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  • [Neon Genesis OST plays ]

  • (10/10 would watch )

  • [Neon Genesis OST continues ]

  • (get in the damn robot shinji!)

  • (Project Hitler Networks Presents)

  • WHAT IS UP?!?!


  • I am your new- uh

  • I'm-

  • I ran out of ideas..?

  • So today, I'm..

  • So... from now on.. I'm going to..

  • So from now on I'm going to report the news!

  • (This wont end well...)

  • reporting-- I'm doing the news now.

  • (Everybody type in the comments Pewds is a beautiful bastard)

  • I hate drama, but I need to do this, this is my purpose.

  • This is my real purpose and I think this might be, my core message.

  • I made that video, I do- do- I'd still stand by,

  • I do hate drama, but I need to do this drama show now, 'cause

  • Keem is quitting (Praise Odin for that), and Scarce is..

  • Scarce *laughs*

  • LET'S- I need a- I need my- I need to be original here, otherwise this is not gonna work.

  • Uhh *Keemstar's "LET'S GET RIGHT INTO THE NEWS" plays*

  • LET'S GET SLAMMING ON THE PewDie-Pewbs will get into the news..

  • Let's go inside

  • [Rethinking his choice of words]

  • Uhhh...

  • Let's go inside the stories!

  • I like that one, actually, let's do that one.

  • Let's go inside the stories!

  • The scoop! Oh no that's better, scoop is better.

  • (I have so many questions with this picture)

  • Let's get into the latest scoops!

  • Our first story- you will not believe!

  • Scarce has come out as homosexual.

  • *dramatic music*

  • Also his parents confirms, that- they think he is gay now.

  • (Just show them your browser history)

  • (MY parents would be terrified)

  • We reached out to Scarce

  • for a comment

  • about the situation..

  • And/I'm/gay/I told my parents/I'm gay alright?

  • and/my mom/is super homophobic/um both of like my mom and my dad-

  • actually like, grabbed my balls!

  • and/they both sincerely think i'm gay now

  • Oh my God I just- I cant fuckin believe it and I'll see you later peace!

  • I'm/gay

  • [Back to you Pewds]

  • Syndicate

  • has confirmed

  • that he is the vice president of CS GO..

  • Lotto

  • As you can see here on the title and thumbnail

  • $$$

  • Oh my God

  • I need to create a website as well (

  • Hail Hitler!

  • (Seriously what the hell is this?)

  • Another breaking story this is a big one guys

  • iDubz has also come out as gay

  • in his, coming out video

  • I'm gay!

  • (Hi Gay, i'm Bob)

  • (Zoom just incase you're blind as a bat)

  • Now I don't personally give my opinion on the show, no matter what

  • But I personally think

  • this is terrific (STFU Pewds!)

  • Everyone support iDubbz (This is the internet!)

  • in this.. (You can shove your opinion)

  • decision.. (Up yer arse!)

  • Uhh, he made

  • The next news might shock you

  • It involves a dear friend of mine and uhh

  • you know it pains me to do this

  • but Jacksepticeye says

  • I got to see all my friends

  • (Say what now?)

  • Jacksepticeye doesnt have any friends (You just called him a "dear friend" a while ago)

  • why is he lying about this? (You had one job Pewds!)

  • We dont know

  • Why did Jack lie about the situation

  • We dont know

  • Coming up next!

  • noobs (???)

  • nudes (?????)

  • The next scoop is..

  • might..

  • shock you

  • (That grammar shocked me)

  • Uhhh

  • A scientific breakthrough has been done in the YouTube community today

  • As Roman Atwood (Did I spell that right? I dunno the guy)

  • Discovers water colder than 0 degrees

  • (Calling something from 2 years ago news)

  • (God dammit Pewds you had one job)

  • Now we didn't know there was possible for c- water to be colder than 0 degrees

  • But it seems that Roman Atwood, has done it

  • He also attempted to swim in this wa- coldest water ever

  • and it seems that he survived somehow

  • Could Roman Atwood be a superhuman

  • We reach out to Roman Atwood for a response

  • Roman Atwood, is tha-

  • were having Lo- Roman Atwood live here on the skype

  • Totally not Pewds: Yeah dude I just, went in- I found the coldest water ever

  • Totally not Pewds: And I just went straight in

  • Totally not Pewds: I needed to prove, you dude that it was

  • Totally not Pewds: Sick dawg!

