?!
あなたが小さい頃は本当に早くから- え?
- And at that moment I said to myself, "Oh shit, he's gay."
- その瞬間、私は自分自身に言いました "やばい、彼はゲイだ "と。
- And said, "Oh, you know what?"
- そして、"ああ、あのね "と言った。
- That kid's gay?
- あの子がゲイ?
- That kid's gay.
- あの子はゲイだ
- Wow.
- うわー
- Was I one of the first or the last people you told, and why?
- 私はあなたが最初に話した人か最後に話した人か、その理由は?
- I guess you were kind of both because I kind of came out all at once.
- 一気に出てきたから両方だったんじゃないかな?
- If you could set me up with one celebrity, who would it be and why?
- <a href="#post_comment_4">set me up<i class="icon-star"></i><a>一人の有名人と一緒にできるとしたら、それは誰で、なぜですか?
- Woah.
- うわー。
- What about, like, Brad Pitt from Thelma and Louise?
- テルマとルイーズのブラッド・ピットは?
- I don't like Brad Pitt.
- ブラッド・ピットは好きじゃない
- That's why I'm gay and your not.
- だから俺はゲイでお前はゲイじゃない
- You are such a unique, great guy. You are going to find the right person for yourself when you're not looking,
- そんな個性的で素敵なあなた。探さなくても自分に合った人を見つけることができます。
and I don't give a shit about whether it's a celebrity or whether it's some guy who sweeps the streets.
So I really can't find a good answer to that question.
- Do you have any advice out there for dads who think their son might be gay?
- 息子がゲイかもしれないと思っている父親に何かアドバイスはありますか?
- Yes. Open up. Ask them. Talk to them. Be honest.
- そうだな開けろ彼らに聞いて彼らと話して正直に
and let them know that you support them and love them no matter who they are.
- It has nothing to do with them being gay. Pay attention to your kids.
- 彼らがゲイであることとは何の関係もありません。子供に注意を払って
- You want the best for your child. You want to encourage them to be who they are.
- あなたは子供のために最高のものを望んでいます。ありのままの自分でいられるように励ましたいと思っています。
So if that's who they are, that's who they are. I mean, it's kind of simple.
- Oh! Happy Father's Day, dad.
- 父の日おめでとうございます。
- Thanks sweetie.
- ありがとう
- Happy Father's Day, dad!
- お父さん、父の日おめでとうございます。
- Thank you.
- ありがとうございます。
- Thank you.
- ありがとうございます。
- Happy Father's Day, dad!
- お父さん、父の日おめでとうございます。
- I love you. - I love you.
- 私はあなたを愛しています。- 愛してる
- What did you get me?
- 何を買ってきたの?
Very good.