  • Thank you for your, continued support, in the YouTube community

  • [Transition]

  • Roman Atwood has murdered his own children

  • (Kid looks plenty alive to me)

  • (Also this happened 2 years ago)

  • (Goddammit Pewds you're not doing this right)

  • We reach out to Roman Atwood for a response

  • Totally not Pewds: Yeah dude its just, its just a clickbait, uh, title!

  • So you're saying you didn't murder your children?

  • Totally not Pewds: Yeah man, I wouldnt- I wouldnt- I wouldnt do that dude

  • Then why did you put it on the title?

  • (Cause fuck you thats why)

  • Roman?

  • Ro-

  • Roman?

  • Roman has yet to leave a response

  • The next scoop everyone..

  • Leafy decides to leaf (Mandatory pun)

  • YouTube

  • He is, officially done

  • with YouTube. And..

  • I for once support leaf- *Couldnt hold it in*

  • There have a lot of scoops today but

  • but there are

  • many more scoops to cover

  • Wait, whats this?

  • Whats this?

  • News team? (I think you need help Pewds)

  • Whats this?

  • Comedy shorts gamer has found the best game ever (Bear simulator)

  • Twice

  • (It's 1 year ago, I'll give you a pass)

  • [Zooms incase you're cant see for shit]

  • Could ComedyShortGamer, potentially suffer from amnesia? (RIP in peace Amnesia videos)

  • We reach out to ComedyShortGamer

  • For a response (loudscreamaheaddontsayididntwarnyou)

  • (Jesus Christ that scared the living shit outta me)

  • This just in..

  • right now live on the scoops

  • Pewdiepie's dad

  • is gay

  • (Now this is news!... Sort of..)

  • We reach out to Pewdiepie's dad for a response

  • #DicksOutForHarambe

  • Absolutely news breaking

  • Hey guys!

  • Uhh

  • Next up

  • It look like FaZe rain murdered his roommate

  • Pretty big news here

  • Uhhm

  • I dont kmow if its true or not

  • But it seems like theres a knife

  • and

  • going into his roommates back

  • Uhhm

  • I'm not gonna dig deeper than this because

  • It dont fucking matter for shit

  • But it seems, yes, FaZe rain did murder his roommate

  • That was it for this weeks-

  • of-

  • Obs- Obscupse (Wut?)

  • Hope you're all a fan of this new show format

  • That I will do for a year and then quit (So much burn in this video it hurts)

  • Keem just come back (not) I cant do this, fucking job alright?

  • I dont- I cant

  • Cant do it


  • Favorite and like this video for more ehh

  • Ahh... Scoops

  • Pewdiepie now over a lot of subscribers

  • [Neon Genesis OST plays again and cue the eva intro rip off ]

  • (Im just gonna let other subtitlers write their stuff here)

  • *Random Hitlers*

  • (Praise NERV)

  • (Sigh....)

  • (Guess I have to do it for him again huh?)

  • (Like and favorite if you enjoyed)

  • (Blah blah blah...You probably know the rest)

  • [Insert brofist here]

  • Heyo Bros!!! I'm Jose haha

  • (This is weird music)

  • (Okay its growing on me)

  • (Great.. Now I like it..)

  • 10/10 Neon Genises best OST

  • (Pewds forgot its supposed to be longer than 10min)

  • (Stay awesome bros!)

  • (Great thumbnail there Pewds, you practically set the comment section aflame)

  • (Actually, this whole video is a flame war)

  • (What? Still here?)

  • (There's nothing to see here move along)

  • hihihih subtitles

  • Now we know you only stayed for the subtitles

  • (Seriously)

  • (What the fuck are you doing?)

  • (Get a core message!)

  • I guess you never leave, huh?

  • You know when you have a really catchy song on your mind?

  • Maybe something like

  • baby don't hurt me

  • don't hurt me

  • no more

  • Now you've wasted a lot of time.. just leave

  • No? Still here?

  • Alright, you are..

  • Now I got a confession to make.. Since no-one knows who I am..

  • I am...


  • ok seriously thats all

  • Stop wasting time.. I got no more to say

  • Actually I do..

  • Micheal stop messing up the subs

  • Don't vote Trump

  • Almost finished

  • just a few more seconds!


  • *Squirtle Squirtle*

  • HI MOM!!!!!


  • Hey baby! You look like trash, can I take you out? (Great job, you stayed till the end for a split second horrible pickup line)

[Neon Genesis OST plays ]


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

新ドラマニュース番組「DRAMA SCOOPS!(ピューディパイ、ピューディパイ、ピューディパイ) (New Drama News Show: DRAMA SCOOPS! (Pewdiepie, pewdiepie, pewdiepie))

  • 295 10
    趙文煜 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日